West Michigan Leads the Charge by Committing to Renewable Energy

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The cities of Grand Rapids and Kalamazoo have joined Consumers Energy's Renewable Energy Program (REP), marking a significant step towards their climate goals. The program allows customers to match 100% of their energy use with wind and solar power. This partnership supports Consumers Energy's Clean Energy Plan, which aims to eliminate coal by 2025 and achieve net-zero carbon emissions.

Kalamazoo aims to reduce carbon emissions to net-zero by 2050, while Grand Rapids plans to power all municipal operations with renewable energy by 2025. The REP already includes 3 dozen participants, including major corporations and the State of Michigan. In 2025, the program will expand to include residential and small business customers.

Le città di Grand Rapids e Kalamazoo hanno aderito al Programma di Energia Rinnovabile (REP) di Consumers Energy, segnando un passo significativo verso i loro obiettivi climatici. Il programma consente ai clienti di compensare il 100% del loro consumo energetico con energia eolica e solare. Questa partnership sostiene il Piano di Energia Pulita di Consumers Energy, che mira a eliminare il carbone entro il 2025 e a raggiungere emissioni di carbonio nette pari a zero.

Kalamazoo mira a ridurre le emissioni di carbonio a zero netto entro il 2050, mentre Grand Rapids prevede di alimentare tutte le operazioni municipali con energia rinnovabile entro il 2025. Il REP include già 3 dozzine di partecipanti, tra cui grandi aziende e lo Stato del Michigan. Nel 2025, il programma si espanderà per includere clienti residenziali e piccole imprese.

Las ciudades de Grand Rapids y Kalamazoo se han unido al Programa de Energía Renovable (REP) de Consumers Energy, marcando un paso significativo hacia sus objetivos climáticos. El programa permite a los clientes igualar el 100% de su consumo energético con energía eólica y solar. Esta asociación apoya el Plan de Energía Limpia de Consumers Energy, que tiene como objetivo eliminar el carbón para 2025 y lograr emisiones netas de carbono cero.

Kalamazoo tiene como objetivo reducir las emisiones de carbono a cero neto para 2050, mientras que Grand Rapids planea abastecer todas las operaciones municipales con energía renovable para 2025. El REP ya incluye 3 docenas de participantes, incluidos grandes corporaciones y el Estado de Michigan. En 2025, el programa se expandirá para incluir clientes residenciales y pequeñas empresas.

그랜드래피드와 칼라마주 도시가 Consumers Energy의 재생 에너지 프로그램( REP)에 참여하여 기후 목표를 향한 중요한 단계를 밟았습니다. 이 프로그램은 고객이 자신의 에너지 사용량을 풍력 및 태양광 에너지로 100% 일치시킬 수 있도록 합니다. 이 파트너십은 Consumers Energy의 청정 에너지 계획을 지원하며, 이는 2025년까지 석탄을 제거하고 탄소 배출 제로 달성을 목표로 하고 있습니다.

칼라마주시는 2050년까지 탄소 배출을 제로로 줄이는 것을 목표로 하며, 그랜드래피드는 2025년까지 모든 시 직무를 재생 가능한 에너지로 운영할 계획입니다. REP는 이미 3다스 참가자를 포함하고 있으며, 주요 기업 및 미시간 주를 포함합니다. 2025년에 이 프로그램은 주택 및 소규모 비즈니스 고객을 포함하도록 확장될 것입니다.

Les villes de Grand Rapids et Kalamazoo ont rejoint le Programme d'Énergie Renouvelable (REP) de Consumers Energy, marquant un pas significatif vers leurs objectifs climatiques. Le programme permet aux clients d'aligner 100 % de leur consommation d'énergie avec l'énergie éolienne et solaire. Ce partenariat soutient le Plan d'Énergie Propre de Consumers Energy, qui vise à éliminer le charbon d'ici 2025 et à atteindre des émissions de carbone nulles.

Kalamazoo vise à réduire les émissions de carbone à zéro net d'ici 2050, tandis que Grand Rapids prévoit d'alimenter toutes les opérations municipales avec de l'énergie renouvelable d'ici 2025. Le REP compte déjà 3 douzaines de participants, y compris de grandes entreprises et l'État du Michigan. En 2025, le programme sera élargi pour inclure des clients résidentiels et des petites entreprises.

Die Städte Grand Rapids und Kalamazoo haben sich dem Erneuerbare-Energien-Program (REP) von Consumers Energy angeschlossen, was einen bedeutenden Schritt in Richtung ihrer Klimaziele darstellt. Das Programm ermöglicht es den Kunden, 100% ihres Energieverbrauchs mit Wind- und Solarenergie zu decken. Diese Partnerschaft unterstützt den Plan für saubere Energie von Consumers Energy, der darauf abzielt, 2025 Kohle zu eliminieren und netto null Kohlenstoffemissionen zu erreichen.

Kalamazoo hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, die Kohlenstoffemissionen bis 2050 auf netto null zu reduzieren, während Grand Rapids plant, alle kommunalen Betriebe bis 2025 mit erneuerbarer Energie zu versorgen. Das REP umfasst bereits 3 Dutzend Teilnehmer, darunter große Unternehmen und den Bundesstaat Michigan. Im Jahr 2025 wird das Programm auf Wohn- und Kleinunternehmen ausgeweitet.

  • Consumers Energy's Renewable Energy Program gains two major West Michigan cities as participants
  • The program supports Consumers Energy's Clean Energy Plan to eliminate coal by 2025 and achieve net-zero carbon emissions
  • REP will expand in 2025 to include residential and small business customers, potentially increasing revenue
  • None.

This partnership marks a significant milestone in Michigan's transition to renewable energy. The commitment from Grand Rapids and Kalamazoo to Consumers Energy's Renewable Energy Program (REP) demonstrates a growing trend among municipalities to take proactive steps in addressing climate change. However, it's important to note that while this is a positive move, the real impact will depend on the program's implementation and the cities' ability to meet their ambitious goals.

The expansion of the REP to include residential and small business customers in 2025 could potentially accelerate adoption of renewable energy across the state. This inclusive approach aligns with global best practices in energy transition strategies. Yet, the success of this expansion will hinge on factors such as pricing, accessibility and public awareness campaigns.

Investors should monitor how this initiative affects Consumers Energy's financial performance and market position in the long term, as well as its impact on the company's Clean Energy Plan progress.

This move by Grand Rapids and Kalamazoo represents a growing market demand for renewable energy solutions in the Midwest. Consumers Energy's Renewable Energy Program is positioning the company as a leader in the energy transition, potentially enhancing its competitive edge and market share in Michigan.

The program's expansion to residential and small business customers in 2025 could lead to a significant increase in revenue streams for Consumers Energy. However, investors should be aware of the potential costs associated with scaling up renewable infrastructure to meet this growing demand.

The company's commitment to eliminating coal by 2025 and achieving net-zero carbon emissions aligns with global energy trends. This forward-thinking approach could attract ESG-focused investors and potentially lead to long-term cost savings as renewable technologies become more efficient and affordable.

City of Grand Rapids and City of Kalamazoo Sign Contracts for Renewable Energy Program to Power Their Cities

JACKSON, Mich., Sept. 17, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- The cities of Grand Rapids and Kalamazoo are setting a new standard in sustainability by joining the Consumers Energy Renewable Energy Program (REP). This partnership represents a significant step toward achieving their ambitious climate goals and advancing their commitment to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The Renewable Energy Program enables customers to match 100% of their energy use with cost-effective wind and solar power. This customer-powered clean energy effort lowers costs and helps protect the planet. 
"Consumers Energy appreciates the partnership from our two largest West Michigan municipalities by committing to this program," said Lauren Snyder, Consumers Energy's vice president of customer experience. "The leadership shown by the Cities of Grand Rapids and Kalamazoo highlights the importance of our Clean Energy Plan and helps us to continue to build out more renewable energy resources like solar and wind." 

This partnership with Consumers Energy not only supports Kalamazoo and Grand Rapids in meeting their sustainability goals but also serves as a model for other businesses and municipalities striving to embrace renewable energy and achieve sustainability goals. The program already includes 3 dozen participants including General Motors, 7/11, Walmart and the State of Michigan. In 2025, the program will expand giving residential and small business customers an option to sign up for cost-effective, utility-scale renewable energy projects. 

"By joining the Renewable Energy Program, Kalamazoo is taking a bold step forward in our mission to enhance environmental sustainability and reduce our carbon footprint," said Kalamazoo Mayor David Anderson. "This initiative reflects our commitment to reduce carbon emissions to net-zero by 2050, working towards a greener future for all." 

Similarly, Grand Rapids is embracing this opportunity to make substantial progress toward its sustainability objectives. "Our participation in the Renewable Energy Program aligns perfectly with Grand Rapids' vision of a cleaner, more sustainable community," said Mayor Rosalynn Bliss of Grand Rapids. "This commitment underscores our dedication to environmental stewardship and supports our goal of powering all municipal operations with renewable energy by 2025 and beyond." 

Consumers Energy is Michigan's largest energy provider, providing natural gas and/or electricity to 6.8 million of the state's 10 million residents in all 68 Lower Peninsula counties. Consumers Energy's Clean Energy Plan calls for eliminating coal as an energy source in 2025, achieving net-zero carbon emissions and meeting 90% of customers' energy needs through clean sources, including wind and solar.

For more information on the City of Grand Rapids' Green Grand Rapids plan, learn more here.

For more information on the City of Kalamazoo Sustainability plan, learn more here.

For more information about Consumers Energy, go to

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SOURCE Consumers Energy


What is Consumers Energy's Renewable Energy Program (REP)?

Consumers Energy's Renewable Energy Program (REP) allows customers to match 100% of their energy use with cost-effective wind and solar power, supporting the company's clean energy initiatives and helping participants meet their sustainability goals.

Which cities recently joined Consumers Energy's Renewable Energy Program?

The cities of Grand Rapids and Kalamazoo recently joined Consumers Energy's Renewable Energy Program, committing to power their cities with renewable energy.

What are the climate goals for Grand Rapids and Kalamazoo?

Kalamazoo aims to reduce carbon emissions to net-zero by 2050, while Grand Rapids plans to power all municipal operations with renewable energy by 2025.

When will Consumers Energy's Renewable Energy Program expand to include residential customers?

Consumers Energy's Renewable Energy Program will expand in 2025 to include residential and small business customers, offering them the option to sign up for cost-effective, utility-scale renewable energy projects.

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