Coty Launches Scientific Advisory Board on Skincare Innovation

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Coty Inc. (NYSE: COTY) has launched its first Scientific Advisory Board to enhance skincare innovation. The board, comprising globally renowned scientific experts from diverse disciplines, held its inaugural meeting on September 24, 2024, at Coty's Skincare Research & Innovation Center of Excellence in Monaco. The board will convene twice a year to inform and inspire breakthrough innovations within Coty's R&D specialists.

CEO Sue Nabi emphasized the significance of this initiative in Coty's 120th anniversary year, stating that the experts' insights will play a pivotal role in driving skincare innovation. The board aims to align the latest science with emerging trends and consumer needs, enhancing Coty's position in skin science. Members include distinguished professionals from various fields, such as immunology, dermatology, plastic surgery, and life sciences, from locations including New York, Paris, Beijing, and Recife.

Coty Inc. (NYSE: COTY) ha lanciato il suo primo Consiglio Consultivo Scientifico per migliorare l'innovazione nella cura della pelle. Il consiglio, composto da esperti scientifici di fama mondiale provenienti da diverse discipline, ha tenuto la sua riunione inaugurale il 24 settembre 2024, presso il Centro di Ricerca e Innovazione nella Cura della Pelle di Coty a Monaco. Il consiglio si riunirà due volte all'anno per informare e ispirare innovazioni rivoluzionarie all'interno degli specialisti di R&S di Coty.

Il CEO Sue Nabi ha sottolineato l'importanza di questa iniziativa nell'anno del 120° anniversario di Coty, affermando che le intuizioni degli esperti giocheranno un ruolo fondamentale nel guidare l'innovazione nella cura della pelle. Il consiglio mira ad allineare la scienza più recente con le tendenze emergenti e le esigenze dei consumatori, migliorando la posizione di Coty nella scienza della pelle. I membri includono professionisti di spicco provenienti da vari settori, come immunologia, dermatologia, chirurgia plastica e scienze della vita, provenienti da località come New York, Parigi, Pechino e Recife.

Coty Inc. (NYSE: COTY) ha lanzado su primer Consejo Asesor Científico para mejorar la innovación en el cuidado de la piel. El consejo, compuesto por reconocidos expertos científicos de renombre mundial de diversas disciplinas, celebró su primera reunión el 24 de septiembre de 2024, en el Centro de Investigación e Innovación en Cuidado de la Piel de Coty en Mónaco. El consejo se reunirá dos veces al año para informar e inspirar innovaciones revolucionarias dentro de los especialistas en I+D de Coty.

La CEO Sue Nabi destacó la importancia de esta iniciativa en el 120° aniversario de Coty, afirmando que las percepciones de los expertos jugarán un papel fundamental en impulsar la innovación en el cuidado de la piel. El consejo tiene como objetivo alinear la ciencia más reciente con las tendencias emergentes y las necesidades del consumidor, mejorando la posición de Coty en la ciencia de la piel. Los miembros incluyen profesionales destacados de diversos campos, como inmunología, dermatología, cirugía plástica y ciencias de la vida, de lugares como Nueva York, París, Pekín y Recife.

Coty Inc. (NYSE: COTY)는 피부 관리 혁신을 강화하기 위해 첫 번째 과학 자문 위원회를 출범했습니다. 세계적으로 저명한 다양한 분야의 과학 전문가들로 구성된 이 위원회는 2024년 9월 24일 모나코에 있는 Coty의 피부 관리 연구 및 혁신 센터에서 첫 번째 회의를 개최했습니다. 이 위원회는 Coty의 연구 개발 전문가들 사이에서 혁신적인 성과를 이끌기 위해 연 2회 모일 예정입니다.

CEO 수 나비는 Coty의 120주년을 맞이하는 해에 이 이니셔티브의 중요성을 강조하며, 전문가들의 통찰력이 피부 관리 혁신을 촉진하는 데 중요한 역할을 할 것이라고 말했습니다. 이 위원회는 최신 과학과 새로운 트렌드 및 소비자의 요구를 일치시키는 것을 목표로 하여 Coty의 피부 과학 분야에서의 입지를 강화할 것입니다. 위원회 구성원은 면역학, 피부과, 성형외과 및 생명과학 등 다양한 분야의 저명한 전문가들로, 뉴욕, 파리, 베이징 및 레시페와 같은 다양한 지역에서 활동하고 있습니다.

Coty Inc. (NYSE : COTY) a lancé son premier Conseil Consultatif Scientifique pour améliorer l'innovation en matière de soins de la peau. Ce conseil, composé d'experts scientifiques mondialement reconnus issus de disciplines diverses, a tenu sa première réunion le 24 septembre 2024, au Centre d'Excellence en Recherche et Innovation en Soins de la Peau de Coty à Monaco. Le conseil se réunira deux fois par an pour informer et inspirer des innovations révolutionnaires au sein des spécialistes R&D de Coty.

La PDG Sue Nabi a souligné l'importance de cette initiative lors de l'année du 120ème anniversaire de Coty, affirmant que les perspectives des experts joueront un rôle essentiel dans la promotion de l'innovation en matière de soins de la peau. Le conseil vise à aligner les dernières avancées scientifiques avec les tendances émergentes et les besoins des consommateurs, renforçant ainsi la position de Coty dans la science de la peau. Les membres comprennent des professionnels de renom de divers domaines, tels que l'immunologie, la dermatologie, la chirurgie plastique et les sciences de la vie, venant de villes telles que New York, Paris, Pékin et Recife.

Coty Inc. (NYSE: COTY) hat seinen ersten Wissenschaftlichen Beratungsrat ins Leben gerufen, um Innovationen im Bereich Hautpflege voranzutreiben. Der Rat, der aus weltweit anerkannten Wissenschaftsexperten verschiedener Disziplinen besteht, hielt seine erste Sitzung am 24. September 2024 im Coty Skin Research & Innovation Center of Excellence in Monaco ab. Der Rat wird sich zwei Mal im Jahr treffen, um bahnbrechende Innovationen innerhalb der R&D-Spezialisten von Coty zu informieren und zu inspirieren.

CEO Sue Nabi betonte die Bedeutung dieser Initiative im Jahr des 120. Jubiläums von Coty und erklärte, dass die Einsichten der Experten eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Förderung der Innovation in der Hautpflege spielen werden. Das Ziel des Rates ist es, die neueste Wissenschaft mit aufkommenden Trends und den Bedürfnissen der Verbraucher in Einklang zu bringen, um Cotys Position in der Hautwissenschaft zu stärken. Die Mitglieder setzen sich aus angesehenen Fachleuten verschiedener Bereiche zusammen, darunter Immunologie, Dermatologie, plastische Chirurgie und Lebenswissenschaften, und kommen aus Städten wie New York, Paris, Peking und Recife.

  • Launch of Scientific Advisory Board with globally renowned experts
  • Potential for breakthrough skincare innovations
  • Alignment of latest science with consumer trends
  • Enhancement of Coty's leading position in skin science
  • Diverse expertise from multiple scientific disciplines and global locations
  • None.

MONACO--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Coty Inc. (NYSE: COTY)(Paris: COTY), one of the world’s largest beauty companies with a portfolio of iconic brands across fragrance, color cosmetics, skin and body care, proudly announces the launch of its first Scientific Advisory Board, following the inaugural meeting on September 24, 2024.

The Advisory Board brings together globally renowned scientific experts from diverse technical disciplines, selected for their unique expertise and contribution to cutting-edge research. The Board will convene twice a year to inform and inspire breakthrough innovations within Coty’s R&D specialists, and therefore strengthen Coty’s efforts to shape the future of skincare.

The first meeting, held at Coty’s Skincare Research & Innovation Center of Excellence in Monaco, brought together these leading scientists to discuss the current themes in skin health and skin repair. The experts provided valuable insights and feedback that will continue to shape Coty’s R&D initiatives and product innovation strategies across all its skincare brands.

Sue Nabi, CEO of Coty, said: “This year marks our 120th anniversary as pioneers in the beauty industry, and I’m honored that such acclaimed scientific minds have agreed to come together to help define the future of Coty skincare as part of our Scientific Advisory Board. Each member has been carefully selected because they are at the forefront of their respective disciplines. Their ongoing insights will play a pivotal role as we continue to collaborate and drive skincare innovation forward for the benefit of all our consumers.”

The Scientific Advisory Board will serve as a forum for the exchange of cutting-edge ideas, innovative thinking, and rigorous challenge. In line with Coty’s commitment to co-creation, the board will align the latest science with emerging trends and consumer needs, which will enhance Coty’s leading position in skin science.

Appropriately, the inaugural meeting of the Scientific Advisory Board took place at Coty’s Center of Excellence in Monaco, where one of the company’s flagship skincare brands was founded 70 years ago.

Members of Coty’s Scientific Advisory Board

Dr. Miriam Merad, MD, PhD – Director of Precision Immunology Institute - New York
Dr. Emma Guttman, MD, PhD – Professor of Dermatology & Immunology - New York
Dr. Patrick Bui, MD – Head of Plastic Surgery Department American Hospital - Paris
Pr. Selim Aractingi, MD, PhD – Team Leader, Cutaneous Biology Labs, Cochin Institute - Paris
Pr. Wei Liu, MD, PhD – Dermatologist - Beijing
Pr. Deng Xingwang – Professor of Life Science - Beijing
Dr. Jaci Santana, MD – Dermatologist - Recife

About Coty Inc.

Founded in Paris in 1904, Coty is one of the world’s largest beauty companies with a portfolio of iconic brands across fragrance, color cosmetics, and skin and body care. We serve consumers around the world, selling prestige and mass market products in more than 125 countries and territories. Coty and our brands empower people to express themselves freely, creating their own visions of beauty; and we are committed to protecting the planet. Learn more at or on LinkedIn and Instagram.

Aurélie Petit

Source: Coty Inc.


When did Coty (COTY) launch its Scientific Advisory Board for skincare innovation?

Coty launched its Scientific Advisory Board following the inaugural meeting on September 24, 2024.

How often will Coty's (COTY) Scientific Advisory Board meet?

The Scientific Advisory Board will convene twice a year to inform and inspire breakthrough innovations within Coty's R&D specialists.

Where was the first meeting of Coty's (COTY) Scientific Advisory Board held?

The inaugural meeting was held at Coty's Skincare Research & Innovation Center of Excellence in Monaco.

What is the purpose of Coty's (COTY) new Scientific Advisory Board?

The board aims to inform and inspire breakthrough innovations in skincare, aligning the latest science with emerging trends and consumer needs to enhance Coty's position in skin science.



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