WellCare of North Carolina and Expressable Expand Advanced Speech Therapy Program Across the State

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WellCare of North Carolina, a Medicaid health plan and Centene (NYSE: CNC) subsidiary, has expanded its partnership with Expressable to offer advanced speech therapy interventions across all 100 North Carolina counties. This expansion follows a successful pilot program in eastern North Carolina that provided home-based screenings and speech therapy for children, along with family education and support.

The program aims to proactively identify children and young adults, from birth to age 19, who can benefit from speech pathology services. It addresses a wide range of needs, including speech, language, and safe feeding skills. This initiative is particularly significant as the CDC reports that one in twelve children in the United States has a communication disorder, with nearly half not receiving necessary treatment and support.

WellCare del North Carolina, un piano sanitario Medicaid e filiale di Centene (NYSE: CNC), ha ampliato la sua partnership con Expressable per offrire interventi avanzati di terapia del linguaggio in tutti i 100 contea del North Carolina. Questa espansione segue un programma pilota di successo nella parte orientale del North Carolina, che ha fornito screening a domicilio e terapia del linguaggio per bambini, insieme a formazione e supporto per le famiglie.

Il programma ha l'obiettivo di identificare proattivamente bambini e giovani adulti, dalla nascita fino ai 19 anni, che possono beneficiare dei servizi di logopedia. Affronta una vasta gamma di bisogni, tra cui abilità di linguaggio, comunicazione e alimentazione sicura. Questa iniziativa è particolarmente significativa poiché i dati dei CDC riportano che uno ogni dodici bambini negli Stati Uniti ha un disturbo della comunicazione, con quasi la metà che non riceve il trattamento e il supporto necessari.

WellCare de Carolina del Norte, un plan de salud Medicaid y subsidiaria de Centene (NYSE: CNC), ha ampliado su asociación con Expressable para ofrecer intervenciones avanzadas de terapia del habla en los 100 condados de Carolina del Norte. Esta expansión sigue a un programa piloto exitoso en el este de Carolina del Norte que proporcionó evaluaciones en casa y terapia del habla para niños, junto con educación y apoyo para familias.

El programa tiene como objetivo identificar proactivamente a niños y jóvenes adultos, desde el nacimiento hasta los 19 años, que puedan beneficiarse de los servicios de patología del habla. Aborda una amplia gama de necesidades, incluidas las habilidades de habla, lenguaje y alimentación segura. Esta iniciativa es particularmente significativa ya que los CDC informan que uno de cada doce niños en los Estados Unidos tiene un trastorno de comunicación, y casi la mitad no recibe el tratamiento y apoyo necesarios.

노스캐롤라이나의 웰케어는 메디케이드 건강 보험 계획이며 센테인의 자회사(NYSE: CNC)로서 엑스프레서블과의 파트너십을 확장했습니다. 이는 노스캐롤라이나의 100개 카운티 전역에서 고급 언어 치료介入을 제공하기 위함입니다. 이번 확장은 노스캐롤라이나 동부에서 시행된 성공적인 파일럿 프로그램을 바탕으로 하며, 아동을 위한 가정 기반 평가 및 언어 치료와 가족 교육 및 지원을 제공했습니다.

이 프로그램은 출생부터 19세까지의 아동 및 청년을 적극적으로 파악하는 것을 목표로 하여 언어치료 서비스를 받을 수 있는 대상자를 찾고 있습니다. 이는 언어, 소통, 안전한 식사 스킬 등 다양한 필요를 다룹니다. CDC의 보고서에 따르면, 미국의 12명 중 1명이 의사소통 장애를 앓고 있으며 절반 가까이가 필요한 치료 및 지원을 받지 못하고 있다는 점에서 이 이니셔티브는 특히 중요합니다.

WellCare de Caroline du Nord, un plan de santé Medicaid et filiale de Centene (NYSE: CNC), a étendu son partenariat avec Expressable pour offrir des interventions avancées en thérapie du langage dans les 100 comtés de Caroline du Nord. Cette expansion fait suite à un programme pilote réussi dans l'est de la Caroline du Nord, qui a fourni des évaluations à domicile et une thérapie du langage pour les enfants, ainsi que de la formation et du soutien aux familles.

Le programme vise à identifier proactivement les enfants et les jeunes adultes, de la naissance jusqu'à 19 ans, qui peuvent bénéficier des services de pathologie du langage. Il aborde une large gamme de besoins, y compris les compétences en matière de langage, de communication et d'alimentation sécuritaire. Cette initiative est particulièrement significative car les CDC rapportent que un enfant sur douze aux États-Unis souffre d'un trouble de la communication, dont presque la moitié ne reçoit pas le traitement et le soutien nécessaires.

WellCare von North Carolina, ein Medicaid-Gesundheitsplan und Tochtergesellschaft von Centene (NYSE: CNC), hat seine Partnerschaft mit Expressable erweitert, um fortschrittliche Sprachtherapie-Interventionen in allen 100 Landkreisen von North Carolina anzubieten. Diese Erweiterung folgt einem erfolgreichen Pilotprogramm im östlichen North Carolina, das Hausbesuche zur Beurteilung und Sprachtherapie für Kinder sowie Familientrainings und -unterstützung angeboten hat.

Das Programm zielt darauf ab, proaktiv Kinder und junge Erwachsene, von der Geburt bis zum 19. Lebensjahr, zu identifizieren, die von Logopädie-Diensten profitieren können. Es behandelt eine breite Palette von Bedürfnissen, darunter Sprach-, Kommunikations- und sichere Fütterungsfähigkeiten. Diese Initiative ist besonders bedeutsam, da die CDC berichtet, dass jeder zwölfte Kinder in den Vereinigten Staaten eine Kommunikationsstörung hat, wobei fast die Hälfte nicht die notwendige Behandlung und Unterstützung erhält.

  • Expansion of speech therapy services to all 100 North Carolina counties
  • Proactive identification of children and young adults needing speech pathology services
  • Provision of home-based screenings and therapy, reducing travel burdens for families
  • Addressing underserved populations in speech therapy needs
  • None.

The expansion of WellCare and Expressable's advanced speech therapy program across North Carolina represents a significant development in pediatric healthcare access. This initiative addresses a critical gap in speech and language services, particularly for underserved populations.

The program's statewide expansion after a successful pilot is noteworthy for several reasons:

  • It targets a prevalent issue: With 1 in 12 children in the U.S. having a communication disorder, this program has the potential to impact a substantial portion of North Carolina's pediatric population.
  • It emphasizes early intervention: By focusing on children from birth to age 19, the program aligns with best practices in developmental health, potentially reducing long-term healthcare costs and improving outcomes.
  • It leverages technology: The use of advanced screening tools and telehealth options increases accessibility, especially in rural or underserved areas.

From a policy perspective, this initiative could serve as a model for other states looking to address similar healthcare disparities. It also aligns with broader trends in healthcare towards preventive care and early intervention strategies. However, the long-term success of this program will depend on factors such as sustained funding, quality of care and measurable improvements in patient outcomes.

The expansion of Expressable's speech therapy services across North Carolina through WellCare is a significant advancement in pediatric speech and language care. This program addresses several critical aspects of effective speech therapy delivery:

  • Family-centered approach: By involving families in the therapy process, the program enhances the effectiveness of interventions and promotes carryover of skills into daily life.
  • Home-based services: Offering therapy in the child's natural environment can lead to more contextualized and effective treatment.
  • Comprehensive scope: The inclusion of safe feeding skills alongside speech and language services acknowledges the interconnected nature of these developmental areas.

The program's proactive screening approach is particularly noteworthy. Early identification of speech and language disorders can significantly improve outcomes, as intervention during critical developmental periods is often more effective. Moreover, the telehealth component addresses a major barrier to care - accessibility - which is especially important in rural or underserved areas.

However, it's important to monitor the quality and effectiveness of telehealth services compared to traditional in-person therapy, especially for complex cases or very young children. Additionally, the success of this program will largely depend on the availability of qualified speech-language pathologists and the ability to maintain consistent, high-quality care across all 100 counties.

Pilot Program Now Fully Launched and Available to Members in all 100 N.C. Counties

RALEIGH, N.C., July 31, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- WellCare of North Carolina (WellCare), a Medicaid health plan and a Centene Corporation (NYSE: CNC) company, and Expressable, the market leader in research-based, family-centered speech therapy care, announced today they are expanding their partnership to offer advanced speech therapy interventions to underserved populations in North Carolina.

Over the last year, Expressable and WellCare engaged in a family-based care management pilot across several counties in eastern North Carolina. This program provided children with home-based screenings and speech therapy, along with education and support for their families. With the pilot program's success, Expressable's services are now expanded to WellCare members throughout all 100 counties in North Carolina.

"Our partnership with Expressable enables us to proactively identify children and young adults, from birth to age 19, who can benefit from essential speech pathology services. By leveraging advanced screening tools, our care managers can accurately pinpoint those requiring comprehensive specialty assessments, ensuring that no critical developmental milestones are overlooked," said Heather Wilman, senior director of care management for WellCare. "This partnership addresses a wide range of needs including speech, language, and safe feeding skills. Importantly, our members have the option to receive personalized care in the comfort of their homes, significantly reducing travel burdens for families across North Carolina." 

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), one in twelve children in the United States has a communication disorder, but nearly half of them aren't receiving the treatment and support they need, such as speech therapy.

Children with speech and language impairment suffer an increased risk of learning disabilities, behavioral disorders, poor academic achievement, and impacts on socio-emotional health. Early interventions, like the Expressable screening tool and telehealth program, can ease burdens on the foster care and public school systems.

"Speech therapy has transformational impacts on a child's life, yet nearly 6 million children in the United States are underserved and at risk for delayed outcomes and cost-intensive care," said Leanne Sherred, M.S., CCC-SLP, Expressable's president and chief clinical officer. "As the only Medicaid managed care provider in the state offering early screening and at-home intervention, WellCare is putting North Carolina children on a strong path to healthy childhood development."  

About WellCare of North Carolina

Headquartered in Raleigh, WellCare of North Carolina provides government-sponsored managed care services to families, children, seniors, and individuals with complex needs primarily through Medicaid as one of the state's Medicaid Prepaid Health Plans (WellCare of North Carolina), Marketplace (WellCare of North Carolina by Celtic Insurance Company), Medicare Advantage (Wellcare), and Medicare Prescription Drug Plans (Wellcare). WellCare of North Carolina is a wholly owned subsidiary of Centene Corporation, a leading healthcare enterprise committed to helping people live healthier lives. For more information, visit

About Centene Corporation

Centene Corporation, a Fortune 500 company, is a leading healthcare enterprise that is committed to helping people live healthier lives. The Company takes a local approach – with local brands and local teams – to provide fully integrated, high-quality and cost-effective services to government-sponsored and commercial healthcare programs, focusing on under- insured and uninsured individuals. Centene offers affordable and high-quality products to nearly 1 in 15 individuals across the nation, including Medicaid and Medicare members (including Medicare Prescription Drug Plans) as well as individuals and families served by the Health Insurance Marketplace and the TRICARE program. The Company also contracts with other healthcare and commercial organizations to provide a variety of specialty services focused on treating the whole person. Centene focuses on long-term growth and value creation as well as the development of its people, systems and capabilities so that it can better serve its members, providers, local communities and government partners. Centene uses its investor relations website to publish important information about the Company, including information that may be deemed material to investors. Financial and other information about Centene is routinely posted and is accessible on Centene's investor relations website,

About Expressable

Expressable is a virtual speech therapy provider committed to expanding access to quality services for everyone in need. Expressable pioneered a family-centered and research-based care model that uses technology and education to integrate speech therapy techniques into children's daily lives, improving outcomes and experiences. For more information, please visit

Any reference in this press release to any person, organization, activity, or services related to North Carolina Medicaid does not constitute or imply the endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services.

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SOURCE WellCare of North Carolina


What is the expanded partnership between WellCare of North Carolina and Expressable?

WellCare of North Carolina and Expressable have expanded their partnership to offer advanced speech therapy interventions to underserved populations across all 100 counties in North Carolina, following a successful pilot program in eastern North Carolina.

How does the WellCare and Expressable program benefit children in North Carolina?

The program proactively identifies children and young adults, from birth to age 19, who can benefit from speech pathology services. It provides home-based screenings and speech therapy, along with education and support for families, addressing speech, language, and safe feeding skills.

What is the significance of this speech therapy program expansion for Centene (NYSE: CNC)?

This expansion represents a strategic move by Centene's subsidiary, WellCare of North Carolina, to address a critical healthcare need. It potentially enhances Centene's (CNC) market position in Medicaid managed care and demonstrates its commitment to innovative healthcare solutions.

How prevalent are communication disorders in children according to the CDC?

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), one in twelve children in the United States has a communication disorder, but nearly half of them aren't receiving the treatment and support they need, such as speech therapy.

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