FreeWheel Selects Samba TV as Premier ACR Partner to Help Advertisers Target Audiences in Real-Time Across Linear, Streaming, and On Demand Content

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FreeWheel, a global TV advertising technology platform, has partnered with Samba TV to integrate Samba TV's audience segments into FreeWheel's Audience Manager. This integration utilizes Samba TV's first-party ACR data from 38M U.S. TV devices and FreeWheel's premium inventory to help advertisers maximize reach, optimize frequency, and increase ROI in real-time.

The partnership allows FreeWheel clients to activate over 1,000 prebuilt Samba TV audience segments and create custom targeting segments based on TV consumption behaviors, content exposure, and demographics with a 24-hour turnaround. This collaboration is particularly timely for the upcoming November elections, enabling advertisers to re-target viewers accurately and quickly after events like debates or breaking news.

FreeWheel, una piattaforma globale di tecnologia pubblicitaria televisiva, ha collaborato con Samba TV per integrare i segmenti di pubblico di Samba TV nel Audience Manager di FreeWheel. Questa integrazione utilizza i dati ACR di prima parte di Samba TV provenienti da 38 milioni di dispositivi TV negli Stati Uniti e l'inventario premium di FreeWheel per aiutare gli inserzionisti a massimizzare la portata, ottimizzare la frequenza e aumentare il ROI in tempo reale.

La partnership consente ai clienti di FreeWheel di attivare oltre 1.000 segmenti di pubblico predefiniti di Samba TV e creare segmenti di targeting personalizzati basati su comportamenti di consumo TV, esposizione ai contenuti e demografia con un tempo di risposta di 24 ore. Questa collaborazione è particolarmente tempestiva per le prossime elezioni di novembre, consentendo agli inserzionisti di rintracciare nuovamente gli spettatori in modo preciso e rapido dopo eventi come dibattiti o notizie dell'ultimo minuto.

FreeWheel, una plataforma global de tecnología publicitaria en televisión, se ha asociado con Samba TV para integrar los segmentos de audiencia de Samba TV en el Audience Manager de FreeWheel. Esta integración utiliza los datos ACR de primera parte de Samba TV de 38 millones de dispositivos de televisión en EE. UU. y el inventario premium de FreeWheel para ayudar a los anunciantes a maximizar el alcance, optimizar la frecuencia y aumentar el ROI en tiempo real.

La asociación permite a los clientes de FreeWheel activar más de 1,000 segmentos de audiencia preconstruidos de Samba TV y crear segmentos de targeting personalizados basados en comportamientos de consumo de televisión, exposición a contenidos y demografía con un tiempo de respuesta de 24 horas. Esta colaboración es particularmente oportuna para las próximas elecciones de noviembre, permitiendo a los anunciantes reenfocar a los espectadores de manera precisa y rápida después de eventos como debates o noticias de última hora.

FreeWheel는 글로벌 TV 광고 기술 플랫폼으로, Samba TV와 협력하여 Samba TV의 관객 세그먼트를 FreeWheel의 Audience Manager에 통합했습니다. 이 통합은 38M 미국 TV 장치에서 수집한 Samba TV의 1차 ACR 데이터와 FreeWheel의 프리미엄 인벤토리를 활용하여 광고주가 도달 범위를 극대화하고, 빈도를 최적화하며, ROI를 증가시킬 수 있도록 돕습니다.

이번 파트너십을 통해 FreeWheel 고객은 1,000개 이상의 사전 구축된 Samba TV 관객 세그먼트를 활성화하고 TV 소비 행동, 콘텐츠 노출 및 인구 통계에 기반한 맞춤형 타겟 세그먼트를 24시간 이내에 생성할 수 있습니다. 이 협업은 다가오는 11월 선거에 특히 시의적절하며, 광고주가 논쟁이나 긴급 뉴스와 같은 사건 후에 신속하고 정확하게 시청자를 재타겟팅할 수 있게 합니다.

FreeWheel, une plateforme mondiale de technologie publicitaire télévisuelle, s'est associée à Samba TV pour intégrer les segments d'audience de Samba TV dans le Audience Manager de FreeWheel. Cette intégration utilise les données ACR de première partie de Samba TV provenant de 38 millions d'appareils TV aux États-Unis et l'inventaire premium de FreeWheel pour aider les annonceurs à maximiser la portée, optimiser la fréquence et augmenter le ROI en temps réel.

Le partenariat permet aux clients de FreeWheel d'activer plus de 1 000 segments d'audience préconstruits de Samba TV et de créer des segments de ciblage personnalisés en fonction des comportements de consommation de la télévision, de l'exposition au contenu et de la démographie avec un délai de 24 heures. Cette collaboration est particulièrement opportune pour les prochaines élections de novembre, permettant aux annonceurs de re-cibler rapidement et précisément les spectateurs après des événements tels que des débats ou des nouvelles de dernière minute.

FreeWheel, eine globale Plattform für TV-Werbungstechnologie, hat sich mit Samba TV zusammengetan, um die Zielgruppensegmente von Samba TV in den Audience Manager von FreeWheel zu integrieren. Diese Integration nutzt die first-party ACR-Daten von Samba TV von 38 Millionen US-TV-Geräten und das Premium-Inventar von FreeWheel, um Werbetreibenden zu helfen, Reichweite zu maximieren, Frequenz zu optimieren und ROI in Echtzeit zu steigern.

Die Partnerschaft ermöglicht es den FreeWheel-Kunden, über 1.000 vorgefertigte Zielgruppensegmente von Samba TV zu aktivieren und maßgeschneiderte Zielgruppensegmente basierend auf TV-Konsumverhalten, Inhaltsexposition und Demografie mit einem 24-Stunden-Umschlag zu erstellen. Diese Zusammenarbeit ist besonders zeitgemäß für die bevorstehenden Wahlen im November, wodurch Werbetreibende Zuschauer genau und schnell nach Ereignissen wie Debatten oder aktuellen Nachrichten erneut anvisieren können.

  • Integration of Samba TV's audience segments into FreeWheel's Audience Manager platform
  • Access to first-party ACR data from 38M U.S. TV devices
  • Over 1,000 prebuilt Samba TV audience segments available
  • Custom targeting segments creation with 24-hour turnaround
  • Improved audience precision and match rates for client campaigns
  • Real-time targeting across TV, streaming, and digital platforms
  • None.

This partnership between FreeWheel and Samba TV represents a significant advancement in targeted TV advertising, particularly for political campaigns. The integration of Samba TV's first-party ACR data from 38M U.S. TV devices into FreeWheel's Audience Manager platform offers advertisers enhanced audience precision and real-time targeting capabilities.

Key benefits include:

  • Improved audience reach and frequency optimization
  • Real-time audience activation across screens
  • Quick creation of custom targeting segments (24-hour turnaround)
  • Access to over 1,000 prebuilt Samba TV audience segments

This collaboration is especially timely with the upcoming November elections, allowing political advertisers to re-target viewers as early as the next day after debates or breaking news. The partnership's focus on privacy-centric, first-party data aligns with current industry trends towards more ethical data usage in advertising.

This FreeWheel-Samba TV partnership marks a significant leap in addressable TV advertising technology. By integrating Samba TV's ACR data with FreeWheel's premium inventory, advertisers can now achieve unprecedented targeting precision across linear, streaming and on-demand content.

The integration allows for:

  • Real-time audience targeting based on actual TV viewership
  • Seamless activation across multiple screens
  • Enhanced match rates for client campaigns

This solution addresses the growing fragmentation in TV viewership by enabling advertisers to reach specific audiences efficiently across various platforms. The ability to create custom segments with a quick turnaround time (24 hours) provides flexibility for time-sensitive campaigns, such as those related to political events or breaking news.

Overall, this partnership positions both companies at the forefront of the evolving TV advertising landscape, offering a powerful tool for advertisers to maximize their ROI in an increasingly complex media environment.

This FreeWheel-Samba TV partnership is a game-changer for political advertising in the upcoming November elections. The integration offers campaign strategists unprecedented ability to target and re-target voters based on real-time TV viewing habits.

Key advantages for political campaigns:

  • Rapid response capabilities: Re-target viewers within 24 hours of debates or breaking news
  • Precision targeting: Reach specific voter segments across multiple screens
  • Efficient spending: Optimize ad frequency and reach to maximize campaign budgets
  • Data-driven approach: Leverage first-party ACR data from 38M U.S. TV devices

This technology allows campaigns to adapt quickly to changing narratives and voter sentiments. The ability to create custom audience segments based on TV consumption behaviors and content exposure is particularly valuable for tailoring messages to specific voter groups. However, campaigns must balance this targeting capability with ethical considerations and regulations surrounding political advertising.

As one of FreeWheel’s TV data partners, Samba TV will integrate its audience segments based on first-party TV data from 38M U.S. TV devices into FreeWheel’s Audience Manager to improve audience precision and match rates for client campaigns, just in time for the November elections.

NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- FreeWheel, a global technology platform for the television advertising industry, and Samba TV, the leading provider of TV technology for audience data and omniscreen measurement, today announced the integration of Samba TV’s standard and custom audience segments into FreeWheel’s Audience Manager, a platform that enables publishers to unlock faster audience activation across screens. This first-of-its-kind partnership utilizes Samba TV’s opted-in, first-party automatic content recognition (ACR) data and FreeWheel’s large pool of premium inventory to help advertisers maximize reach, optimize frequency, and increase return on ad spend in real time.

“Direct Persuasion takes an audience-first, not publisher-first approach, to all of our voter contact efforts,” said Direct Persuasion CEO Daria Grastara. “Samba has always been our preferred partner to find audiences accurately, scale reach quickly, and utilize real-time behaviors of linear and streaming consumption as well as advertising exposure. Samba's new integration with FreeWheel now ensures we can pair Samba's audience-first approach with FreeWheel's publisher quality, scale, and diversity.”

FreeWheel clients are now able to activate audiences that use Samba TV data from 38M U.S. TVs, including more than 1,000 prebuilt Samba TV audience segments. FreeWheel clients are also afforded the additional benefit of creating custom targeting segments based on TV consumption behaviors, content exposure, and demographics with just a 24-hour turnaround. For example, this could include cost-effectively engaging with viewers who tuned into a major tentpole TV event or were exposed to a competitor’s ads. The insights are gathered from Samba TV’s breadth of smart TV brands (10 smart in the U.S. and 24 globally), named the most comprehensive TV dataset in the industry by Frost & Sullivan.

“At FreeWheel, we are focused on connecting all parts of the TV advertising industry to make it work better,” said FreeWheel U.S. Chief Revenue Officer Katy Loria. “By partnering with Samba TV to add audience segments based on first-party ACR data for the first time into our Audience Manager platform, we are helping media buyers reach audiences that matter. With elections less than a month away, this new offering is a valuable asset for our clients who are looking to accurately re-target viewers in a privacy-centric way as early as the next day, such as after a debate or breaking news.”

"Our partnership with FreeWheel allows advertisers the ability to combine high-quality, biddable media with real-time targeting precision across TV, streaming and digital platforms to connect with audiences who are consuming media in new and diverse ways," said Samba TV Co-founder and CEO Ashwin Navin. “This is a crucial strategy to reach the entire electorate efficiently in one of the most pivotal elections in history.”

“The team at Bully Pulpit International is constantly seeking innovative solutions to deliver precision-targeted messaging to voters at the most impactful moments,” said Bully Pulpit Interactive Managing Director, Media Ivanka Farrell. “The integration of Samba TV's real-time audience targeting with FreeWheel’s advanced technology empowers us to harness the full potential of ACR data, allowing us to reach voters based on their actual TV viewership in near real-time. This partnership enables us to deliver the right message to the right audience exactly when it matters most, ensuring our campaigns are as effective and timely as possible.”

About FreeWheel

FreeWheel empowers all segments of The New TV Ecosystem. We are structured to provide the full breadth of solutions the advertising industry needs to achieve their goals. We provide the technology, data enablement and convergent marketplaces required to ensure buyers and sellers can transact across all screens, across all data types, and all sales channels, in order to ensure the ultimate goal – results for marketers. With offices in New York, Chicago, London, Paris, Beijing, and across the globe, FreeWheel, A Comcast Company, stands to advocate for the entire industry through the FreeWheel Council for Premium Video. For more information, please visit, and follow us on X and LinkedIn.

About Samba TV

Samba TV has transformed the TV from a pane of glass on the wall to a window into the heart of audiences. We are the global leader in television technology powering real-time insights and audience targeting to enable unparalleled marketing efficiency and effectiveness. Our proprietary first-party data from tens of millions of opted-in televisions, across more than 20 TV brands sold in over one hundred countries, provides advertisers and media companies a unified view of the entire consumer journey. Our independent measurement has future-proofed advertising for the next generation, empowering advertisers to connect with their audiences on any platform, across every screen.



Meredith Fitzgerald


Samba TV

Katie North-Fisher

Source: FreeWheel


What is the partnership between FreeWheel and Samba TV for CMCSA?

FreeWheel has selected Samba TV as its premier ACR partner, integrating Samba TV's audience segments based on first-party TV data from 38M U.S. TV devices into FreeWheel's Audience Manager. This partnership aims to improve audience precision and match rates for client campaigns, especially for the November 2024 elections.

How many prebuilt Samba TV audience segments are available through FreeWheel's platform?

FreeWheel clients now have access to more than 1,000 prebuilt Samba TV audience segments through the integration with FreeWheel's Audience Manager platform.

What is the turnaround time for creating custom targeting segments with Samba TV data on FreeWheel's platform?

FreeWheel clients can create custom targeting segments based on TV consumption behaviors, content exposure, and demographics with a 24-hour turnaround using Samba TV data.

How does the FreeWheel and Samba TV partnership benefit advertisers for the November 2024 elections?

The partnership allows advertisers to accurately re-target viewers in a privacy-centric way as early as the next day after events like debates or breaking news, which is important for political campaigns during the election season.

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