Chimerix Reports Inducement Grant Under Nasdaq Listing Rule 5635(c)(4)

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Chimerix (NASDAQ:CMRX) announced that on October 16, 2024, its Compensation Committee granted an inducement award to a new employee. The award consists of non-statutory stock options to purchase up to 130,000 shares of Chimerix's common stock. This grant was approved as an inducement material to the new employee's employment, in accordance with Nasdaq Listing rule 5635(c)(4).

The stock options have an exercise price equal to Chimerix's closing trading price on the grant date, a 10-year term, and will vest over four years. One-fourth will vest on the one-year anniversary of the hire date, with the remaining three-fourths vesting in equal monthly installments over the following three years. While subject to the terms of Chimerix's 2024 Equity Incentive Plan, these options were granted outside of it.

Chimerix is a biopharmaceutical company focused on developing medicines for deadly diseases. Their most advanced clinical-stage program, ONC201, is being developed for H3 K27M-mutant glioma. The company is also conducting Phase 1 dose escalation studies of ONC206 to evaluate safety and PK data.

Chimerix (NASDAQ:CMRX) ha annunciato che il 16 ottobre 2024 il suo Comitato per le Compensazioni ha concesso un premio di induzione a un nuovo dipendente. Il premio consiste in opzioni su azioni non statutarie per l'acquisto di un massimo di 130.000 azioni ordinarie di Chimerix. Questa concessione è stata approvata come incentivo materiale all'assunzione del nuovo dipendente, in conformità con il regolamento di quotazione Nasdaq 5635(c)(4).

Le opzioni su azioni hanno un prezzo di esercizio pari al prezzo di chiusura di Chimerix nella data di concessione, un termine di 10 anni e matureranno in quattro anni. Un quarto maturerà al primo anniversario della data di assunzione, mentre i restanti tre quarti matureranno in rate mensili uguali nei successivi tre anni. Sebbene soggette ai termini del Piano di Incentivazione Azionaria 2024 di Chimerix, queste opzioni sono state concesse al di fuori di esso.

Chimerix è una compagnia biofarmaceutica focalizzata sullo sviluppo di farmaci per malattie letali. Il loro programma clinico più avanzato, ONC201, è in fase di sviluppo per il glioma mutante H3 K27M. L'azienda sta anche conducendo studi di escalation della dose di Fase 1 su ONC206 per valutare la sicurezza e i dati PK.

Chimerix (NASDAQ:CMRX) anunció que el 16 de octubre de 2024, su Comité de Compensación otorgó un premio de inducción a un nuevo empleado. El premio consiste en opciones sobre acciones no estatutarias para comprar hasta 130,000 acciones ordinarias de Chimerix. Esta concesión fue aprobada como un incentivo material para la contratación del nuevo empleado, de acuerdo con la regla de listado Nasdaq 5635(c)(4).

Las opciones sobre acciones tienen un precio de ejercicio igual al precio de cierre de Chimerix en la fecha de concesión, un plazo de 10 años, y se consolidarán a lo largo de cuatro años. Un cuarto se consolidará en el primer aniversario de la fecha de contratación, mientras que los tres cuartos restantes se consolidarán en cuotas mensuales iguales durante los tres años siguientes. Aunque están sujetas a los términos del Plan de Incentivos de Equidad 2024 de Chimerix, estas opciones fueron otorgadas fuera de él.

Chimerix es una compañía biofarmacéutica centrada en desarrollar medicamentos para enfermedades mortales. Su programa clínico más avanzado, ONC201, se está desarrollando para gliomas mutantes H3 K27M. La empresa también está llevando a cabo estudios de escalación de dosis de Fase 1 de ONC206 para evaluar la seguridad y los datos PK.

Chimerix (NASDAQ:CMRX)는 2024년 10월 16일 보상 위원회가 새로운 직원에게 유치 보상을 부여했다고 발표했습니다. 이 보상은 Chimerix의 보통주 130,000주를 구매할 수 있는 비법정 주식 옵션으로 구성됩니다. 이 부여는 새로운 직원의 고용에 대한 유인으로 승인되었으며, Nasdaq 상장 규칙 5635(c)(4)에 따라 이루어졌습니다.

주식 옵션의 행사가격은 부여일의 Chimerix 닫는 가격과 같으며, 10년의 기간을 가지며, 4년에 걸쳐 분기마다 분할됩니다. 직원의 고용일로부터 1년 기념일에 1/4이 분할되며, 나머지 3/4은 이후 3년 동안 매월 동일한 금액으로 분할됩니다. Chimerix의 2024 주식 인센티브 계획의 조건에 따라 적용되지만, 이 옵션들은 그 안에서 부여되었습니다.

Chimerix는 치명적인 질병을 치료할 약물을 개발하는 데 중점을 둔 생물의약 회사입니다. 그들의 가장 진전된 임상 단계 프로그램인 ONC201은 H3 K27M 변이 교모세포종을 위한 것입니다. 회사는 또한 안전성과 PK 데이터를 평가하기 위해 ONC206의 1상 용량 증량 연구를 진행하고 있습니다.

Chimerix (NASDAQ:CMRX) a annoncé que le 16 octobre 2024, son comité des rémunérations a accordé un prix d'incitation à un nouvel employé. Ce prix consiste en des options d'achat d'actions non statutaires permettant d'acheter jusqu'à 130 000 actions ordinaires de Chimerix. Cette attribution a été approuvée comme une incitation matérielle à l'embauche du nouvel employé, conformément à la règle de cotation Nasdaq 5635(c)(4).

Les options d'achat d'actions ont un prix d'exercice égal au prix de clôture de Chimerix à la date d'attribution, une durée de 10 ans, et seront acquises sur quatre ans. Un quart sera acquis à l'anniversaire d'un an de la date d'embauche, tandis que les trois quarts restants seront acquis en parts égales chaque mois au cours des trois années suivantes. Bien que soumises aux termes du Plan d'incitation en capital 2024 de Chimerix, ces options ont été accordées en dehors de celui-ci.

Chimerix est une société biopharmaceutique axée sur le développement de médicaments pour des maladies mortelles. Leur programme clinique le plus avancé, ONC201, est en cours de développement pour le gliome mutant H3 K27M. L'entreprise mène également des études d'escalade de dose de Phase 1 sur ONC206 afin d'évaluer la sécurité et les données PK.

Chimerix (NASDAQ:CMRX) gab bekannt, dass am 16. Oktober 2024 das Vergütungskomitee einem neuen Mitarbeiter einen Induktionsbonus gewährt hat. Der Bonus besteht aus nicht-statutären Aktienoptionen zum Kauf von bis zu 130.000 Aktien des Stammkapitals von Chimerix. Diese Zuweisung wurde als Anreiz für die Anstellung des neuen Mitarbeiters genehmigt, gemäß der Nasdaq-Listingregel 5635(c)(4).

Die Aktienoptionen haben einen Ausübungspreis, der dem Schlusskurs von Chimerix am Tag der Zuweisung entspricht, eine Laufzeit von 10 Jahren und werden über einen Zeitraum von vier Jahren ausgegeben. Ein Viertel wird am ersten Jahrestag des Einstiegsdatums fällig, während die verbleibenden drei Viertel in gleichen monatlichen Raten über die folgenden drei Jahre ausgegeben werden. Obwohl sie den Bedingungen des Equity Incentive Plans 2024 von Chimerix unterliegen, wurden diese Optionen außerhalb dieses Plans gewährt.

Chimerix ist ein biopharmazeutisches Unternehmen, das sich auf die Entwicklung von Medikamenten gegen tödliche Krankheiten konzentriert. Ihr am weitesten fortgeschrittenes klinisches Programm, ONC201, wird zur Behandlung von H3 K27M-mutiertem Gliom entwickelt. Das Unternehmen führt auch eine Phase-1-Dosiserhöhungsstudie zu ONC206 durch, um die Sicherheit und PK-Daten zu bewerten.

  • Granted inducement award to attract new talent
  • Advanced clinical-stage development program ONC201 for H3 K27M-mutant glioma
  • Conducting Phase 1 dose escalation studies of ONC206
  • None.

DURHAM, N.C., Oct. 18, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Chimerix (NASDAQ:CMRX), today announced that on October 16, 2024, the Compensation Committee of Chimerix’s Board of Directors granted an inducement award to a new employee of non-statutory stock options to purchase up to a total of 130,000 shares of Chimerix’s common stock. The Compensation Committee of Chimerix’s Board of Directors approved the award as an inducement material to the new employee’s employment in accordance with Nasdaq Listing rule 5635(c)(4).

The stock options have an exercise price per share equal to Chimerix’s closing trading price as of the grant date. The stock options have a 10-year term and will vest over four years, with one-fourth vesting on the one-year anniversary of the date of hire and the remaining three-fourths vesting over the following three years in equal monthly installments. The stock options are subject to the terms of Chimerix’s 2024 Equity Incentive Plan but were granted outside of the 2024 Equity Incentive Plan.

Chimerix is a biopharmaceutical company with a mission to develop medicines that meaningfully improve and extend the lives of patients facing deadly diseases. The Company’s most advanced clinical-stage development program, ONC201, is in development for H3 K27M-mutant glioma. The Company is conducting Phase 1 dose escalation studies of ONC206 to evaluate safety and PK data.


Will O’Connor
Stern Investor Relations


What inducement award did Chimerix (CMRX) grant on October 16, 2024?

Chimerix granted non-statutory stock options to purchase up to 130,000 shares of the company's common stock to a new employee as an inducement award.

How will the stock options granted by Chimerix (CMRX) vest?

The stock options will vest over four years, with one-fourth vesting on the one-year anniversary of the hire date and the remaining three-fourths vesting in equal monthly installments over the following three years.

What is Chimerix's (CMRX) most advanced clinical-stage development program?

Chimerix's most advanced clinical-stage development program is ONC201, which is in development for H3 K27M-mutant glioma.

What Phase 1 studies is Chimerix (CMRX) currently conducting?

Chimerix is conducting Phase 1 dose escalation studies of ONC206 to evaluate safety and pharmacokinetic (PK) data.

Chimerix, Inc.


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