Real-Time Crop Analysis Supports Operational Sustainability

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CNH is advancing sustainable farming through cutting-edge computer vision and machine learning (CVML) technology. The company's 'A Sustainable Year' series highlights how real-time crop analysis supports sustainability and boosts efficiency. CNH's 2023 acquisition of Augmenta has enabled them to offer sense and act application technology, allowing farmers to manage crops more effectively without complex data analysis.

The article features an interview with Dr. Ajay Sharda, Director of Research at the Institute for Digital Agriculture and Advances Analytics at Kansas State University, who discusses challenges in crop protection and the role of technology in addressing them. This initiative demonstrates CNH's commitment to sustainably advancing farming practices worldwide.

CNH sta promuovendo l'agricoltura sostenibile attraverso una tecnologia all'avanguardia di visione artificiale e machine learning (CVML). La serie 'Un Anno Sostenibile' dell'azienda mette in evidenza come l'analisi delle colture in tempo reale supporti la sostenibilità e aumenti l'efficienza. L'acquisizione da parte di CNH nel 2023 di Augmenta ha permesso di offrire una tecnologia di sensing e acting, consentendo agli agricoltori di gestire le colture più efficacemente senza la necessità di complesse analisi dei dati.

L'articolo presenta un'intervista con il Dott. Ajay Sharda, Direttore della Ricerca presso l'Istituto per l'Agricoltura Digitale e le Analisi Avanzate della Kansas State University, il quale discute le sfide nella protezione delle colture e il ruolo della tecnologia nel affrontarle. Questa iniziativa dimostra l'impegno di CNH nel promuovere pratiche agricole sostenibili in tutto il mondo.

CNH está avanzando en la agricultura sostenible mediante una tecnología innovadora de visión por computadora y aprendizaje automático (CVML). La serie 'Un Año Sostenible' de la empresa destaca cómo el análisis de cultivos en tiempo real apoya la sostenibilidad y aumenta la eficiencia. La adquisición de Augmenta por parte de CNH en 2023 les ha permitido ofrecer una tecnología de sensor y actuación, permitiendo a los agricultores gestionar los cultivos de manera más efectiva sin un análisis de datos complejo.

El artículo incluye una entrevista con el Dr. Ajay Sharda, Director de Investigación en el Instituto de Agricultura Digital y Análisis Avanzado de la Universidad de Kansas State, quien discute los desafíos en la protección de cultivos y el papel de la tecnología para abordarlos. Esta iniciativa demuestra el compromiso de CNH con el avance sostenible de las prácticas agrícolas en todo el mundo.

CNH는 첨단 컴퓨터 비전 및 기계 학습 (CVML) 기술을 통해 지속 가능한 농업을 발전시키고 있습니다. 회사의 '지속 가능한 해' 시리즈는 실시간 작물 분석이 지속 가능성을 지원하고 효율성을 높이는 방법을 강조합니다. CNH가 2023년에 Augmenta를 인수하면서 복잡한 데이터 분석 없이 농부들이 작물을 더 효과적으로 관리할 수 있도록 하는 감지 및 행동 응용 기술을 제공할 수 있게 되었습니다.

이 기사는 Ajay Sharda 박사와의 인터뷰를 특징으로 하며, 그는 캔자스 주립대학교 디지털 농업 및 고급 분석 연구소의 연구 책임자로서 작물 보호의 도전 과제와 이들을 해결하는 데 있어 기술의 역할에 대해 논의합니다. 이 이니셔티브는 지속 가능한 농업 관행을 전 세계에서 발전시키겠다는 CNH의 약속을 보여줍니다.

CNH avance dans l'agriculture durable grâce à une technologie de pointe en vision par ordinateur et apprentissage automatique (CVML). La série 'Une Année Durable' de l'entreprise met en avant comment l'analyse des cultures en temps réel soutient la durabilité et augmente l'efficacité. L'acquisition d'Augmenta par CNH en 2023 leur a permis d'offrir une technologie de sensing et d'action, permettant aux agriculteurs de gérer les cultures de manière plus efficace sans analyses de données complexes.

L'article présente une interview avec Dr. Ajay Sharda, Directeur de la Recherche à l'Institut de l'Agriculture Numérique et de l'Analyse Avancée à l'Université d'État du Kansas, qui discute des défis liés à la protection des cultures et du rôle de la technologie pour y faire face. Cette initiative démontre l'engagement de CNH envers le développement durable des pratiques agricoles dans le monde entier.

CNH fördert eine nachhaltige Landwirtschaft durch modernste Computer-Vision- und Machine-Learning-Technologie (CVML). Die Serie 'Ein Nachhaltiges Jahr' des Unternehmens hebt hervor, wie die Analyse von Kulturen in Echtzeit die Nachhaltigkeit unterstützt und die Effizienz steigert. Mit der Übernahme von Augmenta im Jahr 2023 ist es CNH gelungen, eine Sensor- und Aktionsanwendungstechnologie anzubieten, die es Landwirten ermöglicht, ihre Kulturen effektiver zu verwalten, ohne komplexe Datenanalysen durchführen zu müssen.

Der Artikel enthält ein Interview mit Dr. Ajay Sharda, Direktor der Forschung am Institut für Digitale Landwirtschaft und Fortschrittliche Analytik an der Kansas State University, der die Herausforderungen beim Schutz von Kulturen sowie die Rolle der Technologie bei deren Bewältigung erörtert. Diese Initiative demonstriert CNHs Engagement für die nachhaltige Weiterentwicklung landwirtschaftlicher Praktiken weltweit.

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CNH's cutting-edge computer vision and machine learning (CVML) technology is empowering sustainable farming.

The world-class, equipment, technology and services company is committed to sustainably advancing the noble work of farmers everywhere. In the fifth installment of CNH'S ‘A Sustainable Year' series they look at how real time crop analysis supports sustainability and the technology that uses this data to boost efficiency, reduce waste and increase profit.

The 2023 acquisition of machine vision company, Augmenta, enabled CNH to offer sense and act application technology to their customers. It lets them manage their crops more effectively without needing to sort through complex data to decide how much of an input (i.e., fertilizer) to apply in the field.

The article also includes an interview with Dr. Ajay Sharda, Director of Research at the Institute for Digital Agriculture and Advances Analytics at Kansas State University, USA. He talks about the biggest challenges to crop protection facing the sector, how to best meet those challenges and the role technology needs to play in doing so.

Read our story at: Augmenta - A Sustainable Year 2023 (

Case IH tractor fitted with Augmenta technology.

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What technology is CNH using to support sustainable farming?

CNH is using computer vision and machine learning (CVML) technology, including sense and act application technology acquired from Augmenta in 2023, to support sustainable farming practices.

How does CNH's real-time crop analysis technology benefit farmers?

CNH's real-time crop analysis technology helps farmers manage their crops more effectively by reducing the need to sort through complex data when deciding how much input (e.g., fertilizer) to apply in the field, thus boosting efficiency and reducing waste.

What is the 'A Sustainable Year' series by CNH (CNHI)?

The 'A Sustainable Year' series by CNH (CNHI) is a collection of articles highlighting how the company's technologies, including real-time crop analysis, support sustainability in farming practices.

Who did CNH interview about crop protection challenges in their article?

CNH interviewed Dr. Ajay Sharda, Director of Research at the Institute for Digital Agriculture and Advances Analytics at Kansas State University, about crop protection challenges and the role of technology in addressing them.



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