Health Net Providing Special Assistance to Members Affected by the Gold Complex and Park Fires Throughout California

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Health Net, a Medi-Cal managed care health plan and Centene company, is providing special assistance to members affected by the Gold Complex and Park Fires in Plumas, Butte, and Tehama counties in California. This comes in response to Gov. Gavin Newsom's declared state of emergency. The company is ensuring uninterrupted access to essential prescription medications, critical information, and healthcare services.

Key provisions include:

  • Emergency prescription refills at local pharmacies
  • Access to Managed Health Network (MHN) for coping support
  • Free telehealth services if primary care providers are unreachable
  • Assistance for healthcare providers in expediting approvals and accessing out-of-network treatments

Health Net is committed to taking additional steps if prolonged assistance is needed.

Health Net, un piano di assistenza sanitaria gestito da Medi-Cal e parte della compagnia Centene, sta fornendo assistenza speciale ai membri colpiti dagli Incendi di Gold Complex e Park nelle contee di Plumas, Butte e Tehama in California. Questo intervento è una risposta allo stato di emergenza dichiarato dal governatore Gavin Newsom. L'azienda garantisce un accesso ininterrotto a farmaci prescritti essenziali, informazioni critiche e servizi sanitari.

Le principali disposizioni includono:

  • Rifornimenti di emergenza di prescrizioni presso le farmacie locali
  • Accesso alla Rete Sanitaria Gestita (MHN) per supporto psicologico
  • Servizi di telemedicina gratuiti se i medici di base non sono raggiungibili
  • Assistenza per i fornitori di servizi sanitari nell'accelerare le approvazioni e accedere a trattamenti fuori rete

Health Net è impegnata a prendere ulteriori misure se sarà necessaria assistenza prolungata.

Health Net, un plan de atención médica administrado por Medi-Cal y parte de la compañía Centene, está brindando asistencia especial a los miembros afectados por los Incendios Gold Complex y Park en los condados de Plumas, Butte y Tehama en California. Esto es en respuesta al estado de emergencia declarado por el gobernador Gavin Newsom. La compañía asegura un acceso ininterrumpido a medicamentos recetados esenciales, información crítica y servicios de salud.

Las disposiciones clave incluyen:

  • Recargas de recetas de emergencia en farmacias locales
  • Acceso a la Red de Salud Administrada (MHN) para apoyo emocional
  • Servicios de telemedicina gratuitos si los proveedores de atención primaria no son accesibles
  • Asistencia para los proveedores de servicios de salud en acelerar aprobaciones y acceder a tratamientos fuera de red

Health Net está comprometida a tomar medidas adicionales si se necesita asistencia prolongada.

Health Net는 Medi-Cal 관리 건강 플랜이자 Centene 회사로서, 캘리포니아의 Plumas, Butte, Tehama 카운티에서 Gold Complex 및 Park Fires로 영향을 받은 회원들에게 특별한 지원을 제공하고 있습니다. 이는 개빈 뉴섬 주지사가 선언한 비상사태에 대한 응답입니다. 이 회사는 필수 처방약, 중요한 정보 및 의료 서비스에 대한 연속적인 접근을 보장하고 있습니다.

주요 내용은 다음과 같습니다:

  • 지역 약국에서의 긴급 처방 재조제
  • 정신적 지원을 위한 관리 건강 네트워크(MHN)에 대한 접근
  • 1차 진료 제공자를 찾을 수 없는 경우 무료 원격 의료 서비스 제공
  • 의료 제공자가 승인 절차를 신속히 진행하고 네트워크 외의 치료에 접근하는 데 도움을 주는 것

Health Net는 장기적인 지원이 필요할 경우 추가 조치를 취할 것을 약속합니다.

Health Net, un plan de soins géré par Medi-Cal et une entreprise de Centene, fournit une assistance spéciale aux membres touchés par les incendies de Gold Complex et Park dans les comtés de Plumas, Butte et Tehama en Californie. Cela fait suite à l'état d'urgence déclaré par le gouverneur Gavin Newsom. L'entreprise assure un accès ininterrompu à des médicaments prescrits essentiels, des informations critiques et des services de santé.

Les principales dispositions comprennent :

  • Renouvellements d'ordonnance d'urgence dans les pharmacies locales
  • Accès au Réseau de Santé Géré (MHN) pour un soutien psychologique
  • Services de télémédecine gratuits si les médecins traitants ne sont pas joignables
  • Assistance aux prestataires de soins de santé pour accélérer les approbations et accéder aux traitements hors réseau

Health Net s'engage à prendre des mesures supplémentaires si une assistance prolongée est nécessaire.

Health Net, ein Medi-Cal-verwalteter Gesundheitsplan und Teil des Unternehmens Centene, bietet besondere Unterstützung für Mitglieder, die von den Gold Complex und Park Bränden in den Landkreisen Plumas, Butte und Tehama in Kalifornien betroffen sind. Dies erfolgt als Reaktion auf den vom Gouverneur Gavin Newsom ausgerufenen Notstand. Das Unternehmen gewährleistet ununterbrochenen Zugriff auf essentielle verschreibungspflichtige Medikamente, kritische Informationen und Gesundheitsdienstleistungen.

Wichtige Bestimmungen umfassen:

  • Notfallverschreibungsnachfüllungen in lokalen Apotheken
  • Zugang zum Managed Health Network (MHN) für psychologische Unterstützung
  • Kostenlose Telemedizin-Dienste, wenn Hausärzte nicht erreichbar sind
  • Unterstützung für Gesundheitsdienstleister bei der Beschleunigung von Genehmigungen und dem Zugang zu Behandlungen außerhalb des Netzwerks

Health Net verpflichtet sich, weitere Schritte zu unternehmen, falls eine längere Unterstützung erforderlich ist.

  • Providing emergency prescription refills to affected members
  • Offering free telehealth services during the state of emergency
  • Providing access to mental health support through Managed Health Network (MHN)
  • Assisting healthcare providers with expedited approvals and out-of-network treatments
  • None.

Health Net Assisting Members During State of Emergency

SACRAMENTO, Calif., July 29, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- In response to Gov. Gavin Newsom's declared state of emergency in Plumas, Butte and Tehama counties, Health Net, one of California's most experienced Medi-Cal managed care health plans and company of Centene Corporation, is providing special assistance to assist members affected by the Gold Complex and Park Fires. Health Net is committed to ensuring its members have uninterrupted access to essential prescription medications, critical Health Net information and healthcare services.

Prescription Information

  • During the duration of the State of Emergency, members in Plumas, Butte and Tehama counties affected by the Gold Complex and Park Fires can obtain an emergency supply of medication from the drug store where they originally filled their prescription.
  • If a member's drug store is closed, they can call Health Net at 1-800-400-8987 for assistance.

Help with Coping
Health Net members have access to Managed Health Network (MHN) for coping support including referrals to mental health counselors, local services and phone consultations. These services support members coping with grief, stress or trauma related to the Gold Complex and Park Fires. MHN operates its hotline 24 hours a day, seven days a week at 1-800-675-6110 (TTY: 711).

Video Medical Appointments
If members cannot reach their primary care provider during a declared State of Emergency, Health Net provides access to telehealth services at no cost. To make an appointment, members can refer to their Health Net ID card for more information on accessing telehealth services. Members can also find this information by registering with and logging on to

Information for Healthcare Providers
Doctors and nurse practitioners can call Health Net at 1-800-641-7761 for help with:

  • Emergency prescription refill guidelines.
  • Escalating approvals to reduce approval turnaround times.
  • Approval for out-of-network treatments when in-network resources are unavailable.

Other Important Information
Depending on how long the members need additional assistance, Health Net may take additional steps to ensure its members have access to necessary healthcare services.

About Health Net
Founded in California more than 45 years ago, Health Net, a company of Centene Corporation, believes that every person deserves a safety net for their health, regardless of age, income, employment status or current state of health. Today, we provide health plans for individuals, families, businesses of every size and people who qualify for Medi-Cal or Medicare. With more than 90,000 of our network providers, Health Net serves more than three million members across the state. We also offer access to substance abuse programs, behavioral health services, employee assistance programs and managed healthcare products related to prescription drugs. We make these health plans and services available through Health Net, LLC and its subsidiaries: Health Net of California, Inc., Health Net Life Insurance Company and Health Net Community Solutions, Inc. These entities are wholly owned subsidiaries of Centene Corporation (NYSE: CNC), a leading healthcare enterprise committed to transforming the health of the communities we serve, one person at a time. Health Net and Centene employ more than 5,700 people in California who work at one of five regional Talent Hub offices. For more information, visit

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What assistance is Health Net (CNC) providing for members affected by the Gold Complex and Park Fires in California?

Health Net is providing emergency prescription refills, access to mental health support through MHN, free telehealth services, and assistance for healthcare providers with expedited approvals and out-of-network treatments for members in Plumas, Butte, and Tehama counties affected by the fires.

How can Health Net (CNC) members affected by the California fires access emergency prescription refills?

Members can obtain an emergency supply of medication from the drug store where they originally filled their prescription. If the drug store is closed, they can call Health Net at 1-800-400-8987 for assistance.

What mental health support is Health Net (CNC) offering to members impacted by the Gold Complex and Park Fires?

Health Net members have access to Managed Health Network (MHN) for coping support, including referrals to mental health counselors, local services, and phone consultations. MHN operates its hotline 24/7 at 1-800-675-6110 (TTY: 711).

How can Health Net (CNC) members access free telehealth services during the California state of emergency?

Members can refer to their Health Net ID card for information on accessing telehealth services. They can also find this information by registering and logging on to

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