Consumers Energy Expanding Community Solar Program with 30-Acre Solar Project in Jackson County

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Consumers Energy plans to break ground on Blackman Solar, a new 30-acre community solar array in Jackson County, Michigan, in spring 2025. The project, approved by Blackman Township, will generate electricity by the end of 2025 as part of the company's Solar Gardens program. Blackman Solar will include nearly 5,000 solar panels, generating up to 2.5 megawatts of renewable electricity for 2,500 future Solar Gardens customers.

This project will be Consumers Energy's fourth owned and operated community solar facility, expanding their MI Sunrise program for income-qualified customers. The company is committed to Michigan's clean energy future, planning to close its final three coal-burning units next summer and aiming to be carbon-neutral by 2040. Consumers Energy serves 6.8 million residents across Michigan's Lower Peninsula.

Consumers Energy prevede di dare inizio ai lavori per Blackman Solar, un nuovo impianto solare comunitario di 30 acri nella contea di Jackson, Michigan, nella primavera del 2025. Il progetto, approvato dal comune di Blackman, genererà elettricità entro la fine del 2025 come parte del programma Solar Gardens dell'azienda. Blackman Solar includerà quasi 5.000 pannelli solari, generando fino a 2.5 megawatt di elettricità rinnovabile per 2.500 futuri clienti dei Solar Gardens.

Questo progetto sarà il quarto impianto solare comunitario di proprietà e gestione di Consumers Energy, ampliando il loro programma MI Sunrise per clienti con reddito qualificato. L'azienda è impegnata nel futuro energetico pulito del Michigan, pianificando di chiudere le sue ultime tre unità a carbone la prossima estate e puntando a diventare neutro in termini di carbonio entro il 2040. Consumers Energy serve 6,8 milioni di residenti nella Penisola Inferiore del Michigan.

Consumers Energy planea iniciar la construcción de Blackman Solar, un nuevo arreglo solar comunitario de 30 acres en el condado de Jackson, Michigan, en la primavera de 2025. El proyecto, aprobado por el municipio de Blackman, generará electricidad a finales de 2025 como parte del programa Solar Gardens de la compañía. Blackman Solar incluirá casi 5,000 paneles solares, generando hasta 2.5 megavatios de electricidad renovable para 2,500 futuros clientes de Solar Gardens.

Este proyecto será la cuarta instalación solar comunitaria de propiedad y operada por Consumers Energy, ampliando su programa MI Sunrise para clientes calificados por ingresos. La empresa está comprometida con el futuro de energía limpia en Michigan, planeando cerrar sus últimas tres unidades de carbón el próximo verano y buscando ser neutral en carbono para 2040. Consumers Energy atiende a 6.8 millones de residentes en la Península Inferior de Michigan.

Consumers Energy는 2025년 봄에 미시간 주 잭슨 카운티에 위치한 30에이커 규모의 커뮤니티 태양광 발전소인 Blackman Solar의 착공을 계획하고 있습니다. 블랙맨 타운십의 승인을 받은 이 프로젝트는 2025년 말까지 Solar Gardens 프로그램의 일환으로 전기를 생산할 것입니다. Blackman Solar는 약 5,000개의 태양광 패널을 포함하여, 2,500명의 미래 Solar Gardens 고객을 위해 최대 2.5 메가와트의 재생 가능 전기를 생성합니다.

이 프로젝트는 Consumers Energy의 4번째 커뮤니티 태양광 시설로, 소득 자격이 있는 고객을 위한 MI Sunrise 프로그램을 확장하는 것입니다. 이 회사는 미시간의 청정 에너지 미래에 전념하고 있으며, 내년 여름에 마지막 석탄 발전소 3곳을 폐쇄할 예정이며 2040년까지 탄소 중립을 목표로 하고 있습니다. Consumers Energy는 미시간 주 롄펜슬라의 680만 주민에게 서비스를 제공합니다.

Consumers Energy prévoit de commencer la construction de Blackman Solar, un nouveau parc solaire communautaire de 30 acres dans le comté de Jackson, Michigan, au printemps 2025. Le projet, approuvé par la ville de Blackman, générera de l'électricité d'ici la fin de 2025 dans le cadre du programme Solar Gardens de l'entreprise. Blackman Solar comprendra près de 5 000 panneaux solaires, générant jusqu'à 2,5 mégawatts d'électricité renouvelable pour 2 500 futurs clients des Solar Gardens.

Ce projet sera la quatrième installation solaire communautaire détenue et exploitée par Consumers Energy, élargissant leur programme MI Sunrise pour les clients à revenus qualifiés. L'entreprise s'engage en faveur d'un avenir énergétique propre pour le Michigan, prévoyant de fermer ses trois dernières unités au charbon l'été prochain avec pour objectif d'atteindre une neutralité carbone d'ici 2040. Consumers Energy dessert 6,8 millions de résidents dans la péninsule inférieure du Michigan.

Consumers Energy plant, im Frühjahr 2025 mit dem Bau von Blackman Solar, einer neuen 30 Hektar großen gemeinschaftlichen Solar-Anlage im Jackson County, Michigan, zu beginnen. Das Projekt, das von der Stadt Blackman genehmigt wurde, wird bis Ende 2025 Strom erzeugen und ist Teil des Solar Gardens Programms des Unternehmens. Blackman Solar wird fast 5.000 Solarmodule umfassen, die bis zu 2,5 Megawatt erneuerbare Energie für 2.500 zukünftige Solar Gardens-Kunden erzeugen.

Dieses Projekt wird die vierte gemeinschaftliche Solar-Anlage sein, die Consumers Energy besitzt und betreibt, und erweitert ihr MI Sunrise Programm für einkommensqualifizierte Kunden. Das Unternehmen engagiert sich für eine saubere Energiezukunft in Michigan und plant, seine letzten drei Kohlekraftwerke im nächsten Sommer stillzulegen, mit dem Ziel, bis 2040 kohlenstoffneutral zu sein. Consumers Energy versorgt 6,8 Millionen Einwohner in der unteren Halbinsel von Michigan.

  • Expansion of community solar program with new 30-acre project
  • Generation of 2.5 megawatts of renewable electricity for 2,500 customers
  • Expansion of income-qualified Solar Gardens program (MI Sunrise)
  • Progress towards carbon-neutral goal by 2040
  • Closing of final three coal-burning units by summer 2025
  • None.

Consumers Energy's expansion of its community solar program with the Blackman Solar project marks a significant step towards Michigan's clean energy transition. The 30-acre, 2.5-megawatt facility will power approximately 2,500 Solar Gardens customers, showcasing a growing demand for accessible renewable energy options.

This project aligns with the company's ambitious Clean Energy Plan, which aims for carbon neutrality by 2040. The plan includes closing all coal-burning units by 2025, positioning Consumers Energy as a leader in rapid decarbonization. The expansion of community solar programs like Solar Gardens and MI Sunrise demonstrates a commitment to inclusive clean energy access, particularly for income-qualified customers and public entities.

From a policy perspective, this initiative supports Michigan's broader energy transition goals while addressing energy equity concerns. The project's approval and community support indicate a favorable regulatory environment for utility-scale solar developments in the state.

While specific financial details are not provided, the Blackman Solar project represents a strategic investment for Consumers Energy. Community solar programs like Solar Gardens can offer stable revenue streams through long-term customer subscriptions, potentially reducing financial risks associated with large-scale renewable projects.

The expansion of income-qualified programs like MI Sunrise could improve customer retention and enhance the company's ESG profile, potentially attracting socially conscious investors. Moreover, the project's ability to leverage federal grant dollars for municipalities and nonprofits suggests a smart financial strategy that could lead to accelerated growth in this sector.

Investors should note that while the initial capital expenditure for solar projects can be significant, the long-term operational costs are typically lower than traditional fossil fuel plants. This aligns with the company's goal to meet 90% of customer energy needs through clean sources, potentially leading to improved cost structures and profitability in the long run.

The Blackman Solar project is a commendable step towards sustainable energy production in Michigan. With 5,000 solar panels generating 2.5 megawatts of clean electricity, it will significantly reduce carbon emissions compared to fossil fuel alternatives. This aligns with global efforts to combat climate change and demonstrates Consumers Energy's commitment to environmental stewardship.

The community solar model is particularly noteworthy for its democratization of renewable energy access. By allowing customers to support solar projects without owning arrays, it overcomes barriers like upfront costs and suitable installation locations. The MI Sunrise program further enhances this by targeting underserved communities, addressing energy equity issues.

However, it's important to consider the land use implications of large-scale solar projects. While 30 acres is relatively modest, cumulative land requirements for multiple projects could potentially conflict with other land uses. Future developments should prioritize brownfield sites or dual-use strategies to maximize environmental benefits.

JACKSON, Mich., Sept. 19, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Consumers Energy plans to break ground next spring on Blackman Solar, a new 30-acre community solar array in its home Jackson County that will provide local clean energy to customers through its Solar Gardens program.

Consumers Energy this week received approval from Blackman Township for the community solar project, which is slated to start generating electricity by the end of 2025.

"Blackman Solar is a great example of a partnership with a community to develop a project that delivers reliable, clean energy as well as local tax and economic benefits," said David Hicks. Consumers Energy's vice president of renewable energy development. "We're grateful for the reception we've received from Blackman Township leaders and are excited to continue developing solar projects like this on our path to a carbon-neutral electric grid."

Blackman Solar will generate power for Consumers Energy's Solar Gardens community solar program, in which customers choose to support new solar projects without having to own solar arrays.

The new community solar facility will be the fourth that Consumers Energy owns and operates, joining other Solar Gardens projects in Cadillac, at Western Michigan University and at Grand Valley State University. Blackman Solar will include nearly 5,000 solar panels and will generate up to 2.5 megawatts of renewable electricity for 2,500 future Solar Gardens customers.

Blackman Solar also will provide new capacity to expand Consumers Energy's income-qualified Solar Gardens program MI Sunrise. MI Sunrise is an efficient, easy, cost-effective way for municipalities, nonprofits and tribal governments to deploy federal grant dollars, providing access to clean, reliable renewable energy and measurable financial benefits to offset energy bills.

"Blackman Solar will help meet increased demand for community solar and offers shared solar infrastructure, accessibility and inclusivity, as well as financial and environmental benefits for all customers," Hicks said.

Consumers Energy is committed to Michigan's clean energy future. The energy provider is closing its final three coal-burning units next summer, one of the nation's most aggressive timetables. The company is developing solar projects as part of its Clean Energy Plan to be carbon-neutral by 2040.

Consumers Energy is Michigan's largest energy provider, providing natural gas and/or electricity to 6.8 million of the state's 10 million residents in all 68 Lower Peninsula counties. Consumers Energy's Clean Energy Plan calls for eliminating coal as an energy source in 2025, achieving net-zero carbon emissions and meeting 90% of customers' energy needs through clean sources, including wind and solar.

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When will Consumers Energy (CMS) begin construction on the Blackman Solar project?

Consumers Energy plans to break ground on the Blackman Solar project in spring 2025.

How many customers will the Blackman Solar project serve for Consumers Energy (CMS)?

The Blackman Solar project is expected to generate renewable electricity for 2,500 future Solar Gardens customers of Consumers Energy.

What is Consumers Energy's (CMS) target for achieving carbon neutrality?

Consumers Energy aims to be carbon-neutral by 2040 as part of its Clean Energy Plan.

How many solar panels will the Blackman Solar project include for Consumers Energy (CMS)?

The Blackman Solar project will include nearly 5,000 solar panels.

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