Becky G and Vita Coco Build New Greenspace in Inglewood, California

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The Vita Coco Company (NASDAQ: COCO) has partnered with international artist Becky G to create a new greenspace at Oak Street Elementary School in Inglewood, California. This 2,100-square-foot space, designed in collaboration with the school's PTA and local leaders, features garden plots, compost bins, fruit trees, and an outdoor classroom. The initiative is part of Vita Coco's social impact program, the Vita Coco Project, which aims to empower communities.

The project addresses the lack of access to greenspaces, particularly in Latin communities. Vita Coco is also launching the Growing Roots Grant program with the Arbor Day Foundation to fund similar projects in under-resourced schools and communities. As a Public Benefit and B Corp, Vita Coco aims to contribute positively to communities and environments, including its Seedlings for Sustainability initiative to distribute up to 10 million seedlings and trees by 2030.

Vita Coco Company (NASDAQ: COCO) ha collaborato con l'artista internazionale Becky G per creare un nuovo spazio verde presso la Oak Street Elementary School in Inglewood, California. Questo spazio di 2.100 piedi quadrati, progettato in collaborazione con il PTA della scuola e i leader locali, include aiuole, contenitori per compost, alberi di frutta e un’aula all'aperto. L'iniziativa fa parte del programma di impatto sociale di Vita Coco, il Vita Coco Project, che mira a valorizzare le comunità.

Il progetto affronta la mancanza di accesso a spazi verdi, in particolare nelle comunità latinoamericane. Vita Coco sta anche avviando il programma di sovvenzioni Growing Roots in collaborazione con l'Arbor Day Foundation per finanziare progetti simili in scuole e comunità svantaggiate. Come Public Benefit e B Corp, Vita Coco si propone di contribuire positivamente alle comunità e agli ambienti, incluso il suo Seedlings for Sustainability che prevede la distribuzione di fino a 10 milioni di piantine e alberi entro il 2030.

La compañía Vita Coco (NASDAQ: COCO) se ha asociado con la artista internacional Becky G para crear un nuevo espacio verde en la Oak Street Elementary School en Inglewood, California. Este espacio de 2,100 pies cuadrados, diseñado en colaboración con la PTA de la escuela y líderes locales, cuenta con parcelas de jardín, bin de compost, árboles frutales y un aula al aire libre. La iniciativa es parte del programa de impacto social de Vita Coco, el Vita Coco Project, que tiene como objetivo empoderar a las comunidades.

El proyecto aborda la falta de acceso a espacios verdes, particularmente en comunidades latinas. Vita Coco también lanzará el programa de becas Growing Roots con la Arbor Day Foundation para financiar proyectos similares en escuelas y comunidades con pocos recursos. Como Public Benefit y B Corp, Vita Coco busca contribuir positivamente a las comunidades y al medio ambiente, incluyendo su iniciativa Seedlings for Sustainability para distribuir hasta 10 millones de plántulas y árboles para 2030.

비타 코코 컴퍼니(NASDAQ: COCO)는 국제 아티스트 베키 G와 협력하여 캘리포니아 잉글우드의 오크 스트리트 초등학교에 새로운 녹지 공간을 만들었습니다. 이 2,100평방피트의 공간은 학교 PTA 및 지역 리더들과 협력하여 설계되었으며, 정원 구역, 퇴비통, 과일 나무, 야외 교실이 포함되어 있습니다. 이 이니셔티브는 비타 코코의 사회적 영향 프로그램인 비타 코코 프로젝트의 일환으로, 지역 사회를 강화하는 것을 목표로 합니다.

이 프로젝트는 특히 라틴 커뮤니티에서 녹지 공간 접근의 부족을 해결하고 있습니다. 비타 코코는 또한 아버 데이 재단과 함께 그로잉 루트 보조금 프로그램을 시작하여 자원이 부족한 학교와 지역 사회에서 유사한 프로젝트를 지원할 예정입니다. 공공 이익 및 B Corp로서 비타 코코는 지역 사회와 환경에 긍정적으로 기여하며, 2030년까지 최대 1천만 개의 어린 식물과 나무를 분배하기 위한 지속 가능성 위한 묘목 이니셔티브를 포함하고 있습니다.

La société Vita Coco (NASDAQ: COCO) s'est associée à l'artiste international Becky G pour créer un nouvel espace vert à l'école élémentaire Oak Street à Inglewood, Californie. Cet espace de 2 100 pieds carrés, conçu en collaboration avec la PTA de l'école et des leaders locaux, comprend des parcelles de jardin, des bacs à compost, des arbres fruitiers et une salle de classe en plein air. L'initiative fait partie du programme d'impact social de Vita Coco, le Vita Coco Project, qui vise à renforcer les communautés.

Le projet répond au manque d'accès aux espaces verts, en particulier dans les communautés latines. Vita Coco lance également le programme de subventions Growing Roots en collaboration avec l'Arbor Day Foundation pour financer des projets similaires dans des écoles et des communautés défavorisées. En tant que Public Benefit et B Corp, Vita Coco vise à contribuer positivement aux communautés et à l'environnement, y compris son initiative Seedlings for Sustainability, qui prévoit de distribuer jusqu'à 10 millions de plants et d'arbres d'ici 2030.

Die Vita Coco Company (NASDAQ: COCO) hat sich mit der internationalen Künstlerin Becky G zusammengetan, um einen neuen Grünbereich an der Oak Street Elementary School in Inglewood, Kalifornien, zu schaffen. Dieser 2.100 Quadratfuß große Raum, der in Zusammenarbeit mit dem PTA der Schule und lokalen Akteuren entworfen wurde, verfügt über Gartenbeete, Kompostbehälter, Obstbäume und ein Klassenzimmer im Freien. Die Initiative ist Teil von Vita Cocos sozialem Impact-Programm, dem Vita Coco Project, das darauf abzielt, Gemeinschaften zu stärken.

Das Projekt adressiert den Mangel an Grünflächen, insbesondere in lateinamerikanischen Gemeinschaften. Vita Coco startet auch das Growing Roots Grant-Programm in Zusammenarbeit mit der Arbor Day Foundation, um ähnliche Projekte in unterversorgten Schulen und Gemeinschaften zu finanzieren. Als Public Benefit und B Corp strebt Vita Coco an, positiv zu Gemeinschaften und Umwelten beizutragen, einschließlich seiner Initiative Seedlings for Sustainability, die darauf abzielt, bis 2030 bis zu 10 Millionen Setzlinge und Bäume zu verteilen.

  • Partnership with celebrity Becky G may increase brand visibility and appeal
  • Expansion of social impact program (Vita Coco Project) into new areas
  • Launch of Growing Roots Grant program to fund similar projects, potentially enhancing corporate image
  • Reinforcement of company's commitment to sustainability and community support
  • None.

New greenspace at Becky G’s elementary school enhances learning, wellness, and community connections

INGLEWOOD, Calif., Sept. 17, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- As back to school season ramps up, The Vita Coco Company, Inc. (NASDAQ: COCO) has teamed up with international recording artist, actress, activist, and Vita Coco Brand Ambassador—Becky G—to build a new greenspace at her childhood elementary school in Inglewood, California. The greenspace, opening today at Oak Street Elementary School, is a new initiative of the Company’s social impact program, the Vita Coco Project® (VCP), which focuses on empowering communities.

A proud advocate for her hometown, Becky G returned to Inglewood today to celebrate the opening of the greenspace during a ribbon cutting ceremony at Oak Street Elementary School, which will be named through a process that includes the Oak Street school community.

“Growing up, my Inglewood community shaped who I am today,” said Becky G. “Partnering with Vita Coco to reimagine a space where students can learn and play means everything to me. We wanted each element to be intentional, reflecting my own experience in middle school and addressing the needs and dreams of the community.”

Designed in close collaboration with the school’s Parent-Teacher Association and local community leaders, and brought to life by Terremoto, this fully customized 2,100-square-foot greenspace features garden plots, compost bins, a farm stand, fruit trees, a water feature, reading nooks, and a versatile outdoor classroom and play area. Becky adds, “It’s a vibrant, multi-functional space aimed at promoting food education, encouraging healthy eating, and fostering active lifestyles.”

The need for more greenspaces is not unique to Inglewood. One hundred million Americans, including 28 million children, lack access to local greenspace, and only one in three people in Latin communities live within a mile of a park. The opening of the greenspace at Oak Street Elementary School is part of the Company’s broader effort to address these inequities through its upcoming Growing Roots Grant program in collaboration with the Arbor Day Foundation. The program will fund innovative projects that incorporate tree and garden-related learning experiences within under-resourced schools and communities.

“As a parent, I understand the desire to want the best for our kids. And one of the most overlooked resources is a child’s right to play—outside, in fresh air, climbing trees, and getting dirt under their fingernails. This project is more than just a greenspace; it's about ensuring that every kid and their families—regardless of socioeconomic status, identity, or background—has the right to a safe and enriching environment,” said Mike Kirban, Co-Founder and Executive Chairman of The Vita Coco Company. “Let kids be kids so they can grow their curiosity about the natural world and how it works.”

“We are thrilled to partner with Vita Coco and Becky G in creating this beautiful greenspace at Oak Street Elementary School,” said Dr. James Morris, Inglewood Unified School District County Administrator. “This project is not only a testament to the power of community collaboration but also a significant step towards providing our students with the healthy, enriching environment they deserve.”

As a Public Benefit Corporation and a certified B Corp, Vita Coco believes businesses can contribute positively to the communities and environments in which they operate. The Vita Coco Project supports its suppliers’ communities, such as those in Brazil, Philippines, and Sri Lanka, and its Seedlings for Sustainability initiative aims to help distribute up to 10 million seedlings and trees by 2030.

To learn more about Vita Coco, visit You can also connect with Vita Coco on X, Instagram and TikTok.

The Vita Coco Company is a family of brands on a mission to reimagine what’s possible when brands deliver healthy, nutritious, and great-tasting products that are better for consumers and better for the world. This includes its flagship coconut water brand Vita Coco, sustainably packaged water Ever & Ever, and protein-infused water PWR LIFT. The Company was co-founded in 2004 by Michael Kirban and Ira Liran and is a public benefit corporation and Certified B Corporation. Vita Coco, the principal brand within the Company’s portfolio, is the leading coconut water brand in the U.S. With electrolytes, nutrients, and vitamins, coconut water has become a top beverage choice among consumers after a workout, in smoothies, as a cocktail mixer, after a night out, and more.

Inglewood Unified School District, whose County Administrator is Dr. James Morris, is located in the City of Inglewood and an adjacent section of unincorporated Los Angeles County of Ladera Heights. The district currently serves about 7,000 students at 17 sites. The mission of Inglewood Unified School District is to nurture, educate, and graduate students who are self-responsible and self-disciplined; who are critical and creative thinkers; who master the core academic disciplines; and who are advocates for equity and social justice for self and their community. For more information, visit

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Mallory Smith, Dittoe PR 
502-648-8446 (cell)

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at


What is the new greenspace project by Vita Coco (COCO) and Becky G in Inglewood?

Vita Coco (COCO) and Becky G have created a 2,100-square-foot greenspace at Oak Street Elementary School in Inglewood, California. The space includes garden plots, compost bins, fruit trees, and an outdoor classroom to promote food education and healthy lifestyles.

How does the Vita Coco (COCO) greenspace project in Inglewood relate to broader community issues?

The project addresses the lack of access to greenspaces, particularly in Latin communities. It's part of Vita Coco's effort to tackle the issue that 100 million Americans, including 28 million children, lack access to local greenspace.

What is the Growing Roots Grant program announced by Vita Coco (COCO)?

The Growing Roots Grant program is a collaboration between Vita Coco and the Arbor Day Foundation. It will fund innovative projects that incorporate tree and garden-related learning experiences within under-resourced schools and communities.

What is Vita Coco's (COCO) Seedlings for Sustainability initiative?

Vita Coco's Seedlings for Sustainability initiative aims to help distribute up to 10 million seedlings and trees by 2030, as part of the company's commitment to sustainability and positive environmental impact.

The Vita Coco Company, Inc.


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