New Data Reveals Public Perceptions on Digital Skills

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A new National Skills Coalition survey reveals strong public support for digital skills training and its economic impact. 73% of respondents believe expanding digital skills is important for economic improvement, while 82% support increased funding for such training. The survey also found that 69% of voters are more likely to support political candidates who champion digital skills investments.

Comcast, through its Project UP initiative, is committed to advancing digital equity and supporting workforce development. The company emphasizes the importance of digital skills in various industries and the role of training programs in creating economic opportunities. The survey highlights consistent support across demographic segments, with 90% of respondents believing digital skills will remain important throughout their careers.

Un nuovo sondaggio della National Skills Coalition rivela un forte sostegno pubblico per la formazione delle competenze digitali e il suo impatto economico. Il 73% degli intervistati ritiene che l'espansione delle competenze digitali sia importante per il miglioramento economico, mentre l'82% sostiene un aumento dei finanziamenti per tale formazione. Il sondaggio ha anche scoperto che il 69% degli elettori è più propenso a sostenere candidati politici che promuovono investimenti nelle competenze digitali.

Comcast, attraverso la sua iniziativa Project UP, è impegnata a promuovere l'equità digitale e a supportare lo sviluppo della forza lavoro. L'azienda sottolinea l'importanza delle competenze digitali in vari settori e il ruolo dei programmi di formazione nella creazione di opportunità economiche. Il sondaggio evidenzia un sostegno costante tra i segmenti demografici, con il 90% degli intervistati che crede che le competenze digitali rimarranno importanti per tutta la loro carriera.

Una nueva encuesta de la National Skills Coalition revela un fuerte apoyo público para la formación en habilidades digitales y su impacto económico. El 73% de los encuestados cree que ampliar las habilidades digitales es importante para la mejora económica, mientras que el 82% apoya un aumento en la financiación para dicha formación. La encuesta también encontró que el 69% de los votantes son más propensos a apoyar a candidatos políticos que defienden inversiones en habilidades digitales.

Comcast, a través de su iniciativa Project UP, se compromete a promover la equidad digital y apoyar el desarrollo de la fuerza laboral. La empresa enfatiza la importancia de las habilidades digitales en diversas industrias y el papel de los programas de formación en la creación de oportunidades económicas. La encuesta destaca un apoyo consistente en diferentes segmentos demográficos, con el 90% de los encuestados creyendo que las habilidades digitales seguirán siendo importantes a lo largo de sus carreras.

새로운 National Skills Coalition 조사에 따르면 디지털 기술 교육과 그 경제적 영향에 대한 강력한 공공 지지가 드러났습니다. 응답자의 73%는 디지털 기술 확대가 경제 개선에 중요하다고 믿고 있습니다, 반면 82%는 이러한 교육에 대한 자금 지원 증가를 지지합니다. 조사 결과 69%의 유권자가 디지털 기술 투자에 힘쓰는 정치 후보를 더 지지할 가능성이 높다고 응답했습니다.

Comcast는 Project UP 이니셔티브를 통해 디지털 공정성을 지원하고 인력 개발을 촉진하는 데 기여하고 있습니다. 이 회사는 다양한 산업에서 디지털 기술의 중요성과 경제적 기회를 창출하는 교육 프로그램의 역할을 강조합니다. 이 조사는 90%의 응답자가 디지털 기술이 자신의 경력 전반에 걸쳐 여전히 중요할 것이라고 믿고 있다고 응답했습니다.

Une nouvelle enquête de la National Skills Coalition révèle un fort soutien public pour la formation aux compétences numériques et son impact économique. 73 % des répondants estiment que l'élargissement des compétences numériques est important pour l'amélioration économique, tandis que 82 % soutiennent une augmentation des financements pour de telles formations. L'enquête a également révélé que 69 % des électeurs sont plus enclins à soutenir des candidats politiques qui défendent des investissements dans les compétences numériques.

Comcast, à travers son initiative Project UP, s'engage à promouvoir l'équité numérique et à soutenir le développement de la main-d'œuvre. L'entreprise souligne l'importance des compétences numériques dans divers secteurs et le rôle des programmes de formation dans la création d'opportunités économiques. L'enquête souligne un soutien constant parmi les segments démographiques, avec 90 % des répondants croyant que les compétences numériques resteront importantes tout au long de leur carrière.

Eine neue Umfrage der National Skills Coalition zeigt eine starke öffentliche Unterstützung für die Ausbildung digitaler Fähigkeiten und deren wirtschaftlichen Einfluss. 73% der Befragten glauben, dass die Erweiterung digitaler Fähigkeiten wichtig für die wirtschaftliche Verbesserung ist, während 82% eine erhöhte Finanzierung für solche Schulungen unterstützen. Die Umfrage ergab auch, dass 69% der Wähler eher politische Kandidaten unterstützen, die sich für Investitionen in digitale Fähigkeiten einsetzen.

Comcast engagiert sich über die Initiative Project UP dafür, digitale Chancengleichheit zu fördern und die Entwicklung der Arbeitskräfte zu unterstützen. Das Unternehmen hebt die Bedeutung digitaler Fähigkeiten in verschiedenen Branchen und die Rolle von Ausbildungsprogrammen bei der Schaffung wirtschaftlicher Chancen hervor. Die Umfrage zeigt eine konsistente Unterstützung über verschiedene demografische Segmente hinweg, da 90% der Befragten glauben, dass digitale Fähigkeiten während ihrer gesamten Karriere wichtig bleiben werden.

  • Strong public support (82%) for increased funding in digital skills training
  • 69% of voters more likely to support candidates championing digital skills investments
  • Comcast's $1 billion commitment to advance digital equity through Project UP
  • 90% of respondents believe digital skills will be important throughout their careers
  • High interest in digital skills across various occupation types (blue-collar: 67%, service industry: 64%, white-collar: 61%)
  • None.

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / July 29, 2024 / Comcast Corporation
By David Don


  1. 73% of respondents to a new National Skills Coalition survey believe expanding digital skills is an important way to improve the economy

  2. 82% of voters surveyed support increasing funding for digital skills training

  3. 69% of voters surveyed are more likely to support political candidates who champion such investments

Technological innovation and the digital revolution drive our economy. Keeping up with this change requires digital skills and proficiency in virtually every industry - from manufacturing to home healthcare to retail. As states and localities allocate billions in federal funds to connect every American to high-speed Internet, they should consider the importance digital skills training and steady access to upskilling opportunities play in expanding economic opportunity in communities large and small.

At Comcast, we recognize equitable access to skills and development are essential to building and supporting America's workforce, and this fact takes on new urgency as training and upskilling workers are key ingredients to delivering on the promise of federal infrastructure investments across the country. Under Project UP, Comcast's $1 billion commitment to advance digital equity and help build a future of unlimited possibilities, we have a deep history of support for innovative partners such as Per Scholas, Genesys Works, NPower and more that engage at a highly local community level to offer skill training programs that open pathways to careers and economic mobility for individuals and families.

Building on this work, Comcast recently cosponsored a Broadband Breakfast webinar to discuss a newly released report from the National Skills Coalition (NSC). The National Skills Coalition's Jeran Culina noted this newest research builds on a previous collaboration between NSC and the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, finding that 92% of jobs require at least some digital skills. Culina also pointed out that skills training benefits businesses by reducing the costs of employee turnover, which will be an important consideration as emerging technologies like AI are integrated into the workplace.

Code the Dream co-founder Daisy Magnus-Aryitey shared success stories about how programs like Code School and Dev Shop are preparing diverse and low-income community members for high-paying careers in tech. Lo Smith from the National Digital Inclusion Alliance discussed the wide range of digital skills needed for the future - from foundational to high-level coding - and the role that digital navigators can play in helping others attain those skills.

Comcast's Matthew Summy highlighted additional topline findings:

73% of respondents believe that expanding digital skills is an important way to improve the economy.

90% believe digital skills will be important throughout their careers.

82% support increasing funding for skills trainings.

69% are more likely to support political candidates who champion such investments.

According to the report, these sentiments were consistent across racial, political, educational, and geographical segments.

The findings indicate interest in digital skills is high across occupation type - including workers in blue-collar (67%), service industry (64%), and white-collar (61%) roles.

These findings should be top of mind for policymakers across America as they decide how to spend the influx of federal dollars that are coming their way. In already connected areas, funding can support organizations on the ground, like Code the Dream, that are actively bridging the digital divide by teaching skills that will become increasingly critical for workers. Ultimately, by investing in digital skills training, communities can build a highly skilled and adaptable workforce capable of navigating the challenges and opportunities of tomorrow with confidence and agility.

David Don is SVP, Public Policy at Comcast.

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SOURCE: Comcast Corporation

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What percentage of respondents believe expanding digital skills is important for economic improvement according to the National Skills Coalition survey?

According to the survey, 73% of respondents believe that expanding digital skills is an important way to improve the economy.

How much has Comcast (CMCSA) committed to advancing digital equity through Project UP?

Comcast has committed $1 billion to advance digital equity and help build a future of unlimited possibilities through Project UP.

What percentage of jobs require at least some digital skills according to the National Skills Coalition and Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta?

The collaboration between the National Skills Coalition and the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta found that 92% of jobs require at least some digital skills.

How does digital skills training benefit businesses according to the National Skills Coalition report?

According to the report, digital skills training benefits businesses by reducing the costs of employee turnover, which is particularly important as emerging technologies like AI are integrated into the workplace.

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