CEMENTOS PACASMAYO S.A.A. R.U.C. N° 20419387658: Notice of Mandatory Annual Shareholders' Meeting
Cementos Pacasmayo has announced its Annual Shareholders' Meeting, scheduled for March 24, 2025 (first call) and March 31, 2025 (second call) in Lima, Peru. The meeting agenda includes reviewing the 2024 financial statements, dividend distribution ratification, and profit allocation. A significant focus will be placed on Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance (ESG) matters, including sustainability initiatives, climate risk management, emissions reduction goals, and gender equity promotion.
The meeting requires a 50% quorum of voting shares (423,868,449 total shares) on first call, while any number suffices for the second call. Shareholders must be registered 10 days prior to the meeting, with proxy registrations due by March 23, 2025. The company's external auditors, Tanaka, Valdivia & Asociados, were previously approved for fiscal years 2023-2027.
Cementos Pacasmayo ha annunciato la sua Assemblea Annuale degli Azionisti, prevista per 24 marzo 2025 (prima convocazione) e 31 marzo 2025 (seconda convocazione) a Lima, in Perù. L'ordine del giorno dell'incontro include la revisione del bilancio 2024, la ratifica della distribuzione dei dividendi e l'allocazione dei profitti. Un focus significativo sarà posto su questioni di Governance Ambientale, Sociale e Aziendale (ESG), comprese le iniziative di sostenibilità, la gestione del rischio climatico, gli obiettivi di riduzione delle emissioni e la promozione dell'equità di genere.
Per la prima convocazione è richiesto un quorum del 50% delle azioni votanti (423.868.449 azioni totali), mentre per la seconda convocazione non è necessario alcun numero minimo. Gli azionisti devono essere registrati 10 giorni prima dell'incontro, con le registrazioni per delega da presentare entro il 23 marzo 2025. I revisori esterni dell'azienda, Tanaka, Valdivia & Asociados, sono stati precedentemente approvati per gli esercizi fiscali 2023-2027.
Cementos Pacasmayo ha anunciado su Junta Anual de Accionistas, programada para el 24 de marzo de 2025 (primera convocatoria) y el 31 de marzo de 2025 (segunda convocatoria) en Lima, Perú. La agenda de la reunión incluye la revisión de los estados financieros de 2024, la ratificación de la distribución de dividendos y la asignación de utilidades. Se pondrá un enfoque significativo en asuntos de Gobernanza Ambiental, Social y Corporativa (ESG), incluidas las iniciativas de sostenibilidad, la gestión de riesgos climáticos, los objetivos de reducción de emisiones y la promoción de la equidad de género.
La reunión requiere un quórum del 50% de las acciones con derecho a voto (423.868.449 acciones totales) en la primera convocatoria, mientras que en la segunda convocatoria se acepta cualquier número. Los accionistas deben estar registrados 10 días antes de la reunión, y las inscripciones de poder deben presentarse antes del 23 de marzo de 2025. Los auditores externos de la empresa, Tanaka, Valdivia & Asociados, fueron aprobados previamente para los ejercicios fiscales 2023-2027.
세멘토스 파카스마요(Cementos Pacasmayo)는 2025년 3월 24일 (첫 번째 소집)과 2025년 3월 31일 (두 번째 소집)에 페루 리마에서 열릴 연례 주주 총회를 발표했습니다. 회의 안건에는 2024년 재무제표 검토, 배당금 분배 승인, 이익 배분이 포함됩니다. 환경, 사회 및 기업 거버넌스 (ESG) 문제에 중점을 두며, 지속 가능성 이니셔티브, 기후 위험 관리, 배출량 감소 목표 및 성 평등 촉진을 포함합니다.
회의를 위해 첫 번째 소집에서는 50%의 의결권 있는 주식(quorum)이 필요하며 (총 423,868,449주), 두 번째 소집에서는 아무 수량도 허용됩니다. 주주들은 회의 10일 전에 등록해야 하며, 위임 등록은 2025년 3월 23일까지 제출해야 합니다. 회사의 외부 감사인인 타나카, 발디비아 & 아소시에이도스(Tanaka, Valdivia & Asociados)는 2023-2027 회계연도에 대해 사전 승인되었습니다.
Cementos Pacasmayo a annoncé sa réunion annuelle des actionnaires, prévue pour le 24 mars 2025 (première convocation) et le 31 mars 2025 (deuxième convocation) à Lima, au Pérou. L'ordre du jour de la réunion comprend l'examen des états financiers de 2024, la ratification de la distribution des dividendes et l'allocation des bénéfices. Un accent particulier sera mis sur les questions de Gouvernance Environnementale, Sociale et d'Entreprise (ESG), y compris les initiatives de durabilité, la gestion des risques climatiques, les objectifs de réduction des émissions et la promotion de l'égalité des sexes.
La réunion nécessite un quorum de 50 % des actions avec droit de vote (423.868.449 actions au total) lors de la première convocation, tandis que pour la deuxième convocation, n'importe quel nombre est suffisant. Les actionnaires doivent être enregistrés 10 jours avant la réunion, et les enregistrements de procuration doivent être soumis d'ici le 23 mars 2025. Les auditeurs externes de l'entreprise, Tanaka, Valdivia & Asociados, ont été précédemment approuvés pour les exercices fiscaux 2023-2027.
Cementos Pacasmayo hat seine jährliche Hauptversammlung der Aktionäre für den 24. März 2025 (erste Einladung) und den 31. März 2025 (zweite Einladung) in Lima, Peru, angekündigt. Die Tagesordnung der Versammlung umfasst die Überprüfung der Finanzberichte 2024, die Genehmigung der Dividendenverteilung und die Gewinnverteilung. Ein wesentlicher Schwerpunkt wird auf Umwelt-, Sozial- und Unternehmensführung (ESG) gelegt, einschließlich Nachhaltigkeitsinitiativen, Klimarisikomanagement, Emissionsreduktionsziele und Förderung der Geschlechtergerechtigkeit.
Für die erste Einladung ist ein Quorum von 50% der stimmberechtigten Aktien (insgesamt 423.868.449 Aktien) erforderlich, während für die zweite Einladung jede Anzahl ausreichend ist. Aktionäre müssen 10 Tage vor der Versammlung registriert sein, wobei die Vollmachtsregistrierungen bis zum 23. März 2025 eingereicht werden müssen. Die externen Prüfer des Unternehmens, Tanaka, Valdivia & Asociados, wurden zuvor für die Geschäftsjahre 2023-2027 genehmigt.
- None.
- None.
- Statement on Social Management and economic results (integrated annual report, external audit report and financial statements for fiscal year 2024).
- Ratification of the distribution of dividends made during fiscal year 2024.
- Appropriation of the profits of fiscal year 2024 and delegation to the Board of Directors for the payment of dividends charged to retained earnings and interim dividends for fiscal year 2025.
- Report on Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance (ESG) issues, including our approach to sustainability and climate risks; our commitments to emissions reduction and carbon neutrality; promotion of gender equity and diversity; and, implementation of climate change risk and opportunity reporting.
The appointment of external auditors Tanaka, Valdivia & Asociados Sociedad Civil de Responsabilidad Limitada for the fiscal years 2023 - 2027 was approved by the Annual Shareholders' Meeting held on March 24, 2023.
The holders of shares registered in their name in the Share Register have the right to attend the Meeting up to ten (10) calendar days prior to the Meeting.
The registration of powers of attorney shall be made until 4:00 p.m. on March 23, 2025, at the registered office located at Calle La Colonia No. 150, Urb. El Vivero, Surco,
The quorum required on first call is fifty (50) percent of the subscribed voting shares. On second call, the concurrence of any number of subscribed shares with voting rights shall be sufficient.
The number of subscribed voting shares that may attend the Meeting is 423,868,449.
The documentation and information referred to in Article 130 of the General Corporations Law is available to shareholders at the corporate domicile located at Calle La Colonia No. 150, Urb. El Vivero, Surco,
The notice of the Annual Shareholders' Meeting has been published as a significant event on the web page of the Superintendency of the Securities Market and the Company's web page, where information regarding agenda items, motions and proxy cards can also be accessed.
Thursday, February 13, 2025.
View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20250213824428/en/
Cementos Pacasmayo S.A.A.
Manuel Ferreyros, CFO
Claudia Bustamante
Investor Relations Manager
Source: Cementos Pacasmayo S.A.A.
When is Cementos Pacasmayo's (CPAC) 2025 Annual Shareholders' Meeting?
What is the quorum requirement for CPAC's 2025 Annual Shareholders' Meeting?
What ESG topics will be discussed at CPAC's 2025 Annual Meeting?
Who are CPAC's external auditors for 2023-2027?