CENTOGENE Publication in Brain Journal Reveals 15% of Parkinson’s Disease Cases Are Linked to Genetic Factors

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CENTOGENE N.V. (Nasdaq: CNTG) has published groundbreaking data from its Rostock International Parkinson's Disease (ROPAD) Study in the Brain journal. The study reveals that approximately 15% of Parkinson's disease (PD) cases are linked to genetic factors, with about 90% of these genetically confirmed patients having variants in the LRRK2 or GBA1 genes. This discovery highlights the importance of genetic testing in PD patient care and opens up possibilities for gene-targeted clinical trials.

The study, which involved over 12,500 patients from 16 countries, investigated variants in 50 genes associated with PD. The findings underscore the need to integrate genetic testing into routine care for PD patients, potentially enabling access to available treatments and accelerating the development of gene-specific therapies. CENTOGENE has also launched a ROPAD Consortium to further drive PD research and treatment through collaborative efforts.

CENTOGENE N.V. (Nasdaq: CNTG) ha pubblicato dati innovativi dal suo studio Rostock International Parkinson's Disease (ROPAD) sulla rivista Brain. Lo studio rivela che circa il 15% dei casi di malattia di Parkinson (PD) è legato a fattori genetici, con circa il 90% di questi pazienti geneticamente confermati che presenta varianti nei geni LRRK2 o GBA1. Questa scoperta evidenzia l'importanza del test genetico nella cura dei pazienti con PD e apre a possibilità per trial clinici mirati ai geni.

Lo studio, che ha coinvolto oltre 12.500 pazienti provenienti da 16 paesi, ha investigato le varianti in 50 geni associati alla PD. I risultati sottolineano la necessità di integrare il test genetico nella cura di routine per i pazienti con PD, potenzialmente consentendo l'accesso ai trattamenti disponibili e accelerando lo sviluppo di terapie specifiche per i geni. CENTOGENE ha anche lanciato un Consorzio ROPAD per promuovere ulteriormente la ricerca e il trattamento della PD attraverso sforzi collaborativi.

CENTOGENE N.V. (Nasdaq: CNTG) ha publicado datos innovadores de su estudio Rostock International Parkinson's Disease (ROPAD) en la revista Brain. El estudio revela que aproximadamente el 15% de los casos de enfermedad de Parkinson (PD) están relacionados con factores genéticos, con cerca del 90% de estos pacientes confirmados genéticamente teniendo variantes en los genes LRRK2 o GBA1. Este descubrimiento resalta la importancia de las pruebas genéticas en el cuidado de los pacientes con PD y abre posibilidades para ensayos clínicos dirigidos a los genes.

El estudio, que involucró a más de 12,500 pacientes de 16 países, investigó variantes en 50 genes asociados con la PD. Los hallazgos subrayan la necesidad de integrar las pruebas genéticas en la atención rutinaria para los pacientes con PD, lo que potencialmente podría facilitar el acceso a tratamientos disponibles y acelerar el desarrollo de terapias específicas para genes. CENTOGENE también ha lanzado un Consorcio ROPAD para impulsar aún más la investigación y el tratamiento de la PD a través de esfuerzos colaborativos.

CENTOGENE N.V. (Nasdaq: CNTG)가 Brain 저널에 Rostock International Parkinson's Disease (ROPAD) 연구의 획기적인 데이터를 발표했습니다. 이 연구는 파킨슨병(PD) 사례의 약 15%가 유전적 요인과 관련이 있다고 밝히고 있으며, 이들 유전적으로 확인된 환자의 약 90%가 LRRK2 또는 GBA1 유전자에서 변이를 나타냅니다. 이 발견은 PD 환자 치료에 있어 유전자 검사 중요성을 강조하고 유전자 타겟화 임상 시험의 가능성을 열어줍니다.

16개국에서 12,500명 이상의 환자가 참여한 이 연구는 PD와 관련된 50개 유전자의 변이를 조사했습니다. 연구 결과는 PD 환자의 일상적인 치료에 유전자 검사의 통합 필요성을 강조하며, 이는 이용 가능한 치료법에 대한 접근을 용이하게 하고 유전자 특화 치료의 개발을 가속화할 수 있습니다. CENTOGENE는 협력을 통해 PD 연구 및 치료를 더욱 발전시키기 위해 ROPAD 컨소시엄도 출범했습니다.

CENTOGENE N.V. (Nasdaq: CNTG) a publié des données révolutionnaires de son étude Rostock International Parkinson's Disease (ROPAD) dans le journal Brain. L'étude révèle que environ 15 % des cas de la maladie de Parkinson (PD) sont liés à des facteurs génétiques, avec environ 90 % de ces patients génétiquement confirmés présentant des variantes dans les gènes LRRK2 ou GBA1. Cette découverte souligne l'importance des tests génétiques dans le soin des patients atteints de PD et ouvre des possibilités pour des essais cliniques ciblés sur les gènes.

L'étude, qui a impliqué plus de 12 500 patients provenant de 16 pays, a examiné des variantes dans 50 gènes associés à la PD. Les résultats soulignent la nécessité d'intégrer le test génétique dans les soins de routine pour les patients PD, ce qui pourrait potentiellement faciliter l'accès aux traitements disponibles et accélérer le développement de thérapies spécifiques aux gènes. CENTOGENE a également lancé un Consortium ROPAD pour faire progresser la recherche et le traitement de la PD grâce à des efforts collaboratifs.

CENTOGENE N.V. (Nasdaq: CNTG) hat bahnbrechende Daten aus der Rostock International Parkinson's Disease (ROPAD) Studie in der Zeitschrift Brain veröffentlicht. Die Studie zeigt, dass ungefähr 15% der Parkinson-Krankheit (PD) Fälle mit genetischen Faktoren verbunden sind, wobei etwa 90% dieser genetisch bestätigten Patienten Varianten in den LRRK2 oder GBA1 Genen aufweisen. Diese Entdeckung hebt die Bedeutung genetischer Tests in der Versorgung von PD-Patienten hervor und eröffnet Möglichkeiten für gen-targetierte klinische Studien.

Die Studie, an der über 12.500 Patienten aus 16 Ländern teilnahmen, untersuchte Varianten in 50 Genen, die mit PD assoziiert sind. Die Ergebnisse unterstreichen die Notwendigkeit, genetische Tests in die routinemäßige Versorgung von PD-Patienten zu integrieren, was potenziell den Zugang zu verfügbaren Behandlungen erleichtern und die Entwicklung gentherapeutischer Therapien beschleunigen könnte. CENTOGENE hat ebenfalls ein ROPAD-Konsortium gegründet, um die Forschung und Behandlung von PD durch Zusammenarbeit voranzutreiben.

  • 15% of Parkinson's disease cases are linked to genetic factors, opening opportunities for targeted treatments
  • 90% of genetically confirmed patients had variants in LRRK2 or GBA1 genes, making them potential candidates for gene-targeted trials
  • Study involved over 12,500 patients from 16 countries, providing a large and diverse dataset
  • Launch of ROPAD Consortium to drive further Parkinson's disease research and treatment
  • None.

The publication of CENTOGENE's Rostock International Parkinson's Disease (ROPAD) Study in the prestigious Brain journal marks a significant milestone in our understanding of Parkinson's disease (PD) genetics. The study's findings that approximately 15% of PD cases are linked to genetic factors is a game-changer for both diagnosis and treatment strategies.

What's particularly striking is that about 90% of these genetically confirmed cases had variants in the LRRK2 or GBA1 genes. This concentration of genetic variants in two specific genes opens up exciting possibilities for targeted therapies. It's not just about identifying the genetic basis; it's about actionable insights that could lead to more personalized treatment approaches.

The study's scale is impressive, with data from over 12,500 patients across 16 countries. This broad, international scope enhances the reliability and applicability of the findings. The identification of variants in 50 genes related to PD or with phenotypic overlap provides a comprehensive genetic landscape of the disease.

From a research perspective, this study underscores the critical importance of integrating genetic testing into routine care for PD patients. It's not just about current treatment; it's about future-proofing patient care by enabling access to emerging gene-specific therapies and accelerating their development.

The launch of the ROPAD Consortium is a forward-thinking move. By fostering collaboration among neurologists, non-profit organizations and leveraging the world's largest genetic testing program for PD, CENTOGENE is positioning itself at the forefront of PD research and treatment innovation.

CENTOGENE's publication in Brain journal represents a significant milestone with potential long-term financial implications. The company's ROPAD study, encompassing over 12,500 patients from 16 countries, demonstrates CENTOGENE's global reach and data collection capabilities in the rare disease space.

The finding that 15% of Parkinson's disease (PD) cases are linked to genetic factors, with 90% of these tied to LRRK2 or GBA1 genes, opens up substantial market opportunities. This data could drive increased demand for CENTOGENE's genetic testing services, potentially boosting the company's revenue streams.

Moreover, the launch of the ROPAD Consortium positions CENTOGENE as a key player in PD research and treatment development. This could lead to valuable partnerships with pharmaceutical companies developing gene-targeted therapies, potentially resulting in lucrative licensing deals or collaborative research agreements.

From an investor's perspective, CENTOGENE's focus on the intersection of genetics and neurodegenerative diseases aligns with the growing trend towards personalized medicine. The company's ability to provide important genetic data for drug development could make it an attractive partner for larger pharmaceutical firms, potentially driving up its valuation.

However, it's important to note that while this research is promising, the path from scientific discovery to marketable treatments can be long and uncertain. Investors should monitor how CENTOGENE leverages this data to generate tangible financial returns in the coming quarters and years.

CENTOGENE's ROPAD study findings published in Brain journal represent a significant leap forward in the field of Parkinson's disease (PD) research and personalized medicine. The identification of genetic factors in 15% of PD cases, with a focus on LRRK2 and GBA1 genes, has far-reaching implications for the biotech industry.

This data is likely to accelerate the development of gene-targeted therapies for PD. Companies already working on LRRK2 and GBA1 targeted treatments, such as Denali Therapeutics and Sanofi, may find their research validated and potentially expedited. For biotechs not yet in this space, CENTOGENE's findings could spark new research initiatives.

The study's results also underscore the growing importance of genetic testing in neurological disorders. This could lead to increased collaborations between diagnostic companies and drug developers, fostering a more integrated approach to PD treatment.

CENTOGENE's launch of the ROPAD Consortium is a strategic move that could position the company as a central hub for PD genetic data. This consortium model, if successful, could become a blueprint for collaborative research in other rare and neurodegenerative diseases.

However, the biotech industry should be prepared for potential challenges. The need to integrate genetic testing into routine care for PD patients will require significant changes in clinical practice and potentially in healthcare policies. Additionally, the development of gene-targeted therapies, while promising, often faces complex regulatory pathways.

Overall, CENTOGENE's study could catalyze a shift in how the biotech industry approaches PD research and treatment development, potentially opening new avenues for innovation and collaboration.

  • Initial data from largest international Parkinson’s disease patient cohort shows approximately 90% of these genetically confirmed patients had variants in the LRRK2 or GBA1 genes, making these individuals potential candidates to be included in gene-targeted trials
  • The Rostock International Parkinson's Disease (ROPAD) Study aims to characterize the genetics of Parkinson’s disease (PD) to establish a better understanding of disease progression, diagnosis, and treatment for patients

CAMBRIDGE, Mass. and ROSTOCK, Germany and BERLIN, Aug. 01, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Centogene N.V. (Nasdaq: CNTG), the essential life science partner for data-driven answers in rare and neurodegenerative diseases, today announced data from the Company’s Rostock International Parkinson's Disease (ROPAD) Study revealing the genetic factors and prevalence of Parkinson’s disease (PD). The findings from this landmark study indicate that approximately 15% of PD-related cases are tied to genetic variants, with the majority being linked to LRRK2 and GBA1. The data was published in Brain in a paper titled, “Relevance of genetic testing in the gene-targeted trial era: the Rostock Parkinson’s disease study.”

“Over the past five years, CENTOGENE and our more than 100 study sites around the world have worked together to diagnose Parkinson’s patients and accelerate treatment options,” said Prof. Peter Bauer, Chief Medical and Genomic Officer at CENTOGENE. “Our collaborative work clearly shows how significant of a role genetics plays in Parkinson’s disease and underscores the need to integrate genetic testing in routine care of these patients. This will not only enable access to potentially available treatments, but will de-risk and accelerate the development of gene-specific therapies – driving the future of Parkinson’s disease patient care.”

The research investigated variants in 50 genes with either an established relevance for PD or possible phenotypic overlap from over 12,500 patients from 16 countries who have been enrolled in CENTOGENE’s ROPAD Study. In more than 1,800 participants, a PD-relevant genetic test (PDGT) provided a positive result. This included variants linked to the LRRK2 and GBA1 genes, as well as PRKN, SNCA, and PINK1, or a combination of genetic findings in multiple genes. In the emerging era of gene-targeted PD clinical trials, the Company’s findings that approximately 15% of patients harbor potentially actionable genetic variants offers an important prospect to affected individuals and their families and underlines the need for genetic testing in PD patients. By capturing such genetic data, this also allows for differential genetic counselling across the spectrum of different ages at onset and family histories.

The Company recently launched a ROPAD Consortium to continue driving PD research and treatment through collaborative efforts. The ROPAD Consortium will build on the vast network of neurologists, existing partnerships with non-profit organizations, and the largest genetic testing program for PD patients worldwide to streamline access to critical data, drive impactful research, and improve the potential for advancing treatment options. To find out more, email:


The Rostock International Parkinson's Disease (ROPAD) Study is a global epidemiological study focusing on the role of genetics in Parkinson’s disease (PD). The major goal of the study is to characterize the genetics of PD to establish a better understanding of the disease etiology, diagnosis, and severity. CENTOGENE utilizes CentoCard®, the Company’s proprietary, CE-marked Dried Blood Spot (DBS) collection kit in combination with state-of-the-art sequencing technologies to screen for mutations in LRRK2 and other PD-associated genes. To date, over 18,000 participants from around the world have been tested over a five-year period.


CENTOGENE’s mission is to provide data-driven, life-changing answers to patients, physicians, and pharma companies for rare and neurodegenerative diseases. We integrate multiomic technologies with the CENTOGENE Biodatabank – providing dimensional analysis to guide the next generation of precision medicine. Our unique approach enables rapid and reliable diagnosis for patients, supports a more precise physician understanding of disease states, and accelerates and de-risks targeted pharma drug discovery, development, and commercialization.

Since our founding in 2006, CENTOGENE has been offering rapid and reliable diagnosis – building a network of approximately 30,000 active physicians. Our ISO, CAP, and CLIA certified multiomic reference laboratories in Germany utilize Phenomic, Genomic, Transcriptomic, Epigenomic, Proteomic, and Metabolomic datasets. This data is captured in our CENTOGENE Biodatabank, with over 850,000 patients represented from over 120 highly diverse countries, over 70% of whom are of non-European descent. To date, the CENTOGENE Biodatabank has contributed to generating novel insights for more than 300 peer-reviewed publications.

By translating our data and expertise into tangible insights, we have supported over 50 collaborations with pharma partners. Together, we accelerate and de-risk drug discovery, development, and commercialization in target and drug screening, clinical development, market access and expansion, as well as offering CENTOGENE Biodata Licenses and Insight Reports to enable a world healed of all rare and neurodegenerative diseases.

To discover more about our products, pipeline, and patient-driven purpose, visit and follow us on LinkedIn.

Melissa Hall
Corporate Communications

Lennart Streibel
Investor Relations  


What percentage of Parkinson's disease cases are linked to genetic factors according to CENTOGENE's ROPAD study?

According to CENTOGENE's ROPAD study, approximately 15% of Parkinson's disease cases are linked to genetic factors.

Which genes were found to be most commonly associated with genetic Parkinson's disease in the ROPAD study?

The ROPAD study found that about 90% of genetically confirmed Parkinson's disease patients had variants in the LRRK2 or GBA1 genes.

How many patients and countries were involved in CENTOGENE's ROPAD study?

The ROPAD study involved over 12,500 patients from 16 countries.

What is the significance of the ROPAD study findings for Parkinson's disease treatment?

The findings highlight the importance of integrating genetic testing in routine care for Parkinson's disease patients, potentially enabling access to available treatments and accelerating the development of gene-specific therapies.

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