CMUV Bancorp Announces 2024 3rd Quarter Financial Results

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CMUV Bancorp, holding company for Community Valley Bank (CVB), has released its unaudited 3rd Quarter 2024 financial results. Net Income for the quarter was $1,127,388, or $0.65 per share. Total assets reached $315.9 million, with deposits at $276.3 million and gross loans at $261.1 million. The bank's Community Bank Leverage Capital ratio stood at 11.71%, well above the required level for well-capitalized status.

Key financial metrics include:

  • Allowance for Credit Losses: $2,697,627
  • Non-accrual and past-due loans: 0.96%
  • Book value per share: $17.30 (diluted)
  • ROAA: 1.36%
  • ROAE: 12.02%

The bank has exceeded expectations in net income, total assets, and loans for the first three quarters of 2024. Management anticipates continued healthy demand for business and investment loans in Q4 2024.

CMUV Bancorp, la società madre di Community Valley Bank (CVB), ha pubblicato i risultati finanziari non verificati per il 3° trimestre 2024. Il reddito netto per il trimestre è stato di $1.127.388, ovvero $0,65 per azione. Il totale degli attivi ha raggiunto i $315,9 milioni, con depositi di $276,3 milioni e prestiti lordi di $261,1 milioni. Il rapporto di capitale di leva della banca ha mantenuto una percentuale del 11,71%, ben al di sopra del livello richiesto per uno status ben capitalizzato.

I principali indicatori finanziari includono:

  • Accantonamento per perdite su crediti: $2.697.627
  • Prestiti non in scadenza e scaduti: 0,96%
  • Valore contabile per azione: $17,30 (diluito)
  • ROAA: 1,36%
  • ROAE: 12,02%

La banca ha superato le aspettative in termini di reddito netto, attivi totali e prestiti nei primi tre trimestri del 2024. La direzione prevede una continua domanda sana per prestiti commerciali e di investimento nel quarto trimestre del 2024.

CMUV Bancorp, la empresa matriz de Community Valley Bank (CVB), ha publicado sus resultados financieros no auditados para el tercer trimestre de 2024. La utilidad neta del trimestre fue de $1,127,388, o $0.65 por acción. Los activos totales alcanzaron los $315.9 millones, con depósitos de $276.3 millones y préstamos brutos de $261.1 millones. El ratio de capital de apalancamiento de la banca se situó en el 11.71%, muy por encima del nivel requerido para un estado bien capitalizado.

Los principales indicadores financieros incluyen:

  • Provisión para pérdidas crediticias: $2,697,627
  • Préstamos en mora y vencidos: 0.96%
  • Valor contable por acción: $17.30 (diluido)
  • ROAA: 1.36%
  • ROAE: 12.02%

La banca ha superado las expectativas en ingresos netos, activos totales y préstamos durante los primeros tres trimestres de 2024. La dirección anticipa una demanda continua y saludable para préstamos comerciales e inversiones en el cuarto trimestre de 2024.

CMUV Bancorp는 Community Valley Bank (CVB)의 모회사로, 2024년 3분기 비감사 재무 결과를 발표했습니다. 이번 분기의 순이익은 $1,127,388, 즉 주당 $0.65입니다. 총 자산은 $315.9 백만 달러에 도달했습니다, 예금액은 $276.3 백만 달러, 총 대출은 $261.1 백만 달러입니다. 은행의 커뮤니티 은행 레버리지 자본 비율은 11.71%로, 잘 자본화된 상태에 필요한 수준보다 훨씬 높습니다.

주요 재무 지표는 다음과 같습니다:

  • 신용 손실 충당금: $2,697,627
  • 비이자 및 연체 대출: 0.96%
  • 주당 장부가치: $17.30 (희석 후)
  • ROAA: 1.36%
  • ROAE: 12.02%

은행은 2024년 첫 세 분기 동안 순이익, 총 자산 및 대출이 기대 이상이었습니다. 경영진은 2024년 4분기에도 기업 및 투자 대출에 대한 지속적인 건강한 수요를 예상하고 있습니다.

CMUV Bancorp, la société mère de Community Valley Bank (CVB), a publié ses résultats financiers non audités pour le 3ème trimestre 2024. Le bénéfice net pour le trimestre s'élevait à 1 127 388 $, soit 0,65 $ par action. Les actifs totaux ont atteint 315,9 millions de dollars, avec des dépôts de 276,3 millions de dollars et des prêts bruts de 261,1 millions de dollars. Le ratio de capital de levier de la banque était de 11,71 %, bien au-dessus du niveau requis pour un statut bien capitalisé.

Les principaux indicateurs financiers incluent :

  • Provision pour pertes de crédit : 2 697 627 $
  • Prêts non produits et en retard : 0,96 %
  • Valeur comptable par action : 17,30 $ (diluée)
  • ROAA : 1,36 %
  • ROAE : 12,02 %

La banque a dépassé les attentes en matière de bénéfice net, d'actifs totaux et de prêts au cours des trois premiers trimestres de 2024. La direction anticipe une demande continue et saine pour les prêts commerciaux et d'investissement au 4ème trimestre 2024.

CMUV Bancorp, die Muttergesellschaft der Community Valley Bank (CVB), hat ihre nicht geprüften Finanz Ergebnisse für das 3. Quartal 2024 veröffentlicht. Der Nettogewinn für das Quartal betrug $1.127.388, oder $0,65 pro Aktie. Die gesamten Vermögenswerte beliefen sich auf $315,9 Millionen, mit Einlagen von $276,3 Millionen und Bruttokrediten von $261,1 Millionen. Die Leverage-Capital-Quote der Bank lag bei 11,71%, was deutlich über dem erforderlichen Niveau für einen gut kapitalisierten Status liegt.

Wichtige Finanzkennzahlen beinhalten:

  • Rückstellung für Kreditrisiken: $2.697.627
  • Nicht-fällige und überfällige Kredite: 0,96%
  • Buchwert pro Aktie: $17,30 (verwässert)
  • ROAA: 1,36%
  • ROAE: 12,02%

Die Bank hat die Erwartungen an Nettogewinn, Gesamtkapital und Kredite in den ersten drei Quartalen 2024 übertroffen. Das Management erwartet eine anhaltend gesunde Nachfrage nach Geschäfts- und Investitionskrediten im 4. Quartal 2024.

  • Net Income for Q3 2024 increased to $1,127,388, up from $991,297 in Q3 2023
  • Earnings Per Share (Basic) for Q3 2024 rose to $0.65, compared to $0.50 in Q3 2023
  • Total assets grew to $315.9 million, up from $295.5 million in the previous year
  • Gross loans increased to $261.1 million, compared to $223.4 million in Q3 2023
  • Community Bank Leverage Capital ratio of 11.71%, well above the required level for well-capitalized status
  • Low non-accrual and past-due loans at 0.96%
  • ROAA improved to 1.36% from 1.31% year-over-year
  • ROAE increased to 12.02% from 11.74% year-over-year
  • Cash & Cash Equivalents decreased to $34.8 million from $52.4 million in Q3 2023
  • Total Interest Expense increased to $3.8 million from $2.9 million year-over-year

EL CENTRO, Calif., Oct. 18, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- CMUV Bancorp, the holding company for Community Valley Bank (CVB), is pleased to announce unaudited 3rd Quarter results for the quarter ending September 30, 2024. Net Income for the quarter was $1,127,388, which equaled $0.65 per share. Total assets reached $315.9 MM by the end of the quarter, total deposits came in at $276.3 MM, and gross loans ended the quarter at $261.1 MM.

CVB’s Community Bank Leverage Capital ratio ended the quarter at 11.71%, which is well above the ratio required to be considered a well-capitalized bank. Our Allowance for Credit Losses ended the quarter at $2,697,627, and non-accrual and past-due loans remained very low at 0.96%. Both the Board and Management believe the ACL is fully funded at quarter’s end.

The book value for the common stock was $17.30 per share (diluted) on September 30, 2024. The common stock (CMUV) was trading at $18.25 on this date. ROAA for the quarter was 1.36% and ROAE came in at 12.02%.

The first three quarters of 2024 saw the bank exceed expectations in regard to net income, total assets, and loans. Our expectations are for a continued healthy demand for business and investment loans as we continue through the fourth quarter of 2024.

 Community Vally Bank / CMUV Bancorp 
 Financial Summary 
 For Quarter Ending September 30, 2024 
BALANCE SHEETSeptember 30, 
     2024  2023  
  Cash & Cash Equivalents$34,778,590 $52,443,464  
  Total Investments 7,198,675  7,436,640  
  Gross Loans 261,101,594  223,440,706  
  ACL (2,697,627) (2,447,223) 
    Total Earning Assets$300,381,233 $280,873,586  
  Other Assets 15,465,927  14,601,831  
  TOTAL ASSETS$ 315,847,160 $ 295,475,417  
  Deposits$276,264,417 $258,001,925  
  Total Borrowings & Debt Obligations 2,161,375  2,057,776  
  Other Liabilities 840,013  757,385  
   TOTAL LIABILITIES$279,265,805 $260,817,087  
  Total Stock, Equity, Retained Earnings$33,488,188 $31,784,467  
  Net Income$3,093,167 $2,873,863  
   TOTAL EQUITY/CAPITAL$36,581,354 $34,658,330  
  TOTAL LIBILITIES & CAPITAL/EQUITY$ 315,847,160 $ 295,475,417  
    September 30, 
     2024  2023  
  Total Interest Income$13,231,101 $11,791,972  
  Total Interest Expense (3,786,043) (2,886,304) 
   NET INTEREST INCOME$9,445,059 $8,905,668  
  Total Other Non-Interest Income$669,690 $589,905  
  Total Non-Interest Expenses$(5,576,824)$(5,474,910) 
  Provision for Loan Loss (200,948) (45,600) 
   INCOME BEFORE TAXES$4,336,977 $3,975,064  
  Income Tax Expense$(1,243,810)$(1,101,201) 
 NET INCOME$3,093,167 $2,873,863  
  Return on Average Assets (ROAA) 1.36% 1.31% 
  Return on Average Equity (ROAE) 12.02% 11.74% 
  Net Income - Quarter$1,127,388 $991,297  
  Earnings Per Share (Basic) - Quarter$0.65 $0.50  
  Earnings Per Share (Basic) - YTD$1.77 $1.57  
  Total Shares (Oustanding/Exercised) 1,746,622  1,830,647  
  Book Value - Basic (CVB - Bank)$20.94 $18.93  
  Book Value - Basic (CMUV - Holding Company) $17.30 $15.79  
 **Book Value = Total Equity Capital/Total Shares (Outstanding/Exercised)  

Jon A Edney


What was CMUV Bancorp's Net Income for Q3 2024?

CMUV Bancorp's Net Income for Q3 2024 was $1,127,388, which equaled $0.65 per share.

How much did CMUV Bancorp's total assets reach by the end of Q3 2024?

CMUV Bancorp's total assets reached $315.9 million by the end of Q3 2024.

What was CMUV Bancorp's Community Bank Leverage Capital ratio at the end of Q3 2024?

CMUV Bancorp's Community Bank Leverage Capital ratio was 11.71% at the end of Q3 2024, well above the ratio required to be considered a well-capitalized bank.

What was the book value per share for CMUV stock on September 30, 2024?

The book value for CMUV common stock was $17.30 per share (diluted) on September 30, 2024.

What were CMUV Bancorp's ROAA and ROAE for Q3 2024?

CMUV Bancorp's ROAA for Q3 2024 was 1.36%, and ROAE was 12.02%.



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