Per Scholas Expands Tech Training to Kansas City Region

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Per Scholas, a national tech training nonprofit, has launched a new campus in Kansas City, partnering with Great Jobs KC to provide no-cost IT training and career development. The 13-week program offers CompTIA A+ and Google IT Support certifications, aiming to address the growing demand for skilled IT professionals in the region.

The initiative is supported by Comcast NBCUniversal, Cortex, Missouri Tech First Initiative, and the NFL Foundation. Per Scholas Kansas City's inaugural cohort began in May, with applications open for upcoming cohorts. The program targets diversity, with 85% of learners being people of color and over 40% women. Graduates have shown to earn three times their pre-training wage in their first job after completion.

Per Scholas, un'organizzazione no-profit nazionale per la formazione tecnologica, ha lanciato un nuovo campus a Kansas City, collaborando con Great Jobs KC per fornire formazione IT senza costi e sviluppo professionale. Il programma di 13 settimane offre certificazioni CompTIA A+ e Google IT Support, con l'obiettivo di rispondere alla crescente domanda di professionisti IT qualificati nella regione.

L'iniziativa è supportata da Comcast NBCUniversal, Cortex, Missouri Tech First Initiative e dalla NFL Foundation. La prima coorte di Per Scholas Kansas City è iniziata a maggio, con le domande aperte per le prossime coorti. Il programma si concentra sulla diversità, con l'85% degli studenti che sono persone di colore e oltre il 40% donne. I laureati hanno mostrato di guadagnare tre volte il loro stipendio pre-formazione nel loro primo lavoro dopo il completamento.

Per Scholas, una organización nacional sin fines de lucro dedicada a la capacitación tecnológica, ha inaugurado un nuevo campus en Kansas City, en colaboración con Great Jobs KC para ofrecer capacitación en TI sin costo y desarrollo profesional. El programa de 13 semanas ofrece certificaciones CompTIA A+ y Google IT Support, con el objetivo de abordar la creciente demanda de profesionales de TI calificados en la región.

La iniciativa cuenta con el apoyo de Comcast NBCUniversal, Cortex, Missouri Tech First Initiative y la NFL Foundation. La primera cohorte de Per Scholas Kansas City comenzó en mayo, con solicitudes abiertas para las próximas cohortes. El programa tiene como objetivo la diversidad, con el 85% de los aprendices siendo personas de color y más del 40% mujeres. Se ha demostrado que los graduados obtienen tres veces su salario previo a la capacitación en su primer trabajo después de completar el programa.

Per Scholas는 전국적인 기술 훈련 비영리 단체로서, 캔자스 시티에 새로운 캠퍼스를 개설했습니다. Great Jobs KC와 협력하여 무료 IT 훈련 및 경력 개발을 제공합니다. 13주 과정에서는 CompTIA A+ 및 Google IT Support 인증을 제공하며, 이 지역의 숙련된 IT 전문가에 대한 증가하는 수요에 대응하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.

이 이니셔티브는 Comcast NBCUniversal, Cortex, Missouri Tech First Initiative 및 NFL Foundation의 지원을 받고 있습니다. Per Scholas 캔자스 시티의 첫 번째 코호트는 5월에 시작되었으며, 다음 코호트에 대한 신청을 받고 있습니다. 이 프로그램은 다양성을 목표로 하며, 학습자의 85%가 유색인종이고 40% 이상이 여성입니다. 졸업생들은 수료 후 첫 직장에서 훈련 전 임금의 세 배를 벌어들인 것으로 나타났습니다.

Per Scholas, une organisation à but non lucratif nationale de formation technologique, a lancé un nouveau campus à Kansas City, en partenariat avec Great Jobs KC pour offrir une formation en IT gratuite et un développement professionnel. Le programme de 13 semaines propose des certifications CompTIA A+ et Google IT Support, visant à répondre à la demande croissante de professionnels IT qualifiés dans la région.

Cette initiative est soutenue par Comcast NBCUniversal, Cortex, Missouri Tech First Initiative et la NFL Foundation. La première cohorte de Per Scholas Kansas City a commencé en mai, avec des candidatures ouvertes pour les prochaines cohorts. Le programme met l'accent sur la diversité, avec 85% des apprenants étant des personnes de couleur et plus de 40% des femmes. Les diplômés ont montré qu'ils gagnent trois fois leur salaire avant la formation lors de leur premier emploi après l'achèvement.

Per Scholas, eine nationale gemeinnützige Organisation für technische Ausbildung, hat einen neuen Campus in Kansas City eröffnet und arbeitet mit Great Jobs KC zusammen, um kostenlose IT-Ausbildung und Karriereentwicklung anzubieten. Das 13-wöchige Programm bietet CompTIA A+ und Google IT Support-Zertifizierungen an und zielt darauf ab, die wachsende Nachfrage nach qualifizierten IT-Fachkräften in der Region zu decken.

Die Initiative wird von Comcast NBCUniversal, Cortex, Missouri Tech First Initiative und der NFL Foundation unterstützt. Die erste Kohorte von Per Scholas Kansas City begann im Mai, und die Bewerbungen für die kommenden Kohorten sind offen. Das Programm legt besonderen Wert auf Diversität, wobei 85% der Lernenden Menschen mit farbigem Hintergrund und über 40% Frauen sind. Absolventen haben gezeigt, dass sie im ersten Job nach Abschluss drei Mal so viel verdienen wie vor der Ausbildung.

  • Expansion of Per Scholas to Kansas City, addressing the growing demand for IT professionals
  • No-cost technology skills training offered, including CompTIA A+ and Google IT Support certifications
  • Partnership with Great Jobs KC and support from major organizations like Comcast NBCUniversal and NFL Foundation
  • Proven track record of graduates earning three times their pre-training wage in first job after completion
  • Focus on diversity with 85% of learners being people of color and over 40% women
  • None.

KANSAS CITY, MO / ACCESSWIRE / July 22, 2024 / National tech training nonprofit Per Scholas launches its new campus in Kansas City, joining Great Jobs KC, the leading workforce development program in Kansas City, to provide holistic information technology training and career development opportunities.

This strategic alliance marks a significant milestone in addressing the growing demand for skilled IT professionals in the region. Per Scholas Kansas City will offer its no-cost technology skills training from its newest campus located at Offices at Park 39, 300 E 39th St., Kansas City, MO. In addition to Great Jobs KC selecting and investing in Per Scholas, Per Scholas Kansas City has received generous support from Comcast NBCUniversal, Cortex, Missouri Tech First Initiative powered by Cortex, and the NFL Foundation.

At the heart of this collaboration lies the shared commitment to empower individuals with the skills and knowledge necessary to thrive in the ever-advancing tech industry. Per Scholas brings its renowned approach to IT training, which integrates technical education with professional development, including soft and hard skills. Through this partnership, Great Jobs KC and Per Scholas learners will undergo a comprehensive 13-week program designed to equip them with the expertise and confidence needed to excel in the IT field. After graduation, learners will work with Great Jobs KC Employer Engagement Managers as well as Per Scholas' Talent Solutions professionals to ensure job attainment.

"We are excited to expand our reach to the Kansas City region through this partnership with Great Jobs KC. By combining our expertise in IT training with their proven track record of workforce development, we are poised to make a lasting impact on the lives of individuals and the economic vitality of the region. We are grateful for their investment and the support of Missouri Tech First, Cortex, the NFL Foundation, and Comcast NBCUniversal," said Per Scholas President and CEO Plinio Ayala.

"Per Scholas' new Kansas City campus is an exciting development for the region's workforce," said Governor Mike Parson. "This initiative is another example of the collaborative partnerships that are investing in our communities and state's economy. By equipping Missourians with skills needed for high-tech jobs, Per Scholas is helping pave the way for a stronger workforce, more resilient economy, and prosperous future."

"Per Scholas is providing cutting-edge training that's helping Missourians prosper by preparing them for jobs in the technology industry," said Michelle Hataway, Director of the Missouri Department of Economic Development. "We're grateful for the efforts of this organization as it opens doors for those entering the workforce or sharpening their skills in the Kansas City region."

The Per Scholas Kansas City campus will serve as a hub for innovative learning and career advancement, and offer comprehensive training for CompTIA A+ certification, a globally recognized credential validating foundational IT skills, as well as Google IT Support certification. These skills and certifications will position alumni for success with Kansas City region employers.

Per Scholas Kansas City's inaugural cohort launched in May, beginning with its best-in-class IT Support course. Applications are open, and interested individuals can learn more and apply here for upcoming cohorts. Prospective learners must be at least 18 years or older, possess at least a high school diploma, authorized to work in the U.S., have a passion for technology, and have availability to be placed in a tech role following completion of the training.

"We frequently hear from companies that the most important asset in a tech economy is talent," said Sam Fiorello, President & CEO, Cortex. "Per Scholas is a model that proves that there are many paths beyond a four-year college degree for preparing someone for a successful tech career. We are proud to expand this training asset beyond the St. Louis region through our Missouri Tech First, powered by Cortex, initiative."

Per Scholas Kansas City is the nonprofit's second campus in Missouri, joining Per Scholas St. Louis, which has been training technologists in a variety of tech skills since the Cortex Innovation District brought the organization to St. Louis in 2022.

"Equipping Missourians with the most in-demand skills and industry-informed training to navigate current and future opportunities is a business imperative as much as it is just," said Kieran Blanks, VP of Workforce Systems at Cortex, which is spearheading the $7 million Missouri Tech First Initiative. "By strategically investing in our workforce and cultivating innovation, we are positioning Missouri as a national frontrunner in the digital economy, enticing companies seeking elite tech talent."

Aligned with its commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging, 85 percent of Per Scholas learners are people of color, more than 40 percent identify as women, and more than half have a high school diploma as their highest education credential. Per Scholas graduates are hired into tech roles by more than 850 employer partners nationwide, ranging from Fortune 500 companies to innovative startups. The Per Scholas model is proven and evidence-based. Per Scholas-trained technologists go on to earn three times their pre-training wage in their first job following graduation. Plus, every dollar invested in Per Scholas results in an $8 net economic return.

"We are thrilled to join forces with Per Scholas to bring their transformative IT training program to Kansas City," said Jimmy Swift, Great Jobs KC Chief Program Officer. "This partnership represents a significant investment in the future of our workforce, providing individuals with the opportunity to gain valuable skills and pursue fulfilling careers in the thriving tech industry."

"Per Scholas expansion into Kansas City will undoubtedly help build a diverse and thriving workforce by providing access to skills training for in-demand tech careers," said Dalila Wilson-Scott, Executive Vice President and Chief Diversity Officer of Comcast Corporation and President of the Comcast NBCUniversal Foundation. "Through Project UP, Comcast's $1 billion commitment to advance digital equity and economic mobility, we're thrilled to partner with Per Scholas in their ongoing work to connect future technologists with leading businesses. We look forward to what we will continue to achieve together."

"The NFL is proud to support the launch of Per Scholas' Kansas City campus as they continue to break barriers and create positive social change," said NFL Vice President, Social Responsibility Clare Graff. "Through Per Scholas' no-cost tech training, individuals, particularly people of color, are empowered to enter the tech industry and launch thriving careers - a mission that aligns with the NFL's commitment to create a more equitable society through our Inspire Change social justice initiative."

To learn more about Great Jobs KC, click here. To learn more about Per Scholas Kansas City, click here, and follow Per Scholas Kansas City on LinkedIn and Facebook.

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SOURCE: Comcast Corporation

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What certifications does Per Scholas Kansas City offer in its IT training program?

Per Scholas Kansas City offers training for CompTIA A+ certification and Google IT Support certification in its 13-week program.

How much does the Per Scholas Kansas City IT training program cost?

The Per Scholas Kansas City IT training program is offered at no cost to participants.

What are the eligibility requirements for Per Scholas Kansas City's IT training program?

Applicants must be at least 18 years old, have a high school diploma, be authorized to work in the U.S., have a passion for technology, and be available for job placement after training.

What is the economic impact of Per Scholas' training program?

Every dollar invested in Per Scholas results in an $8 net economic return, and graduates typically earn three times their pre-training wage in their first job after completion.

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