Bipartisan Senate Bill Seeks to Clarify that Implanted Active Middle Ear Hearing Devices are Prosthetics, Not Hearing Aids, Making Them Eligible for Medicare Coverage

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Envoy Medical announced its support for the bipartisan Senate bill, the Hearing Device Coverage Clarification Act (S.4829), introduced on July 29, 2024. The bill aims to classify implanted active middle ear hearing devices as prosthetics, making them eligible for Medicare coverage. Currently, these devices are excluded under the hearing aid category. The legislation was introduced by Senators Amy Klobuchar and James Lankford and is expected to receive additional bipartisan support. Envoy Medical’s CEO, Brent Lucas, emphasized that the bill's passage will benefit patients with significant hearing loss, foster competition and innovation, and create more jobs. Envoy Medical is notable for its FDA-approved Esteem® Fully Implanted Active Middle Ear Hearing Device, the only fully implanted device of its kind.

Envoy Medical ha annunciato il suo sostegno per il progetto di legge bipartisan del Senato, il Hearing Device Coverage Clarification Act (S.4829), introdotto il 29 luglio 2024. Questo progetto di legge mira a classificare i dispositivi uditivi impiantati per l'orecchio medio come protesi, rendendoli idonei alla copertura Medicare. Attualmente, questi dispositivi sono esclusi dalla categoria degli apparecchi acustici. La legislazione è stata introdotta dai Senatori Amy Klobuchar e James Lankford e si prevede che riceva ulteriore sostegno bipartisan. Il CEO di Envoy Medical, Brent Lucas, ha sottolineato che l'approvazione del progetto di legge porterà benefici ai pazienti con significativa perdita uditiva, favorirà la competizione e l'innovazione, e creerà più posti di lavoro. Envoy Medical è nota per il suo dispositivo uditivo impiantato attivo per l'orecchio medio Esteem®, l'unico dispositivo completamente impiantato della sua categoria.

Envoy Medical anunció su apoyo al proyecto de ley bipartidista del Senado, el Hearing Device Coverage Clarification Act (S.4829), introducido el 29 de julio de 2024. El proyecto de ley tiene como objetivo clasificar los dispositivos auditivos activos implantados en el oído medio como prótesis, haciéndolos elegibles para la cobertura de Medicare. Actualmente, estos dispositivos están excluidos de la categoría de audífonos. La legislación fue presentada por los senadores Amy Klobuchar y James Lankford y se espera que reciba apoyo bipartidista adicional. El CEO de Envoy Medical, Brent Lucas, enfatizó que la aprobación del proyecto de ley beneficiará a los pacientes con pérdida auditiva significativa, fomentará la competencia y la innovación, y creará más empleos. Envoy Medical es notable por su dispositivo auditivo activo completamente implantado Esteem®, el único dispositivo de su tipo completamente implantado.

Envoy Medical은 2024년 7월 29일에 소개된 상원 양당 법안인 Hearing Device Coverage Clarification Act (S.4829)에 대한 지원을 발표했습니다. 이 법안의 목적은 중이 이식형 능동형 청각 장치를 의수로 분류하여 Medicare 보장 자격을 부여하는 것입니다. 현재 이 장치는 보청기 범주에 포함되지 않고 있습니다. 이 법안은 상원의원인 에이미 클로부차르와 제임스 랭크포드에 의해 소개되었으며 추가적인 초당적 지원을 받을 것으로 예상됩니다. Envoy Medical의 CEO인 브렌트 루카스는 법안 통과가 심각한 청력 손실이 있는 환자에게 이익을 주고, 경쟁과 혁신을 촉진하며, 더 많은 일자리를 창출할 것이라고 강조했습니다. Envoy Medical은 FDA 승인된 Esteem® 완전 이식형 중이 청각 장치로 주목받고 있으며, 이 장치는 완전 이식형 장치 중 유일합니다.

Envoy Medical a annoncé son soutien au projet de loi bipartisan du Sénat, le Hearing Device Coverage Clarification Act (S.4829), introduit le 29 juillet 2024. Ce projet de loi vise à classer les dispositifs auditifs actifs implantés dans l'oreille moyenne comme des prothèses, les rendant éligibles à la couverture Medicare. Actuellement, ces dispositifs sont exclus de la catégorie des appareils auditifs. La législation a été introduite par les sénateurs Amy Klobuchar et James Lankford et devrait recevoir un soutien bipartisan supplémentaire. Le PDG d'Envoy Medical, Brent Lucas, a souligné que l'adoption de la loi bénéficierait aux patients souffrant de perte auditive significative, favoriserait la concurrence et l'innovation, et créerait davantage d'emplois. Envoy Medical est particulièrement reconnue pour son dispositif auditif actif complètement implanté Esteem®, le seul dispositif entièrement implanté de son genre.

Envoy Medical hat seine Unterstützung für den parteiübergreifenden Gesetzesentwurf des Senats, den Hearing Device Coverage Clarification Act (S.4829), bekannt gegeben, der am 29. Juli 2024 eingeführt wurde. Der Gesetzesentwurf zielt darauf ab, implantierte aktive Mittelohraudiogeräte als Prothesen zu klassifizieren, damit sie für die Medicare-Abdeckung in Frage kommen. Derzeit sind diese Geräte von der Kategorie Hörgeräte ausgeschlossen. Die Gesetzgebung wurde von den Senatoren Amy Klobuchar und James Lankford eingereicht und wird voraussichtlich zusätzliche parteiübergreifende Unterstützung erhalten. Brent Lucas, CEO von Envoy Medical, betonte, dass die Verabschiedung des Gesetzes den Patienten mit erheblichem Hörverlust zugutekommen, Wettbewerb und Innovation fördern und mehr Arbeitsplätze schaffen wird. Envoy Medical ist bekannt für sein von der FDA genehmigtes Esteem® vollimplantiertes aktives Mittelohraudiogerät, das einzige seiner Art.

  • Introduction of the Hearing Device Coverage Clarification Act (S.4829) may classify implanted active middle ear hearing devices as prosthetics, making them eligible for Medicare coverage.
  • Bipartisan support for the bill increases chances of its passage.
  • Potential for more competition and innovation in the hearing device market.
  • Creation of more well-paying jobs in the U.S.
  • Envoy Medical’s Esteem® Fully Implanted Active Middle Ear Hearing Device already has FDA approval, uniquely positioning the company in the market.
  • None.

The introduction of the Hearing Device Coverage Clarification Act (S.4829) marks a significant potential shift in Medicare coverage for hearing devices. This bipartisan effort could have far-reaching implications for both patients and the hearing health industry. By reclassifying implanted active middle ear hearing devices as prosthetics rather than hearing aids, the bill addresses a important gap in Medicare coverage.

The potential impact on patient access is substantial. Currently, Medicare does not cover hearing aids, which leaves many beneficiaries without coverage for these often expensive devices. Reclassifying implanted active middle ear devices as prosthetics would make them eligible for Medicare coverage, potentially opening up access to advanced hearing solutions for millions of Americans.

From an industry perspective, this legislation could be a game-changer. It would likely stimulate investment and innovation in the implanted active middle ear device segment. Companies like Envoy Medical, with its FDA-approved Esteem® device, stand to benefit significantly. However, the broader implications could include:

  • Increased competition in the hearing device market
  • Accelerated research and development in implantable hearing technologies
  • Creation of high-skilled jobs in the medical device sector
  • Potential for reduced costs through increased competition and innovation

While the bill's introduction is a positive step, it's important to note that its passage is not guaranteed. The legislative process can be lengthy and complex and stakeholders should monitor its progress closely. If passed, implementation details and potential challenges in integrating these devices into the Medicare system will need to be carefully considered.

The Hearing Device Coverage Clarification Act represents a potential watershed moment for the implantable hearing device market. Currently, this segment is relatively niche, with players and investment due to reimbursement challenges. The proposed legislation could dramatically alter this landscape.

From a market perspective, we can anticipate several key outcomes if this bill passes:

  • Market Expansion: The implantable hearing device market could see significant growth. With Medicare coverage, the addressable market would expand substantially, potentially driving a 20-30% CAGR over the next 5 years.
  • Competitive Landscape Shift: While Envoy Medical currently holds a unique position with its fully implanted device, we can expect increased competition. Larger medical device companies may enter or re-enter this space, potentially through acquisitions or accelerated R&D programs.
  • Pricing Dynamics: Initially, we might see premium pricing for these devices. However, as competition increases and volumes grow, prices could stabilize or even decrease, improving accessibility.
  • Investment Influx: Venture capital and private equity firms are likely to show renewed interest in this sector, potentially leading to a wave of startups and innovations.

For Envoy Medical specifically, this legislation could be transformative. As the only company with an FDA-approved fully implanted active middle ear device, they are well-positioned to capitalize on this potential market expansion. However, they may face increased competition and pressure to innovate rapidly to maintain their market position.

Investors should watch for potential M&A activity in this space, as larger medical device companies may seek to quickly establish a presence in what could become a high-growth market segment.

Envoy Medical’s FDA-Approved Esteem® Fully Implanted Active Middle Ear Hearing Device May Now Have an Opportunity to be a Coverable Benefit

WHITE BEAR LAKE, Minnesota, July 31, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Envoy Medical®, Inc. (“Envoy Medical”) (NASDAQ: “COCH”), a hearing health company focused on fully implanted hearing systems, today announces its support for a new bipartisan Senate bill, titled the Hearing Device Coverage Clarification Act (S.4829), which seeks to clarify that implanted active middle ear hearing devices should be viewed as prosthetics and not subject to the current Medicare hearing aid coverage exclusion. Both the House and Senate now have introduced legislation addressing implanted active middle hearing devices, which Envoy Medical believes will increase the chances of meaningful legislation moving forward and becoming law.

The legislation was introduced on July 29th in the U.S. Senate by Senators Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) and James Lankford (R-OK). It is expected to gain additional bipartisan support following its introduction.

“The bipartisan Hearing Device Coverage Clarification Act is a huge step forward for patients with significant hearing loss who may benefit from solutions that are beyond hearing aids,” said Envoy Medical CEO Brent Lucas. “We know Medicare beneficiaries and their loved ones will be grateful to learn that Senators Klobuchar and Lankford are committed to clarifying that implanted active middle ear hearing devices are not hearing aids and should qualify to be coverable by Medicare as is already the case with other implanted hearing prosthetics.”

Envoy Medical is one of the few companies worldwide that has an implanted active middle ear implant, and currently the only company that has an FDA-approved, fully implanted active middle ear hearing device.

“We believe that passage of the Hearing Device Coverage Clarification Act will not only provide access to an important technology, but also result in more competition and more innovation. Envoy Medical is just one of many companies that would begin to reinvest into the implanted active middle ear hearing device segment,” Lucas added. “That would mean more innovation, more competition, more well-paying jobs in the U.S., and, most importantly, more solutions available to the nearly 40 million Americans who suffer from disabling hearing loss.”

About the Esteem® Fully Implanted Active Middle Ear Implant (FI-AMEI)

The Esteem fully implanted active middle ear implant (FI-AMEI) is the only FDA-approved, fully implanted* hearing device for adults diagnosed with moderate to severe sensorineural hearing loss allowing for 24/7 hearing capability using the ear’s natural anatomy. The Esteem FI-AMEI hearing implant is invisible and requires no externally worn components and nothing is placed in the ear canal for it to function. Unlike hearing aids, you never put it on or take it off. You can’t lose it. You don’t clean it. The Esteem FI-AMEI hearing implant offers true 24/7 hearing.

*Once activated, the external Esteem FI-AMEI Personal Programmer is not required for daily use.

Important safety information for the Esteem FI-AMEI can be found at:

About the Fully Implanted Acclaim® Cochlear Implant

We believe the fully implanted Acclaim Cochlear Implant (“Acclaim CI”) will be a first-of-its-kind fully implanted cochlear implant. Envoy Medical’s fully implanted technology includes a sensor designed to leverage the natural anatomy of the ear instead of a microphone to capture sound.

The Acclaim CI is designed to address severe to profound sensorineural hearing loss that is not adequately addressed by hearing aids. The Acclaim CI is expected to be indicated for adults who have been deemed adequate candidates by a qualified physician.

The Acclaim Cochlear Implant received the Breakthrough Device Designation from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2019. We believe the Acclaim CI was the first hearing-focused device to receive Breakthrough Device Designation.

CAUTION The fully implanted Acclaim Cochlear Implant is an investigational device. Limited by Federal (or United States) law to investigational use.

Additional Information and Where to Find It

Copies of the documents filed by Envoy Medical with the SEC may be obtained free of charge at the SEC’s website at

Forward-Looking Statements

This press release includes “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of the “safe harbor” provisions of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward-Looking statements may be identified by the use of words such as “estimate,” “plan,” “project,” “forecast,” “intend,” “will,” “expect,” “anticipate,” “believe,” “seek,” “target” or other similar expressions that predict or indicate future events or trends or that are not statements of historical matters, but the absence of these words does not mean that a statement is not forward-looking. Such statements may include, but are not limited to, statements regarding the expectations of Envoy Medical concerning the outlook for its business, productivity, plans and goals for future operational improvements and capital investments; the potential for passage of legislation related to reimbursement for active middle ear hearing devices; the impact that such proposed legislation might have on the hearing health market, reimbursement for the Esteem FI-AMEI device, and the Envoy Medical business, and future market conditions or economic performance, as well as any information concerning possible or assumed future operations of Envoy Medical. The forward-looking statements contained in this press release reflect Envoy Medical’s current views about future events and are subject to numerous known and unknown risks, uncertainties, assumptions and changes in circumstances that may cause its actual results to differ significantly from those expressed in any forward-looking statement. Envoy Medical does not guarantee that the events described will happen as described (or that they will happen at all). These forward-looking statements are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties, including, but not limited to changes in the market price of shares of Envoy Medical’s Class A Common Stock; changes in or removal of Envoy Medical’s shares inclusion in any index; Envoy Medical’s success in retaining or recruiting, or changes required in, its officers, key employees or directors; unpredictability in the medical device industry, the regulatory process to approve medical devices, and the clinical development process of Envoy Medical products; competition in the medical device industry, and the failure to introduce new products and services in a timely manner or at competitive prices to compete successfully against competitors; disruptions in relationships with Envoy Medical’s suppliers, or disruptions in Envoy Medical’s own production capabilities for some of the key components and materials of its products; changes in the need for capital and the availability of financing and capital to fund these needs; changes in interest rates or rates of inflation; legal, regulatory and other proceedings could be costly and time-consuming to defend; changes in applicable laws or regulations, or the application thereof on Envoy Medical; a loss of any of Envoy Medical’s key intellectual property rights or failure to adequately protect intellectual property rights; the effects of catastrophic events, including war, terrorism and other international conflicts; and other risks and uncertainties set forth in the section entitled “Risk Factors” and “Cautionary Note Regarding Forward Looking Statements” in the Annual Report on Form 10-K filed by Envoy Medical on April 1, 2024, and in other reports Envoy Medical files, with the SEC. If any of these risks materialize or Envoy Medical’s assumptions prove incorrect, actual results could differ materially from the results implied by these forward-looking statements. While forward-looking statements reflect Envoy Medical’s good faith beliefs, they are not guarantees of future performance. Envoy Medical disclaims any obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statement to reflect changes in underlying assumptions or factors, new information, data or methods, future events or other changes after the date of this press release, except as required by applicable law. You should not place undue reliance on any forward-looking statements, which are based only on information currently available to Envoy Medical. 


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What is the Hearing Device Coverage Clarification Act (S.4829)?

The Hearing Device Coverage Clarification Act (S.4829) is a bipartisan Senate bill that seeks to classify implanted active middle ear hearing devices as prosthetics, making them eligible for Medicare coverage.

When was the Hearing Device Coverage Clarification Act introduced in the Senate?

The Hearing Device Coverage Clarification Act was introduced in the Senate on July 29, 2024.

Which Senators introduced the Hearing Device Coverage Clarification Act?

Senators Amy Klobuchar and James Lankford introduced the Hearing Device Coverage Clarification Act.

How will the passage of the Hearing Device Coverage Clarification Act affect Envoy Medical (NASDAQ: COCH)?

The passage of the Act will potentially make Envoy Medical’s FDA-approved Esteem® Fully Implanted Active Middle Ear Hearing Device eligible for Medicare coverage, fostering competition, innovation, and job creation.

What is Envoy Medical’s Esteem® device?

Envoy Medical’s Esteem® is a fully implanted active middle ear hearing device that is FDA-approved.

Envoy Medical, Inc.


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Medical Devices
Orthopedic, Prosthetic & Surgical Appliances & Supplies
United States of America