CNH Brands Recognized With EIMA Innovation Awards

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CNH brands Case IH and New Holland have been honored with 2024 EIMA International Technical Innovation Awards. The awards recognize innovative agricultural machinery products:

1. Case IH Quadtrac flagship tractors received an award for their heavy-duty suspension system, the first full-suspended undercarriage technology available on a four-tracked tractor.

2. New Holland T4 FNV specialty tractor range was recognized for its advanced guidance system using LIDAR sensor technology without GPS.

3. Special mentions were given to the New Holland FR Forage Cruiser CropSpeed system and the CR Twin Rotor combine Seed Terminator system.

These innovations aim to enhance efficiency, productivity, and profitability for farmers while addressing challenges such as soil compaction and the shortage of skilled operators in specialty crop production.

I marchi CNH Case IH e New Holland sono stati premiati con i 2024 EIMA International Technical Innovation Awards. I premi riconoscono prodotti innovativi di macchinari agricoli:

1. I trattori di punta Case IH Quadtrac hanno ricevuto un premio per il loro sistema di sospensione pesante, la prima tecnologia a sottocarro completamente sospeso disponibile su un trattore a quattro cingoli.

2. La gamma di trattori specializzati New Holland T4 FNV è stata riconosciuta per il suo avanzato sistema di guida che utilizza la tecnologia dei sensori LIDAR senza GPS.

3. Sono state conferite menzioni speciali al sistema New Holland FR Forage Cruiser CropSpeed e al sistema CR Twin Rotor combine Seed Terminator.

Queste innovazioni mirano a migliorare l'efficienza, la produttività e la redditività per gli agricoltori affrontando al contempo sfide come la compattazione del suolo e la carenza di operatori qualificati nella produzione di colture specializzate.

Las marcas de CNH Case IH y New Holland han sido honradas con los 2024 EIMA International Technical Innovation Awards. Los premios reconocen productos innovadores de maquinaria agrícola:

1. Los tractores insignia Case IH Quadtrac recibieron un premio por su sistema de suspensión pesada, la primera tecnología de chasis completamente suspendido disponible en un tractor de cuatro orugas.

2. La gama de tractores especiales New Holland T4 FNV fue reconocida por su avanzado sistema de guía que utiliza tecnología de sensores LIDAR sin GPS.

3. Se otorgaron menciones especiales al sistema New Holland FR Forage Cruiser CropSpeed y al sistema CR Twin Rotor combine Seed Terminator.

Estas innovaciones tienen como objetivo mejorar la eficiencia, la productividad y la rentabilidad de los agricultores, al tiempo que abordan desafíos como la compactación del suelo y la escasez de operadores calificados en la producción de cultivos especializados.

CNH 브랜드 Case IH와 New Holland2024 EIMA International Technical Innovation Awards를 수상했습니다. 이 상은 혁신적인 농업 기계 제품을 인정받는 것입니다:

1. Case IH Quadtrac 주력 트랙터는 중량 감쇠 서스펜션 시스템으로 상을 받았으며, 이는 4개 트랙 터레인의 최초의 완전 서스펜션 하부 chassis 기술입니다.

2. New Holland T4 FNV 전문 트랙터 라인이 GPS 없이 LIDAR 센서 기술을 사용한 고급 가이드 시스템으로 인정받았습니다.

3. New Holland FR Forage Cruiser CropSpeed 시스템과 CR Twin Rotor combine Seed Terminator 시스템에 특별 언급이 있었습니다.

이러한 혁신은 농부들에게 효율성, 생산성 및 수익성을 향상시키는 것을 목표로 하며, 토양 압축 및 전문 작물 생산에서의 숙련된 운영자 부족과 같은 문제를 다루고 있습니다.

Les marques CNH Case IH et New Holland ont été honorées par les 2024 EIMA International Technical Innovation Awards. Ces prix reconnaissent des produits novateurs en matière de machines agricoles :

1. Les tracteurs phares Case IH Quadtrac ont reçu un prix pour leur système de suspension lourde, la première technologie de châssis entièrement suspendue disponible sur un tracteur à quatre chenilles.

2. La gamme de tracteurs spéciaux New Holland T4 FNV a été reconnue pour son système de guidage avancé utilisant la technologie des capteurs LIDAR sans GPS.

3. Des mentions spéciales ont été attribuées au système New Holland FR Forage Cruiser CropSpeed et au système CR Twin Rotor combine Seed Terminator.

Ces innovations visent à améliorer l'efficacité, la productivité et la rentabilité des agriculteurs tout en répondant à des défis tels que la compaction des sols et le manque d'opérateurs qualifiés dans la production de cultures spécialisées.

Die Marken von CNH Case IH und New Holland wurden mit den 2024 EIMA International Technical Innovation Awards ausgezeichnet. Die Preise würdigen innovative Produkte von landwirtschaftlichen Maschinen:

1. Die Flaggschiff-Traktoren Case IH Quadtrac erhielten eine Auszeichnung für ihr Schwerlast-Federsystem, die erste vollfedernde Fahrwerkstechnologie, die in einem vierlaufenden Traktor erhältlich ist.

2. Die Spezialtraktorenlinie New Holland T4 FNV wurde für ihr fortschrittliches Führungssystem ausgezeichnet, das LIDAR-Sensortechnologie ohne GPS verwendet.

3. Besondere Erwähnungen wurden dem System New Holland FR Forage Cruiser CropSpeed und dem System CR Twin Rotor combine Seed Terminator zuteil.

Diese Innovationen zielen darauf ab, die Effizienz, Produktivität und Rentabilität für Landwirte zu steigern und gleichzeitig Herausforderungen wie Bodendichtung und den Mangel an qualifizierten Bedienern in der Spezialkulturenproduktion anzugehen.

  • Case IH and New Holland brands won 2024 EIMA International Technical Innovation Awards
  • Case IH Quadtrac tractors received an award for innovative heavy-duty suspension system
  • New Holland T4 FNV tractors recognized for advanced LIDAR-based guidance system
  • Special mentions for New Holland FR Forage Cruiser CropSpeed and CR Twin Rotor combine Seed Terminator systems
  • None.


The recognition of CNH's innovations at EIMA 2024 highlights the company's commitment to advancing agricultural technology. The Case IH Quadtrac's heavy-duty suspension system is a significant breakthrough, being the first full-suspended undercarriage on a four-tracked tractor. This mechanical and hydraulically cushioned system offers multiple benefits:

  • Enhanced comfort for operators
  • Increased tractor footprint, reducing soil compaction
  • Lower maintenance requirements
  • Improved productivity and profitability for farmers

New Holland's T4 FNV specialty tractor's advanced guidance system, using LIDAR technology without GPS, is particularly innovative. It addresses the skilled labor shortage in specialty crop production by:

  • Automating headland turns and in-row guidance
  • Reducing operator fatigue and increasing safety
  • Optimizing fertilizer and pesticide use based on real-time field conditions

These advancements demonstrate CNH's focus on practical, efficiency-enhancing technologies that directly benefit farmers' operations and bottom lines.


Products from world-class equipment, services and technology company CNH brands, Case IH and New Holland, have been honored with 2024 EIMA International Technical Innovation Awards.

This innovation contest has been a key fixture for exhibitors at the International Exhibition of Agricultural and Gardening Machinery (EIMA) since 1986.

"It's a great honor for our Case IH and New Holland brands to be recognized with these awards. At CNH we are continuously striving to seamlessly integrate innovative technology with our great iron. Congratulations to our R&D team for always finding solutions that bring greater efficiency, productivity and profit to our customers," said Carlo Alberto Sisto, President, Europe, Middle East & Africa.

The Winners

The heavy-duty suspension developed for the 2025 Case IH Quadtrac flagship tractors was recognized for enhancing comfort in the field and on the road. It is the first time full-suspended undercarriage technology has been available on a four-tracked tractor. The system is completely mechanical and hydraulically cushioned, with no additional sensors or wiring. It increases the footprint of the tractor which reduces soil compaction and requires less maintenance. These features save time and bring greater productivity and profit to our farmers.

The advanced guidance system developed for the New Holland T4 FNV specialty tractor range is an integrated system using vision-based purely on LIDAR sensor technology, with no GPS element. It recognizes row ends and incorporates a path planner to perform headland turns, and to manage in-row guidance and perception-based implement control. This technology helps address the lack of skilled operators faced by many specialty crop producers, and ease the workload of growers. Benefits include increased safety and comfort through reduced operator fatigue, which means they can focus on machine operation, while also optimizing fertilizer/pesticide use based on real orchard or vineyard field conditions.

Special Mentions were also given to the New Holland FR Forage Cruiser CropSpeed system - which significantly reduces blockages while working - and to the CR Twin Rotor combine Seed Terminator system - which helps reduce weed growth following harvesting. These advancements help our farmers unlock the full potential of their machines.

Figure 1 Case IH Quadtrac heavy duty suspension detail

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What awards did CNH brands receive at EIMA 2024?

CNH brands Case IH and New Holland received 2024 EIMA International Technical Innovation Awards for their innovative agricultural machinery products.

What innovation did Case IH Quadtrac tractors (CNHI) introduce?

Case IH Quadtrac tractors introduced the first full-suspended undercarriage technology available on a four-tracked tractor, enhancing comfort and reducing soil compaction.

What new technology did New Holland T4 FNV tractors (CNHI) feature?

New Holland T4 FNV tractors featured an advanced guidance system using LIDAR sensor technology without GPS, designed to address the shortage of skilled operators in specialty crop production.

Which CNH products received special mentions at EIMA 2024?

The New Holland FR Forage Cruiser CropSpeed system and the CR Twin Rotor combine Seed Terminator system received special mentions at EIMA 2024.



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