CPKC advocates for increased safety awareness during Rail Safety Week

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Canadian Pacific Kansas City (CPKC) is participating in Rail Safety Week from Sept. 23 to 29, 2024, joining forces with Operation Lifesaver Canada, Operation Lifesaver Inc. in the U.S., and the Mexican Association of Railroads. The initiative aims to raise rail safety awareness across North America.

CPKC Police Service officers will conduct safety presentations in schools and communities throughout their network. In Mexico, CPKC de México representatives will spread the #SeeTracksThinkTrain message. The campaign emphasizes the importance of safe behavior around tracks and trains to prevent devastating incidents.

Key activities include:

  • Operation Clear Track in Canada, featuring 'Look. Listen. Live.' rail decals at four crossings
  • #STOPTrackTragedies promotion in the U.S.
  • Collaboration with local law enforcement and communities

According to Operation Lifesaver Inc., approximately 2,100 North Americans are seriously injured or killed annually due to unsafe behavior around railway tracks and trains.

Canadian Pacific Kansas City (CPKC) partecipa alla Settimana della Sicurezza Ferroviaria dal 23 al 29 settembre 2024, unendo le forze con Operation Lifesaver Canada, Operation Lifesaver Inc. negli Stati Uniti e l'Associazione Messicana delle Ferrovie. L'iniziativa mira a sensibilizzare sulla sicurezza ferroviaria in tutto il Nord America.

Gli agenti del Servizio di Polizia CPKC condurranno presentazioni di sicurezza nelle scuole e nelle comunità lungo la loro rete. In Messico, i rappresentanti di CPKC de México diffonderanno il messaggio #SeeTracksThinkTrain. La campagna sottolinea l'importanza di comportamenti sicuri vicino ai binari e ai treni per prevenire incidenti devastanti.

Le attività principali includono:

  • Operazione Clear Track in Canada, con adesivi ferroviari 'Look. Listen. Live.' in quattro attraversamenti
  • Promozione #STOPTrackTragedies negli Stati Uniti
  • Collaborazione con le forze dell'ordine locali e le comunità

Secondo Operation Lifesaver Inc., circa 2.100 nordamericani riportano ferite gravi o perdono la vita ogni anno a causa di comportamenti non sicuri intorno ai binari e ai treni.

Canadian Pacific Kansas City (CPKC) está participando en la Semana de la Seguridad Ferroviaria del 23 al 29 de septiembre de 2024, uniéndose a Operation Lifesaver Canada, Operation Lifesaver Inc. en EE. UU. y la Asociación Mexicana de Ferrocarriles. La iniciativa tiene como objetivo aumentar la conciencia sobre la seguridad ferroviaria en toda América del Norte.

Los oficiales del Servicio de Policía de CPKC realizarán presentaciones de seguridad en escuelas y comunidades a lo largo de su red. En México, los representantes de CPKC de México difundirán el mensaje #SeeTracksThinkTrain. La campaña enfatiza la importancia de un comportamiento seguro alrededor de las vías y trenes para prevenir incidentes devastadores.

Las actividades clave incluyen:

  • Operación Clear Track en Canadá, con etiquetas ferroviarias 'Look. Listen. Live.' en cuatro cruces
  • Promoción #STOPTrackTragedies en EE. UU.
  • Colaboración con las fuerzas del orden locales y comunidades

Según Operation Lifesaver Inc., aproximadamente 2,100 norteamericanos resultan gravemente heridos o mueren anualmente debido a comportamientos inseguros alrededor de las vías y los trenes.

캐나다 태평양 캔자스 시티 (CPKC)2024년 9월 23일부터 29일까지 철도 안전 주간에 참여하고, 캐나다 생명구조작전, 미국의 생명구조작전 및 멕시코 철도 협회와 협력합니다. 이 이니셔티브는 북미 전역에서 철도 안전 인식을 높이는 것을 목표로 합니다.

CPKC 경찰 서비스 직원들은 그들의 네트워크 전역의 학교와 지역 사회에서 안전 발표를 진행할 것입니다. 멕시코에서는 CPKC de México의 대표들이 #SeeTracksThinkTrain 메시지를 전파할 것입니다. 이 캠페인은 철도와 기차 근처에서의 안전한 행동의 중요성을 강조하여 치명적인 사고를 예방합니다.

주요 활동은 다음과 같습니다:

  • 캐나다의 Clear Track 작업, 네 개의 교차로에서 'Look. Listen. Live.' 철도 스티커가 특징입니다.
  • 미국에서의 #STOPTrackTragedies 홍보.
  • 지역 법 집행 기관 및 커뮤니티와의 협력.

Operation Lifesaver Inc.에 따르면, 매년 약 2,100명의 북미인이 철도 선로와 기차 주변에서의 안전하지 않은 행동으로 인해 심각한 부상을 입거나 사망합니다.

Canadian Pacific Kansas City (CPKC) participe à la Semaine de la Sécurité Ferroviaire du 23 au 29 septembre 2024, s'associant à Operation Lifesaver Canada, Operation Lifesaver Inc. aux États-Unis et à l'Association Mexicaine des Chemins de Fer. L'initiative vise à sensibiliser à la sécurité ferroviaire à travers l'Amérique du Nord.

Les officiers du Service de Police CPKC réaliseront des présentations de sécurité dans les écoles et les communautés tout au long de leur réseau. Au Mexique, les représentants de CPKC de México diffuseront le message #SeeTracksThinkTrain. La campagne met l'accent sur l'importance d'un comportement sûr autour des voies et des trains pour prévenir des incidents dévastateurs.

Les activités clés incluent :

  • Opération Clear Track au Canada, avec des décalcomanies ferroviaires 'Look. Listen. Live.' à quatre passages à niveau.
  • Promotion #STOPTrackTragedies aux États-Unis.
  • Collaboration avec les forces de l'ordre locales et les communautés.

Selon Operation Lifesaver Inc., environ 2 100 Nord-Américains sont gravement blessés ou tués chaque année en raison de comportements dangereux autour des voies ferrées et des trains.

Canadian Pacific Kansas City (CPKC) nimmt an der Woche der Bahnsicherheit vom 23. bis 29. September 2024 teil und arbeitet dabei mit Operation Lifesaver Canada, Operation Lifesaver Inc. in den USA und dem Mexikanischen Eisenbahnverband zusammen. Die Initiative zielt darauf ab, das Bewusstsein für Bahnsicherheit in Nordamerika zu erhöhen.

Beamte des CPKC-Polizeidienstes werden Sicherheitsschulungen in Schulen und Gemeinden in ihrem Netz durchführen. In Mexiko werden Vertreter von CPKC de México die Botschaft #SeeTracksThinkTrain verbreiten. Die Kampagne hebt die Bedeutung sicheren Verhaltens in der Nähe von Gleisen und Zügen hervor, um verheerende Zwischenfälle zu verhindern.

Zu den wichtigsten Aktivitäten gehören:

  • Operation Clear Track in Kanada mit 'Look. Listen. Live.' Bahngrafiken an vier Übergängen.
  • Werbung für #STOPTrackTragedies in den USA.
  • Zusammenarbeit mit lokalen Strafverfolgungsbehörden und Gemeinschaften.

Laut Operation Lifesaver Inc. erleiden jährlich etwa 2.100 Nordamerikaner schwere Verletzungen oder kommen durch unsichere Verhaltensweisen rund um Bahnübergänge und Züge ums Leben.

  • None.
  • None.

CPKC Logo (CNW Group/CPKC)

Education efforts run across North America from Sept. 23-29 

CALGARY, AB, Sept. 23, 2024 /PRNewswire/ - Canadian Pacific Kansas City (CPKC) this week joins Operation Lifesaver Canada (OL), Operation Inc. in the U.S. (OLI) and the Mexican Association of Railroads (AMF) to raise rail safety awareness in communities across North America. Rail Safety Week, or See Tracks? Think Train® Week as it's known in the United States, runs from Sept. 23 to 29.

Throughout the week, CPKC Police Service officers in Canada and the United States will be out in schools, neighborhoods and communities across CPKC's network conducting rail safety presentations to warn about the dangers of unsafe behaviour around trains and tracks. In Mexico, CPKC de México representatives will help spread the safety message #VesVíasPiensaEnTren (#SeeTracksThinkTrain) in collaboration with AMF by educating students, motorists, cyclists and pedestrians about staying safe at railway crossings and near tracks.

"A rail incident can have devastating, long-lasting effects on families, friends, communities, train crews and first responders," said Dale Ruzycki, CPKC Chief of Police Canada. "During Rail Safety week, and all year round, we work to encourage children and adults to always act safely around tracks and trains so that everyone goes home safely."

Highlighting the importance of the awareness week, Kelly Clough, CPKC Chief of Police U.S., said, "See Tracks? Think Train® Week is an opportunity to work together with other railroads, governments, local law enforcement and communities to promote public safety around railroad crossings and tracks. One incident is one too many. We must remain vigilant with ourselves, our family and friends to help stop track tragedies."

CPKC will be participating in Operation Clear Track in Canada which includes the unveiling of "Look. Listen. Live." rail decals at four railway crossings across CPKC's network in Canada. In conjunction with OLI, CPKC will be promoting #STOPTrackTragedies in the U.S.

"Safety is job one for all railroaders - the dedicated women and men of CPKC are proof positive of that," says Chris Day, Interim National Director, Operation Lifesaver Canada. "Over recent months, we have seen a spike in serious injuries and fatalities related to trespassing and crossing incidents across Canada. Each track tragedy is a reminder that rail safety is a shared responsibility. Everyone has a role to play in 'getting to zero' - a critically important message this Rail Safety Week and year-round."

According to OLI, every year approximately 2,100 North Americans are seriously hurt or killed because of unsafe behaviour around railway tracks and trains.

"See Tracks? Think Train® Week concentrates rail safety awareness and education activities across North America in an impactful seven-day campaign. With more than 140,000 miles of track across the U.S. and 200,000 places where roadways cross the tracks, making safe choices around railroad tracks and trains is critical," said Rachel Maleh, Executive Director of Operation Lifesaver, Inc. "We appreciate CPKC's dedication to Operation Lifesaver, Inc.'s mission and their unwavering commitment to rail safety. Everyone can help make their communities safer. Know the facts, recognize the signs and always make good decisions around railroad tracks and trains. Together, we can #STOPTrackTragedies."

Follow CPKC's rail safety outreach activities on Facebook, Instagram, X and LinkedIn.

Visit OL and OLI to learn more about rail safety and how to become a rail safety ambassador.

About CPKC
With its global headquarters in Calgary, Alta., Canada, CPKC is the first and only single-line transnational railway linking Canada, the United States and México, with unrivaled access to major ports from Vancouver to Atlantic Canada to the Gulf of México to Lázaro Cárdenas, México. Stretching approximately 20,000 route miles and employing 20,000 railroaders, CPKC provides North American customers unparalleled rail service and network reach to key markets across the continent. CPKC is growing with its customers, offering a suite of freight transportation services, logistics solutions and supply chain expertise. Visit to learn more about the rail advantages of CPKC.

About Operation Lifesaver Canada
Operation Lifesaver Canada is a national public rail-safety program sponsored by Transport Canada, the Railway Association of Canada and its members, including CN, CPKC, VIA Rail, Metrolinx, Exo, West Coast Express and Genesee & Wyoming, among others. Through its national network of Rail Safety Ambassadors, partnerships with safety councils, police, the trucking industry and community groups, and innovative tools such as its virtual-reality Look. Listen. Live. campaign, Operation Lifesaver Canada works to save lives by educating Canadians about the hazards of trespassing on railway property and failing to exercise caution at rail crossings. Canadians can keep up-to-date on the latest rail safety news by visiting operation

About Operation Lifesaver Inc. (OLI)
Operation Lifesaver, Inc. (OLI) is a national #RailSafetyEducation nonprofit dedicated to stopping track tragedies through public awareness and education campaigns as well as a national volunteer network that gives free presentations encouraging safe behavior near tracks and trains. OLI supports the efforts of 47 state programs and the District of Columbia in sharing the rail safety education message. Explore OLI's virtual library of rail safety materials on the website. Visit to learn more, take a rail safety pledge, request free presentations and volunteer. Follow OLI on social media via FacebookInstagramLinkedInPinterestX and YouTube

About Mexican Association of Railroads
The AMF's main purpose is to promote rail freight transportation, increasing its contribution to the competitiveness of the Mexican economy. For this purpose and with the representation of its members, the AMF collaborates with the authorities of the executive and legislative branches to promote that the regulation of the railway service promotes it effectively and that it contributes to the competitiveness of the Mexican economy, in terms of safety and healthy coexistence with the communities through which we travel. Additionally, the Association collaborates with other modes of transportation with the purpose of achieving an effective intermodal scheme. Also, we coordinate with other Chambers and User Associations, advancing an agenda that identifies areas of opportunity and joint solutions.

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When is Rail Safety Week 2024 and what is CPKC's involvement?

Rail Safety Week 2024 runs from September 23 to 29. CPKC (CP) is actively participating by conducting safety presentations, collaborating with Operation Lifesaver organizations, and promoting rail safety awareness across North America.

What specific activities is CPKC (CP) conducting during Rail Safety Week 2024?

CPKC (CP) is conducting rail safety presentations in schools and communities, participating in Operation Clear Track in Canada with 'Look. Listen. Live.' rail decals, and promoting #STOPTrackTragedies in the U.S.

How many people are affected by unsafe behavior around railway tracks annually according to the PR?

According to Operation Lifesaver Inc., approximately 2,100 North Americans are seriously injured or killed each year due to unsafe behavior around railway tracks and trains.

What is the main message of CPKC's (CP) Rail Safety Week 2024 campaign?

The main message is to encourage safe behavior around tracks and trains, emphasizing that rail safety is a shared responsibility and that everyone has a role in preventing track tragedies.

How is CPKC (CP) collaborating with other organizations for Rail Safety Week 2024?

CPKC (CP) is collaborating with Operation Lifesaver Canada, Operation Lifesaver Inc. in the U.S., the Mexican Association of Railroads, local law enforcement, and communities to promote rail safety awareness and education.

Canadian Pacific Kansas City Limited


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Railroads, Line-haul Operating
United States of America