Comcast NBCUniversal Named Best Place To Work for Disability Inclusion for Tenth Consecutive Year

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Comcast NBCUniversal has been recognized as a Best Place to Work for Disability Inclusion for the tenth consecutive year, achieving a perfect score of 100 on the annual Disability Equality Index. This recognition highlights Comcast's ongoing commitment to disability inclusion and equality in the workplace.

The index, a joint initiative of the American Association of People with Disabilities and Disability:IN, is considered the world's most comprehensive benchmarking tool for measuring disability inclusion in the workplace. Comcast's achievement reflects its efforts in creating an inclusive culture, including initiatives such as the MyAbilities Network Employee Resource Group and the Accessibility Center of Excellence for Xfinity customers.

Comcast has also focused on making its products and services accessible to a wide audience. Notable examples include the launch of the Xfinity Large Button Voice Remote in 2022 and the introduction of American Sign Language (ASL) using live Video Remote Interpreting (VRI) service in 2023, improving the in-store experience for deaf customers.

Comcast NBCUniversal è stata riconosciuta come migliore posto di lavoro per l'inclusione delle persone con disabilità per il decimo anno consecutivo, raggiungendo un punteggio perfetto di 100 nell'annuale Indice di Uguaglianza per le Disabilità. Questo riconoscimento evidenzia l'impegno continuo di Comcast per l'inclusione e l'uguaglianza delle persone con disabilità nel posto di lavoro.

L'indice, un'iniziativa congiunta dell'American Association of People with Disabilities e Disability:IN, è considerato lo strumento di benchmarking più completo al mondo per misurare l'inclusione delle persone con disabilità nel lavoro. Il traguardo di Comcast riflette i suoi sforzi nel creare una cultura inclusiva, tra cui iniziative come il MyAbilities Network e il Centro di Eccellenza per l'Accessibilità per i clienti Xfinity.

Comcast ha anche posto l'accento sull'accessibilità dei suoi prodotti e servizi a un pubblico ampio. Esempi significativi includono il lancio del Xfinity Large Button Voice Remote nel 2022 e l'introduzione dell'American Sign Language (ASL) tramite il servizio di Interpretazione Remota Video (VRI) nel 2023, migliorando l'esperienza in-store per i clienti sordi.

Comcast NBCUniversal ha sido reconocida como el mejor lugar para trabajar en inclusión de discapacidad por décimo año consecutivo, logrando una puntuación perfecta de 100 en el Índice de Igualdad de Discapacidad anual. Este reconocimiento resalta el compromiso continuo de Comcast con la inclusión y la igualdad de las personas con discapacidad en el lugar de trabajo.

El índice, una iniciativa conjunta de la American Association of People with Disabilities y Disability:IN, se considera la herramienta de referencia más completa del mundo para medir la inclusión de discapacidad en el entorno laboral. El logro de Comcast refleja sus esfuerzos por crear una cultura inclusiva, incluidas iniciativas como el MyAbilities Network y el Centro de Excelencia en Accesibilidad para clientes de Xfinity.

Comcast también se ha centrado en hacer que sus productos y servicios sean accesibles para un público amplio. Ejemplos notables incluyen el lanzamiento del Xfinity Large Button Voice Remote en 2022 y la introducción del American Sign Language (ASL) utilizando el servicio de Interpretación Remota por Video (VRI) en 2023, mejorando la experiencia en tienda para los clientes sordos.

Comcast NBCUniversal장애인 포용을 위한 최고의 일터10년 연속 인정받아, 매년 실시되는 장애 평등 지수에서 완벽한 점수인 100점을 달성했습니다. 이 인정은 직장에서의 장애인 포용과 평등에 대한 Comcast의 지속적인 의지를 강조합니다.

이 지수는 미국 장애인 협회Disability:IN의 공동 이니셔티브로, 직장에서 장애인 포용을 측정하기 위한 세계에서 가장 포괄적인 벤치마킹 도구로 간주됩니다. Comcast의 이러한 성과는 포용적인 문화를 조성하기 위한 노력을 반영하고 있으며, MyAbilities Network 직원 리소스 그룹과 Xfinity 고객을 위한 접근성 우수 센터와 같은 이니셔티브를 포함합니다.

Comcast는 또한 제품과 서비스를 광범위한 청중이 이용할 수 있도록 하는 데 집중했습니다. 주목할 만한 예로는 2022년 Xfinity 대형 버튼 음성 리모컨 출시와 2023년 실시간 비디오 원격 통역 서비스(VRI)를 활용한 미국 수화(ASL) 도입이 있습니다. 이는 청각 장애인을 위한 매장 경험을 향상시켰습니다.

Comcast NBCUniversal a été reconnue comme meilleur lieu de travail pour l'inclusion des personnes en situation de handicap pour la dixième année consécutive, atteignant un score parfait de 100 sur l'Indice d'Égalité pour les Personnes Handicapées annuel. Cette reconnaissance met en lumière l'engagement continu de Comcast envers l'inclusion et l'égalité dans le milieu professionnel.

L'indice, une initiative conjointe de l'American Association of People with Disabilities et Disability:IN, est considéré comme l'outil de référence le plus complet au monde pour mesurer l'inclusion des personnes handicapées au travail. L'accomplissement de Comcast reflète ses efforts pour créer une culture inclusive, y compris des initiatives telles que le MyAbilities Network et le Centre d'Excellence en Accessibilité pour les clients Xfinity.

Comcast s'est également concentré sur l'accessibilité de ses produits et services pour un large public. Parmi les exemples notables figurent le lancement de la Xfinity Large Button Voice Remote en 2022 et l'introduction de American Sign Language (ASL) via le service d'interprétation vidéo à distance en direct (VRI) en 2023, améliorant ainsi l'expérience en magasin pour les clients sourds.

Comcast NBCUniversal wurde zum besten Arbeitsplatz für Inklusion von Menschen mit Behinderungen für das zehnte Jahr in Folge ausgezeichnet und erreichte eine perfekte Punktzahl von 100 im Disability Equality Index des Jahres. Diese Auszeichnung hebt das fortwährende Engagement von Comcast für die Inklusion und Gleichstellung von Menschen mit Behinderungen am Arbeitsplatz hervor.

Der Index, eine gemeinsame Initiative der American Association of People with Disabilities und Disability:IN, gilt als das umfassendste Benchmarking-Tool der Welt zur Messung der Inklusion von Menschen mit Behinderungen am Arbeitsplatz. Die Errungenschaft von Comcast spiegelt die Bemühungen wider, eine inklusive Kultur zu schaffen, einschließlich Initiativen wie der MyAbilities Network Mitarbeiterressourcengruppe und dem Accessibility Center of Excellence für Xfinity-Kunden.

Comcast hat sich auch auf die Zugänglichkeit seiner Produkte und Dienstleistungen für ein breites Publikum konzentriert. Zu den bemerkenswerten Beispielen zählen die Einführung der Xfinity Large Button Voice Remote im Jahr 2022 und die Einführung von American Sign Language (ASL) über den Live-Video-Remote-Interpreting-Service (VRI) im Jahr 2023, was das Einkaufserlebnis für gehörlose Kunden verbessert hat.

  • None.
  • None.

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / October 4, 2024 / Comcast Corporation

For the tenth consecutive year, Comcast NBCUniversal was recognized as a Best Place to Work for Disability Inclusion, marking a decade of receiving 100 on the annual Disability Equality Index. Comcast remains on a distinguished list of companies taking measurable and tangible actions toward disability inclusion and equality.

The index is a joint initiative of the American Association of People with Disabilities, the nation's largest disability rights organization, and Disability:IN, the global business disability inclusion network. It is widely accepted as the world's most comprehensive benchmarking tool measuring disability inclusion in the workplace.

We're proud of the work we've done and humbled to remain among the world's most inclusive organizations for people with disabilities.

Tom Wlodkowski

Vice President, Accessibility, Comcast

The list of awardees was announced at this year's Disability:IN Global Conference and Expo in Las Vegas. Comcast VP of Accessibility, Tom Wlodkowski, attended alongside other members of Comcast's team of accessibility and inclusion experts who participated in events addressing topics ranging from supplier diversity to artificial intelligence.

Comcast has instilled a culture of inclusion across the company including an Employee Resource Group, the MyAbilities Network, and the Accessibility Center of Excellence (COE) for Xfinity customers who rely on accessibility services. The company also participates in initiatives such as Global Accessibility Awareness Day to help expand employee education on accessibility inclusion.

This recognition also reflects Comcast's commitment to making products, technology, services, and experiences accessible to the widest possible audience. For example, in 2022, Comcast launched the Xfinity Large Button Voice Remote, named "The Best Universal TV Remote for Seniors or the Disabled" by USA Today. Its success was largely due to the inclusive design process the product team took from its most nascent stage of development.

Similarly, in 2023, Comcast became the first company in our industry to offer American Sign Language (ASL), using live Video Remote Interpreting (VRI) service to improve the in-store experience for deaf customers.

"Through innovation and a steadfast commitment to inclusion, we've focused on integrating accessibility into our employee and customer experiences for over a decade," added Wlodkowski. "And we look forward to the work ahead to further advance disability inclusion inside and outside of Comcast."

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SOURCE: Comcast Corporation

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How many years has Comcast NBCUniversal (CMCSA) been recognized as a Best Place to Work for Disability Inclusion?

Comcast NBCUniversal has been recognized as a Best Place to Work for Disability Inclusion for ten consecutive years, from 2014 to 2024.

What score did Comcast (CMCSA) receive on the Disability Equality Index in 2024?

Comcast NBCUniversal received a perfect score of 100 on the Disability Equality Index in 2024.

What accessibility product did Comcast (CMCSA) launch in 2022?

In 2022, Comcast launched the Xfinity Large Button Voice Remote, which was named 'The Best Universal TV Remote for Seniors or the Disabled' by USA Today.

What service did Comcast (CMCSA) introduce in 2023 to improve in-store experience for deaf customers?

In 2023, Comcast became the first company in its industry to offer American Sign Language (ASL) using live Video Remote Interpreting (VRI) service to improve the in-store experience for deaf customers.

What is the name of Comcast's (CMCSA) Employee Resource Group for disability inclusion?

Comcast's Employee Resource Group for disability inclusion is called the MyAbilities Network.

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