Cosmo Pharmaceuticals publishes Annual Report 2024
Cosmo Pharmaceuticals has released its Annual Report for fiscal year 2024, following the unaudited results announcement on March 6, 2025. The report highlights a year of strong financial performance and exceptional revenue growth, accompanied by significant strategic advancements.
The Board of Directors has proposed a dividend distribution of €2.05 per share, an increase from €2.00 in the previous year. The Ordinary Annual General Meeting of Shareholders is scheduled for May 30, 2025, with the invitation and proposed resolutions to be available on April 29, 2025.
The company will host an Investor Day in Zurich on July 1, providing an opportunity for engagement with investors, analysts, and media professionals. The comprehensive report includes consolidated and audited financial results, corporate governance details, compensation information, and ESG topics.
Cosmo Pharmaceuticals ha pubblicato il suo Rapporto Annuale per l'anno fiscale 2024, dopo l'annuncio dei risultati non verificati del 6 marzo 2025. Il rapporto evidenzia un anno di forte performance finanziaria e una crescita eccezionale dei ricavi, accompagnata da significativi progressi strategici.
Il Consiglio di Amministrazione ha proposto una distribuzione di dividendi di €2,05 per azione, un aumento rispetto ai €2,00 dell'anno precedente. L'Assemblea Ordinaria Annuale degli Azionisti è programmata per il 30 maggio 2025, con l'invito e le proposte di risoluzione che saranno disponibili il 29 aprile 2025.
L'azienda ospiterà un Investor Day a Zurigo il 1° luglio, offrendo un'opportunità di interazione con investitori, analisti e professionisti dei media. Il rapporto completo include risultati finanziari consolidati e verificati, dettagli sulla governance aziendale, informazioni sulle retribuzioni e argomenti ESG.
Cosmo Pharmaceuticals ha publicado su Informe Anual para el año fiscal 2024, tras el anuncio de resultados no auditados el 6 de marzo de 2025. El informe destaca un año de fuerte rendimiento financiero y un crecimiento excepcional de los ingresos, acompañado de avances estratégicos significativos.
La Junta Directiva ha propuesto una distribución de dividendos de €2,05 por acción, un aumento respecto a los €2,00 del año anterior. La Junta General Ordinaria de Accionistas está programada para el 30 de mayo de 2025, con la invitación y las propuestas de resolución que estarán disponibles el 29 de abril de 2025.
La empresa organizará un Día del Inversor en Zúrich el 1 de julio, brindando una oportunidad para interactuar con inversores, analistas y profesionales de los medios. El informe completo incluye resultados financieros consolidados y auditados, detalles sobre la gobernanza corporativa, información sobre compensaciones y temas ESG.
코스모 제약은 2024 회계연도 연례 보고서를 발표했으며, 이는 2025년 3월 6일 비감사 결과 발표에 이어진 것입니다. 이 보고서는 강력한 재무 성과와 뛰어난 수익 성장, 그리고 중요한 전략적 발전을 강조합니다.
이사회는 주당 €2.05의 배당금 분배를 제안했으며, 이는 전년도 €2.00에서 증가한 수치입니다. 주주 정기 총회는 2025년 5월 30일로 예정되어 있으며, 초대장과 제안된 결의안은 2025년 4월 29일에 제공될 예정입니다.
회사는 7월 1일 취리히에서 투자자 데이를 개최하여 투자자, 분석가 및 언론 전문가와의 소통 기회를 제공합니다. 종합 보고서에는 통합 및 감사된 재무 결과, 기업 거버넌스 세부사항, 보상 정보 및 ESG 주제가 포함되어 있습니다.
Cosmo Pharmaceuticals a publié son Rapport Annuel pour l'exercice fiscal 2024, suite à l'annonce des résultats non audités le 6 mars 2025. Le rapport met en avant une année de fortes performances financières et une croissance exceptionnelle des revenus, accompagnée d'avancées stratégiques significatives.
Le Conseil d'Administration a proposé une distribution de dividendes de 2,05 € par action, une augmentation par rapport à 2,00 € l'année précédente. L'Assemblée Générale Ordinaire des Actionnaires est prévue pour le 30 mai 2025, avec l'invitation et les résolutions proposées qui seront disponibles le 29 avril 2025.
L'entreprise organisera un Journée des Investisseurs à Zurich le 1er juillet, offrant une opportunité d'engagement avec les investisseurs, les analystes et les professionnels des médias. Le rapport complet comprend des résultats financiers consolidés et audités, des détails sur la gouvernance d'entreprise, des informations sur les rémunérations et des sujets ESG.
Cosmo Pharmaceuticals hat seinen Jahresbericht für das Geschäftsjahr 2024 veröffentlicht, nachdem am 6. März 2025 die nicht geprüften Ergebnisse bekannt gegeben wurden. Der Bericht hebt ein Jahr starker finanzieller Leistung und außergewöhnlichem Umsatzwachstum hervor, begleitet von bedeutenden strategischen Fortschritten.
Der Vorstand hat eine Dividendenverteilung von 2,05 € pro Aktie vorgeschlagen, was eine Erhöhung gegenüber 2,00 € im Vorjahr darstellt. Die ordentliche Hauptversammlung der Aktionäre ist für den 30. Mai 2025 angesetzt, die Einladung und die vorgeschlagenen Beschlüsse werden am 29. April 2025 verfügbar sein.
Das Unternehmen wird am 1. Juli einen Investorentag in Zürich veranstalten, der eine Gelegenheit zum Austausch mit Investoren, Analysten und Medienvertretern bietet. Der umfassende Bericht enthält konsolidierte und geprüfte Finanzzahlen, Informationen zur Unternehmensführung, Vergütungsdetails und ESG-Themen.
- Dividend increase to €2.05 per share from €2.00
- Strong financial performance and exceptional revenue growth reported
- None.
Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR
Dublin, Ireland--(Newsfile Corp. - March 21, 2025) - Cosmo Pharmaceuticals N.V. (SIX: COPN) (FSE: C43) (“Cosmo”) has published today its Annual Report for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2024. As already outlined in the unaudited 2024 Full-Year results on March 6, 2025, the reporting year was characterized by strong financial performance, exceptional revenue growth, significant strategic advancements, and a clear roadmap for future sustained corporate developments.
The key highlights from Cosmo’s Annual Report 2024 include:
- Consolidated and audited financial results 2024
- Detailed overview of the successes achieved in 2024
- Statutory sections such as the Corporate Governance section and the Compensation Report
- ESG topics
Based on the 2024 Full-Year results and as already announced, the Board of Directors of Cosmo Pharmaceuticals proposes a dividend distribution of €2.05 per share (2024: €2.00 per share) to the Ordinary Annual General Meeting of Shareholders, that will take place on May 30, 2025. The invitation to this AGM including all proposed resolutions will be available on the Company’s website under as of April 29, 2025.
Giovanni Di Napoli, CEO of Cosmo, commented: “We are pleased to present Cosmo’s full Annual Report 2024 to our stakeholders today. This comes after we disclosed the unaudited results for 2024 two weeks ago. We now look forward to further interacting with investors, analysts and media professionals at our upcoming Investor Day, which will take place in Zurich on July 1.”
The Annual Report 2024 and the ESG Report 2024 of Cosmo Pharmaceuticals are available on the Company’s website under
About Cosmo
Cosmo Pharmaceuticals N.V. is committed to revolutionizing healthcare and transforming people’s lives by researching and developing innovative products that tackle unfulfilled healthcare demands. As a pharmaceutical company, Cosmo is active in the areas of Healthtech/AI, dermatology, gastroenterology and contract manufacturing & development. For the commercialization and distribution of its products, Cosmo collaborates with leading partners worldwide, including Medtronic and Sun Pharma. Founded in 1997, Cosmo is headquartered in Dublin (Ireland) and has offices also in San Diego (USA), and Lainate/Rome/Catania (Italy). The Company has approximately 330 employees at the end of 2024, all dedicated to making a significant impact in the field of healthcare. For more information, please visit
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Life Sciences Conference, Amsterdam Ordinary Annual General Meeting of Shareholders Investor Day, Zurich 2025 Half-Year Results and Report | April 2-3, 2025 May 30, 2025 July 1, 2025 July 23, 2025 |
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