Western Exploration Inc. (OTCQX: WEXPF) has achieved recognition in the 2025 OTCQX® Best 50, a prestigious ranking of top-performing companies on the OTCQX Best Market. This ranking evaluates companies based on their one-year total return and average daily dollar volume growth during 2024.
CEO Darcy Marud highlighted the importance of OTCQX in providing valuable exposure to U.S. markets and investors, particularly beneficial for their U.S.-based project development. The OTCQX Best Market is known for offering transparent and efficient trading of established companies that meet rigorous standards including high financial requirements, best practice corporate governance, and securities law compliance.
Western Exploration Inc. (OTCQX: WEXPF) ha ottenuto riconoscimenti nella classifica 2025 OTCQX® Best 50, un prestigioso elenco delle aziende con le migliori performance sul mercato OTCQX Best. Questa classifica valuta le aziende in base al loro rendimento totale annuale e alla crescita media del volume di scambi giornaliero durante il 2024.
Il CEO Darcy Marud ha sottolineato l'importanza dell'OTCQX nel fornire una preziosa visibilità ai mercati e agli investitori statunitensi, particolarmente vantaggiosa per lo sviluppo dei loro progetti negli Stati Uniti. Il mercato OTCQX Best è noto per offrire un trading trasparente ed efficiente di aziende consolidate che soddisfano rigorosi standard, inclusi alti requisiti finanziari, migliori pratiche di governance aziendale e conformità alle leggi sui titoli.
Western Exploration Inc. (OTCQX: WEXPF) ha logrado reconocimiento en el 2025 OTCQX® Best 50, un prestigioso ranking de las empresas con mejor rendimiento en el mercado OTCQX Best. Este ranking evalúa a las empresas en función de su rendimiento total anual y el crecimiento promedio del volumen diario de transacciones durante 2024.
El CEO Darcy Marud destacó la importancia de OTCQX para proporcionar una valiosa exposición a los mercados e inversores de EE. UU., especialmente beneficiosa para el desarrollo de sus proyectos en EE. UU. El mercado OTCQX Best es conocido por ofrecer un comercio transparente y eficiente de empresas establecidas que cumplen con rigurosos estándares, incluidos altos requisitos financieros, mejores prácticas de gobernanza corporativa y cumplimiento de las leyes de valores.
Western Exploration Inc. (OTCQX: WEXPF)는 2025 OTCQX® Best 50에서 인정받았습니다. 이는 OTCQX Best Market의 성과가 우수한 기업들의 권위 있는 순위입니다. 이 순위는 2024년 동안의 연간 총 수익률과 평균 일일 거래량 성장률을 기준으로 기업을 평가합니다.
CEO Darcy Marud는 OTCQX가 미국 시장 및 투자자들에게 귀중한 노출을 제공하는 것의 중요성을 강조했습니다. 이는 특히 미국 내 프로젝트 개발에 유리합니다. OTCQX Best Market은 높은 재무 요구사항, 모범 기업 거버넌스 및 증권법 준수를 포함한 엄격한 기준을 충족하는 확립된 기업의 투명하고 효율적인 거래를 제공하는 것으로 알려져 있습니다.
Western Exploration Inc. (OTCQX: WEXPF) a été reconnu dans le classement 2025 OTCQX® Best 50, un classement prestigieux des entreprises les plus performantes sur le marché OTCQX Best. Ce classement évalue les entreprises en fonction de leur rendement total sur un an et de la croissance moyenne du volume quotidien des transactions pendant l'année 2024.
Le PDG Darcy Marud a souligné l'importance de l'OTCQX pour offrir une exposition précieuse aux marchés et aux investisseurs américains, ce qui est particulièrement bénéfique pour le développement de leurs projets basés aux États-Unis. Le marché OTCQX Best est connu pour offrir un commerce transparent et efficace d'entreprises établies qui répondent à des normes rigoureuses, y compris des exigences financières élevées, les meilleures pratiques de gouvernance d'entreprise et la conformité aux lois sur les valeurs mobilières.
Western Exploration Inc. (OTCQX: WEXPF) hat Anerkennung in der 2025 OTCQX® Best 50 erhalten, einem prestigeträchtigen Ranking der leistungsstärksten Unternehmen im OTCQX Best Market. Dieses Ranking bewertet Unternehmen basierend auf ihrer jährlichen Gesamtrendite und dem durchschnittlichen täglichen Handelsvolumenwachstum im Jahr 2024.
CEO Darcy Marud hob die Bedeutung von OTCQX hervor, da es wertvolle Einblicke in die US-Märkte und Investoren bietet, was besonders vorteilhaft für die Entwicklung ihrer Projekte in den USA ist. Der OTCQX Best Market ist bekannt dafür, einen transparenten und effizienten Handel mit etablierten Unternehmen anzubieten, die strenge Standards erfüllen, einschließlich hoher finanzieller Anforderungen, bester Unternehmensführung und Einhaltung der Wertpapiergesetze.
- None.
- None.
The OTCQX Best 50 is an annual ranking of the top 50 U.S. and international companies traded on the OTCQX market. The ranking is calculated based on an equal weighting of one-year total return and average daily dollar volume growth in the previous calendar year. Companies in the 2025 OTCQX Best 50 were ranked based on their performance in 2024.
Western Exploration’s CEO, Darcy Marud commented, “We are honored to be recognized by the OTCQX and to be acknowledged in the company of so many excellent companies on the 2025 OTCQX® Best 50. The OTCQX has been instrumental in providing us with strong exposure to
For the complete 2025 OTCQX Best 50 ranking, visit https://www.otcmarkets.com/files/2025_OTCQX_Best_50.pdf.
The OTCQX Best Market offers transparent and efficient trading of established, investor-focused
About Western Exploration
Western Exploration is focused on advancing the
Additional information regarding Western Exploration can be found on Western Exploration’s corporate website (www.westernexploration.com) and SEDAR+ (www.sedarplus.ca) under Western Exploration’s issuer profile.
View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20250128467967/en/
Darcy Marud
Chief Executive Officer
Telephone: (775) 329-8119
Email: dmarud@westernexploration.com
Nichole Cowles
Investor Relations
Telephone: 775-240-4172
Email: nicholecowles@westernexploration.com
Source: Western Exploration Inc.