Go Green! Consumers Energy Expands Residential Renewable Energy Options for All Michiganders
Consumers Energy has announced two major renewable energy initiatives in Michigan. The first, 'Green Giving', is a pioneering program allowing low-income customers to benefit from renewable energy projects through community-sponsored subscriptions, offering monthly bill credits of $10-$20. Eligible customers must have income at or below 200% of the federal poverty level.
The second initiative is an expanded Residential Renewable Energy Program available to all income levels, where customers can choose their subscription level through a website tool. These programs support the company's Clean Energy Plan, which aims to eliminate coal by 2025 and achieve net-zero carbon emissions. By 2040, over 60% of their electric capacity will come from renewable sources.
Consumers Energy serves 6.8 million residents across Michigan's Lower Peninsula, targeting 90% of customers' energy needs through clean sources including wind and solar.
Consumers Energy ha annunciato due importanti iniziative di energia rinnovabile in Michigan. La prima, 'Green Giving', è un programma innovativo che consente ai clienti a basso reddito di beneficiare di progetti di energia rinnovabile attraverso abbonamenti sponsorizzati dalla comunità, offrendo crediti mensili sulla bolletta di $10-$20. I clienti idonei devono avere un reddito pari o inferiore al 200% del livello di povertà federale.
La seconda iniziativa è un Programma Residenziale di Energia Rinnovabile ampliato, disponibile per tutti i livelli di reddito, dove i clienti possono scegliere il loro livello di abbonamento tramite uno strumento online. Questi programmi supportano il Piano Energetico Pulito dell'azienda, che mira ad eliminare il carbone entro il 2025 e a raggiungere emissioni di carbonio nette pari a zero. Entro il 2040, oltre il 60% della loro capacità elettrica proviene da fonti rinnovabili.
Consumers Energy serve 6,8 milioni di residenti nella Penisola Inferiore del Michigan, mirando a soddisfare il 90% delle esigenze energetiche dei clienti attraverso fonti pulite, tra cui eolico e solare.
Consumers Energy ha anunciado dos importantes iniciativas de energía renovable en Michigan. La primera, 'Green Giving', es un programa pionero que permite a los clientes de bajos ingresos beneficiarse de proyectos de energía renovable a través de suscripciones patrocinadas por la comunidad, ofreciendo créditos mensuales en la factura de $10-$20. Los clientes elegibles deben tener ingresos iguales o inferiores al 200% del nivel federal de pobreza.
La segunda iniciativa es un Programa Residencial de Energía Renovable ampliado, disponible para todos los niveles de ingresos, donde los clientes pueden elegir su nivel de suscripción a través de una herramienta en línea. Estos programas apoyan el Plan de Energía Limpia de la empresa, que tiene como objetivo eliminar el carbón para 2025 y alcanzar emisiones netas de carbono cero. Para 2040, más del 60% de su capacidad eléctrica provendrá de fuentes renovables.
Consumers Energy atiende a 6.8 millones de residentes en la Península Inferior de Michigan, con el objetivo de cubrir el 90% de las necesidades energéticas de los clientes a través de fuentes limpias, incluyendo eólica y solar.
Consumers Energy는 미시간에서 두 가지 주요 재생 에너지 이니셔티브를 발표했습니다. 첫 번째는 'Green Giving'라는 혁신적인 프로그램으로, 저소득 고객이 지역 사회 후원 구독을 통해 재생 에너지 프로젝트의 혜택을 받을 수 있도록 하여 매월 $10-$20의 청구서 크레딧을 제공합니다. 자격이 있는 고객은 연방 빈곤 수준의 200% 이하의 소득을 가져야 합니다.
두 번째 이니셔티브는 모든 소득 수준에 제공되는 주거용 재생 에너지 프로그램의 확대 버전으로, 고객은 웹사이트 도구를 통해 자신의 구독 수준을 선택할 수 있습니다. 이러한 프로그램은 2025년까지 석탄을 없애고 탄소 배출을 제로로 달성하는 것을 목표로 하는 청정 에너지 계획을 지원합니다. 2040년까지 그들의 전기 용량의 60% 이상이 재생 가능한 소스에서 올 것입니다.
Consumers Energy는 미시간의 하부 반도에서 680만 명의 주민에게 서비스를 제공하며, 풍력 및 태양광을 포함한 청정 소스를 통해 고객의 에너지 요구의 90%를 충족하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.
Consumers Energy a annoncé deux initiatives majeures en matière d'énergie renouvelable dans le Michigan. La première, 'Green Giving', est un programme novateur permettant aux clients à faible revenu de bénéficier de projets d'énergie renouvelable grâce à des abonnements soutenus par la communauté, offrant des crédits mensuels de 10 à 20 $. Les clients éligibles doivent avoir un revenu égal ou inférieur à 200 % du niveau de pauvreté fédéral.
La deuxième initiative est un Programme Résidentiel d'Énergie Renouvelable élargi, disponible pour tous les niveaux de revenus, où les clients peuvent choisir leur niveau d'abonnement via un outil en ligne. Ces programmes soutiennent le Plan Énergétique Propre de l'entreprise, qui vise à éliminer le charbon d'ici 2025 et à atteindre des émissions nettes de carbone nulles. D'ici 2040, plus de 60 % de leur capacité électrique proviendra de sources renouvelables.
Consumers Energy dessert 6,8 millions de résidents dans la péninsule inférieure du Michigan, visant à répondre à 90 % des besoins énergétiques de ses clients grâce à des sources propres, y compris l'éolien et le solaire.
Consumers Energy hat zwei wichtige Initiativen zur erneuerbaren Energie in Michigan angekündigt. Die erste, 'Green Giving', ist ein wegweisendes Programm, das es einkommensschwachen Kunden ermöglicht, von Projekten der erneuerbaren Energie durch gemeinschaftlich gesponserte Abonnements zu profitieren, die monatliche Gutschriften von $10-$20 auf der Rechnung bieten. Berechtigte Kunden müssen ein Einkommen auf oder unter 200% der bundesstaatlichen Armutsgrenze haben.
Die zweite Initiative ist ein erweitertes Wohnsitz-Programm für erneuerbare Energien, das für alle Einkommensstufen verfügbar ist, bei dem die Kunden ihr Abonnement über ein Online-Tool auswählen können. Diese Programme unterstützen den Clean Energy Plan des Unternehmens, der darauf abzielt, bis 2025 Kohle zu eliminieren und netto null Kohlenstoffemissionen zu erreichen. Bis 2040 wird über 60% ihrer elektrischen Kapazität aus erneuerbaren Quellen stammen.
Consumers Energy versorgt 6,8 Millionen Einwohner in der unteren Halbinsel von Michigan und zielt darauf ab, 90% des Energiebedarfs der Kunden durch saubere Quellen, einschließlich Wind- und Solarenergie, zu decken.
- Launch of Green Giving program providing $10-$20 monthly savings for low-income customers
- Expansion of Residential Renewable Energy Program to all income levels
- Strong progress toward clean energy transition with coal elimination by 2025
- Large customer base of 6.8 million residents across Michigan
- Significant infrastructure investment needed to achieve 60% renewable capacity by 2040
- Program benefits dependent on renewable energy market prices and generation capacity
Income qualified customers can now join other residential and
business customers in participating in
"Green Giving" saves low-income customers money and provides access to the financial and environmental benefits from renewable energy projects with the help of community sponsored dollars. It means that regardless of income or location, customers can count on Consumers Energy and each other to be part of our clean energy future.
Here's how it will work:
- Consumers Energy builds renewable resources – large scale wind or solar projects.
- The company utilizes sponsored dollars from those wanting to help fund low-income customer subscriptions tied to our projects.
- Consumers Energy, alongside our community-based organization agency partners, enrolls eligible customers to subscribe to renewable resources.
- Those resources then generate clean electricity, which is sold back into the grid.
- Then, the value we receive from renewable energy sales, gets passed along to those customers enrolled in "Green Giving" through a direct line-item credit on their bills of
/month.$10 -$20
"Green Giving is a game-changer! We're thrilled to empower our most vulnerable customers with access to clean energy and cost savings. Together, we're making
Whether you're a homeowner or a renter, anyone with income of
In addition to this new option for low-income residents, Consumers Energy, today also announced its new cost-effective option for residential customers of any income level wanting to help protect the planet.
Consumers Energy's robust and economical Residential Renewable Energy Program, now available to homeowners, allows customers to choose their commitment level. Utilizing our user-friendly website tool, customers can elect how much renewable energy they'd like to subscribe to based on the amount they elect to pay each month. Consumers Energy then determines credits in return, based on renewable energy generated and sold back into the grid.
The new Residential Renewable Energy Program follows the successful launch of our Solar Gardens program, which this year has peaked in participation since launching in 2016, as Consumers Energy continues to grow interest in renewable energy.
The expansion of these two milestone renewable energy offerings are key components in Consumers Energy's Clean Energy Plan announced in 2021, which is the company's commitment to protect the environment for future generations.
By 2040, clean, renewable fuel sources will comprise more than 60 percent of our electric capacity. Combining that growth with advances in energy storage and customer energy efficiency will allow Consumers Energy to meet customer needs and ultimately save customers money through a variety of programs like these.
Consumers Energy is
For more information about Consumers Energy, go to ConsumersEnergy.com.
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SOURCE Consumers Energy