Superior HealthPlan Launches New Assessment to Help Texans Find Community Support

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Superior HealthPlan, a leading managed care organization in Texas and a Centene company (NYSE: CNC), has launched a new screening tool to help Texans access community resources more easily. The assessment, introduced on September 1, 2024, measures non-medical drivers of health and aims to connect members with support for transportation, housing, food, education, and other factors impacting overall well-being.

The screening is now part of a health risk assessment for members with complex care needs. After completion, Superior HealthPlan employees assist members in finding community resources through, an online portal available to all Texans seeking free or reduced-cost services.

Since January 2024, over 800 Superior HealthPlan members have found support through the FindHelp platform, nearly tripling the number from 2023. The new assessment is expected to significantly increase the utilization of this online resource, demonstrating Superior HealthPlan's commitment to addressing barriers to care and improving members' lives through local healthcare solutions.

Superior HealthPlan, un'importante organizzazione di assistenza gestita in Texas e una società di Centene (NYSE: CNC), ha lanciato un nuovo strumento di screening per aiutare i texani ad accedere più facilmente alle risorse della comunità. La valutazione, introdotta il 1 settembre 2024, misura i fattori non medici che influenzano la salute e mira a connettere i membri con il supporto per trasporti, alloggio, cibo, istruzione e altri fattori che incidono sul benessere generale.

Lo screening è ora parte di una valutazione del rischio sanitario per i membri con esigenze di assistenza complesse. Al termine, i dipendenti di Superior HealthPlan assistono i membri nella ricerca di risorse comunitarie attraverso, un portale online disponibile per tutti i texani che cercano servizi gratuiti o a costo ridotto.

Dal gennaio 2024, oltre 800 membri di Superior HealthPlan hanno trovato supporto attraverso la piattaforma FindHelp, quasi triplicando il numero rispetto al 2023. Si prevede che la nuova valutazione aumenti significativamente l'uso di questa risorsa online, dimostrando l'impegno di Superior HealthPlan nel superare le barriere all'assistenza e nel migliorare la vita dei membri attraverso soluzioni sanitarie locali.

Superior HealthPlan, una organización líder de atención médica administrada en Texas y una empresa de Centene (NYSE: CNC), ha lanzado una nueva herramienta de evaluación para ayudar a los tejanos a acceder más fácilmente a los recursos comunitarios. La evaluación, introducida el 1 de septiembre de 2024, mide los determinantes de salud no médicos y tiene como objetivo conectar a los miembros con apoyo para transporte, vivienda, alimentación, educación y otros factores que impactan el bienestar general.

El screening ahora forma parte de una evaluación de riesgo de salud para miembros con necesidades de atención complejas. Tras la finalización, los empleados de Superior HealthPlan ayudan a los miembros a encontrar recursos comunitarios a través de, un portal en línea disponible para todos los tejanos que buscan servicios gratuitos o de bajo costo.

Desde enero de 2024, más de 800 miembros de Superior HealthPlan han encontrado apoyo a través de la plataforma FindHelp, casi triplicando el número del 2023. Se espera que la nueva evaluación aumente significativamente la utilización de este recurso en línea, demostrando el compromiso de Superior HealthPlan de abordar las barreras de atención y mejorar la vida de los miembros a través de soluciones de salud locales.

슈퍼리어 헬스플랜은 텍사스의 주요 관리 의료 조직으로, 센틴(Centene) 회사(NYSE: CNC)에서 운영합니다. 텍사스 주민들이 지역 자원에 더 쉽게 접근할 수 있도록 도와주는 새로운 스크리닝 도구를 출시했습니다. 2024년 9월 1일에 도입된 이 평가는 건강의 비의료적 요인을 측정하며, 회원들이 교통, 주택, 음식, 교육 및 전반적인 웰빙에 영향을 미치는 기타 요인들에 대한 지원을 얻을 수 있도록 연결하는 것을 목표로 합니다.

스크리닝은 복잡한 치료 요구를 가진 회원을 위한 건강 위험 평가의 일부가 되었습니다. 완료 후, 슈퍼리어 헬스플랜 직원은 회원들이 무료 또는 저렴한 서비스를 찾을 수 있도록 superiorhealthplan.findhelp.com를 통해 지역 자원을 찾는 데 도움을 줍니다.

2024년 1월 이후, 800명이 넘는 슈퍼리어 헬스플랜 회원이 FindHelp 플랫폼을 통해 지원을 받았으며, 이는 2023년의 수치에 비해 거의 세배로 증가한 것입니다. 새로운 평가는 이 온라인 자원의 사용을 크게 증가시킬 것으로 기대되며, 지역 의료 솔루션을 통해 치료 장벽을 해소하고 회원의 삶을 개선하려는 슈퍼리어 헬스플랜의 헌신을 보여줍니다.

Superior HealthPlan, une organisation de soins gérés de premier plan au Texas et une société de Centene (NYSE : CNC), a lancé un nouvel outil de dépistage pour aider les Texans à accéder plus facilement aux ressources communautaires. L'évaluation, introduite le 1er septembre 2024, mesure les déterminants non médicaux de la santé et vise à connecter les membres avec un soutien pour les transports, le logement, la nourriture, l'éducation et d'autres facteurs influant sur le bien-être général.

Le dépistage fait désormais partie d'une évaluation des risques de santé pour les membres ayant des besoins de soins complexes. Après la réalisation, les employés de Superior HealthPlan assistent les membres à trouver des ressources communautaires via, un portail en ligne disponible pour tous les Texans recherchant des services gratuits ou à coût réduit.

Depuis janvier 2024, plus de 800 membres de Superior HealthPlan ont trouvé du soutien grâce à la plateforme FindHelp, presque triplant le nombre par rapport à 2023. La nouvelle évaluation devrait augmenter considérablement l'utilisation de cette ressource en ligne, démontrant l'engagement de Superior HealthPlan à surmonter les obstacles à l'accès aux soins et à améliorer la vie des membres grâce à des solutions de santé locales.

Superior HealthPlan, eine führende Organisation für Managed Care in Texas und ein Unternehmen von Centene (NYSE: CNC), hat ein neues Screening-Tool eingeführt, um Texanern den Zugang zu Gemeinschaftsressourcen zu erleichtern. Die Bewertung, die am 1. September 2024 eingeführt wurde, misst nicht-medizinische Gesundheitsfaktoren und soll Mitglieder mit Unterstützung für Transport, Wohnen, Nahrung, Bildung und andere Faktoren, die das allgemeine Wohlbefinden beeinflussen, verbinden.

Das Screening ist nun Teil einer Gesundheitsrisikobewertung für Mitglieder mit komplexem Pflegebedarf. Nach Abschluss unterstützen Mitarbeiter von Superior HealthPlan die Mitglieder dabei, kommunale Ressourcen über zu finden, ein Online-Portal, das allen Texanern zur Verfügung steht, die nach kostenlosen oder kostengünstigen Dienstleistungen suchen.

Seit Januar 2024 haben über 800 Mitglieder von Superior HealthPlan Unterstützung über die FindHelp-Plattform erhalten, was die Zahl im Vergleich zu 2023 nahezu verdreifacht. Es wird erwartet, dass die neue Bewertung die Nutzung dieser Online-Ressource erheblich steigern wird und damit das Engagement von Superior HealthPlan zur Überwindung von Versorgungshürden und zur Verbesserung des Lebens der Mitglieder durch lokale Gesundheitslösungen demonstriert.

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The new approach will link more members to local services that address barriers to care such as lack of transportation, housing, and food.

AUSTIN, Texas, Sept. 24, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Superior HealthPlan ("Superior"), a leading managed care organization in Texas and a company of Centene Corporation (NYSE: CNC), launched a new screening tool this month to help Texans more easily access community resources. The assessment, which will measure barriers to healthcare known as non-medical drivers of health, is aimed at connecting members with transportation, housing, food, education, and other support that can impact their overall well-being.

"This screening will be conducted by our clinical team so they can identify a member's immediate needs and where to find support as soon as possible," said Dr. Susan Mills, senior vice president of population health and clinical outcomes at Superior HealthPlan. "Once complete, our team will follow up with the member to ensure they received the services and then incorporate those needs into their overall plan of care."

The screening tool, which launched on September 1, is now part of a health risk assessment that members with complex care needs are already receiving once becoming a Superior HealthPlan member and annually thereafter. After completing the assessment, Superior HealthPlan employees will assist members with finding community resources through, an online portal currently available to any Texan in need of finding free or reduced-cost services including medical care, food, and job training resources.

Since January 2024, more than 800 Superior HealthPlan members have found the support they need through the FindHelp platform, which is on track to nearly triple the number of members who found assistance in 2023. The new assessment is expected to drastically increase the utilization of the online resource.

"This is local healthcare at its best," said Mills. "Because our employees live in the same communities as our members, they're better able to find resources and address barriers to care. We're proud of this new assessment tool because we know it will make an incredible difference in people's lives."

About Superior HealthPlan
Founded in 1999, Superior HealthPlan is a managed care company that delivers quality healthcare throughout Texas. Committed to transforming the health of the community, one person at a time, Superior supports active local involvement in all 254 Texas counties with more than 3,200 employees throughout the state. Superior is a company of Centene Corporation, a leading healthcare enterprise that is committed to helping people live healthier lives. For more information visit

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SOURCE Superior HealthPlan


What new tool has Superior HealthPlan (CNC) launched in Texas?

Superior HealthPlan has launched a new screening tool on September 1, 2024, to help Texans more easily access community resources by measuring non-medical drivers of health and connecting members with support for transportation, housing, food, education, and other factors impacting overall well-being.

How many Superior HealthPlan members have used the FindHelp platform since January 2024?

Since January 2024, more than 800 Superior HealthPlan members have found support through the FindHelp platform, which is on track to nearly triple the number of members who found assistance in 2023.

What is the purpose of Superior HealthPlan's new assessment tool?

The purpose of Superior HealthPlan's new assessment tool is to identify members' immediate needs, connect them with community resources, and incorporate those needs into their overall plan of care, addressing barriers to healthcare known as non-medical drivers of health.

When did Superior HealthPlan (CNC) launch the new screening tool?

Superior HealthPlan launched the new screening tool on September 1, 2024, as part of a health risk assessment for members with complex care needs.

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