Coherent Unveils Discovery LX Laser, Expanding the Chameleon Discovery Family
Coherent Corp. (NYSE: COHR) has launched the Chameleon Discovery LX, a new femtosecond laser designed for nonlinear microscopy and ultrafast spectroscopy research. The laser delivers 100 fs pulses with tunable wavelength range from 680 to 1080 nm and industry-leading output powers of 3.2 W at peak tuning curve.
The Discovery LX features built-in wide dispersion precompensation and fast power modulation for deep, high-speed imaging optimized for multiphoton microscopy. It joins the existing Discovery NX with dual-output capabilities and the Axon product line in Coherent's laser portfolio.
The product targets the growing nonlinear microscopy market, serving applications in neuroscience, immunology, and disease research, with increasing clinical applications.
Coherent Corp. (NYSE: COHR) ha lanciato il Chameleon Discovery LX, un nuovo laser a femtosecondi progettato per la microscopia non lineare e la ricerca in spettroscopia ultr veloce. Il laser emette impulsi di 100 fs con una gamma di lunghezze d'onda sintonizzabile da 680 a 1080 nm e potenze di uscita leader del settore di 3,2 W al picco della curva di sintonizzazione.
Il Discovery LX presenta compensazione della dispersione ampia integrata e modulazione della potenza rapida per imaging profondo e ad alta velocità ottimizzato per la microscopia a multiphotone. Si unisce al già esistente Discovery NX con capacità a doppia uscita e alla linea prodotto Axon nel portfolio laser di Coherent.
Il prodotto mira al crescente mercato della microscopia non lineare, servendo applicazioni in neuroscienze, immunologia e ricerca sulle malattie, con applicazioni cliniche in aumento.
Coherent Corp. (NYSE: COHR) ha lanzado el Chameleon Discovery LX, un nuevo láser de femtosegundos diseñado para la microscopía no lineal y la investigación en espectroscopia ultrarrápida. El láser entrega pulsos de 100 fs con un rango de longitud de onda ajustable de 680 a 1080 nm y potencias de salida líderes en la industria de 3.2 W en el pico de la curva de sintonización.
El Discovery LX cuenta con compensación de dispersión amplia incorporada y modulación de potencia rápida para imágenes profundas y de alta velocidad optimizadas para la microscopía multiphotón. Se une al existente Discovery NX con capacidades de doble salida y a la línea de productos Axon en el portafolio láser de Coherent.
El producto está dirigido al creciente mercado de la microscopía no lineal, sirviendo a aplicaciones en neurociencias, inmunología e investigación de enfermedades, con aplicaciones clínicas en aumento.
Coherent Corp. (NYSE: COHR)는 비선형 현미경 및 초고속 분광 연구를 위해 설계된 새로운 펨토초 레이저인 Chameleon Discovery LX를 출시했습니다. 이 레이저는 100 fs의 펄스를 제공하며 680nm에서 1080nm까지 조정 가능한 파장 범위를 가지며, 정점 조정 곡선에서 3.2W의 업계 최고 출력 전력을 낼 수 있습니다.
Discovery LX는 넓은 분산 사전 보정 및 빠른 전력 조절 기능을 갖추고 있어 다광자 현미경에 최적화된 깊고 고속 이미징이 가능합니다. 이는 Coherent의 레이저 포트폴리오 내의 이중 출력 기능이 있는 기존 Discovery NX 및 Axon 제품군에 추가됩니다.
이 제품은 성장하는 비선형 현미경 시장을 목표로 하며, 신경 과학, 면역학 및 질병 연구 분야에서 응용 프로그램을 제공하며 임상 응용 프로그램이 증가하고 있습니다.
Coherent Corp. (NYSE: COHR) a lancé le Chameleon Discovery LX, un nouveau laser à femtosecondes conçu pour la microscopie non linéaire et la recherche en spectroscopie ultrarapide. Le laser émet des impulsions de 100 fs avec une gamme de longueurs d'onde réglable de 680 à 1080 nm et des puissances de sortie parmi les plus performantes du secteur de 3,2 W au pic de la courbe d'accord.
Le Discovery LX présente une précompensation de dispersion large intégrée et une modulation rapide de la puissance pour une imagerie profonde et à grande vitesse optimisée pour la microscopie multiphotonique. Il vient s'ajouter au Discovery NX existant avec des capacités à double sortie et à la ligne de produit Axon dans le portefeuille laser de Coherent.
Le produit vise le marché en pleine expansion de la microscopie non linéaire, servant des applications en neurosciences, en immunologie et en recherche sur les maladies, avec une augmentation des applications cliniques.
Coherent Corp. (NYSE: COHR) hat den Chameleon Discovery LX eingeführt, einen neuen Femtosekundenlaser, der für die nichtlineare Mikroskopie und ultrafast Spektroskopieforschung entwickelt wurde. Der Laser liefert 100 fs Pulse mit einem einstellbaren Wellenlängenbereich von 680 bis 1080 nm und branchenführenden Ausgangsleistungen von 3,2 W am Spitzeneinstellkurve.
Der Discovery LX bietet integrierte breite Dispersion-Vorcompensation und schnelle Leistungsmodulation für tiefe, hochgeschwindigkeitsbildgebende Optimierung für Multiphonenmikroskopie. Er ergänzt den bestehenden Discovery NX mit Dualausgangsfunktionen und die Axon-Produktlinie im Laserportfolio von Coherent.
Das Produkt richtet sich an den wachsenden Markt der nichtlinearen Mikroskopie, der Anwendungen in den Bereichen Neurowissenschaften, Immunologie und Krankheitsforschung bedient, mit zunehmenden klinischen Anwendungen.
- Introduction of new high-performance laser product expanding market offerings
- Industry-leading output power specifications of 3.2 W
- Targets growing nonlinear microscopy market with clinical applications
- None.
The Chameleon Discovery LX represents a notable technical achievement in laser technology, but its market impact appears While the laser's specifications - including 3.2W peak output power and 100 fs pulses - are impressive, this is an incremental improvement rather than a revolutionary advancement. The product mainly serves niche research applications in nonlinear microscopy and ultrafast spectroscopy.
The expanded wavelength range (680-1080 nm) and built-in features like wide dispersion precompensation are valuable technical improvements, but they're unlikely to significantly impact Coherent's revenue streams given the specialized nature of the market. For a company with a
Image 1: Chameleon Discovery LX
PITTSBURGH, Dec. 10, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Coherent Corp. (NYSE: COHR), a global leader in laser and photonics solutions, announces the launch of the Chameleon Discovery LX, the latest addition to the successful Chameleon Discovery product line. Designed for researchers in nonlinear microscopy and ultrafast spectroscopy, this advanced femtosecond laser delivers exceptional performance and versatility to meet evolving market needs.
The Chameleon Discovery LX provides ultrashort 100 fs pulses and features a tunable wavelength range from 680 to 1080 nm with industry-leading output powers of 3.2 W at the peak of the tuning curve. It integrates advanced features such as built-in wide dispersion precompensation and fast power modulation, enabling deep, high-speed imaging that is optimized for key fluorophores in multiphoton microscopy.
“The Discovery LX represents a new milestone in over two decades of expertise in tunable femtosecond laser technology,” said Darryl McCoy, Vice President & General Manager, Coherent. “Its innovative design and unparalleled performance reaffirm our commitment to advancing nonlinear microscopy applications.”
The nonlinear microscopy market continues to thrive, with applications spanning neuroscience, immunology, and disease research, along with an increasing interest in using it in clinical settings. As microscopy techniques advance, the need for laser sources with superior reliability and more advanced parameters grows. The Discovery LX meets these demands with an optimized design tailored for all key nonlinear microscopy applications.
Building on the success of the flagship Discovery NX platform, the Discovery LX offers researchers a broader range of solutions, delivering precision and reliability backed by comprehensive global service and support for reliable, long-term operation.
The Chameleon Discovery product line now includes:
- Discovery NX: Dual-output capabilities for advanced research.
- Discovery LX: Single-tunable-output laser optimized for specific applications.
The successful Axon product line provides femtosecond pulses in a compact format and at discrete wavelengths.
These lasers can also be paired with various accessories to extend their spectral coverage, addressing a broad range of research needs.
The Discovery LX is now available for orders. For more information, visit
About Coherent
Coherent empowers market innovators to define the future through breakthrough technologies, from materials to systems. We deliver innovations that resonate with our customers in diversified applications for the industrial, communications, electronics, and instrumentation markets. Coherent has research and development, manufacturing, sales, service, and distribution facilities worldwide. For more information, please visit us at
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What are the key specifications of Coherent's (COHR) new Chameleon Discovery LX laser?
What markets does Coherent's (COHR) new Discovery LX laser target?