Henry Hub Natural Gas Sets Single Day Options Record Amid Colder Weather in the U.S.

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CME Group announced that Henry Hub Natural Gas options achieved a record single-day volume of 561,379 contracts on November 21, surpassing the previous record of 506,500 contracts from November 2018. A record 395,952 contracts were traded electronically, with over half through CME Direct. The total Natural Gas futures and options volume reached 1,721,017 contracts, while futures volume hit a yearly high of 1,007,308 contracts. The record trading activity comes as the U.S. enters winter season with falling production, creating price volatility in natural gas markets.

CME Group ha annunciato che le opzioni sul gas naturale Henry Hub hanno raggiunto un volume record di 561.379 contratti in un solo giorno il 21 novembre, superando il precedente record di 506.500 contratti di novembre 2018. Un numero record di 395.952 contratti è stato scambiato in modalità elettronica, di cui oltre la metà attraverso CME Direct. Il volume totale dei futures e delle opzioni sul gas naturale ha raggiunto 1.721.017 contratti, mentre il volume dei futures ha toccato un massimo annuale di 1.007.308 contratti. L'attività di trading record si verifica mentre gli Stati Uniti entrano nella stagione invernale con una produzione in calo, creando volatilità dei prezzi nei mercati del gas naturale.

CME Group anunció que las opciones de gas natural Henry Hub lograron un volumen diario récord de 561,379 contratos el 21 de noviembre, superando el récord anterior de 506,500 contratos de noviembre de 2018. Se negociaron un récord de 395,952 contratos de forma electrónica, con más de la mitad a través de CME Direct. El volumen total de futuros y opciones de gas natural alcanzó 1,721,017 contratos, mientras que el volumen de futuros alcanzó un máximo anual de 1,007,308 contratos. La actividad de trading récord se produce mientras Estados Unidos entra en la temporada de invierno con una caída en la producción, creando volatilidad en los precios de los mercados de gas natural.

CME 그룹헨리 허브 천연가스 옵션이 11월 21일 단 하루에 561,379 계약이라는 기록적인 거래량을 달성했다고 발표했습니다. 이는 2018년 11월에 세운 506,500 계약의 이전 기록을 넘은 수치입니다. 전자적으로 거래된 계약 수는 395,952 계약으로, 그 중 절반 이상이 CME Direct를 통해 거래되었습니다. 천연가스 선물 및 옵션의 총 거래량은 1,721,017 계약에 이르렀으며, 선물 거래량은 연간 최대치인 1,007,308 계약에 도달했습니다. 기록적인 거래 활동은 미국이 겨울철에 접어들면서 생산이 감소해 천연가스 시장에서 가격 변동성이 발생하고 있는 상황에서 이루어졌습니다.

CME Group a annoncé que les options sur le gaz naturel Henry Hub ont atteint un volume record de 561 379 contrats en une seule journée le 21 novembre, dépassant l'ancien record de 506 500 contrats de novembre 2018. Un nombre record de 395 952 contrats a été échangé électroniquement, plus de la moitié ayant été effectuée par le biais de CME Direct. Le volume total des contrats à terme et des options sur le gaz naturel a atteint 1 721 017 contrats, tandis que le volume des contrats à terme a atteint un sommet annuel de 1 007 308 contrats. Cette activité de trading record intervient alors que les États-Unis entrent dans la saison hivernale avec une production en baisse, entraînant une volatilité des prix sur les marchés du gaz naturel.

CME Group gab bekannt, dass die Henry Hub Natural Gas-Optionen am 21. November ein rekordverdächtiges einzelnes Handelsvolumen von 561.379 Kontrakten erreicht haben, was den vorherigen Rekord von 506.500 Kontrakten aus November 2018 übertrifft. Ein Rekord von 395.952 Kontrakten wurde elektronisch gehandelt, wobei über die Hälfte über CME Direct stattfand. Das gesamte Handelsvolumen von Natural-Gas-Futures und -Optionen belief sich auf 1.721.017 Kontrakte, während das Futures-Volumen einen Jahreshöchststand von 1.007.308 Kontrakten erreichte. Diese rekordverdächtige Handelsaktivität findet statt, während die USA in die Wintersaison eintreten und die Produktion zurückgeht, was zu Preisschwankungen auf den Märkten für Erdgas führt.

  • Record-breaking single-day trading volume of 561,379 contracts for Henry Hub Natural Gas options
  • All-time high electronic trading volume of 395,952 contracts
  • Record CME Direct platform usage
  • Highest 2024 volume for Natural Gas futures and options at 1,721,017 contracts
  • Falling U.S. natural gas production
  • Increased market volatility in natural gas prices


This record-breaking volume in Henry Hub Natural Gas options signals significant market dynamics at play. The 561,379 contracts traded represents a substantial increase from the previous record of 506,500 set in 2018. The surge in electronic trading, with 395,952 contracts traded electronically, demonstrates the growing sophistication of market participants and preference for digital execution.

The combination of falling production and seasonal winter demand is creating a perfect storm for price volatility. The total futures and options volume reaching 1,721,017 contracts indicates heightened hedging activity and risk management needs across the natural gas sector. CME's dominance in providing liquidity for natural gas derivatives strengthens its market position and revenue potential.

CHICAGO, Nov. 22, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- CME Group, the world's leading derivatives marketplace, today announced that Henry Hub Natural Gas options reached a single day volume record of 561,379 contracts on November 21, surpassing the previous record of 506,500 contracts traded on November 14, 2018.

"The U.S. is entering the winter season while production is falling, creating price volatility and risk that needs to be managed in natural gas markets," said Peter Keavey, Global Head of Energy and Environmental Products at CME Group. "Market participants continue to flock to the most liquid and efficient on-screen options market to manage their Henry Hub exposure. Within total options volume, a record 395,952 contracts traded electronically on Thursday. Of that, more than half of the volume was transacted on CME Direct, an all-time record, reflecting growing demand for our market-leading front-end solution."

In addition to the single day options record, Thursday was also the highest volume day in 2024 for Natural Gas futures and options, reaching a combined 1,721,017 contracts traded. Henry Hub futures volume reached 1,007,308 contracts on Thursday, an all-year high. 

Henry Hub Natural Gas futures and options are listed by and subject to the rules of NYMEX. For more information, please visit here.

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What was the record trading volume for CME Henry Hub Natural Gas options on November 21, 2024?

CME Henry Hub Natural Gas options reached a record single-day volume of 561,379 contracts on November 21, 2024.

How many Natural Gas futures contracts were traded on CME Group on November 21, 2024?

Henry Hub Natural Gas futures reached 1,007,308 contracts on November 21, 2024, marking a yearly high.

What was the total combined volume of CME Natural Gas futures and options on November 21, 2024?

The combined volume of Natural Gas futures and options reached 1,721,017 contracts on November 21, 2024, marking the highest volume day of the year.

What factors drove the record trading volume in CME Natural Gas options?

The record trading volume was driven by the U.S. entering the winter season while production was falling, creating price volatility and risk that needed to be managed in natural gas markets.

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