AcariaHealth Invests in Free Goods Program, Opening Modern Specialty Pharmacy Facility in Shelby Township, Michigan

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AcariaHealth, a Centene company (NYSE: CNC), has announced the relocation of its Homescripts pharmacy to a new 33,000 square foot facility in Shelby Township, Michigan. This move emphasizes AcariaHealth's commitment to enhancing patient care, empowering employees, and engaging with the community. Homescripts specializes in free goods programs for patients with complex medical conditions, offering services such as Patient Assistance, Bridge, Interim, and Replacement to overcome medication adherence barriers.

The new facility will provide ample space for business and pharmacy operations, supporting patients with conditions like multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's disease, and myasthenia gravis. This relocation is part of AcariaHealth's strategy to transform lives through compassionate care and innovative services, while also allowing for future growth and expansion to meet patient and client needs.

AcariaHealth, una società di Centene (NYSE: CNC), ha annunciato il trasferimento della sua farmacia Homescripts in una nuova struttura di 33.000 piedi quadrati a Shelby Township, Michigan. Questa mossa sottolinea l'impegno di AcariaHealth nel migliorare la cura dei pazienti, responsabilizzare i dipendenti e interagire con la comunità. Homescripts è specializzata in programmi di beni gratuiti per pazienti con condizioni mediche complesse, offrendo servizi come Assistenza ai Pazienti, Bridge, Interinale e Sostituzione per superare le barriere all'aderenza ai farmaci.

La nuova struttura fornirà ampio spazio per le operazioni aziendali e farmaceutiche, supportando pazienti con condizioni come sclerosi multipla, morbo di Alzheimer e miastenia gravis. Questo trasferimento fa parte della strategia di AcariaHealth di trasformare le vite attraverso una cura compassionevole e servizi innovativi, consentendo anche una futura crescita ed espansione per rispondere alle esigenze di pazienti e clienti.

AcariaHealth, una empresa de Centene (NYSE: CNC), ha anunciado la reubicación de su farmacia Homescripts a una nueva instalación de 33,000 pies cuadrados en Shelby Township, Michigan. Este movimiento enfatiza el compromiso de AcariaHealth de mejorar la atención al paciente, empoderar a los empleados y comprometerse con la comunidad. Homescripts se especializa en programas de bienes gratuitos para pacientes con condiciones médicas complejas, ofreciendo servicios como Asistencia al Paciente, Puente, Interino y Reemplazo para superar las barreras de adherencia a la medicación.

La nueva instalación proporcionará un amplio espacio para las operaciones comerciales y farmacéuticas, apoyando a pacientes con condiciones como esclerosis múltiple, enfermedad de Alzheimer y miastenia gravis. Esta reubicación es parte de la estrategia de AcariaHealth para transformar vidas a través de una atención compasiva y servicios innovadores, al tiempo que permite el crecimiento y la expansión futuros para satisfacer las necesidades de pacientes y clientes.

AcariaHealth는 Centene의 자회사(NYSE: CNC)로, 미시간주 셸비타운십에 위치한 새로운 33,000 평방피트 규모의 시설로 Homescripts 약국의 이전을 발표했습니다. 이번 이전은 환자 치료 개선, 직원 권한 강화 및 지역 사회와의 소통에 대한 AcariaHealth의 다짐을 강조합니다. Homescripts는 복잡한 의학적 상태를 가진 환자를 위한 무료 물품 프로그램을 전문으로 하며, 약물 복용 장벽을 극복하기 위해 환자 지원, 브리지를 비롯한 중간 및 보충 서비스 등을 제공합니다.

새로운 시설은 다발성 경화증, 알츠하이머병 및 중증 근무력증과 같은 질환을 가진 환자를 지원하기 위해 비즈니스 및 약국 운영을 위한 넉넉한 공간을 제공합니다. 이번 이전은 자비로운 보살핌과 혁신적인 서비스를 통해 삶을 변화시키려는 AcariaHealth의 전략의 일환으로, 환자와 고객의 요구를 충족하기 위한 향후 성장과 확장을 가능하게 합니다.

AcariaHealth, une entreprise de Centene (NYSE: CNC), a annoncé le déménagement de sa pharmacie Homescripts vers une nouvelle installation de 33 000 pieds carrés à Shelby Township, Michigan. Ce mouvement souligne l'engagement d'AcariaHealth à améliorer les soins aux patients, à autonomiser les employés et à s'engager auprès de la communauté. Homescripts se spécialise dans des programmes de biens gratuits pour les patients atteints de conditions médicales complexes, offrant des services tels que l'assistance aux patients, le pont, intérim et remplacement pour surmonter les obstacles à l'adhésion aux médicaments.

La nouvelle installation offrira amplement d'espace pour les opérations commerciales et pharmaceutiques, soutenant les patients atteints de conditions telles que la sclérose en plaques, la maladie d'Alzheimer et la myasthénie grave. Ce déménagement s'inscrit dans la stratégie d'AcariaHealth de transformer des vies grâce à des soins compatissants et des services innovants, tout en permettant une croissance et une expansion futures pour répondre aux besoins des patients et des clients.

AcariaHealth, ein Unternehmen von Centene (NYSE: CNC), hat die Verlagerung seiner Homescripts-Apotheke in ein neues 35.000 Quadratfuß großes Gebäude in Shelby Township, Michigan, angekündigt. Dieser Schritt unterstreicht das Engagement von AcariaHealth zur Verbesserung der Patientenversorgung, zur Stärkung der Mitarbeiter und zur Einbindung der Gemeinschaft. Homescripts hat sich auf Programme für kostenlose Produkte für Patienten mit komplexen medizinischen Bedingungen spezialisiert und bietet Dienstleistungen wie Patientenassistenz, Brückenhilfe, Überbrückung und Ersatz an, um Hindernisse bei der Medikamenteneinnahme zu überwinden.

Die neue Einrichtung wird ausreichend Platz für Geschäfts- und Apothekeroperationen bieten und Patienten mit Erkrankungen wie multipler Sklerose, Alzheimer und Myasthenia gravis unterstützen. Diese Verlagerung ist Teil der Strategie von AcariaHealth, Leben durch einfühlsame Pflege und innovative Dienstleistungen zu transformieren, während gleichzeitig zukünftiges Wachstum und Expansion zur Erfüllung der Bedürfnisse von Patienten und Kunden ermöglicht wird.

  • Expansion of operations with a new 33,000 square foot facility
  • Potential for future growth and increased capacity to serve patients
  • Improved working conditions for employees, potentially leading to better productivity
  • None.

With Second Pharmacy Relocation This Year, AcariaHealth Emphasizes Commitment to Enhancing Patient Care, Empowering Employees, and Engaging Community

DETROIT, Aug. 28, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- AcariaHealth, a national specialty pharmacy focused on improving care and outcomes for patients living with complex medical conditions and a Centene company (NYSE: CNC), announced the relocation of its Homescripts pharmacy, a national leader in free goods service supporting patient medication access and adherence, to Shelby Township, Michigan. This new, nearly 33,000 square foot Detroit-area facility will provide ample space for business and pharmacy operations.

"We believe that investing in our employees and the communities we serve is integral to improving health outcomes and enhancing quality of life," said Chief Executive Officer of AcariaHealth, Jessica Ciccolella-Kahl. "We are grateful for the opportunity to contribute to the vibrant Shelby Township community and look forward to utilizing this beautiful new facility to support patients across the country."

Homescripts offers manufacturer-led medication programs for Patient Assistance, Bridge, Interim, and Replacement services that help patients overcome adherence barriers including medication costs, insurance coverage, and medication loss, theft, or expiration. Homescripts pharmacists and staff are devoted to helping patients enrolled in free goods programs for conditions such as, but not limited to, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's disease, and myasthenia gravis. Homescripts works closely with patients and providers to help manage the daily impact of their conditions and reduce barriers, leading to improved adherence and better health outcomes.

The opening of this new facility underscores AcariaHealth's commitment to transforming lives with compassionate care through exceptional services and leading innovation. The modern inviting workspaces and upgraded dispensing pharmacy provides ample space for future growth and expansion capabilities to meet patient and client needs.

About AcariaHealth
AcariaHealth is a national specialty pharmacy focused on improving care and outcomes for patients living with complex medical conditions and transforming lives with compassionate care. As a Centene company, AcariaHealth has the unique ability to leverage the comprehensive solutions of the largest Medicaid managed care organization in the country. Visit to learn more about how we provide exceptional specialty pharmacy services and superior patient care.

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What is the purpose of AcariaHealth's new facility in Shelby Township, Michigan?

The new 33,000 square foot facility in Shelby Township, Michigan, will house AcariaHealth's Homescripts pharmacy operations, focusing on free goods programs to support patient medication access and adherence for complex medical conditions.

How does Homescripts help patients with medication adherence?

Homescripts offers manufacturer-led medication programs for Patient Assistance, Bridge, Interim, and Replacement services, helping patients overcome barriers such as medication costs, insurance coverage, and medication loss, theft, or expiration.

What types of medical conditions does AcariaHealth's Homescripts pharmacy support?

Homescripts supports patients with complex medical conditions, including but not to multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's disease, and myasthenia gravis.

How does the new facility in Shelby Township align with AcariaHealth's business strategy?

The new facility aligns with AcariaHealth's commitment to transforming lives through compassionate care, exceptional services, and leading innovation. It provides space for future growth and expansion to meet patient and client needs.

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