Superior HealthPlan 25th Anniversary Grant Program Now Open

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Superior HealthPlan, a leading managed care organization in Texas and a subsidiary of Centene (NYSE: CNC), is celebrating its 25th anniversary by launching a special grant program. The company is offering a $25,000 grant to support community organizations and schools addressing local needs such as food, housing, transportation, mental health, and other basic necessities.

Key points:

  • Application deadline: August 30, 2024
  • Grant award announcement: November 2024
  • Eligible applicants: Community organizations and schools in Texas
  • Since 2020, Superior has provided nearly $500,000 in grant funding to 225 organizations

Interested organizations can apply online at This initiative reflects Superior's commitment to investing in the health and well-being of Texas communities.

Superior HealthPlan, una delle principali organizzazioni di gestione sanitaria in Texas e filiale di Centene (NYSE: CNC), sta celebrando il suo 25° anniversario lanciando un programma di sovvenzioni speciale. L'azienda offre una sovvenzione di 25.000 dollari per supportare le organizzazioni comunitarie e le scuole che affrontano esigenze locali come cibo, alloggio, trasporti, salute mentale e altre necessità fondamentali.

Punti chiave:

  • Scadenza per la presentazione delle domande: 30 agosto 2024
  • Annuncio del premio della sovvenzione: novembre 2024
  • Richiedenti idonei: organizzazioni comunitarie e scuole in Texas
  • Dal 2020, Superior ha fornito quasi 500.000 dollari in finanziamenti per sovvenzioni a 225 organizzazioni

Le organizzazioni interessate possono fare domanda online su Questa iniziativa riflette l'impegno di Superior ad investire nella salute e nel benessere delle comunità del Texas.

Superior HealthPlan, una de las principales organizaciones de atención médica gestionada en Texas y subsidiaria de Centene (NYSE: CNC), está celebrando su 25.º aniversario lanzando un programa especial de subvenciones. La empresa ofrece una subvención de 25,000 dólares para apoyar a organizaciones comunitarias y escuelas que abordan necesidades locales como alimentación, vivienda, transporte, salud mental y otras necesidades básicas.

Puntos clave:

  • Fecha límite de solicitud: 30 de agosto de 2024
  • Anuncio de la concesión de la subvención: noviembre de 2024
  • Solicitantes elegibles: organizaciones comunitarias y escuelas en Texas
  • Desde 2020, Superior ha proporcionado casi 500,000 dólares en financiamiento de subvenciones a 225 organizaciones

Las organizaciones interesadas pueden postularse en línea en Esta iniciativa refleja el compromiso de Superior con la salud y el bienestar de las comunidades en Texas.

슈페리어 헬스플랜(Superior HealthPlan)은 텍사스의 선도적인 관리 의료 조직이며 센틴 (NYSE: CNC)의 자회사로, 25주년을 기념하여 특별 보조금 프로그램을 시작합니다. 회사는 식품, 주거, 교통, 정신 건강 및 기타 기본적인 필요를 다루는 지역 사회 조직 및 학교를 지원하는 25,000 달러 보조금을 제공합니다.

주요 사항:

  • 신청 마감일: 2024년 8월 30일
  • 보조금 수여 발표: 2024년 11월
  • 신청 자격: 텍사스 내 지역 사회 조직 및 학교
  • 2020년 이후, 슈페리어는 225개 조직에 거의 500,000 달러의 보조금 자금을 제공했습니다.

관심 있는 조직은에서 온라인으로 신청할 수 있습니다. 이번 이니셔티브는 텍사스 커뮤니티의 건강과 복지에 투자하려는 슈페리어의 의지를 반영합니다.

Superior HealthPlan, une organisation de soins gérés à la pointe au Texas et filiale de Centene (NYSE: CNC), célèbre son 25e anniversaire en lançant un programme de subventions spécial. L'entreprise propose une subvention de 25 000 dollars pour soutenir les organisations communautaires et les écoles qui répondent aux besoins locaux tels que la nourriture, le logement, les transports, la santé mentale et d'autres besoins fondamentaux.

Points clés :

  • Date limite de candidature : 30 août 2024
  • Annonce de l'attribution de la subvention : novembre 2024
  • Candidats éligibles : organisations communautaires et écoles au Texas
  • Depuis 2020, Superior a fourni près de 500 000 dollars en financements de subventions à 225 organisations.

Les organisations intéressées peuvent postuler en ligne sur Cette initiative reflète l'engagement de Superior à investir dans la santé et le bien-être des communautés du Texas.

Superior HealthPlan, eine führende Managed-Care-Organisation in Texas und Tochtergesellschaft von Centene (NYSE: CNC), feiert ihr 25-jähriges Bestehen mit der Einführungen eines speziellen Förderprogramms. Das Unternehmen bietet einen Stipendienbetrag von 25.000 Dollar an, um Gemeinschaftsorganisationen und Schulen zu unterstützen, die lokale Bedürfnisse wie Ernährung, Unterkunft,Transport, psychische Gesundheit und andere Grundbedürfnisse angehen.

Wichtige Punkte:

  • Bewerbungsfrist: 30. August 2024
  • Ankündigung der Stipendienvergabe: November 2024
  • Berechtigte Antragsteller: Gemeinschaftsorganisationen und Schulen in Texas
  • Seit 2020 hat Superior fast 500.000 Dollar an Fördermitteln an 225 Organisationen bereitgestellt.

Interessierte Organisationen können sich online unter bewerben. Diese Initiative spiegelt das Engagement von Superior wider, in die Gesundheit und das Wohlbefinden der Gemeinschaften in Texas zu investieren.

  • None.
  • None.

Eligible Community Organizations and Schools Encouraged to Apply.

AUSTIN, Texas, Aug. 1, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Superior HealthPlan ("Superior"), a leading managed care organization in Texas and a company of Centene Corporation (NYSE: CNC), is commemorating 25 years of serving Texans by encouraging eligible community organizations and schools to apply for the Superior HealthPlan Anniversary Grant Program. Superior will award one grantee $25,000 to support established efforts to address the needs of local communities. The application deadline is August 30, 2024.

"All year long, we've been celebrating 25 years as an organization, and this special anniversary grant initiative allows us to further invest in the health and well-being of our Texas neighbors," said Mark Sanders, president and CEO of Superior HealthPlan. "Our goal with this and other grant funding is to support community-based groups that are working to empower local communities."

Since 2020, Superior has provided nearly $500,000 in grant funding to 225 community organizations and providers to help support some of the most vulnerable populations in the state. Through this special grant program to commemorate Superior's 25-year anniversary, Superior will provide support for one community organization or school focused on addressing areas of need such as food, housing, transportation, mental health, and other basic needs.  

Eligible organizations must complete the online application in full by the August 30, 2024, deadline to be considered. Previous grant winners are eligible to apply. All applications are reviewed by the Superior Grant Committee and the notice of the grant award will be issued to the winning organization in November 2024. Organizations and schools can complete the application for this year's program at

For information about Superior's services and benefits, visit

About Superior HealthPlan
Founded in 1999, Superior HealthPlan is a managed care company that delivers quality healthcare throughout Texas. Committed to transforming the health of the community, one person at a time, Superior supports active local involvement in all 254 Texas counties with more than 3,200 employees throughout the state. Superior is a Centene Corporation company, a leading healthcare enterprise that is committed to helping people live healthier lives. For more information visit


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SOURCE Superior HealthPlan


What is the Superior HealthPlan 25th Anniversary Grant Program?

The Superior HealthPlan 25th Anniversary Grant Program is a special initiative offering a $25,000 grant to one community organization or school in Texas. It aims to support established efforts addressing local needs such as food, housing, transportation, mental health, and other basic necessities.

When is the application deadline for Superior HealthPlan's 25th Anniversary Grant?

The application deadline for Superior HealthPlan's 25th Anniversary Grant is August 30, 2024.

How much grant funding has Superior HealthPlan provided since 2020?

Since 2020, Superior HealthPlan has provided nearly $500,000 in grant funding to 225 community organizations and providers in Texas.

Who is eligible to apply for the Superior HealthPlan 25th Anniversary Grant?

Eligible applicants for the Superior HealthPlan 25th Anniversary Grant include community organizations and schools in Texas that focus on addressing areas of need such as food, housing, transportation, mental health, and other basic needs.

When will Superior HealthPlan announce the winner of the 25th Anniversary Grant?

Superior HealthPlan will announce the winner of the 25th Anniversary Grant in November 2024.

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