Consumers Energy Launches Year-long Plan to Help Kalamazoo Customers Reduce Energy Use and Save Money
Consumers Energy (CMS) has launched 'Count on Us Kalamazoo!', a year-long initiative focused on energy waste reduction in underserved communities. The program targets three zip codes in Kalamazoo during 2025, offering energy-efficient upgrades to homes for customers at or below 250% of the federal poverty level.
The initiative includes various improvements such as pipe wrap installation, smart thermostat replacements, window film installation, HVAC tune-ups, and duct cleaning. Select income-qualified homeowners may also be eligible for premium energy efficiency upgrades. This expansion follows a successful implementation in Flint during 2023-2024.
Consumers Energy, Michigan's largest energy provider serving 6.8 million residents, will collaborate with local community action agencies and non-profit organizations to implement these upgrades. The company will also sponsor outreach events and distribute energy savings kits throughout Kalamazoo during the year.
Consumers Energy (CMS) ha lanciato 'Count on Us Kalamazoo!', un'iniziativa di un anno focalizzata sulla riduzione degli sprechi energetici nelle comunità svantaggiate. Il programma mira a tre codici postali a Kalamazoo nel 2025, offrendo aggiornamenti energetici alle abitazioni per clienti con un reddito pari o inferiore al 250% del livello di povertà federale.
L'iniziativa comprende vari miglioramenti come installazione di isolamento per tubi, sostituzione di termostati intelligenti, installazione di pellicole per finestre, manutenzioni degli impianti HVAC e pulizia dei condotti. Alcuni proprietari di casa con reddito qualificato potrebbero anche essere idonei per aggiornamenti di efficienza energetica premium. Questa espansione segue un'implementazione di successo a Flint nel 2023-2024.
Consumers Energy, il più grande fornitore di energia del Michigan che serve 6,8 milioni di residenti, collaborerà con agenzie locali di azione comunitaria e organizzazioni non profit per realizzare questi aggiornamenti. L'azienda sponsorizzerà anche eventi di sensibilizzazione e distribuirà kit di risparmio energetico in tutto Kalamazoo durante l'anno.
Consumers Energy (CMS) ha lanzado 'Count on Us Kalamazoo!', una iniciativa de un año centrada en la reducción del desperdicio de energía en comunidades desatendidas. El programa se dirige a tres códigos postales en Kalamazoo durante 2025, ofreciendo mejoras energéticas a hogares para clientes con ingresos iguales o inferiores al 250% del nivel federal de pobreza.
La iniciativa incluye diversas mejoras como instalación de aislamiento en tuberías, reemplazo de termostatos inteligentes, instalación de películas para ventanas, mantenimiento de HVAC y limpieza de conductos. Algunos propietarios de viviendas que califiquen por ingresos también pueden ser elegibles para mejoras de eficiencia energética premium. Esta expansión sigue a una implementación exitosa en Flint durante 2023-2024.
Consumers Energy, el mayor proveedor de energía de Michigan que atiende a 6.8 millones de residentes, colaborará con agencias locales de acción comunitaria y organizaciones sin fines de lucro para implementar estas mejoras. La empresa también patrocinará eventos de divulgación y distribuirá kits de ahorro energético en toda Kalamazoo durante el año.
Consumers Energy (CMS)는 'Count on Us Kalamazoo!'라는 1년간의 이니셔티브를 시작했습니다. 이 프로그램은 에너지 낭비 감소에 초점을 맞추고 있으며, 소외된 지역 사회를 대상으로 합니다. 2025년 동안 칼라마주에서 세 개의 우편번호를 목표로 하며, 연방 빈곤 수준의 250% 이하의 고객을 위해 에너지 효율적인 주택 개선을 제공합니다.
이 이니셔티브에는 배관 절연 설치, 스마트 온도 조절기 교체, 창문 필름 설치, HVAC 점검 및 덕트 청소와 같은 다양한 개선 사항이 포함됩니다. 소득 기준을 충족하는 일부 주택 소유자는 프리미엄 에너지 효율성 업그레이드의 자격이 있을 수도 있습니다. 이 확장은 2023-2024년 플린트에서의 성공적인 이행에 이어진 것입니다.
Consumers Energy는 미시간에서 680만 주민에게 서비스를 제공하는 가장 큰 에너지 공급업체로, 지역 사회 행동 기관 및 비영리 단체와 협력하여 이러한 업그레이드를 시행할 것입니다. 회사는 또한 칼라마주 전역에서 에너지 절약 키트를 배포하고 홍보 이벤트를 후원할 것입니다.
Consumers Energy (CMS) a lancé 'Count on Us Kalamazoo!', une initiative d'un an axée sur la réduction du gaspillage énergétique dans les communautés défavorisées. Le programme cible trois codes postaux à Kalamazoo en 2025, offrant des améliorations énergétiques aux foyers pour les clients ayant un revenu égal ou inférieur à 250 % du seuil de pauvreté fédéral.
L'initiative comprend diverses améliorations telles que l'installation d'isolants pour tuyaux, le remplacement de thermostats intelligents, l'installation de films pour fenêtres, l'entretien des systèmes HVAC et le nettoyage des conduits. Certains propriétaires qualifiés par leurs revenus peuvent également être éligibles à des améliorations d'efficacité énergétique premium. Cette expansion fait suite à une mise en œuvre réussie à Flint en 2023-2024.
Consumers Energy, le plus grand fournisseur d'énergie du Michigan servant 6,8 millions de résidents, collaborera avec des agences d'action communautaire locales et des organisations à but non lucratif pour mettre en œuvre ces améliorations. L'entreprise parrainera également des événements de sensibilisation et distribuera des kits d'économie d'énergie dans tout Kalamazoo au cours de l'année.
Consumers Energy (CMS) hat 'Count on Us Kalamazoo!' ins Leben gerufen, eine einjährige Initiative, die sich auf die Reduzierung von Energieverschwendung in benachteiligten Gemeinschaften konzentriert. Das Programm richtet sich im Jahr 2025 an drei Postleitzahlen in Kalamazoo und bietet energieeffiziente Verbesserungen für Haushalte von Kunden mit einem Einkommen von bis zu 250% der bundesstaatlichen Armutsgrenze.
Die Initiative umfasst verschiedene Verbesserungen wie Installation von Rohrisolierungen, Austausch von Smart-Thermostaten, Installation von Fensterfolien, Wartung von HVAC-Systemen und Reinigung von Lüftungsanlagen. Bestimmte einkommensqualifizierte Hausbesitzer könnten auch für Premium-Energieeffizienz-Upgrades in Frage kommen. Diese Erweiterung folgt auf eine erfolgreiche Umsetzung in Flint im Jahr 2023-2024.
Consumers Energy, Michigans größter Energieversorger, der 6,8 Millionen Einwohner bedient, wird mit lokalen Gemeinschaftsaktionsagenturen und gemeinnützigen Organisationen zusammenarbeiten, um diese Verbesserungen umzusetzen. Das Unternehmen wird auch Informationsveranstaltungen sponsern und im Laufe des Jahres Energiespar-Kits in Kalamazoo verteilen.
- Program expansion to new market (Kalamazoo) following successful implementation in Flint
- Strategic initiative to reduce customer churn and maintain market share in underserved communities
- Potential for improved customer retention through subsidized energy efficiency upgrades
- Significant investment required for home upgrades and program implementation
- scope to specific zip codes may impact overall program effectiveness
Count on Us Kalamazoo! brings energy savings awareness, education and support for income qualified residents
Consumers Energy will work with neighbors in
"The 'Count on Us Kalamazoo!' program showcases Consumers Energy's dedication to providing safe, reliable, and affordable energy," said Lauren Snyder, Consumers Energy's vice president of customer experience. "We've found that energy efficiency works best when homes are structurally sound. This program makes that possible with premium energy efficiency upgrades and upgrades to insulation and windows—all paid for by us. It's our way of helping our customers, especially the most vulnerable, save money on their bills."
Customers at or below
"One of the things that I appreciate about Consumers Energy is that they've always been really dedicated to seeing the community thrive. They most certainly have shown us that this is what they do every day and that they want people in our communities to thrive and to be able to identify things that are going to help them," said Edward Johnson, Founder and Chairman of GenWel United.
Consumers Energy will be present at or sponsoring several outreach events across the
To see if you qualify for a home energy analysis and other offerings, visit Consumers Energy customers can also sign up for My Personalized Offerings here, which allows customers to enter some basic household information and receive program suggestions tailored to them, in under 2 minutes.
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