Coherent Announces Alpha Availability of Novel Analog Optical Multi-Link Modules

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Coherent Corp. (NYSE: COHR) has announced the alpha availability of its innovative analog optical multi-link modules with a detachable land grid array (LGA) interface. These modules support next-generation analog optical links up to the Ka-band for both terrestrial and space applications, focusing on radio frequency over fiber (RFoF) solutions. The new product platform addresses the growing demand for higher-frequency RF links in space and aerospace applications, offering benefits such as reduced weight, higher link gain, and increased robustness against interference.

The modules enable high-throughput RF links to operate at the Ka-band, replacing traditional copper and coax-based RF links with optical solutions. They support link lengths extending to several kilometers and are designed for low power consumption. Alpha samples are currently available, with general availability expected in late 2025. Coherent will showcase these modules at the European Conference on Optical Communications (ECOC) in Frankfurt, Germany, from September 22-26, 2024.

Coherent Corp. (NYSE: COHR) ha annunciato la disponibilità alpha dei suoi innovativi moduli multi-link ottici analogici con interfaccia LGA (land grid array) staccabile. Questi moduli supportano link ottici analogici di nuova generazione fino alla banda Ka sia per applicazioni terrestri che spaziali, concentrandosi su soluzioni radiofrequenza su fibra (RFoF). La nuova piattaforma di prodotto risponde alla crescente domanda di link RF ad alta frequenza nelle applicazioni spaziali e aerospaziali, offrendo vantaggi come riduzione del peso, maggiore guadagno del link e maggiore robustezza contro le interferenze.

I moduli permettono ai link RF ad alta capacità di operare alla banda Ka, sostituendo i tradizionali link RF basati su rame e coassiali con soluzioni ottiche. Supportano lunghezze di link che si estendono fino a diversi chilometri e sono progettati per un basso consumo energetico. I campioni alpha sono attualmente disponibili, con disponibilità generale prevista per la fine del 2025. Coherent presenterà questi moduli alla Conferenza Europea sulle Comunicazioni Ottiche (ECOC) a Francoforte, in Germania, dal 22 al 26 settembre 2024.

Coherent Corp. (NYSE: COHR) ha anunciado la disponibilidad alpha de sus innov módulos de enlace óptico analógico con una interfaz de matriz de rejilla terrestre (LGA) desmontable. Estos módulos admiten enlaces ópticos analógicos de próxima generación de hasta la banda Ka tanto para aplicaciones terrestres como espaciales, centrándose en soluciones de radiofrecuencia sobre fibra (RFoF). La nueva plataforma de productos aborda la creciente demanda de enlaces RF de alta frecuencia en aplicaciones espaciales y aeroespaciales, ofreciendo beneficios como reducción de peso, mayor ganancia de enlace y mayor robustez frente a interferencias.

Los módulos permiten que los enlaces RF de alto rendimiento operen en la banda Ka, reemplazando los enlaces RF tradicionales basados en cobre y coaxiales con soluciones ópticas. Admite longitudes de enlace de hasta varios kilómetros y está diseñado para bajo consumo de energía. Actualmente, se encuentran disponibles muestras alpha, con disponibilidad general esperada para finales de 2025. Coherent exhibirá estos módulos en la Conferencia Europea de Comunicaciones Ópticas (ECOC) en Frankfurt, Alemania, del 22 al 26 de septiembre de 2024.

Coherent Corp. (NYSE: COHR)는 분리 가능한 랜드 그리드 배열(LGA) 인터페이스를 갖춘 혁신적인 아날로그 광 다중 링크 모듈의 알파 버전을 발표했습니다. 이 모듈은 지상 및 우주 응용 프로그램을 위해 다음 세대 아날로그 광 링크를 최대 Ka 밴드까지 지원하며, 광섬유를 통한 라디오 주파수(RFoF) 솔루션에 중점을 두고 있습니다. 새로운 제품 플랫폼은 우주 및 항공 응용 프로그램에서 고주파 RF 링크에 대한 증가하는 수요를 해결하며, 무게 감소, 높은 링크 이득 및 간섭에 대한 내구성 증가와 같은 이점을 제공합니다.

이 모듈은 Ka 밴드에서 고처리량 RF 링크가 작동하게 하여 전통적인 구리 및 동축 RF 링크를 광학 솔루션으로 대체합니다. 수킬로미터까지 연장되는 링크 길이를 지원하며, 저전력 소비를 위해 설계되었습니다. 알파 샘플은 현재 사용할 수 있으며, 일반 제공은 2025년 말로 예상됩니다. Coherent는 2024년 9월 22일부터 26일까지 독일 프랑크푸르트에서 열리는 유럽 광통신 회의(ECOC)에서 이 모듈을 선보일 예정입니다.

Coherent Corp. (NYSE: COHR) a annoncé la disponibilité alpha de ses modules innovants de multi-lien optique analogique avec une interface LGA (matrice de grille terrestre) détachable. Ces modules prennent en charge les liaisons optiques analogiques de nouvelle génération jusqu'à la bande Ka pour les applications terrestres et spatiales, mettant l'accent sur les solutions de radiofréquence par fibre (RFoF). La nouvelle plateforme de produits répond à la demande croissante de liaisons RF à haute fréquence dans les applications spatiales et aérospatiales, offrant des avantages tels que réduction de poids, gain de liaison accru et robustesse accrue contre les interférences.

Les modules permettent aux liaisons RF à haut débit de fonctionner à la bande Ka, remplaçant les liaisons RF traditionnelles à base de cuivre et coaxiales par des solutions optiques. Ils supportent des longueurs de lien allant jusqu'à plusieurs kilomètres et sont conçus pour une faible consommation d'énergie. Des échantillons alpha sont actuellement disponibles, avec une disponibilité générale prévue pour fin 2025. Coherent présentera ces modules lors de la Conférence Européenne sur les Communications Optiques (ECOC) qui se tiendra à Francfort, en Allemagne, du 22 au 26 septembre 2024.

Coherent Corp. (NYSE: COHR) hat die alpha-Verfügbarkeit seiner innovativen analogen optischen Mehrfachlink-Module mit abnehmbarem Land-Grid-Array (LGA) Anschluss bekannt gegeben. Diese Module unterstützen analoge optische Verbindungen der nächsten Generation bis zur Ka-Band für terrestrial und Raumfahrtanwendungen, wobei der Fokus auf Radiofrequenz-über-Faser (RFoF)-Lösungen liegt. Die neue Produktplattform adressiert die wachsende Nachfrage nach hochfrequenten RF-Verbindungen in Raum- und Luftfahrtanwendungen und bietet Vorteile wie reduziertes Gewicht, höheren Link-Gewinn und erhöhte Robustheit gegen Störungen.

Die Module ermöglichen es, Hochdurchsatz-RF-Verbindungen im Ka-Band zu betreiben und ersetzen traditionelle Kupfer- und Koaxial-RF-Verbindungen durch optische Lösungen. Sie unterstützen Linklängen von mehreren Kilometern und sind für einen geringen Stromverbrauch ausgelegt. Alpha-Proben sind derzeit verfügbar, wobei eine allgemeine Verfügbarkeit für Ende 2025 erwartet wird. Coherent wird diese Module auf der Europäischen Konferenz zu Optischer Kommunikation (ECOC) in Frankfurt, Deutschland, vom 22. bis 26. September 2024 präsentieren.

  • Introduction of innovative analog optical multi-link modules supporting Ka-band frequencies
  • Potential for increased market share in high-frequency RF link applications
  • Modules offer reduced weight, higher link gain, and increased robustness compared to traditional RF links
  • Capability to support link lengths up to several kilometers
  • Alpha samples already available, indicating product development progress
  • General availability not expected until late 2025, potentially limiting near-term revenue impact
  • Alpha stage product may require further refinement before full market release

Coherent's new analog optical multi-link modules represent a significant leap forward in RF technology. The ability to support Ka-band frequencies addresses a critical need in the market, particularly for space and aerospace applications. The detachable LGA interface adds flexibility, while the focus on RFoF applications shows Coherent's commitment to high-throughput RF systems.

The transition from copper and coax to optical solutions offers multiple benefits: reduced weight, higher link gain and increased interference robustness. These advantages are important for satellite communications and earth observation missions where every gram matters. The flexible fiber routing capability is a game-changer, potentially revolutionizing satellite design and functionality.

However, the 2025 general availability timeline suggests a long wait for full implementation, which could allow competitors to catch up. The success of this technology will depend on its reliability in harsh space environments and its cost-effectiveness compared to traditional solutions.

Coherent's strategic move into the Ka-band analog optical market is well-timed. The growing demand for higher-frequency RF links in space and aerospace sectors presents a significant market opportunity. With the increasing number of satellite launches and the expansion of space-based communications, Coherent is positioning itself as a key player in this evolving industry.

The product's ability to support multi-channel configurations and extend link lengths to several kilometers could open up new applications beyond traditional satellite communications, potentially expanding Coherent's addressable market. However, the long lead time to general availability (late 2025) may impact market penetration, especially if competitors introduce similar solutions earlier.

Investors should monitor the adoption rate among key aerospace and defense contractors during the alpha testing phase, as this will be a strong indicator of the product's long-term success and potential impact on Coherent's revenue stream in the coming years.


Image 1: Coherent AO-xCAO4x series of transmitter and receiver modules.

PITTSBURGH, Sept. 19, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Coherent Corp. (NYSE: COHR), a global leader in optical communications and laser-based technologies, announces the sample availability of its innovative new analog optical multi-link modules featuring a detachable land grid array (LGA) interface. This cutting-edge product platform supports next-generation analog optical links up to the Ka-band, targeting both terrestrial and space applications. With low power consumption and a focus on radio frequency over fiber (RFoF) applications, these modules are designed to meet the evolving needs of high-throughput RF systems across various industries.

The demand for higher-frequency RF links is growing, driven by advancements in space and aerospace applications, including earth observation, intrasatellite communication, and phased array antennas. The new modules from Coherent offer a transformative upgrade by enabling high-throughput RF links to operate at the Ka-band, a critical requirement for modern RF systems. By replacing traditional copper and coax-based RF links with these optical solutions, users can benefit from significantly reduced weight, higher link gain, and increased robustness against interference. Additionally, the use of flexible fiber as the transmission medium offers superior routing capabilities compared with stiff coax cables, supporting an increased channel count for enhanced performance.

“As one of the first offerings in the market to provide multichannel analog optical links with frequencies up to the Ka-band and link lengths extending to several kilometers, our new product platform sets a new standard in the industry,” said Dr. Karlheinz Gulden, Senior Vice President and General Manager of the Laser Components and Subsystems Business Unit at Coherent. “We are excited to bring this innovative solution to market, which not only addresses the limitations of existing RF link technologies but also paves the way for future advancements in high-frequency communications.”

The new modules are currently available as alpha samples, with general availability expected in late 2025. Coherent is committed to providing its customers with the highest-quality products, and this new platform is no exception. Complementary products, such as high-speed detectors and lasers, are available to enhance the capabilities of these modules in point-to-multipoint configurations.

The new modules will be showcased at the upcoming European Conference on Optical Communications (ECOC), Sept. 22-26, 2024, in Frankfurt, Germany.

About Coherent
Coherent empowers market innovators to define the future through breakthrough technologies, from materials to systems. We deliver innovations that resonate with our customers in diversified applications for the industrial, communications, electronics, and instrumentation markets. Headquartered in Saxonburg, Pennsylvania, Coherent has research and development, manufacturing, sales, service, and distribution facilities worldwide. For more information, please visit us at

Media Contact:

Amy Wilson
Manager, Corporate Communications & Investor Relations

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at


What is the key feature of Coherent's new analog optical multi-link modules?

Coherent's new modules support next-generation analog optical links up to the Ka-band frequency, targeting both terrestrial and space applications with a detachable land grid array (LGA) interface.

When will Coherent's (COHR) new analog optical modules be generally available?

General availability of Coherent's new analog optical modules is expected in late 2025, according to the press release.

What are the main advantages of Coherent's new optical modules over traditional RF links?

Coherent's new optical modules offer reduced weight, higher link gain, increased robustness against interference, and superior routing capabilities compared to traditional copper and coax-based RF links.

Where will Coherent (COHR) showcase its new analog optical multi-link modules?

Coherent will showcase its new analog optical multi-link modules at the European Conference on Optical Communications (ECOC) in Frankfurt, Germany, from September 22-26, 2024.

Coherent Corp.


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