CenterPoint Energy Foundation launches new Community Generator Donation Program for Greater Houston Region

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CenterPoint Energy Foundation has launched a new Community Generator Donation Program for the Greater Houston Region. The program, part of CenterPoint's Greater Houston Resiliency Initiative (GHRI), will donate 21 backup generators to key locations across 12 counties. Funded by a $5 million grant from the CenterPoint Energy Foundation, this initiative aims to support community resiliency during major weather events or emergencies.

The company is collaborating with local Offices of Emergency Management and county/city leaders to identify optimal locations for the generators. The first two generators were unveiled in Galveston County, with more announcements expected in the coming weeks. These generators can power entire large buildings and will serve as hubs for essential services during outages.

The goal is to have all generators installed and operational by June 1, 2025, ahead of the hurricane season. This program is funded by shareholders and has no impact on customer rates.

La CenterPoint Energy Foundation ha lanciato un nuovo programma di donazione di generatori per la comunità nella regione metropolitana di Houston. Questo programma, parte dell'iniziativa di resilienza della Greater Houston (GHRI) di CenterPoint, donerà 21 generatori di backup a luoghi chiave in 12 contee. Finanziata da una subvenzione di 5 milioni di dollari della CenterPoint Energy Foundation, questa iniziativa mira a supportare la resilienza della comunità durante eventi meteorologici importanti o emergenze.

L'azienda sta collaborando con gli Uffici locali di gestione delle emergenze e con leader delle contee e delle città per identificare le posizioni ottimali per i generatori. I primi due generatori sono stati presentati nella contea di Galveston, con ulteriori annunci previsti nelle prossime settimane. Questi generatori possono alimentare interi grandi edifici e saranno utilizzati come centri per servizi essenziali durante le interruzioni.

L'obiettivo è installare e rendere operativi tutti i generatori entro il 1 giugno 2025, prima dell'inizio della stagione degli uragani. Questo programma è finanziato dagli azionisti e non ha impatto sulle tariffe dei clienti.

La Fundación CenterPoint Energy ha lanzado un nuevo Programa de Donación de Generadores Comunitarios para la Región Metropolitana de Houston. Este programa, parte de la Iniciativa de Resiliencia de la Gran Houston (GHRI) de CenterPoint, donará 21 generadores de respaldo a ubicaciones clave en 12 condados. Financiada por una de la Fundación CenterPoint Energy, esta iniciativa tiene como objetivo apoyar la resiliencia comunitaria durante eventos climáticos importantes o emergencias.

La empresa está colaborando con las Oficinas locales de Manejo de Emergencias y líderes de condados/ciudades para identificar las ubicaciones óptimas para los generadores. Los dos primeros generadores se presentaron en el Condado de Galveston, con más anuncios esperados en las próximas semanas. Estos generadores pueden alimentar edificios grandes y servirán como centros de servicios esenciales durante cortes de energía.

El objetivo es tener todos los generadores instalados y operativos para el 1 de junio de 2025, antes de la temporada de huracanes. Este programa es financiado por los accionistas y no afecta las tarifas de los clientes.

CenterPoint Energy 재단이 휴스턴 대도시 지역을 위한 새로운 지역사회 발전기 기부 프로그램을 시작했습니다. 이 프로그램은 CenterPoint의 대휴스턴 회복력 이니셔티브(GHRI)의 일환으로, 12개 카운티의 주요 위치에 21개의 백업 발전기를 기부할 예정입니다. CenterPoint Energy 재단의 500만 달러 보조금으로 자금을 지원받아, 이 이니셔티브는 주요 기상 사건이나 응급 상황에서 지역사회 회복력을 지원하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.

회사는 지역 응급 관리 사무소 및 카운티/시 리더들과 협력하여 발전기의 최적 위치를 찾고 있습니다. 처음 두 개의 발전기는 갤베스톤 카운티에서 공개되었으며, 향후 몇 주 내에 더 많은 발표가 있을 예정입니다. 이 발전기는 대형 건물 전체에 전력을 공급할 수 있으며, 정전 시 필수 서비스의 허브 역할을 할 것입니다.

목표는 2025년 6월 1일까지 모든 발전기가 설치되고 운영되도록 하는 것이며, 허리케인 시즌 전에 완료하는 것입니다. 이 프로그램은 주주에 의해 자금이 지원되며 고객 요금에는 영향을 미치지 않습니다.

La Fondation CenterPoint Energy a lancé un nouveau programme de don de générateurs communautaires pour la région du Grand Houston. Ce programme, qui fait partie de l'Initiative de Résilience du Grand Houston (GHRI) de CenterPoint, fera don de 21 générateurs de secours à des lieux clés répartis dans 12 comtés. Financé par un don de 5 millions de dollars de la fondation CenterPoint Energy, cette initiative vise à soutenir la résilience de la communauté lors d'importants événements météorologiques ou d'urgences.

La société collabore avec les bureaux locaux de gestion des urgences et les dirigeants des comtés/villes pour identifier les emplacements optimaux pour les générateurs. Les deux premiers générateurs ont été dévoilés dans le comté de Galveston, d'autres annonces étant attendues dans les semaines à venir. Ces générateurs peuvent alimenter de grands bâtiments et serviront de centres pour les services essentiels lors des coupures de courant.

L'objectif est d'avoir tous les générateurs installés et opérationnels d'ici le 1er juin 2025, avant le début de la saison des ouragans. Ce programme est financé par les actionnaires et n'a pas d'impact sur les tarifs des clients.

Die CenterPoint Energy Foundation hat ein neues Programm zur Spende von Gemeinschaftsgeneratoren für die Metropolregion Houston ins Leben gerufen. Das Programm, Teil der Greater Houston Resiliency Initiative (GHRI) von CenterPoint, spendet 21 Notstromgeneratoren an Schlüsselstandorte in 12 Landkreisen. Das von einem 5 Millionen Dollar Zuschuss der CenterPoint Energy Foundation finanzierte Vorhaben zielt darauf ab, die Resilienz der Gemeinschaft während wichtiger Wetterereignisse oder in Notfällen zu unterstützen.

Das Unternehmen arbeitet mit den örtlichen Katastrophenschutzbüros sowie mit Führungskräften der Landkreise und Städte zusammen, um optimale Standorte für die Generatoren zu identifizieren. Die ersten beiden Generatoren wurden im Galveston County vorgestellt, und weitere Ankündigungen werden in den kommenden Wochen erwartet. Diese Generatoren können große Gebäude mit Strom versorgen und dienen als zentrale Punkte für essentielle Dienstleistungen während eines Stromausfalls.

Das Ziel ist es, bis zum 1. Juni 2025 alle Generatoren installiert und betriebsbereit zu haben, vor Beginn der Hurrikansaison. Dieses Programm wird von den Aktionären finanziert und hat keine Auswirkungen auf die Tarife der Kunden.

  • Donation of 21 backup generators to support community resiliency
  • $5 million grant from CenterPoint Energy Foundation for the program
  • Collaboration with local authorities to identify optimal generator locations
  • Generators capable of powering entire large buildings during emergencies
  • Program funded by shareholders with no impact on customer rates
  • None.

Company donating 21 backup generators and other support in designated locations across 12 counties to support community resiliency as part of a $5 million grant from the CenterPoint Energy Foundation

HOUSTON, Oct. 10, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Today, at a first unveiling event in Galveston County with elected officials and community leaders, CenterPoint Energy leaders announced the donation of two backup generators to Galveston County as part of a new Community Generator Donation Program to support local community resiliency. Through the new program, the CenterPoint Energy Foundation will donate funds for 21 backup generators at key locations throughout its 12-county Greater Houston region. It is expected that there will be at least one generator or other support for each county.

The company is working in close collaboration with local Offices of Emergency Management (OEMs) and other county and city leaders to identify the appropriate locations for the donated generators to be able to have the greatest impact and local benefit.

The new Community Generator Donation Program is part of CenterPoint's Greater Houston Resiliency Initiative (GHRI). The backup generators will help provide support for critical community partners during major weather events or other emergencies and will be funded through a $5 million grant from the CenterPoint Energy Foundation at no cost to customers. The CenterPoint Energy Foundation is a charitable giving organization focused on strengthening the quality of life in the communities served by the company. The foundation is funded by shareholders and has no impact on customer rates. For more information, visit

"We are committed to improving resiliency in our local communities and working closely with our community partners to achieve this important goal. Today, we are announcing the donation of the first of two generators for Galveston County, and we look forward to sharing other locations for our new Community Generator Donation Program with other counties and cities in the weeks and months ahead. These 21 generators are each capable of powering an entire large building and will help make the communities we are proud to serve are even more resilient during major storms and other emergency events," said Jason Wells, President and CEO of CenterPoint.

These backup generators will provide an additional power supply during major storms and other emergency events that cause outages. Facilities that receive the donated backup generators will be able to better serve their communities during outages, acting as hubs for essential services like medical care, cooling stations, water and food distribution, charging stations for critical devices and other services.

"CenterPoint Energy's generous donation of a backup generator to the Bayside Community Center is a critical investment in the safety and resilience of Galveston County. This partnership between CenterPoint, the City of Galveston, and our Galveston County Office of Emergency Management ensures our community is better prepared for emergencies," said Texas House District 23 Rep. Terri Leo Wilson. "We are incredibly grateful to CenterPoint Energy and CEO Jason Wells for their commitment to supporting the needs of our residents."

Working with Community Partners on Locations
To support local community needs, CenterPoint is working closely with county and city officials and OEMs to identify and select the ideal locations for the donated generators, with local officials ultimately deciding which critical facilities will receive the donations.

"Strong community partnerships are a critical aspect of response efforts, and we are proud to have partnered with CenterPoint to identify where these generator donations would provide the biggest impact and benefit to our community," said Galveston County Precinct 1 Commissioner Darrell Apffel. "We look forward to continuing to strengthen this partnership over the coming months as we work to build resiliency for Galveston ahead of the 2025 hurricane season."

Over the next eight months, CenterPoint will be coordinating with local community partners to ensure the backup generators are suitable to meet the specific needs of the critical facility they have identified. The goal is to have all generators installed and operational by June 1, 2025, to further resiliency ahead of the 2025 hurricane season.

CenterPoint is working with other county OEMs, and county and city leaders across the Greater Houston region to make similar announcements in the coming weeks and months.

About CenterPoint Energy, Inc.
As the only investor-owned electric and gas utility based in Texas, CenterPoint Energy, Inc. (NYSE: CNP) is an energy delivery company with electric transmission and distribution, power generation and natural gas distribution operations that serve more than 7 million metered customers in Indiana, Louisiana, Minnesota, Mississippi, Ohio and Texas. With approximately 9,000 employees, CenterPoint Energy and its predecessor companies have been in business for more than 150 years. For more information, visit

Forward-looking Statements
This news release includes forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. When used in this news release, the words "anticipate," "believe," "continue," "could," "estimate," "expect," "forecast," "goal," "intend," "may," "objective," "plan," "potential," "predict," "projection," "should," "target," "will" or other similar words are intended to identify forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements, which include statements regarding the timing and impact of the donation and installation of donated generators, as well as our resiliency investments and timing, are based upon assumptions of management which are believed to be reasonable at the time made and are subject to significant risks and uncertainties. Actual events and results may differ materially from those expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements. Any statements in this news release regarding future events that are not historical facts are forward-looking statements. Each forward-looking statement contained in this news release speaks only as of the date of this release. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those indicated by the provided forward-looking information include risks and uncertainties relating to: (1) the impact of pandemics, including the COVID-19 pandemic; (2) financial market conditions; (3) general economic conditions; (4) the timing and impact of future regulatory and legislative decisions; and (5) other factors, risks and uncertainties discussed in CenterPoint Energy's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2023 and CenterPoint's Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q for the quarters ended March 31, 2024 and June 30, 2024 and other reports CenterPoint Energy or its subsidiaries may file from time to time with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

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How many backup generators is CenterPoint Energy (CNP) donating in its new Community Generator Donation Program?

CenterPoint Energy is donating 21 backup generators across its 12-county Greater Houston region as part of the new Community Generator Donation Program.

What is the funding source for CenterPoint Energy's (CNP) Community Generator Donation Program?

The program is funded through a $5 million grant from the CenterPoint Energy Foundation, which is funded by shareholders and has no impact on customer rates.

When does CenterPoint Energy (CNP) aim to have all donated generators installed and operational?

CenterPoint Energy aims to have all donated generators installed and operational by June 1, 2025, ahead of the 2025 hurricane season.

How is CenterPoint Energy (CNP) deciding where to place the donated generators?

CenterPoint Energy is working closely with local Offices of Emergency Management and county/city leaders to identify and select ideal locations for the donated generators based on community needs.

CenterPoint Energy, Inc.


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