Clearmind Medicine Announces Shareholders Meeting Results
Clearmind Medicine (Nasdaq: CMND), a clinical-stage biotech company developing psychedelic-derived therapeutics, announced the successful approval of all matters presented at its January 6, 2025 shareholders meeting. Key approvals include:
- Setting the board of directors at five members
- Election of directors for the upcoming year
- Appointment of Brightman Almagor Zohar & Co. (Deloitte Global Network) as company auditor
- Establishment of an omnibus equity incentive plan
- Authorization for potential share consolidation up to 50:1 ratio at board's discretion
Clearmind Medicine (Nasdaq: CMND), una società biotecnologica in fase clinica che sviluppa terapie derivate da psichedelici, ha annunciato l'approvazione positiva di tutte le questioni presentate durante l'assemblea degli azionisti del 6 gennaio 2025. Le approvazioni chiave includono:
- Impostazione del consiglio di amministrazione con cinque membri
- Elezione dei dirigenti per l'anno prossimo
- Nomina di Brightman Almagor Zohar & Co. (Deloitte Global Network) come revisore dei conti della società
- Creazione di un piano di incentivazione azionaria omnibus
- Autorizzazione per una possibile consolidazione delle azioni fino a un rapporto di 50:1 a discrezione del consiglio
Clearmind Medicine (Nasdaq: CMND), una compañía biotecnológica en etapa clínica que desarrolla terapias derivadas de psicodélicos, anunció la aprobación exitosa de todos los asuntos presentados en su reunión de accionistas del 6 de enero de 2025. Las aprobaciones clave incluyen:
- Establecimiento de la junta directiva en cinco miembros
- Elección de directores para el próximo año
- Nombramiento de Brightman Almagor Zohar & Co. (Deloitte Global Network) como auditor de la empresa
- Establecimiento de un plan de incentivos de capital omnibus
- Autorización para la posible consolidación de acciones hasta una relación de 50:1 a discreción de la junta
클리어마인드 메디슨 (Nasdaq: CMND), 환각제 유래 치료제를 개발하는 임상 단계의 생명공학 회사가 2025년 1월 6일 주주 총회에서 제출된 모든 사항의 성공적인 승인을 발표했습니다. 주요 승인은 다음과 같습니다:
- 이사회를 5명으로 설정
- 차기 연도 이사 선출
- Brightman Almagor Zohar & Co. (Deloitte Global Network)를 회사 감사로 임명
- 일반 주식 인센티브 계획 수립
- 이사회의 재량에 따라 최대 50:1 비율의 주식 통합 가능성 승인
Clearmind Medicine (Nasdaq: CMND), une société biopharmaceutique en phase clinique développant des thérapeutiques dérivées de psychédéliques, a annoncé l'approbation réussie de toutes les questions présentées lors de son assemblée des actionnaires du 6 janvier 2025. Les approbations clés incluent :
- Établissement du conseil d'administration à cinq membres
- Élection des administrateurs pour l'année à venir
- Nommer Brightman Almagor Zohar & Co. (Deloitte Global Network) comme auditeur de la société
- Mise en place d'un plan d'incitation en actions omnibus
- Autorisation de la consolidation potentielle des actions jusqu'à un ratio de 50:1 à la discrétion du conseil
Clearmind Medicine (Nasdaq: CMND), ein biopharmazeutisches Unternehmen in der klinischen Phase, das auf psychedelisch abgeleitete Therapeutika spezialisiert ist, gab die erfolgreiche Genehmigung aller auf der Aktionärsversammlung vom 6. Januar 2025 vorgestellten Angelegenheiten bekannt. Zu den wesentlichen Genehmigungen gehören:
- Festlegung des Vorstands auf fünf Mitglieder
- Wahl der Direktoren für das kommende Jahr
- Ernennung von Brightman Almagor Zohar & Co. (Deloitte Global Network) als Unternehmensprüfer
- Einrichtung eines omnibus Aktienoptionsplans
- Genehmigung einer möglichen Aktienzusammenlegung im Verhältnis von bis zu 50:1 nach Ermessen des Vorstands
- All proposed matters received shareholder approval
- Board granted flexibility to implement share consolidation if deemed beneficial
- Potential significant share dilution through approved 50:1 share consolidation
- Implementation of new equity incentive plan may lead to additional dilution
Vancouver, Canada, Jan. 07, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Clearmind Medicine Inc. (Nasdaq: CMND), (FSE: CWY0) (“Clearmind” or the “Company”), a clinical-stage biotech company focused on discovery and development of novel psychedelic-derived therapeutics to solve major under-treated health problems, is pleased to announce that all of the matters put forward before shareholders for consideration and approval at its meeting held on January 6, 2025 (the “Meeting”), as set out in the Company’s Management Information Circular dated December 1, 2024, were approved by the requisite majority of votes cast at the Meeting, including a resolution fixing the board of directors at five members, the election of directors of the Company for the ensuing year, to appoint Brightman Almagor Zohar & Co., a firm in the Deloitte Global Network, as auditor of the Company, a resolution to establish and approve an omnibus equity incentive plan and a resolution allowing the directors, if they deem such an action to be in the best interest of shareholders, effect a consolidation (the “Consolidation”) of the common shares in the capital of the Company (the “Shares”) on the basis of fifty (50) pre-Consolidation Shares for one (1) post-Consolidation Share, or such other lesser consolidation ratio as determined by the Company’s board of directors.
About Clearmind Medicine Inc.
Clearmind is a clinical-stage psychedelic pharmaceutical biotech company focused on the discovery and development of novel psychedelic-derived therapeutics to solve widespread and underserved health problems, including alcohol use disorder. Its primary objective is to research and develop psychedelic-based compounds and attempt to commercialize them as regulated medicines, foods or supplements.
The Company’s intellectual portfolio currently consists of nineteen patent families including 31 granted patents. The Company intends to seek additional patents for its compounds whenever warranted and will remain opportunistic regarding the acquisition of additional intellectual property to build its portfolio.
Shares of Clearmind are listed for trading on Nasdaq under the symbol “CMND” and the Frankfurt Stock Exchange under the symbol “CWY0.”
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Telephone: (604) 260-1566
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Forward-Looking Statements:
This press release contains “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act and other securities laws. Words such as “expects,” “anticipates,” “intends,” “plans,” “believes,” “seeks,” “estimates” and similar expressions or variations of such words are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are not historical facts, and are based upon management’s current expectations, beliefs and projections, many of which, by their nature, are inherently uncertain. Such expectations, beliefs and projections are expressed in good faith. However, there can be no assurance that management’s expectations, beliefs and projections will be achieved, and actual results may differ materially from what is expressed in or indicated by the forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause actual performance or results to differ materially from those expressed in the forward-looking statements. For a more detailed description of the risks and uncertainties affecting the Company, reference is made to the Company’s reports filed from time to time with the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”), including, but not limited to, the risks detailed in the Company’s annual report on Form 20-F for the fiscal year ended October 31, 2023 filed with the SEC. Forward-looking statements speak only as of the date the statements are made. The Company assumes no obligation to update forward-looking statements to reflect actual results, subsequent events or circumstances, changes in assumptions or changes in other factors affecting forward-looking information except to the extent required by applicable securities laws. If the Company does update one or more forward-looking statements, no inference should be drawn that the Company will make additional updates with respect thereto or with respect to other forward-looking statements. References and links to websites have been provided as a convenience, and the information contained on such websites is not incorporated by reference into this press release. Clearmind is not responsible for the contents of third-party websites.

What was the outcome of Clearmind Medicine's (CMND) January 2025 shareholder meeting?
What is the maximum share consolidation ratio approved for CMND stock?
Who was appointed as Clearmind Medicine's auditor in January 2025?
How many directors will serve on Clearmind Medicine's board following the January 2025 meeting?