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On July 7, 2021, Curtis Mathes Grow Lights, Inc., a subsidiary of Curtis Mathes Corporation (OTC: CMCZ), announced the launch of its new 23W Edison-style Harvester® bulb for commercial production. This innovative bulb features full spectrum color distribution and supplemental red-light frequencies, enhancing phytochemical expression in flowering plants. The Harvester bulb aims to simplify cultivation for both at-home and commercial growers, making it ideal for seed sprouting, cloning, and micro-scale cultivation.
On June 23, 2021, Curtis Mathes Corporation (OTC: CMCZ) announced its partnership with Oklahoma Skunkworks to supply the award-winning Harvester® LED grow light for their new 4,600 sq ft facility in Skiatook, Oklahoma. This collaboration includes Dynamic Research & Development for proprietary genetics and operational oversight by Oklahoma Skunkworks Services LLC. Leaders of both companies highlighted the Harvester®'s role in enhancing profitability and yield in cannabis production, citing its success in an initial facility and its potential in the expanded operation.
Curtis Mathes Corp. has officially changed its ticker to CMCZ following its merger with Light Engine Design Corporation (TLED). Post-merger, the company has established two subsidiaries: Curtis Mathes Grow Lights, Inc. and Curtis Mathes Therapeutics, Inc., focusing on horticultural and therapeutic lighting. The Harvester® grow light system has garnered attention by winning a second-place award at the 2021 Oklahoma Jack Herrer Cup. The company aims to expand its market share through advanced lighting technologies.