Costamare Inc. Announces Election of Class II Directors at 2024 Annual Meeting of Stockholders

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Costamare Inc. (NYSE: CMRE), an international owner and provider of containerships and dry bulk vessels for charter, held its virtual annual meeting of stockholders on October 3, 2024. At the meeting, two Class II directors were elected: Gregory Zikos and Vagn Lehd Møller. They will hold office for a term ending at the annual meeting of stockholders in 2027 and until their successors have been duly elected and qualified.

Additionally, stockholders ratified the appointment of Ernst & Young (Hellas) Certified Auditors Accountants S.A. as the Company's independent auditors for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2024.

Costamare Inc. (NYSE: CMRE), un proprietario e fornitore internazionale di portarinfuse e navi da carico in secco per noleggio, ha tenuto la sua riunione annuale virtuale degli azionisti il 3 ottobre 2024. Durante la riunione, sono stati eletti due direttori di Classe II: Gregory Zikos e Vagn Lehd Møller. Rimarranno in carica per un mandato che termina alla riunione annuale degli azionisti del 2027 e fino a quando i loro successori non saranno stati debitamente eletti e qualificati.

Inoltre, gli azionisti hanno ratificato la nomina di Ernst & Young (Hellas) Certified Auditors Accountants S.A. come revisori indipendenti della Società per l'anno fiscale che termina il 31 dicembre 2024.

Costamare Inc. (NYSE: CMRE), un propietario y proveedor internacional de buques portacontenedores y de granel para chárter, llevó a cabo su reunión anual virtual de accionistas el 3 de octubre de 2024. En la reunión, se eligieron dos directores de Clase II: Gregory Zikos y Vagn Lehd Møller. Asumirán el cargo por un período que finalizará en la reunión anual de accionistas en 2027 y hasta que sus sucesores sean debidamente elegidos y calificados.

Además, los accionistas ratificaron el nombramiento de Ernst & Young (Hellas) Certified Auditors Accountants S.A. como auditores independientes de la Compañía para el año fiscal que termina el 31 de diciembre de 2024.

Costamare Inc. (NYSE: CMRE), 국제적인 컨테이너선 및 건화물선 임대 제공자이자 소유자로, 2024년 10월 3일 주주 가상 연례 회의를 개최했습니다. 회의에서 두 명의 클래스 II 이사가 선출되었습니다: Gregory Zikos와 Vagn Lehd Møller. 그들은 2027년 주주 연례 회의가 끝날 때까지 그리고 그들의 후임이 적절히 선출되고 자격을 갖출 때까지 직무를 수행할 것입니다.

또한, 주주들은 Ernst & Young (Hellas) Certified Auditors Accountants S.A.를 2024년 12월 31일로 끝나는 회계연도의 회계 감사인으로 임명하는 것을 승인했습니다.

Costamare Inc. (NYSE: CMRE), un propriétaire et fournisseur international de porte-conteneurs et de navires de vrac sec à louer, a tenu sa réunion annuelle virtuelle des actionnaires le 3 octobre 2024. Lors de cette réunion, deux administrateurs de classe II ont été élus : Gregory Zikos et Vagn Lehd Møller. Ils exerceront leur fonction pour un mandat se terminant lors de la réunion annuelle des actionnaires en 2027 et jusqu'à ce que leurs successeurs aient été dûment élus et qualifiés.

De plus, les actionnaires ont ratifié la nomination de Ernst & Young (Hellas) Certified Auditors Accountants S.A. en tant qu'auditeurs indépendants de la société pour l'exercice fiscal se terminant le 31 décembre 2024.

Costamare Inc. (NYSE: CMRE), ein internationaler Eigentümer und Anbieter von Containerschiffen und Schüttgutschiffen zur Vercharterung, hielt am 3. Oktober 2024 seine virtuelle Jahreshauptversammlung der Aktionäre ab. Bei der Sitzung wurden zwei Direktoren der Klasse II gewählt: Gregory Zikos und Vagn Lehd Møller. Sie werden für eine Amtszeit bis zur Jahreshauptversammlung der Aktionäre im Jahr 2027 im Amt sein und bis ihre Nachfolger ordnungsgemäß gewählt und qualifiziert sind.

Darüber hinaus ratifizierten die Aktionäre die Ernennung von Ernst & Young (Hellas) Wirtschaftsprüfer S.A. als unabhängige Prüfer der Gesellschaft für das am 31. Dezember 2024 endende Geschäftsjahr.

  • Successful election of two Class II directors, ensuring continuity in company leadership
  • Ratification of Ernst & Young as independent auditors, maintaining financial oversight
  • None.

MONACO, Oct. 03, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Costamare Inc. (the “Company”) (NYSE: CMRE), an international owner and provider of containerships and dry bulk vessels for charter, announced the election of two Class II directors at the Company’s virtual annual meeting of stockholders held today.

The elected Class II directors are Gregory Zikos and Vagn Lehd Møller who were elected to hold office for a term ending at the annual meeting of stockholders in 2027 and until their successors have been duly elected and qualified.

Stockholders also ratified the appointment of Ernst & Young (Hellas) Certified Auditors Accountants S.A. as the Company’s independent auditors for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2024.

About Costamare Inc.

Costamare Inc. is one of the world’s leading owners and providers of containerships and dry bulk vessels for charter. The Company has 50 years of history in the international shipping industry and a fleet of 68 containerships, with a total capacity of approximately 513,000 TEU and 38 owned dry bulk vessels with a total capacity of approximately 2,830,000 DWT (including one vessel that we have agreed to sell). The Company also has a dry bulk operating platform which charters in/out dry bulk vessels, enters into contracts of affreightment, forward freight agreements and may also utilize hedging solutions. The Company participates in a leasing business that provides financing to third-party owners. The Company’s common stock, Series B Preferred Stock, Series C Preferred Stock and Series D Preferred Stock trade on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbols “CMRE”, “CMRE PR B”, “CMRE PR C” and “CMRE PR D”, respectively.

Forward-Looking Statements

This press release contains “forward-looking statements”. In some cases, you can identify these statements by forward-looking words such as “believe”, “intend”, “anticipate”, “estimate”, “project”, “forecast”, “plan”, “potential”, “may”, “should”, “could” and “expect” and similar expressions. These statements are not historical facts but instead represent only the Company’s belief regarding future results, many of which, by their nature, are inherently uncertain and outside of the Company’s control. It is possible that actual results may differ, possibly materially, from those anticipated in these forward-looking statements. For a discussion of some of the risks and important factors that could affect future results, see the discussion in the Company’s Annual Report on Form 20-F (File No. 001-34934) under the caption “Risk Factors”.

Company Contacts:
Gregory Zikos - Chief Financial Officer
Konstantinos Tsakalidis - Business Development

Costamare Inc., Monaco
Tel: (+377) 93 25 09 40


Who were elected as Class II directors for Costamare Inc. (CMRE) in 2024?

Gregory Zikos and Vagn Lehd Møller were elected as Class II directors for Costamare Inc. (CMRE) at the 2024 annual meeting of stockholders.

When will the term of the newly elected Class II directors of Costamare Inc. (CMRE) end?

The term of the newly elected Class II directors of Costamare Inc. (CMRE) will end at the annual meeting of stockholders in 2027.

Which firm was appointed as Costamare Inc.'s (CMRE) independent auditor for fiscal year 2024?

Ernst & Young (Hellas) Certified Auditors Accountants S.A. was appointed as Costamare Inc.'s (CMRE) independent auditor for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2024.

What type of meeting did Costamare Inc. (CMRE) hold for its 2024 annual stockholders meeting?

Costamare Inc. (CMRE) held a virtual annual meeting of stockholders for its 2024 annual meeting.

Costamare Inc.


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