Commander Identifies Targets at Burn Porphyry Copper Property, British Columbia

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Commander Resources reports results from geophysical surveys at its Burn Copper and Gold porphyry project in British Columbia. The company completed a 1,875 line-km helicopter magnetic survey and an 18 line-km IP survey over the Charleston Target. The surveys revealed a large 3 km by 2 km chargeability anomaly open to the south, with peak values exceeding 50 Mv/V. Previous drilling identified a gold-rich zone (83.5 m @ 1.08 g/t Au) and a porphyry copper-gold zone (50 m @ 0.24 Cu eq %). The new data will help model magnetic targets and interpret recent drilling results, with several regions identified for priority follow-up.

Commander Resources riporta i risultati delle indagini geofisiche nel suo progetto di porfido di rame e oro Burn nella Columbia Britannica. L'azienda ha completato un'indagine magnetica aerea di 1.875 km di linee e un'indagine IP di 18 km di linee sull'Obiettivo di Charleston. Le indagini hanno rivelato un grande anomalia di carica di 3 km per 2 km aperta a sud, con valori di picco superiori a 50 Mv/V. I pozzi precedenti hanno identificato una zona ricca di oro (83,5 m @ 1,08 g/t Au) e una zona di porfido di rame-oro (50 m @ 0,24 Cu eq %). I nuovi dati aiuteranno a modellare i target magnetici e a interpretare i risultati di perforazione recenti, con diverse aree identificate per un'esplorazione di priorità.

Commander Resources informa sobre los resultados de las encuestas geoeléctricas en su proyecto de pórfido de cobre y oro Burn en Columbia Británica. La compañía completó una encuesta magnética de helicóptero de 1,875 km en línea y una encuesta IP de 18 km en línea sobre el Objetivo Charleston. Las encuestas revelaron una gran anomalía de carga de 3 km por 2 km abierta hacia el sur, con valores máximos que superan los 50 Mv/V. La perforación anterior identificó una zona rica en oro (83.5 m @ 1.08 g/t Au) y una zona de pórfido de cobre-oro (50 m @ 0.24 Cu eq %). Los nuevos datos ayudarán a modelar los objetivos magnéticos e interpretar los resultados de perforación recientes, con varias regiones identificadas para un seguimiento prioritario.

커맨더 리소스는 브리티시 컬럼비아의 Burn 구리 및 금 포르프리 프로젝트에서 지구물리학 조사 결과를 보고합니다. 이 회사는 찰스턴 타겟 지역에 대해 1,875km의 선으로 구성된 헬리콥터 자기 조사를 완료하고, 18km의 선으로 전기 저항 탐사를 실시했습니다. 조사 결과 남쪽으로 열린 3km x 2km 전하적 이상이 발견되었으며, 최대 값은 50 Mv/V를 초과합니다. 이전 드릴링에서는 금이 풍부한 구역(83.5m @ 1.08 g/t Au)과 구리-금 포르프리 구역(50m @ 0.24 Cu eq%)이 확인되었습니다. 새로운 데이터는 자기 타겟 모델링과 최근 드릴링 결과 해석에 도움이 되며, 여러 지역이 우선적으로 추적될 것으로 예상됩니다.

Commander Resources rend compte des résultats des enquêtes géophysiques sur son projet de porphyre de cuivre et d'or Burn en Colombie-Britannique. La société a réalisé une enquête magnétique par hélicoptère de 1 875 km de lignes et une enquête IP de 18 km de lignes sur la cible de Charleston. Les enquêtes ont révélé une grande anomalie de chargeabilité de 3 km par 2 km ouverte au sud, avec des valeurs maximales dépassant 50 Mv/V. Les forages précédents ont identifié une zone riche en or (83,5 m @ 1,08 g/t Au) et une zone de porphyre cuivre-or (50 m @ 0,24 Cu eq %). Les nouvelles données aideront à modéliser les cibles magnétiques et à interpréter les résultats de forage récents, plusieurs régions ayant été identifiées pour un suivi prioritaire.

Commander Resources berichtet über die Ergebnisse von geophysikalischen Untersuchungen an ihrem Burn Kupfer- und Goldporphyrprojekt in British Columbia. Das Unternehmen hat eine 1.875 km lange Magnetuntersuchung mit Hubschrauber und eine 18 km lange IP-Untersuchung über das Charleston-Ziel abgeschlossen. Die Untersuchungen haben eine große 3 km mal 2 km große Ladungsanomalie ergeben, die nach Süden offen ist, mit Höchstwerten von über 50 Mv/V. Frühere Bohrungen identifizierten eine goldreiche Zone (83,5 m @ 1,08 g/t Au) und eine Kupfer-Gold-Porphyrzone (50 m @ 0,24 Cu eq %). Die neuen Daten werden helfen, magnetische Ziele zu modellieren und die Ergebnisse der jüngsten Bohrungen zu interpretieren, wobei mehrere Regionen für ein vorrangiges Follow-up identifiziert wurden.

  • Previous drilling success with gold-rich zone of 83.5 m @ 1.08 g/t Au
  • Copper-gold zone identified with 50 m @ 0.24 Cu eq %
  • Large 3 km by 2 km chargeability anomaly discovered, indicating potential mineralization
  • 100% ownership of the property
  • Majority of the chargeability anomaly remains untested
  • Additional drilling required to validate targets

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - November 6, 2024) - Commander Resources Ltd. (TSXV: CMD) ("Commander") is pleased to report the results of a property-wide airborne magnetic survey and an induced polarization survey ("IP") at its 100% owned of Burn Copper and Gold porphyry project located 100 km north of Smithers, British Columbia (the "Burn Property").


  • 170 sq km property in the Babine Copper Belt of northern BC preliminary drilling has identified a gold-rich zone (83.5 m @ 1.08 g/t Au in hole B-2) and separate upper-level porphyry copper-gold zone (50 m @ 0.24 Cu eq % in hole B-01)

  • 1,875 line-km of helicopter high resolution "Heli-GT" magnetic survey at 100-m line-spacing completed covering the majority of the property

  • 18 line-km of IP survey over the core Charleston Target

  • Large 3 km by 2 km (>15 mV/V) chargeability anomaly outlined that is open to the south

  • Drill targets outlined and supported include step-out drilling from existing discovery holes and larger untested areas of combined high chargeability with high magnetic responses

Robert Cameron, President and CEO, states, "The Burn project is a grassroots porphyry discovery by Commander that had early drill success on its first target tested. The current geophysical program was designed to provide guidance to put current drilling in context and to plan continued follow-up exploration. The large 6 square kilometre IP anomaly on the Charleston Target, a key hallmark of porphyry copper deposits, has outlined extensive elevated chargeability regions outside of the current drilled areas and at depth and require drill follow-up. Charleston is only one of five targets within the larger property boundary."

Geophysical Surveys

The Company has completed a property-wide detailed geophysical airborne magnetic survey over the entire property using a "Heli-GT" system at a 100-metre line spacing. Previous surveys were conducted with a single sensor at a 200-metre line spacing. The Heli-GT system is a magnetic gradiometer system in a towed bird that provides measured vertical and horizontal gradient and is higher resolution and lower noise than the previous survey that was flown. Results from the survey show linear features interpreted as faults such as the newly recognized northwest structure that separates the gold zone intercepted in hole B-2 from the copper zone identified to the east. Furthermore, peak magnetic responses, in one case associated with a quartz-magnetite stockwork have shifted slightly as a result of the closer line spacing. This new data will allow more accurate modeling of magnetic targets as well as providing an improved framework for interpreting the recent drilling (figure 3).

The company also completed an 18 line-kilometre induced polarization ("IP") survey over the primary Charleston Target. This dataset is a key component of the porphyry copper exploration toolbox and has not been previously collected except from a single test line completed north of the current drill plan. This new survey has outlined a large 3 km by 2 km (>15 mV/V) chargeability anomaly that is open to the south (figure 3). Peak values within the survey area exceeded 50 Mv/V. The majority of this anomaly remains untested (figure 4).

Preliminary inversions and modeling of this data are underway and have indicated several regions of priority follow up. Drill targets outlined include continued step-out drilling from existing discovery holes and larger untested areas of combined high chargeability with high magnetic responses (figure 5).

About the Burn Property

The Burn Property, which covers 17,675 ha, was initially acquired directly by Commander in 2018 to cover prominent gossans exposed along ridges. It is located within the Babine Porphyry belt 70 km north of two past producing mines at Bell and Granisle (figure 1). Initial work at Burn in 2018 identified widespread phyllic-style alteration with trace amounts of chalcopyrite. There were no previous geophysical surveys or drilling. Past work by Commander, included a property-wide airborne magnetic survey which outlined two prominent circular magnetic rings and several linear magnetic highs that coincide with stocks and dykes of Eocene age. A sampling program of stream sediment sampling, soil and rock sampling, and geological mapping has identified five alteration zones of which the largest is referred to as the Charleston zone (figure 2). Geology is dominated by numerous phases of biotite feldspar hornblende ("BFP") porphyry dykes and stocks exhibiting alteration from chlorite and epidote to chlorite-magnetite, and moderate quartz-sericite-pyrite ("phyllic") to intense phyllic with local quartz veinlets and stockworks in the central copper-rich zone and surrounded by alteration dominated by intense phyllic alteration with iron carbonate and elevated zinc that intrude hornfels and intensely altered sediments. First pass drilling in 2022 and 2023 (14 holes, 5,916 metres) identified two discrete zones referred to as the west gold zone and the central copper-gold zone. Key drill results are tabulated below.

The Burn project is 100% owned except for an internal parcel of 127 hectares in which the Company has the right to earn a 100% interest. Freeport-McMoRan Mineral Properties Canada Inc. holds a 2% Net Smelter Return Royalty ("NSR") over the majority of the property and a 1% NSR over two mineral claims totaling 127 hectares optioned from a third party. The 2% NSR may be reduced to 1% for a payment of $US 5,000,000. The internal claim will have an additional 2% net smelter return royalty with a buydown provision to 1% for $1,000,000 and with a further buydown provision of the remaining 1% for $5,000,000.

Table 1: Drill Highlights from 2022 and 2023

HoleZoneFrom (m)To (m)Length (m)1Cu %Au (g/t)Cu eq %2
B-01Central Copper452480.110.050.14
B-01Central Copper84134500.110.200.24
B-02West Gold4.5154149.50.66
includingWest Gold4.58883.51.08
includingWest Gold2832411.1
B-7West Gold969821.60
B-7West Gold128170420.11
B-7West Gold30831025.18
B-8Central Copper370388180.050.05
B-9Central Copper5.7238232.30.060.06
B-9 incl.Central Copper98110120.220.130.30
B-10Central Copper121521400.080.040.10
B-10Central Copper3644781140.060.030.08



  1. length is core length. True widths are unknown.

  2. CuEq.: Copper equivalent is calculated using metals prices ($US) of $3.50/ lb for Cu, $1750/oz for Au and $20/lb for Ag and assumed net metal recoveries of 85% for Cu, 72% for Au and 65% for Ag summarized in the following formula. CuEq % = Cu% + ((Au g/t * (Au recovery / Cu recovery) * (Au $ per oz/ 31.1034768) / (Cu $ per lb* 22.05)) + ((Ag g/t * (Ag recovery / Cu recovery) * (Ag $ per oz/ 31.103) / (Cu $ per lb* 22.05)). Metal prices are not economic parameters and are used solely for determining relative weighting factors in CuEq calculations. Recoveries are arbitrary and informed from peer company practice and documented metallurgical studies of similar nearby deposits. No metallurgical work has been completed at Burn.

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Figure 1: Location Map

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Figure 2: Property Geology

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Figure 3: Charleston Target Magnetic Survey Results

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Figure 4: Charleston Target Induced Polarization Results: Chargeability 200m depth slice

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Figure 5: Charleston Targets

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QA/QC (Quality Assurance/Quality Control) and Data Verification

Commander's 2022 and 2023 exploration program was supervised by Stephen Wetherup P. Geo., Commander's Vice President of Exploration. The drill contractor was ITL Drilling of Smithers BC. Half-core NQ (47.6 mm) sawed samples from continuous intervals throughout the reported drill holes were sealed on site and shipped to Bureau Veritas ("BV") labs in Vancouver, BC. where fire assay and multielement analyses were completed. Drill core was crushed, pulverized and analyzed for 48 elements using a four-acid dissolution followed by ICP-MS (MA250) with a 30 g sample analyzed for gold by fire assay and fusion Au by ICP-ES (FA330-Au) with overlimit gold analysed by lead collection fire assay 30g fusion with gravimetric finish (FA530). Blanks and commercially certified reference materials were inserted blind into the sample stream with an overall insertion rate of 10%. Field duplicates representing a quarter core split of the original sample are inserted at 2.5%. In addition, pulp and crush duplicates are inserted by the laboratory. The QAQC results were reviewed and the QA/QC results for the reported drill holes are acceptable. Results were previously discussed with accompanying QA/QC statements in press releases on November 13, 2020, October 6, 2022, March 6, 2023 and January 19, 2024.

Qualified Person

Robert Cameron, P. Geo. is a qualified person within the context of National Instrument 43-101 and has read and takes responsibility for the technical aspects of this release. All fieldwork completed to date and on-site supervision of the drill program was by Stephen Wetherup P. Geo.

About Commander Resources

Commander Resources is a Canadian focused exploration company that has leveraged its success in exploration through a combination of partnerships and sole funded exploration. Commander has a portfolio of base and precious metal projects across Canada.

On behalf of the Board of Directors
Robert Cameron, P. Geo.
President and CEO

For further information, please call:
Robert Cameron, President and CEO
Toll Free: 1-800-667-7866

Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

This news release may include forward-looking statements that are subject to risks and uncertainties. All statements within, other than statements of historical fact, are to be considered forward-looking. Although the Company believes the expectations expressed in such forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, such statements are not guarantees of future performance and actual results or developments may differ materially from those in forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in forward-looking statements include market prices, exploitation and exploration successes, continued availability of capital and financing, and general economic, market or business conditions. There can be no assurances that such statements will prove accurate and, therefore, readers are advised to rely on their own evaluation of such uncertainties. We do not assume any obligation to update any forward-looking statements except as required under the applicable laws

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What are the key findings from Commander Resources' geophysical surveys at the Burn Property?

The surveys revealed a large 3 km by 2 km chargeability anomaly open to the south, with peak values exceeding 50 Mv/V. The company also completed a 1,875 line-km helicopter magnetic survey that helped identify linear features and fault structures.

What are the significant drill results from Commander Resources' Burn Property?

Previous drilling identified a gold-rich zone of 83.5 m @ 1.08 g/t Au in hole B-2 and a porphyry copper-gold zone of 50 m @ 0.24 Cu eq % in hole B-01.

Where is Commander Resources' Burn Property located?

The Burn Property is located 100 km north of Smithers, British Columbia, in the Babine Copper Belt of northern BC.

Commander Resour


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