CNO Financial Group Honors Associate Paul Richard as Volunteer of the Year, Donates to 12 Nonprofits through Annual Invested in Giving Back® Program
CNO Financial Group (NYSE: CNO) has recognized Paul Richard as its Volunteer of the Year for his outstanding work with the Alzheimer's Association Greater Indiana Chapter. Richard, an IT senior solution architect with 26 years at CNO, received a $10,000 donation for the organization where he has volunteered for over 10 years.
As the event experience chair for the Indianapolis Walk to End Alzheimer's, Richard helped grow the event to become the fourth largest Alzheimer's Walk nationwide. Additionally, through CNO's annual Invested in Giving Back® program, now in its seventh year, the company donated a total of $180,000 to 12 nonprofit organizations in 2025.
The selected organizations include various chapters of the Alzheimer's Association, Bridgeport Rescue Mission, Cradles to Crayons Philadelphia, Gleaners, Greater Birmingham Humane Society, Greater Chicago Food Depository, Misty Meadows Mitey Riders, Riley Children's Foundation, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, Veterans Outreach of Wisconsin, and Wounded Warrior Project.
CNO Financial Group (NYSE: CNO) ha riconosciuto Paul Richard come il Volontario dell'Anno per il suo eccezionale lavoro con la Sezione dell'Associazione Alzheimer del Grande Indiana. Richard, un architetto senior di soluzioni IT con 26 anni di esperienza in CNO, ha ricevuto una donazione di $10.000 per l'organizzazione con cui ha fatto volontariato per oltre 10 anni.
In qualità di presidente dell'esperienza dell'evento per la Camminata di Indianapolis per Porre Fine all'Alzheimer, Richard ha contribuito a far crescere l'evento fino a diventare la quarta camminata per l'Alzheimer più grande a livello nazionale. Inoltre, attraverso il programma annuale di CNO Invested in Giving Back®, ora alla sua settima edizione, l'azienda ha donato un totale di $180.000 a 12 organizzazioni non profit nel 2025.
Le organizzazioni selezionate includono vari capitoli dell'Associazione Alzheimer, Bridgeport Rescue Mission, Cradles to Crayons Philadelphia, Gleaners, Greater Birmingham Humane Society, Greater Chicago Food Depository, Misty Meadows Mitey Riders, Riley Children's Foundation, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, Veterans Outreach of Wisconsin e Wounded Warrior Project.
CNO Financial Group (NYSE: CNO) ha reconocido a Paul Richard como su Voluntario del Año por su destacado trabajo con la Asociación de Alzheimer de la Gran Indiana. Richard, un arquitecto senior de soluciones de TI con 26 años en CNO, recibió una donación de $10,000 para la organización en la que ha sido voluntario durante más de 10 años.
Como presidente de la experiencia del evento para la Caminata de Indianápolis para Poner Fin al Alzheimer, Richard ayudó a hacer crecer el evento hasta convertirse en la cuarta caminata más grande de Alzheimer a nivel nacional. Además, a través del programa anual de CNO Invested in Giving Back®, ahora en su séptimo año, la empresa donó un total de $180,000 a 12 organizaciones sin fines de lucro en 2025.
Las organizaciones seleccionadas incluyen varios capítulos de la Asociación de Alzheimer, Bridgeport Rescue Mission, Cradles to Crayons Philadelphia, Gleaners, Greater Birmingham Humane Society, Greater Chicago Food Depository, Misty Meadows Mitey Riders, Riley Children's Foundation, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, Veterans Outreach of Wisconsin y Wounded Warrior Project.
CNO Financial Group (NYSE: CNO)는 Paul Richard를 인디애나주 알츠하이머 협회에서의 뛰어난 봉사 활동으로 올해의 자원봉사자로 선정했습니다. Richard는 CNO에서 26년 경력을 가진 IT 수석 솔루션 아키텍트로, 10년 이상 자원봉사한 조직에 대해 $10,000의 기부금을 받았습니다.
인디애나폴리스 알츠하이머 퇴치 걷기 행사 경험의 의장으로서 Richard는 이 행사를 미국 내에서 네 번째로 큰 알츠하이머 걷기로 성장시키는 데 기여했습니다. 또한, CNO의 연례 Invested in Giving Back® 프로그램을 통해, 현재 7년째 진행 중인 이 프로그램은 2025년에 12개의 비영리 단체에 총 $180,000를 기부했습니다.
선정된 단체로는 알츠하이머 협회의 여러 지부, Bridgeport Rescue Mission, Cradles to Crayons Philadelphia, Gleaners, Greater Birmingham Humane Society, Greater Chicago Food Depository, Misty Meadows Mitey Riders, Riley Children's Foundation, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, Veterans Outreach of Wisconsin, Wounded Warrior Project가 포함됩니다.
CNO Financial Group (NYSE: CNO) a reconnu Paul Richard comme son Volontaire de l'Année pour son travail exceptionnel avec la Section de l'Association Alzheimer de la Grande Indiana. Richard, architecte senior en solutions informatiques avec 26 ans d'expérience chez CNO, a reçu un don de 10 000 $ pour l'organisation auprès de laquelle il a été bénévole pendant plus de 10 ans.
En tant que président de l'expérience événementielle pour la Marche d'Indianapolis pour Mettre Fin à l'Alzheimer, Richard a contribué à faire de cet événement la quatrième plus grande marche Alzheimer aux États-Unis. De plus, grâce au programme annuel de CNO Invested in Giving Back®, qui en est à sa septième année, l'entreprise a fait un don total de 180 000 $ à 12 organisations à but non lucratif en 2025.
Les organisations sélectionnées comprennent plusieurs chapitres de l'Association Alzheimer, Bridgeport Rescue Mission, Cradles to Crayons Philadelphia, Gleaners, Greater Birmingham Humane Society, Greater Chicago Food Depository, Misty Meadows Mitey Riders, Riley Children's Foundation, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, Veterans Outreach of Wisconsin et Wounded Warrior Project.
CNO Financial Group (NYSE: CNO) hat Paul Richard als seinen Freiwilligen des Jahres für seine herausragende Arbeit mit dem Alzheimer-Vereinigung Groß Indiana anerkannt. Richard, ein Senior Solution Architect im IT-Bereich mit 26 Jahren bei CNO, erhielt eine Spende von 10.000 US-Dollar für die Organisation, bei der er seit über 10 Jahren ehrenamtlich tätig ist.
Als Veranstaltungsleiter für den Indianapolis Walk to End Alzheimer's half Richard, die Veranstaltung zu einer der viertgrößten Alzheimer-Walks im ganzen Land zu machen. Darüber hinaus spendete das Unternehmen im Rahmen des jährlichen Programms Invested in Giving Back®, das nun im siebten Jahr läuft, insgesamt 180.000 US-Dollar an 12 gemeinnützige Organisationen im Jahr 2025.
Zu den ausgewählten Organisationen gehören verschiedene Kapitel der Alzheimer-Vereinigung, die Bridgeport Rescue Mission, Cradles to Crayons Philadelphia, Gleaners, Greater Birmingham Humane Society, Greater Chicago Food Depository, Misty Meadows Mitey Riders, Riley Children's Foundation, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, Veterans Outreach of Wisconsin und Wounded Warrior Project.
- None.
- None.
Richard was named Volunteer of the Year for his dedicated volunteer work with the Alzheimer's Association Greater Indiana Chapter. The Alzheimer's Association leads the way to end Alzheimer's and all other dementia, and the Greater Indiana Chapter provides support services, care options and education for families and caregivers across 73 counties in
Richard, an IT senior solution architect who has worked at CNO for more than 26 years, has volunteered with the Alzheimer's Association Greater Indiana Chapter for over 10 years. In 2024, he served his fifth year as the event experience chair for the Indianapolis Walk to End Alzheimer's. In this role, Richard has helped their staff grow the event into the fourth largest Alzheimer's Walk in the country.
"On behalf of the Alzheimer's Association and specifically the
Invested in Giving Back Program
This year, 12 nonprofit organizations received a total of
"Since we launched the Invested in Giving Back program in 2018, we have prioritized giving our associates a meaningful voice in determining CNO's philanthropic giving," said Rocco Tarasi, chief marketing officer. "With associates from CNO offices nationwide participating in the selection process this year, we are proud to support nonprofit organizations that further our commitment to positively impacting the communities where we live and work."
The nonprofit organizations CNO associates elected to receive contributions in 2025 include:
- Alzheimer's Association Greater Indiana Chapter
- Alzheimer's Association Illinois Chapter
- Bridgeport Rescue Mission
- Cradles to Crayons Philadelphia
- Gleaners
- Greater Birmingham Humane Society
- Greater Chicago Food Depository
- Misty Meadows Mitey Riders
- Riley Children's Foundation
- St. Jude Children's Research Hospital
- Veterans Outreach of
Wisconsin - Wounded Warrior Project
To learn more about CNO's commitment to the community, please visit
About CNO Financial Group
CNO Financial Group, Inc. (NYSE: CNO) secures the future of middle-income America. CNO provides life and health insurance, annuities, financial services, and workforce benefits solutions through our family of brands, including Bankers Life, Colonial Penn, Optavise and Washington National. Our customers work hard to save for the future, and we help protect their health, income and retirement needs with 3.2 million policies and
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SOURCE CNO Financial Group
How much did CNO Financial donate through its 2025 Invested in Giving Back program?
What achievement did Paul Richard help accomplish with the Indianapolis Walk to End Alzheimer's?
How long has CNO's Invested in Giving Back program been running?
What is unique about CNO's approach to selecting charitable organizations for donations?