Canada Nickel Successfully Completes Front End Engineering Design for the Crawford Project and Provides Corporate Update

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Canada Nickel has announced successful completion of Front End Engineering Design (FEED) for its Crawford Project, revealing improved financial metrics. The project's NPV8% increased by over $300 million to $2.8 billion, while IRR improved by 0.5% to 17.6% compared to the feasibility study.

Key developments include:

  • Initial capital cost increase to 5%, reaching $2.0 billion
  • Mine plan resequencing to accelerate East Zone ore delivery
  • 30% reduction in pre-stripping requirements
  • East Zone ore value increased by 7.4% to $31.18/t

The company is working with Scotiabank, Deutsche Bank, and Cutfield Freeman to complete project funding by year-end. The FEED engineering has progressed to approximately 30%, sufficient for long-lead orders. The company is also pursuing non-equity financing initiatives, including government funding, for remaining permitting and engineering activities.

Canada Nickel ha annunciato il completamento con successo del Front End Engineering Design (FEED) per il suo progetto Crawford, rivelando metriche finanziarie migliorate. Il NPV8% del progetto è aumentato di oltre 300 milioni di dollari, raggiungendo i 2,8 miliardi di dollari, mentre l'IRR è migliorato dello 0,5% al 17,6% rispetto allo studio di fattibilità.

Sviluppi chiave includono:

  • Aumento del costo del capitale iniziale del 5%, raggiungendo i 2,0 miliardi di dollari
  • Riorganizzazione del piano minerario per accelerare la consegna del minerale della Zona Est
  • Riduzione del 30% dei requisiti di pre-stripping
  • Aumento del valore del minerale della Zona Est del 7,4%, raggiungendo i 31,18 $/t

L'azienda sta collaborando con Scotiabank, Deutsche Bank e Cutfield Freeman per completare il finanziamento del progetto entro la fine dell'anno. L'ingegneria FEED ha raggiunto circa il 30%, sufficiente per ordini a lungo termine. L'azienda sta anche perseguendo iniziative di finanziamento non azionario, inclusi i finanziamenti governativi, per le restanti attività di autorizzazione e ingegneria.

Canada Nickel ha anunciado la finalización exitosa del Front End Engineering Design (FEED) para su proyecto Crawford, revelando métricas financieras mejoradas. El NPV8% del proyecto aumentó en más de 300 millones de dólares, alcanzando los 2.8 mil millones de dólares, mientras que la TIR mejoró en un 0.5% al 17.6% en comparación con el estudio de viabilidad.

Los desarrollos clave incluyen:

  • Aumento del costo de capital inicial del 5%, alcanzando los 2.0 mil millones de dólares
  • Reorganización del plan minero para acelerar la entrega de mineral de la Zona Este
  • Reducción del 30% en los requisitos de pre-stripping
  • Aumento del valor del mineral de la Zona Este en un 7.4%, alcanzando los 31.18 $/t

La empresa está trabajando con Scotiabank, Deutsche Bank y Cutfield Freeman para completar el financiamiento del proyecto a finales de año. La ingeniería FEED ha avanzado aproximadamente al 30%, suficiente para pedidos de largo plazo. La empresa también está persiguiendo iniciativas de financiamiento no accionario, incluidos fondos gubernamentales, para las actividades restantes de permisos e ingeniería.

캐나다 니켈은 크로포드 프로젝트의 프론트 엔드 엔지니어링 디자인(FEED)을 성공적으로 완료했다고 발표하며, 재무 지표가 개선되었다고 밝혔습니다. 프로젝트의 NPV8%는 3억 달러 이상 증가하여 28억 달러에 이르렀으며, IRR은 타당성 조사와 비교하여 0.5% 개선되어 17.6%에 도달했습니다.

주요 개발 사항은 다음과 같습니다:

  • 초기 자본 비용이 5% 증가하여 20억 달러에 도달
  • 동부 지역 광석 공급을 가속화하기 위한 광산 계획 재조정
  • 사전 발굴 요구 사항 30% 감소
  • 동부 지역 광석 가치가 7.4% 증가하여 톤당 31.18 달러에 도달

회사는 스코샤뱅크, 도이치뱅크, 컷필드 프리먼과 협력하여 연말까지 프로젝트 자금을 완결할 예정입니다. FEED 엔지니어링은 약 30% 진행되어 장기 주문에 충분합니다. 회사는 또한 남은 허가 및 엔지니어링 활동을 위한 정부 자금을 포함한 비주식 자금 조달 이니셔티브를 추진하고 있습니다.

Canada Nickel a annoncé l'achèvement réussi de la conception d'ingénierie en amont (FEED) pour son projet Crawford, révélant des indicateurs financiers améliorés. La VAN8% du projet a augmenté de plus de 300 millions de dollars pour atteindre 2,8 milliards de dollars, tandis que le TRI s'est amélioré de 0,5% à 17,6% par rapport à l'étude de faisabilité.

Les développements clés incluent:

  • Augmentation des coûts d'investissement initiaux de 5%, atteignant 2,0 milliards de dollars
  • Réorganisation du plan minier pour accélérer la livraison du minerai de la zone Est
  • Réduction de 30% des exigences de pré-extraction
  • Valeur du minerai de la zone Est augmentée de 7,4% pour atteindre 31,18 $/t

L'entreprise collabore avec Scotiabank, Deutsche Bank et Cutfield Freeman pour finaliser le financement du projet d'ici la fin de l'année. L'ingénierie FEED a progressé d'environ 30%, ce qui est suffisant pour les commandes à long terme. L'entreprise poursuit également des initiatives de financement non actions, y compris des financements gouvernementaux, pour les activités restantes de permis et d'ingénierie.

Canada Nickel hat den erfolgreichen Abschluss des Front End Engineering Design (FEED) für sein Crawford-Projekt bekannt gegeben und dabei verbesserte Finanzkennzahlen offenbart. Der NPV8% des Projekts stieg um über 300 Millionen Dollar auf 2,8 Milliarden Dollar, während die IRR im Vergleich zur Machbarkeitsstudie um 0,5% auf 17,6% verbessert wurde.

Wichtige Entwicklungen umfassen:

  • Erhöhung der anfänglichen Investitionskosten um 5% auf 2,0 Milliarden Dollar
  • Neuordnung des Bergbauplans zur Beschleunigung der Lieferung von Erz aus der Ostzone
  • Reduzierung der Vorab-Strip-Anforderungen um 30%
  • Wert des Erzes aus der Ostzone um 7,4% auf 31,18 $/t gestiegen

Das Unternehmen arbeitet mit Scotiabank, Deutsche Bank und Cutfield Freeman zusammen, um die Projektfinanzierung bis zum Jahresende abzuschließen. Die FEED-Planung hat einen Fortschritt von etwa 30% erreicht, was für langfristige Bestellungen ausreichend ist. Das Unternehmen verfolgt auch nicht-aktienbasierte Finanzierungsinitiativen, einschließlich staatlicher Fördermittel, für die verbleibenden Genehmigungs- und Ingenieurtätigkeiten.

  • NPV8% increased by $300M to $2.8B
  • IRR improved by 0.5% to 17.6%
  • East Zone ore value up 7.4% to $31.18/t
  • Pre-stripping reduced by 30%
  • Capital cost increase to 5% despite inflation
  • Initial capital costs increased to $2.0B
  • Additional $23M required for surface rights acquisition


  • NPV8% Improved by more than $300 million to $2.8 billion
  • IRR Improved by 0.5% to 17.6% versus feasibility study
  • Increase in initial capital cost held to 5% to $2.0 billion

(All amounts in US dollars, unless otherwise indicated)

TORONTO, March 3, 2025 /PRNewswire/ - Canada Nickel Company Inc. ("Canada Nickel" or the "Company") (TSXV: CNC) (OTCQX: CNIKF) is pleased to provide results of Front End Engineering and Design ("FEED") activities for its Crawford Project, which were completed by the Company's consultants. Engineering activities focused on the initial capital cost utilizing data collected from a winter geotechnical programme, a test piling program and updated quotes. The mine plan was also re-sequenced to accelerate delivery of higher value ore from the East Zone and reduce pre-stripping by 30%.

Mark Selby, CEO of Canada Nickel, said, "We are very pleased to complete another major milestone as we advance Crawford towards a construction decision. Many mining development projects have seen significant cost inflation over the last several years – I am very proud of our team and the robustness of our project that the initial capital cost increased by only 5%, particularly since the feasibility study had a cost basis dating from December 2022. The resequencing of the mining plan and updated operating costs have also yielded improved economics for the project."

Mr. Selby continued, "With this milestone complete, we look forward to working with our project financing partners Scotiabank, Deutsche Bank, and Cutfield Freeman to complete the funding package for Crawford by year-end to be positioned to make a construction decision once permits are received. We are planning to utilize capital from this funding package for order placement of long-lead items and engineering activities. The Company is also pursuing a number of non-equity financing initiatives – including government funding – to provide the funding to complete the remaining permitting and engineering activities this year."

Front End Engineering Design Results
Table 1 compares key metrics for the FEED design with the Company's feasibility study in respect of the Crawford Project that was published in November 2023 (the "Feasibility Study"). To maintain comparability, all key economic assumptions are unchanged since the Feasibility Study, such as the notable exclusion of the Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage Investment Tax Credits ("CCUS credits") for which the Company believes it would qualify. Inclusion of CCUS credits would increase NPV8% to $2.9 billion and IRR to 18.9%.

Table 1 – FEED Update – Overall Project Metrics




Feasibility Study 



US$ millions 






17.6 %

17.1 %

0.5 %

Initial Capital Cost     

US$ millions 




Total Capital Cost

US$ millions 









Operating Cost





The primary focus of FEED was to update the initial capital cost estimate. The associated engineering has progressed to approximately 30% and is sufficient for preparation of long-lead orders. Since completion of the Feasibility Study, there has been significant inflationary pressure. However, the increase in overall capital cost has been held to 5% through optimization of the mining schedule and simplification to designs. Table 2 summarizes the change to key capital elements since the Feasibility Study.

The other key change was a re-sequencing of the mine plan. Ore from the East Zone will now be mined and processed first, being brought forward on average 12 years. Ore from the Main Zone has correspondingly been deferred. With the reduced depth of overburden overlying the East Zone, this resequencing allows the pre-strip tonnage to be reduced by 30%. With East Zone ore now comprising the bulk of material processed during the payback period, additional metallurgy testing was performed. The resultant update to recoveries for East Zone ore have led to an increase in the average value of East Zone ore of 7.4%, to US$31.18/t. Recovery forecasts for Main Zone ore remain unchanged.

Table 2 – FEED Capital Cost – Summary of Key Changes (US$ millions)

Capital Costs Area








Reduced pre-stripping requirements

Mining Fleet


Increased market prices



Improved definition of requirements

Process Plant   



Additional cost of excavation & support

Remaining Plant   


Improved definition of requirements




Improved definition of requirements


Owners Costs

Surface Rights


Increased requirements




Proportional to increase in Directs



Proportional to increase in Directs and Indirects   



The capital cost estimate incorporates costs of US$ 23 million including the cost of the previously announced option to acquire surface rights (the "Option") announced on January 7, 2025 (the "January 7 Press Release") and estimates to acquire the remaining surface rights required for the project. Additionally, the Company can extend the Option annually up to a further five years for an additional payment of 2.5% of the option payment amount in cash for each such annual extension.

Further to the January 7 Press Release, the Company has entered into an assignment agreement (the "Assignment") with Noble Mineral Exploration Inc. ("Noble") for the right to purchase 5,000 acres of real property located in Northern Ontario (the "Assignment Lands") and shall pay Noble $150,000 as consideration for the Assignment Lands. The Assignment is subject to the approval of the TSX Venture Exchange (the "TSXV").

About Canada Nickel

Canada Nickel Company Inc. is advancing the next generation of nickel-sulphide projects to deliver nickel required to feed the high growth electric vehicle and stainless-steel markets. Canada Nickel Company has applied in multiple jurisdictions to trademark the terms NetZero NickelTM, NetZero CobaltTM, NetZero IronTM and is pursuing the development of processes to allow the production of net zero carbon nickel, cobalt, and iron products. Canada Nickel provides investors with leverage to nickel in low political risk jurisdictions. Canada Nickel is currently anchored by its 100% owned flagship Crawford Nickel-Cobalt Sulphide Project in the heart of the prolific Timmins-Cochrane mining camp. For more information, please visit

Qualified Person

Stephen J. Balch P.Geo. (ON), VP Exploration of Canada Nickel and a "qualified person" as such term is defined by National Instrument 43-101, has verified the data disclosed in this news release, and has otherwise reviewed and approved the technical information in this news release on behalf of Canada Nickel.

For further information, please contact:

Mark Selby, CEO
Phone: 647-256-1954

Cautionary Statement Concerning Forward-Looking Statements

This press release contains certain information that may constitute "forward-looking information" under applicable Canadian securities legislation. Generally, forward-looking information can be identified by the use of forward looking terminology such as "plans", "expects", or "does not expect", "is expected", "budget", "scheduled", "estimates", "forecasts", "intends", "anticipates", or "does not anticipate", or "believes" or variations of such words and phrases or state that certain actions, events or results "may", "could", "would", "might", or "will be taken", "occur", or "be achieved". Forward-looking information in this news release includes, but is not limited to: the updated economics in respect of the Crawford Project; the timing and ability of the Company to complete financing initiatives; the timing and ability of permitting and engineering activities in respect of the Crawford Project; the Company's qualification for the CCUS credits and the effect thereof of project economics; and statements regarding exploration results, exploration plans and other corporate and technical objectives. Forward-looking information is necessarily based upon a number of assumptions that, while considered reasonable, are subject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties, and other factors which may cause the actual results and future events to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking information. Factors that could affect the outcome include, among others: future prices and the supply of metals, the future demand for metals, exchange rate fluctuations, the results of drilling, inability to raise the money necessary to incur the expenditures required to retain and advance the Company's properties, environmental liabilities (known and unknown), general business, economic, competitive, political and social uncertainties, results of exploration programs, risks of the mining industry, delays in obtaining governmental approvals, and failure to obtain regulatory or shareholder approvals. There can be no assurance that such information will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such information. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking information. All forward-looking information contained in this press release is given as of the date hereof and is based upon the opinions and estimates of management and information available to management as at the date hereof. Canada Nickel disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking information, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by law. 

Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

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SOURCE Canada Nickel Company Inc.


What are the improved financial metrics for Canada Nickel's Crawford Project after FEED completion?

The Crawford Project's NPV8% improved by $300M to $2.8B, and IRR increased by 0.5% to 17.6% versus the feasibility study.

How much did the initial capital costs increase for CNIKF's Crawford Project?

Initial capital costs increased by 5% to $2.0 billion, despite significant inflationary pressure in the mining sector.

What operational improvements were achieved in the Crawford Project's mine plan?

The mine plan was resequenced to accelerate East Zone ore delivery by 12 years and reduce pre-stripping by 30%.

What is the new value per ton for East Zone ore in the CNIKF Crawford Project?

East Zone ore value increased by 7.4% to US$31.18 per ton following updated metallurgy testing.

When does Canada Nickel (CNIKF) expect to complete the Crawford Project funding package?

The company aims to complete the funding package by year-end 2025, working with Scotiabank, Deutsche Bank, and Cutfield Freeman.

Canada Nickel Co Inc


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