Canter Completes Updated 3D Model for The Columbus Lithium-Boron Project in Nevada

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Canter Resources has completed an updated 3D geological and geophysical model for its Columbus Lithium-Boron Project near Tonopah, Nevada. The comprehensive model covers approximately 24,000 acres and incorporates multiple data sources including seismic surveys, hybrid-source audio-magnetotellurics (HSAMT), and gravity and magnetics datasets.

The model identifies three key zones: a brine generation zone with confirmed anomalous values of up to 871 mg/L boron and 76.4 mg/L lithium, structural pathways for brine migration, and structural-lithologic traps. The seismic surveys, covering 11.1-line kilometres, revealed major fault zones and basin architecture to depths exceeding 10,000 feet. HSAMT surveys mapped resistivity variations across 46 kilometres, providing insights into fluid distribution.

The company is currently submitting an amended NOI with the BLM and additional borehole permits with the Nevada Division of Minerals for upcoming drilling operations.

Canter Resources ha completato un aggiornato modello geologico e geofisico 3D per il suo Columbus Lithium-Boron Project vicino a Tonopah, Nevada. Il modello completo copre circa 24.000 acri e incorpora molteplici fonti di dati tra cui sondaggi sismici, audio-magnetotellurica a sorgente ibrida (HSAMT) e set di dati gravitazionali e magnetici.

Il modello identifica tre zone chiave: una zona di generazione di salamoia con valori anomali confermati fino a 871 mg/L di boro e 76,4 mg/L di litio, direttrici strutturali per la migrazione della salamoia e trappole strutturali-litologiche. I sondaggi sismici, che coprono 11,1 chilometri lineari, hanno rivelato importanti zone di faglia e l'architettura della basina a profondità superiori a 10.000 piedi. I sondaggi HSAMT hanno mappato le variazioni di resistività su 46 chilometri, fornendo informazioni sulla distribuzione dei fluidi.

Attualmente, la società sta presentando un NOI modificato con il BLM e ulteriori permessi di perforazione con la Divisione dei Minerali del Nevada per le prossime operazioni di perforazione.

Canter Resources ha finalizado un modelo geológico y geofísico actualizado en 3D para su Columbus Lithium-Boron Project cerca de Tonopah, Nevada. El modelo integral abarca aproximadamente 24,000 acres e incorpora múltiples fuentes de datos, incluidos sondeos sísmicos, audio-magnetotelúricos de fuente híbrida (HSAMT) y conjuntos de datos de gravedad y magnetismo.

El modelo identifica tres zonas clave: una zona de generación de salmuera con valores anómalos confirmados de hasta 871 mg/L de boro y 76.4 mg/L de litio, caminos estructurales para la migración de salmuera y trampas estructural-litológicas. Los sondeos sísmicos, que cubren 11.1 kilómetros lineales, revelaron zonas de falla importantes y la arquitectura de la cuenca a profundidades superiores a 10,000 pies. Los sondeos HSAMT mapearon variaciones de resistividad a lo largo de 46 kilómetros, proporcionando información sobre la distribución de fluidos.

La empresa está actualmente presentando un NOI enmendado con el BLM y permisos adicionales de perforación con la División de Minerales de Nevada para las próximas operaciones de perforación.

Canter Resources는 네바다 주 토노파 근처에 있는 콜럼버스 리튬-붕소 프로젝트를 위한 업데이트된 3D 지질 및 지구물리학 모델을 완료했습니다. 이 종합 모델은 약 24,000에이커를 포함하며, 지진 조사, 하이브리드 소스 오디오-마그네토텔룰릭스(HSAMT) 및 중력 및 자기 데이터 세트를 포함한 다양한 데이터 소스를 통합합니다.

모델은 세 가지 주요 구역을 식별합니다: 최대 871 mg/L의 붕소 및 76.4 mg/L의 리튬이 확인된 염수 생성 구역, 염수 이동을 위한 구조적 경로, 그리고 구조적-암석 덫입니다. 11.1킬로미터에 걸친 지진 조사는 10,000피트 이상의 깊이에 주요 단층 구역과 분지 구조를 드러냈습니다. HSAMT 조사는 46킬로미터에 걸쳐 저항 변화에 대한 지도를 작성하여 유체 분포에 대한 통찰력을 제공합니다.

회사는 현재 BLM에 수정된 NOI를 제출하고, 네바다 광물국의 추가 시추 허가를 신청하여 다가오는 시추 작업을 준비하고 있습니다.

Canter Resources a complété un modèle géologique et géophysique 3D mis à jour pour son Columbus Lithium-Boron Project près de Tonopah, Nevada. Le modèle complet couvre environ 24 000 acres et intègre plusieurs sources de données, y compris des études sismiques, l'audio-magnétotellurique à source hybride (HSAMT) et des ensembles de données gravitationnelles et magnétiques.

Le modèle identifie trois zones clés : une zone de génération de saumure avec des valeurs anomaliques confirmées allant jusqu'à 871 mg/L de bore et 76,4 mg/L de lithium, des voies structurelles pour la migration de la saumure, et des pièges structuraux-lithologiques. Les études sismiques, couvrant 11,1 kilomètres linéaires, ont révélé d'importantes zones de faille et l'architecture du bassin à des profondeurs dépassant 10 000 pieds. Les études HSAMT ont cartographié des variations de résistivité sur 46 kilomètres, fournissant des informations sur la distribution des fluides.

La société soumet actuellement un NOI amendé au BLM ainsi que des permis de forage supplémentaires auprès de la Division des Minéraux du Nevada pour les prochaines opérations de forage.

Canter Resources hat ein aktualisiertes 3D-geologisches und geophysikalisches Modell für sein Columbus Lithium-Boron Project in der Nähe von Tonopah, Nevada, abgeschlossen. Das umfassende Modell erstreckt sich über etwa 24.000 Acres und integriert mehrere Datenquellen, darunter seismische Erhebungen, hybride Quelle Audio-Magnetotellurik (HSAMT) sowie Schwere- und Magnetdatensätze.

Das Modell identifiziert drei Schlüsselzonen: eine Salzwassergenerierungszone mit bestätigten Anomaliewerten von bis zu 871 mg/L Bor und 76,4 mg/L Lithium, strukturelle Pfade für die Migration von Salzwasser und strukturell-litologische Fallen. Die seismischen Erhebungen, die sich über 11,1 Linienkilometer erstrecken, enthüllten wichtige Verwerfungszonen und die Architektur des Beckens in Tiefen von über 10.000 Fuß. HSAMT-Erhebungen kartierten Widerstandsvariationen über 46 Kilometer und lieferten Erkenntnisse über die Fluidverteilung.

Das Unternehmen reicht derzeit ein geändertes NOI beim BLM und zusätzliche Bohrgenehmigungen bei der Nevada Division of Minerals für anstehende Bohrarbeiten ein.

  • Confirmed high brine values (871 mg/L boron and 76.4 mg/L lithium) in initial exploration
  • Extensive coverage of 24,000 acres with comprehensive geological data
  • Completed detailed mapping of three key mineralization zones
  • Project still in early exploration phase with no proven resources
  • Requires additional permits before drilling can commence

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - January 23, 2025) - Canter Resources Corp. (CSE: CRC) (OTC Pink: CNRCF) (FSE: 6O1) ("Canter" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that it has completed an updated and comprehensive 3D geological and geophysical model for the Columbus Lithium-Boron Project ("Columbus" or the "Project"), located near Tonopah, Nevada. This achievement represents a major step forward in understanding the basin setting and the structural and lithological controls driving mineralization, reinforcing the Project's potential as a premier exploration target.

The model is the culmination of extensive work across an area covering approximately 24,000 acres (>97 km²), incorporating comprehensive survey data and both historical and recent exploration results.

"Our 3D model has advanced significantly, and the foundation has been set to take informed discovery shots at varying depths within the basin where structure, geophysics and interpreted mineralized pathways point to the highest priority targets at Columbus," stated CEO, Joness Lang.

Watch: Short 3D model Animation

Key components and highlights of the 3D Model include (see Figures 1-4):

  • Seismic Surveys: High-resolution 2D Active seismic data delineating subsurface stratigraphy, structural complexities, and basin architecture, enabling identification of traps and fault zones critical to resource localization.

    • A total of 11.1-line kilometres of seismic data were acquired, reinterpreted and modeled. These surveys identified major fault zones and traps, providing a subsurface understanding of the basin architecture to depths exceeding 10,000 feet.

  • Hybrid-Source Audio-Magnetotellurics (HSAMT): Two phases totaling 9 lines covering more than 46 kilometres in length, mapping resistivity variations to depths of 1,000 metres, revealing highly conductive zones indicative of brine formation and providing critical insights into stratigraphic variations and subsurface fluid distribution.

  • Gravity and Magnetics Datasets: By leveraging gravity and magnetic data generated by the USGS in 2024, the model highlights key subsurface density contrasts and magnetic anomalies, enhancing understanding of the basin's structural framework and potential mineral pathways.

  • Historical Data Integration: Historical drill results, borehole gamma and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) data were incorporated, providing a foundation for understanding porosity, permeability, and lithological variability.

  • Regional Structural Framework:

    • Integration of the basin's tectonic history and structural fabrics provides critical context for understanding fluid migration and reservoir compartmentalization.

Target Delineation:

The 3D model identifies three key zones essential for lithium brine exploration:

  • Brine Generation Zone - This uppermost layer initiates lithium-boron concentration through surface processes such as evaporation, precipitation, and seasonal hydrological inputs, providing the foundation for deeper reservoirs. Canter has demonstrated success in identifying and establishing this zone through previous exploration programs, which have confirmed anomalous brine values of up to 871 mg/L boron and 76.4 mg/L lithium.

  • Structural Pathways - Defined by faults and fractures, these conduits facilitate brine migration through the basin, shaping fluid movement and dictating accumulation zones for high-grade lithium deposits.

  • Structural-Lithologic Traps - These reservoirs, formed by structural barriers and lithologic variations, serve as prime targets for brine extraction, hosting the highest concentrations of lithium-rich fluids.

By mapping these hidden reservoirs and structural pathways, Canter enhances its ability to optimize drill targeting and maximize exploration success in the Columbus Basin.

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Figure 1: Plan view showing regional/local structure and proposed drill sites

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The primary brine reservoir targets are shown in red and secondary brine targets in yellow (see Figures 2-4), highlighting the structural complexities often concealed beneath young surficial sediments. Unlike the traditional "bathtub" model of South American salars, Nevada's lithium brine reservoirs are best targeted with a detailed structural framework to support drill locations.

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Figure 2: Section view highlighting 2017 Mantle Minerals drill hole and Canter proposed drill hole targeting significant lithium and boron concentrations within interpreted structural wedge.

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The Company views this shallower target (Figure 2 above) with particular interest given the low cost to test and opportunity to step-out further laterally if initial test work successfully shows significant concentrations of lithium and boron within the upper 150 metres. The more widely adopted basin deposit model calls for the strongest mineral accumulations to occur at depths starting from approximately 250 metres (see Clayton Valley generalized cross section, showing structural position of aquifers and accumulations below)

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Figure 3: Origin of Lithium-rich Brine, Clayton Valley, Nevada1

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Figure 4: N-S section line (A-A') cross section looking east. Model depicts lithology and interprets mineralized zones with structural traps that will be tested during 2025 drilling at the Columbus Project.

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Next Steps:

The Company is in the process of submitting an amended NOI with the BLM and additional borehole permits with the Nevada Division of Minerals (DMRE). Further updates on progress will be reported in the coming weeks.

For more information about boron and lithium, please visit the Company's Boron 101 and Lithium 101 pages on the website.

Quality Assurance / Quality Control (QA/QC)

Sediment samples are analyzed by ALS using the Analysis Method ME-ICP61, a four-acid digestion with ICP-AES finish. This method, while acquiring near-total values, may not quantitatively extract all elements in some sample matrices. It is suitable for intermediate-level lithium analysis in the exploration of Li-bearing sediments. To address boron loss during the four-acid digestion process, the Company includes the analysis of a single acid digestion (B-ICP41) to retain boron values. The Company is implementing a QA/QC protocol for sediment sampling to include Li and B CRMs sourced from Shea Clark Smith/MEG, Inc. and blank material.

Qualified Person (QP)

The technical information contained in this news release was reviewed and approved by Eric Saderholm P.Geo, Director and Technical Advisor of Canter Resources, a Qualified Person (QP), as defined under National Instrument 43- 101 - Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects.

About Canter Resources Corp.

Canter Resources Corp. is a junior mineral exploration company advancing the Columbus Lithium-Boron Project and the Railroad Valley (RV) Lithium-Boron Project in Nevada, USA. The Company is completing a phased drilling approach at Columbus to test highly prospective brine targets at varying depths for lithium-boron enrichment and plans to leverage the Company's critical metals targeting database to generate a portfolio of high-quality projects with the aim of defining mineral resources that support the technology and domestic clean energy supply chains in North America.

For further information contact:

Joness Lang
Chief Executive Officer
Canter Resources Corp.
Tel: 778.382.1193

For investor inquiries contact:

Kristina Pillon, High Tide Consulting Corp.
Tel: 604.908.1695

The Canadian Securities Exchange has neither approved nor disapproved the contents of this news release. The Canadian Securities Exchange does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this news release.


This news release contains "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of applicable securities laws. All statements contained herein that are not clearly historical in nature may constitute forward-looking statements. Generally, such forward-looking information or forward-looking statements can be identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as "plans", "expects" or "does not expect", "is expected", "budget", "scheduled", "estimates", "forecasts", "intends", "anticipates" or "does not anticipate", or "believes", or variations of such words and phrases or may contain statements that certain actions, events or results "may", "could", "would", "might" or "will be taken", "will continue", "will occur" or "will be achieved". The forward-looking information and forward-looking statements contained herein include, but are not limited to, statements regarding the Company's plans for the Project and the payments related thereto, the issuance of the Consideration Shares and the Company's expected exploration activities.

These statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors, which may cause actual results, performance or achievements to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such statements, including but not limited to: requirements for additional capital; future prices of minerals; changes in general economic conditions; changes in the financial markets and in the demand and market price for commodities; other risks of the mining industry; the inability to obtain any necessary governmental and regulatory approvals; changes in laws, regulations and policies affecting mining operations; hedging practices; and currency fluctuations.

Although the Company has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual actions, events or results to differ materially from those described in forward-looking statements, there may be other factors that cause actions, events or results to differ from those anticipated, estimated or intended. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on any forward-looking statements or information. No forward-looking statement can be guaranteed. Except as required by applicable securities laws, forward-looking statements speak only as of the date on which they are made and the Company does not undertake any obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise.

1 (Source: Davis, J.R., Friedman, I. and Gleason, J.D., 1986. Origin of the lithium-rich brine, Clayton Valley, Nevada. US Geological Survey Bulletin Number 1622, pp.136.)

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What are the key findings from Canter Resources' (CNRCF) Columbus Project 3D model?

The 3D model revealed three key zones: a brine generation zone with up to 871 mg/L boron and 76.4 mg/L lithium, structural pathways for brine migration, and structural-lithologic traps. It covers 24,000 acres and includes seismic, HSAMT, and gravity/magnetic data.

What is the depth potential of the Columbus Lithium-Boron Project?

The seismic surveys identified major fault zones and basin architecture to depths exceeding 10,000 feet, with HSAMT mapping revealing resistivity variations to depths of 1,000 metres.

What are the next steps for Canter Resources (CNRCF) at the Columbus Project?

The company is submitting an amended NOI with the BLM and additional borehole permits with the Nevada Division of Minerals (DMRE) for upcoming drilling operations.

How does the Columbus Project's lithium brine model differ from South American salars?

Unlike the traditional 'bathtub' model of South American salars, Nevada's lithium brine reservoirs require a detailed structural framework for targeting, with strongest mineral accumulations typically occurring at depths from approximately 250 metres.

Canter Resources


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