CNX Foundation to Take on School Lunch Debt, Local Veterans' Needs, and Other Socio-Economic Hardships of Residents and Families in Operating Communities
CNX Resources (NYSE: CNX) and the CNX Foundation announced a new campaign focused on community support initiatives in Appalachia. The campaign, part of the Company's Appalachia First strategic vision, will address three main areas: erasing school lunch debt in Western Pennsylvania communities, supporting veterans throughout the Appalachian region through organizations like Veterans of Foreign Wars, and addressing essential needs of individuals and families in CNX's operating footprint.
The initiative will be fully funded by CEO Nick Deiuliis through a reduction in his 2025 compensation, following $4 million in cumulative offset compensation since 2022. This funding approach has supported the Foundation's Mentorship Academy initiative and other community efforts without additional company costs. The program aims to create direct, localized impact rather than following traditional corporate donation practices to large non-profits.
CNX Resources (NYSE: CNX) e la CNX Foundation hanno annunciato una nuova campagna focalizzata su iniziative di supporto alla comunità in Appalachia. La campagna, parte della visione strategica dell'azienda 'Appalachia First', affronterà tre aree principali: eliminare il debito per i pasti scolastici nelle comunità della Pennsylvania occidentale, supportare i veterani in tutta la regione appalachiana attraverso organizzazioni come i Veterans of Foreign Wars, e affrontare i bisogni essenziali di individui e famiglie nel raggio d'azione di CNX.
L'iniziativa sarà interamente finanziata dal CEO Nick Deiuliis attraverso una riduzione della sua retribuzione per il 2025, dopo $4 milioni in compensi compensativi cumulativi dal 2022. Questo approccio al finanziamento ha supportato l'iniziativa della Mentorship Academy della Fondazione e altri sforzi comunitari senza costi aggiuntivi per l'azienda. Il programma mira a creare un impatto diretto e localizzato piuttosto che seguire le pratiche tradizionali di donazione aziendale a grandi organizzazioni non profit.
CNX Resources (NYSE: CNX) y la CNX Foundation anunciaron una nueva campaña centrada en iniciativas de apoyo a la comunidad en Appalachia. La campaña, parte de la visión estratégica de la empresa 'Appalachia First', abordará tres áreas principales: eliminar la deuda de almuerzos escolares en las comunidades de Pennsylvania Occidental, apoyar a los veteranos en toda la región appalachiana a través de organizaciones como los Veterans of Foreign Wars, y atender las necesidades esenciales de individuos y familias en el área de operación de CNX.
La iniciativa será completamente financiada por el CEO Nick Deiuliis mediante una reducción en su compensación de 2025, después de $4 millones en compensación acumulada desde 2022. Este enfoque de financiamiento ha apoyado la iniciativa de la Academia de Mentoría de la Fundación y otros esfuerzos comunitarios sin costos adicionales para la empresa. El programa tiene como objetivo crear un impacto directo y localizado en lugar de seguir las prácticas tradicionales de donación corporativa a grandes organizaciones sin fines de lucro.
CNX Resources (NYSE: CNX)와 CNX Foundation은 아팔래치아 지역 사회 지원 이니셔티브에 초점을 맞춘 새로운 캠페인을 발표했습니다. 이 캠페인은 회사의 'Appalachia First' 전략 비전의 일환으로, 세 가지 주요 분야를 다룰 것입니다: 서부 펜실베니아 커뮤니티의 학교 점심 부채 청산, 외국 전쟁 퇴역 군인과 같은 조직을 통해 아팔래치아 지역 전역의 재향군인 지원, 그리고 CNX의 운영 범위 내 개인 및 가족의 필수 요구 사항을 다루는 것입니다.
이 이니셔티브는 CEO Nick Deiuliis가 2025년 보수 감소를 통해 전액 자금을 지원하며, 2022년 이후 누적 보상으로 $4백만을 offset했습니다. 이러한 자금 조달 방식은 추가적인 회사 비용 없이 재단의 멘토십 아카데미 이니셔티브와 다른 지역 사회 노력을 지원해 왔습니다. 이 프로그램은 대규모 비영리 단체에 대한 전통적인 기업 기부 관행을 따르기보다는 직접적이고 지역화된 영향을 창출하는 것을 목표로 합니다.
CNX Resources (NYSE: CNX) et la CNX Foundation ont annoncé une nouvelle campagne axée sur des initiatives de soutien communautaire en Appalachie. La campagne, qui fait partie de la vision stratégique de l'entreprise 'Appalachia First', abordera trois domaines principaux : l'effacement de la dette des repas scolaires dans les communautés de Pennsylvanie occidentale, le soutien aux vétérans dans toute la région des Appalaches à travers des organisations comme les Veterans of Foreign Wars, et la prise en charge des besoins essentiels des individus et des familles dans la zone d'activité de CNX.
L'initiative sera entièrement financée par le PDG Nick Deiuliis par une réduction de sa rémunération pour 2025, après 4 millions de dollars de compensations cumulées depuis 2022. Cette approche de financement a soutenu l'initiative de l'Académie de Mentorat de la Fondation et d'autres efforts communautaires sans coûts supplémentaires pour l'entreprise. Le programme vise à créer un impact direct et localisé plutôt que de suivre les pratiques de don d'entreprise traditionnelles à de grandes organisations à but non lucratif.
CNX Resources (NYSE: CNX) und die CNX Foundation haben eine neue Kampagne angekündigt, die sich auf Gemeinschaftsunterstützungsinitiativen in den Appalachen konzentriert. Die Kampagne, Teil der strategischen Vision des Unternehmens 'Appalachia First', wird drei Hauptbereiche ansprechen: Abbau der Schulmittagessen-Schulden in den Gemeinden West-Pennsylvania, Unterstützung von Veteranen in der gesamten Appalachenregion durch Organisationen wie die Veterans of Foreign Wars und die Deckung der Grundbedürfnisse von Einzelpersonen und Familien im Betriebsgelände von CNX.
Die Initiative wird vollständig von CEO Nick Deiuliis durch eine Reduzierung seiner Vergütung für 2025 finanziert, nach $4 Millionen an kumulierten Ausgleichszahlungen seit 2022. Dieser Finanzierungsansatz hat die Mentorship Academy-Initiative der Stiftung und andere Gemeinschaftsprojekte ohne zusätzliche Kosten für das Unternehmen unterstützt. Das Programm zielt darauf ab, direkte, lokal verankerte Auswirkungen zu erzielen, anstatt traditionellen Unternehmensspendenpraktiken an große gemeinnützige Organisationen zu folgen.
- CEO personally funds the initiative through compensation reduction, demonstrating leadership commitment without impacting company finances
- $4 million in cumulative offset compensation committed since 2022
- None.
Company and Foundation Expanding Unique Appalachia First Micro-Targeted Approach to Tangible, Impactful, Local Community Investments
Eschewing the typical corporate practice of providing donations to large non-profit organizations, CNX's distinctive philanthropic approach prioritizes hyper-localized investments directly targeting individuals and entities most in need. Doing so creates a virtuous circle of investment in the Company's local communities that grows the region's best-in-class workforce and pays dividends to the Company and industry over the long term.
Specifically, the 2025 campaign will be directed toward:
- Erasing School Lunch Debt in Western Pennsylvania Communities
No child should feel embarrassed or face financial barriers to a school meal. Instead, children should be focused on growth and development in the classroom. The CNX Foundation will leverage existing partnerships with school district administrators in the Company's operational areas to eliminate school lunch debt for families struggling to keep up. - Supporting Veterans Throughout the Appalachian Region
To honor Appalachia's storied legacy of military service, funding will support projects and initiatives directly benefitting veterans in need through locally focused government and private organizations including Veterans of Foreign Wars and the American Legion in CNX's operating regions. - Addressing Essential Needs of Individuals and Families in CNX's Operating Footprint
Recognizing the financial and emotional strain that debt related to essential needs, especially medical expenses, places on families and neighbors, the CNX Foundation will work with local healthcare providers, utilities, and businesses to relieve debt related to essential needs for the region's underserved.
This new, unique, and exciting Appalachia First campaign will be fully funded by the CEO with the Company agreeing to a commensurate reduction in CEO compensation for 2025. This year's funding follows
This funding approach has allowed the CNX Foundation to establish and expand its flagship Mentorship Academy initiative, providing career-readiness programming and access to well-paying employment opportunities for regional underserved rural and urban youth, along with a host of other impactful CNX Foundation efforts at no incremental cost to the Company.
CNX President and CEO Nick Deiuliis said, "We are beyond excited about this new chapter in the CNX Foundation and Appalachia First journey. We are positioned to tangibly impact countless lives of neighbors in need by directly addressing critical issues and obstacles to prosperity that people face every day, one individual and family at a time. We can't think of anything more impactful to the goal of helping to build a vibrant middle class that will sustain our region and local communities for years to come."
About CNX
CNX Resources Corporation (NYSE: CNX) is unique. We are a premier, ultra-low carbon intensive natural gas development, production, midstream, and technology company centered in Appalachia, one of the most energy abundant regions in the world. With the benefit of a 161-year regional legacy, substantial asset base, leading core operational competencies, technology development and innovation, and astute capital allocation methodologies, we responsibly develop our resources and deploy free cash flow to create long-term per share value for our shareholders, employees, and the communities where we operate. As of December 31, 2024, CNX had 8.54 trillion cubic feet equivalent of proved natural gas reserves. The company is a member of the Standard & Poor's Midcap 400 Index. Additional information is available at
About CNX Foundation
The CNX Foundation is a registered 501c(3) philanthropic organization that invests tangibly, impactfully, and locally, targeting urban and rural communities within the Appalachian Basin that face socio-economic challenges. With a commitment of
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SOURCE CNX Resources Corporation