Cineverse Acquires Film Festival Favorites, Breathing In and Deus Irae, from XYZ Films
Cineverse (NASDAQ: CNVS) and its horror division Bloody Disgusting have acquired two award-winning films for their SCREAMBOX platform from XYZ Films. The first acquisition, Breathing In, winner of Best Film at the 2024 Macabro Film Festival, is set in 1901 South Africa and follows a wounded general seeking refuge with mysterious consequences. The second film, Deus Irae, an official selection at Brussels International Fantastic Film Festival and Sitges Film Festival Pitchbox winner, follows excommunicated priests hunting the possessed. Both films join recent SCREAMBOX acquisitions including #AMFAD, Creeping Death, and others.
Cineverse (NASDAQ: CNVS) e la sua divisione horror Bloody Disgusting hanno acquisito due film premiati per la loro piattaforma SCREAMBOX da XYZ Films. La prima acquisizione, Breathing In, vincitrice del premio come Miglior Film al Macabro Film Festival 2024, è ambientata nel Sud Africa del 1901 e racconta la storia di un generale ferito in cerca di rifugio con conseguenze misteriose. Il secondo film, Deus Irae, selezionato ufficialmente al Brussels International Fantastic Film Festival e vincitore del Pitchbox al Sitges Film Festival, segue dei sacerdoti scomunicati intenti a cacciare i posseduti. Entrambi i film si uniscono alle recenti acquisizioni di SCREAMBOX, tra cui #AMFAD, Creeping Death e altri.
Cineverse (NASDAQ: CNVS) y su división de terror Bloody Disgusting han adquirido dos películas galardonadas para su plataforma SCREAMBOX de XYZ Films. La primera adquisición, Breathing In, ganadora del premio a la Mejor Película en el Festival de Cine Macabro 2024, está ambientada en el Sudáfrica de 1901 y sigue a un general herido en busca de refugio con consecuencias misteriosas. La segunda película, Deus Irae, seleccionada oficialmente en el Festival Internacional de Cine Fantástico de Bruselas y ganadora del Pitchbox en el Festival de Cine de Sitges, sigue a sacerdotes excomulgados que cazan a los poseídos. Ambas películas se suman a las recientes adquisiciones de SCREAMBOX, incluyendo #AMFAD, Creeping Death y otras.
Cineverse (NASDAQ: CNVS)와 그 호러 부문 Bloody Disgusting이 XYZ Films로부터 그들의 플랫폼 SCREAMBOX를 위한 두 개의 수상작을 인수했습니다. 첫 번째 인수작인 Breathing In은 2024년 Macabro Film Festival에서 최우수 영화상을 수상했으며, 1901년 남아프리카를 배경으로 상처 입은 장군이 신비로운 결과와 함께 피난처를 찾는 이야기를 담고 있습니다. 두 번째 영화 Deus Irae는 브뤼셀 국제 환상 영화제의 공식 선택작이자 시체스 영화제 Pitchbox 수상작으로, 추방당한 사제들이 possessed를 사냥하는 이야기를 다룹니다. 두 영화 모두 최근의 SCREAMBOX 인수작인 #AMFAD, Creeping Death 등과 함께 합니다.
Cineverse (NASDAQ: CNVS) et sa division horreur Bloody Disgusting ont acquis deux films primés pour leur plateforme SCREAMBOX auprès de XYZ Films. La première acquisition, Breathing In, lauréate du prix du meilleur film au Macabro Film Festival 2024, se déroule en Afrique du Sud en 1901 et suit un général blessé cherchant refuge avec des conséquences mystérieuses. Le deuxième film, Deus Irae, sélection officielle au Brussels International Fantastic Film Festival et gagnant du Pitchbox au Sitges Film Festival, suit des prêtres excommuniés chassant les possédés. Les deux films rejoignent les récentes acquisitions de SCREAMBOX, y compris #AMFAD, Creeping Death et d'autres.
Cineverse (NASDAQ: CNVS) und seine Horrordivision Bloody Disgusting haben zwei preisgekrönte Filme von XYZ Films für ihre Plattform SCREAMBOX erworben. Die erste Akquisition, Breathing In, Gewinner des Preises für den besten Film beim Macabro Film Festival 2024, spielt im Jahr 1901 in Südafrika und folgt einem verwundeten General, der mit geheimnisvollen Konsequenzen Zuflucht sucht. Der zweite Film, Deus Irae, eine offizielle Auswahl beim Brussels International Fantastic Film Festival und Gewinner beim Pitchbox des Sitges Film Festivals, folgt exkommunizierten Priestern, die die Besessenen jagen. Beide Filme erweitern die jüngsten Akquisitionen von SCREAMBOX, zu denen auch #AMFAD, Creeping Death und weitere gehören.
- Acquisition of two award-winning films enhancing content library
- Strategic expansion of horror content portfolio on SCREAMBOX platform
- Strengthening market position in horror streaming segment
- None.
The acquisition of two award-winning horror films for SCREAMBOX represents a modest content expansion for Cineverse's streaming platform, but likely won't significantly move the needle given the company's small
Horror streaming remains a fragmented market with challenging unit economics. SCREAMBOX needs substantial subscriber growth and content differentiation to achieve meaningful scale. These acquisitions align with the platform's genre focus but represent incremental rather than transformative additions to the content library.
Both Award Winning Films to Stream on SCREAMBOX
Breathing In is set in 1901,
Deus Irae follows disturbed Father Javier, who assists families that have witnessed miracles, while being part of a trio of excommunicated priests who hunt the possessed down with Bibles, fire and shotguns. Award-winning Pedro Cristiani directs this feverish descent to hell, with fully practical creature effects and starring Pablo Ragoni, Gastón Ricaud and Sabrina Macchi.
The deals were negotiated by Executive Director, Acquisitions, Brandon Hill on behalf of Cineverse with Pip Ngo on behalf of XYZ Films and filmmakers.
They join other recent acquisitions on SCREAMBOX such as #AMFAD, Creeping Death, Haunted Ulster Live, Cryptids and Devon.
On a mission to uplift storytellers and entertain fans with the power of technology, Cineverse (NASDAQ: CNVS) distributes over 71,000 premium films, series, and podcasts. Engaging over 150 million unique monthly users, Cineverse delivers more than one billion minutes of curated content each month – connecting fans with stories that resonate.
With properties like the box office sensation, Terrifier 3, iconic horror destination, Bloody Disgusting, the Bob Ross Channel, women's entertainment channel Dove, and a leading podcast network, Cineverse is the first stop for audiences seeking authentic and experiential content. From a vibrant lineup of titles and fandom channels, to next-gen advertising offerings and streaming solutions, Cineverse is setting the stage for a new era of entertainment.
SCREAMBOX features a broad mix of content for casual and die-hard horror fans alike. The service is refreshed monthly with content from the Company's extensive genre library with films and episodes delivering every type of terror imaginable. SCREAMBOX currently features classic horror films like The Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Black Christmas, instant slasher hit Terrifier 2 as well as the BBC series Bedlam and Being Human. SCREAMBOX recently premiered the found footage feature Frogman and acquired the highly anticipated anthology Tales From the Void. SCREAMBOX is available to stream on iOS, Android, Prime Video, YouTube TV, Comcast, Cox and
For Media, The Lippin Group for Cineverse
For Investors, Julie Milstead
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SOURCE Cineverse Corp.