United Way of Greater Philadelphia and Southern New Jersey Launches Center for Leadership Equity

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United Way of Greater Philadelphia and Southern New Jersey (UWGPSNJ) has launched the Center for Leadership Equity, a pioneering program designed to support Black nonprofit leaders and address the equity gap in the nonprofit sector. The initiative, backed by six regional funders including the William Penn Foundation and Comcast, will provide:

  • Customized educational programming
  • Access to funding resources
  • Advocacy tools

The Center aims to strengthen Black-led organizations, which often face challenges such as smaller size, revenue, and dependence on government funding. In its first year, the Center plans to support at least 250 Black nonprofit leaders and organizations, with future offerings including leadership academies, executive coaching, and wellness retreats.

United Way of Greater Philadelphia e Southern New Jersey (UWGPSNJ) ha lanciato il Centro per l'Equità della Leadership, un programma innovativo progettato per supportare i leader neri del settore non profit e affrontare il divario di equità nel settore non profit. L'iniziativa, sostenuta da sei finanziatori regionali tra cui la William Penn Foundation e Comcast, fornirà:

  • Programmi educativi personalizzati
  • Accesso a risorse di finanziamento
  • Strumenti di advocacy

Il Centro mira a rafforzare le organizzazioni guidate da neri, che spesso affrontano sfide come dimensioni ridotte, entrate limitate e dipendenza da finanziamenti governativi. Nel suo primo anno, il Centro prevede di supportare almeno 250 leader e organizzazioni non profit neri, con offerte future che includono accademie di leadership, coaching esecutivo e ritiri per il benessere.

United Way of Greater Philadelphia y Southern New Jersey (UWGPSNJ) ha lanzado el Centro para la Equidad en el Liderazgo, un programa pionero diseñado para apoyar a líderes negros en el sector no lucrativo y abordar la brecha de equidad en el sector. La iniciativa, respaldada por seis financiadores regionales incluyendo la William Penn Foundation y Comcast, proporcionará:

  • Programas educativos personalizados
  • Acceso a recursos de financiamiento
  • Herramientas de defensa

El Centro tiene como objetivo fortalecer a las organizaciones dirigidas por negros, que a menudo enfrentan desafíos como menor tamaño, ingresos y dependencia de fondos gubernamentales. En su primer año, el Centro planea apoyar al menos a 250 líderes y organizaciones no lucrativas negras, con futuras ofertas que incluyen academias de liderazgo, coaching ejecutivo y retiros de bienestar.

펜실베이니아 주 필라델피아와 뉴저지 남부의 유나이티드웨이(UWGPSNJ)는 리더십 형평성 센터를 출범했습니다. 이 기념비적인 프로그램은 흑인 비영리 리더들을 지원하고 비영리 분야의 형평성 격차를 해소하기 위해 설계되었습니다. 이 이니셔티브는 윌리엄 펜 재단과 Comcast를 포함한 6개의 지역 기부자들의 지원을받아 다음과 같은 내용을 제공합니다:

  • 맞춤형 교육 프로그램
  • 자금 자원에 대한 접근
  • 옹호 도구

센터는 종종 더 작은 규모와 수익, 정부 지원에 대한 의존과 같은 어려움에 직면한 흑인 주도 조직을 강화하는 것을 목표로 합니다. 첫 해에는 센터가 최소 250명의 흑인 비영리 리더와 조직을 지원할 계획이며, 향후 제공될 내용으로는 리더십 아카데미, 임원 코칭 및 웰빙 리트릿이 포함됩니다.

United Way of Greater Philadelphia et du sud du New Jersey (UWGPSNJ) a lancé le Centre pour l'Équité en Leadership, un programme novateur conçu pour soutenir les leaders noirs des organisations à but non lucratif et répondre à l'écart d'équité dans ce secteur. L'initiative, soutenue par six bailleurs de fonds régionaux dont la William Penn Foundation et Comcast, fournira :

  • Des programmes éducatifs personnalisés
  • Un accès aux ressources de financement
  • Des outils de plaidoyer

Le Centre vise à renforcer les organisations dirigées par des Noirs, qui font souvent face à des défis tels que leur petite taille, leurs revenus et leur dépendance à l'égard des financements gouvernementaux. Au cours de sa première année, le Centre prévoit de soutenir au moins 250 leaders et organisations à but non lucratif noirs, avec des offres futures comprenant des académies de leadership, du coaching exécutif et des retraites de bien-être.

Die United Way of Greater Philadelphia und Southern New Jersey (UWGPSNJ) hat das Center for Leadership Equity ins Leben gerufen, ein wegweisendes Programm, das darauf abzielt, schwarze Nonprofit-Führungskräfte zu unterstützen und die Gleichheitslücke im Nonprofit-Sektor zu schließen. Die Initiative, die von sechs regionalen Geldgebern, darunter die William Penn Foundation und Comcast, getragen wird, bietet:

  • Individuell zugeschnittene Bildungsprogramme
  • Zugang zu Finanzierungsressourcen
  • Advocacy-Tools

Das Zentrum hat das Ziel, schwarze Organisationen zu stärken, die häufig mit Herausforderungen wie geringerer Größe, Einnahmen und Abhängigkeit von staatlicher Finanzierung konfrontiert sind. Im ersten Jahr plant das Zentrum, mindestens 250 schwarze Nonprofit-Führungskräfte und Organisationen zu unterstützen, mit zukünftigen Angeboten, die Leadership-Akademien, Executive Coaching und Wellness-Retreats umfassen werden.

  • Launch of the Center for Leadership Equity to support Black nonprofit leaders
  • Backing from six regional funders, including William Penn Foundation and Comcast
  • Aim to support at least 250 Black nonprofit leaders and organizations in the first year
  • Provision of customized educational programming, funding resources, and advocacy tools
  • None.

The Center is the region’s first leadership program designed to support Black nonprofit leaders and bridge the equity gap within the nonprofit sector

PHILADELPHIA--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- United Way of Greater Philadelphia and Southern New Jersey (UWGPSNJ), in partnership with six regional funders that includes the William Penn Foundation and Comcast, today announced the launch of the Center for Leadership Equity, which will supply critical support for Black nonprofit leaders. The Center for Leadership Equity will provide the leaders with capacity-building opportunities through customized educational programming, access to funding resources, and advocacy tools to strengthen their work while advancing racial equity within the nonprofit sector.

“When you invest in Black nonprofit leaders, the operations of their organizations improve. When operations improve, the delivery of services, programs, community benefits, and outcomes also start to improve,” said Kelly Woodland, Managing Director of Leadership Equity, UWGPSNJ, and Co-Founder, Black Nonprofit Chief Executives of Philadelphia (BNCEP). “By focusing on Black-led organizations, the most impacted by the racial equity gap within the nonprofit sector, we can better ensure that they have the resources they need to be effective and impactful in the communities they serve.”

According to a 2016 study led by Woodland and the Philadelphia African American Leadership Forum, Black-led nonprofit organizations are smaller in size and revenue; depend more predominantly on government funding; lack the social capital and connections of their white counterparts; and traditionally serve the most vulnerable populations with the least amount of resources.

Prior to the Center’s official launch, it initiated pilot programming with BNCEP, a community for exchanging ideas, building networks, and fostering solidarity and assistance among Black nonprofit leaders. The pilot included two “Get to Know Us” events connecting nonprofit leaders with regional funders, quarterly meetings, an overnight wellness retreat, professional development academies, and executive coaching for 20 nonprofit leaders.

“The pilot program has been invaluable to me. Whether we gather virtually or in person, I find the interactions with other nonprofit executives to be incredibly affirming,” said Loree Jones Brown, CEO, Philabundance. “Through the Center’s BNCEP programming, I have deepened connections to nonprofit leaders and funders and acquired resources to inform and improve my leadership.”

Specifically, the Center’s future offerings and programming will include leadership enhancement academies, executive coaching, professional mentorship, an annual conference, events for Black nonprofit leaders and funders, and wellness retreats. Sabbaticals, fellowships, and a CEO Bootcamp are being considered as well. Advocacy for Black leadership and equitable funding in the sector will continue, as well as strengthening the Center's infrastructure—remaining focused on serving Black-led nonprofits to drive positive community impact across the Greater Philadelphia region and beyond.

“We are proud to support the Center for Leadership Equity. Our grantmaking prioritizes opportunities for communities that have been most affected by economic inequity, racial discrimination, and other forms of injustice. We also seek to encourage partnership and collaboration to increase impact,” said Shawn McCaney, Executive Director, William Penn Foundation. “Through its work, the Center for Leadership Equity provides the kinds of leadership capacity building necessary to advance both of those values and ultimately helps expand access to resources and opportunities to create a more vital and just city and region.”

“We are thrilled to see this multi-year effort to launch the Center for Leadership Equity come to life,” said Gwyneth Gaul, VP of Strategic Partnerships and Philanthropy, Comcast Corporation. “Through Project UP, Comcast’s initiative to invest in organizations that are advancing digital equity and economic mobility, we believe it is critical to invest in proximate leaders and are pleased to see the Center doing just that.”

The Center serves Black nonprofit leaders within the Greater Philadelphia region. Interested participants can access the Center’s offerings and programming by submitting an online application and obtaining free membership to the BNCEP. In its first year, the Center aims to support at least 250 Black nonprofit leaders and organizations, with plans for expansion of programming as funding is secured.

“By launching the Center for Leadership Equity, United Way is committed to not only supporting Black nonprofit leaders but also driving systemic change within the nonprofit sector,” said Bill Golderer, CEO & President, UWGPSNJ. “Ensuring these leaders have the resources, opportunities, and support they need to grow is vital to creating stronger, more equitable communities."

The Center for Leadership Equity thanks the support of our inaugural regional funders: The William Penn Foundation, Comcast Corporation, The Hamilton Family Foundation, Philadelphia Health Partnership, The Patricia Kind Family Foundation, and Thomas Scattergood Behavioral Health Foundation.

About United Way of Greater Philadelphia and Southern New Jersey

United Way of Greater Philadelphia and Southern New Jersey is on a mission to end poverty and expand opportunity for all. By forging coalitions with business, government, and community organizations, we provide the skills and support people need to rise—and remain—above the poverty line. Serving Pennsylvania's Chester, Delaware, Montgomery, and Philadelphia counties, and New Jersey's Atlantic, Burlington, Camden, Cape May and Cumberland counties, United Way leads solutions that deliver immediate relief and long-term achievement.

To get involved and learn more, visit

For Media Requests:

Carly Bianco

Maven Communications


Source: Comcast and United Way of Greater Philadelphia and Southern New Jersey


What is the Center for Leadership Equity launched by UWGPSNJ?

The Center for Leadership Equity is a program launched by United Way of Greater Philadelphia and Southern New Jersey (UWGPSNJ) to support Black nonprofit leaders and address the equity gap in the nonprofit sector. It provides customized educational programming, access to funding resources, and advocacy tools.

How many Black nonprofit leaders does the Center for Leadership Equity aim to support in its first year?

The Center for Leadership Equity aims to support at least 250 Black nonprofit leaders and organizations in its first year.

Who are the major funders supporting the Center for Leadership Equity?

The Center for Leadership Equity is supported by six regional funders, including the William Penn Foundation and Comcast (CMCSA).

What specific programs does the Center for Leadership Equity offer?

The Center for Leadership Equity offers leadership enhancement academies, executive coaching, professional mentorship, an annual conference, events for Black nonprofit leaders and funders, and wellness retreats. Future plans may include sabbaticals, fellowships, and a CEO Bootcamp.

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