Comcast NBCUniversal and Team USA Athletes Honor the American Flag Ahead of the Olympic and Paralympic Games

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Comcast NBCUniversal is honoring the American flag through Operation Old Glory, an initiative where Flag Ambassadors replace worn or damaged flags for free. Team USA athletes Dennis Connors and Grant Holloway have joined the effort, highlighting the connection between military service and athletic achievement. Connors, a U.S. Paralympian and Marine Corps veteran, and Holloway, an Olympic Silver Medalist from a military family, participated in flag replacement events in Oregon and Florida respectively.

The initiative is expanding to new communities in Washington and storm-affected areas in Texas. Comcast ensures all flags are American-made and supplied by a veteran-owned business. The company also provides free access to Olympic Games coverage for service members and veterans through a partnership with the Army & Air Force Exchange Service.

Comcast NBCUniversal sta onorando la bandiera americana attraverso Operation Old Glory, un'iniziativa in cui gli Ambasciatori della Bandiera sostituiscono gratuitamente le bandiere logore o danneggiate. Gli atleti di Team USA Dennis Connors e Grant Holloway hanno aderito all'iniziativa, evidenziando il legame tra il servizio militare e il successo sportivo. Connors, un paralimpico statunitense e veterano del Corpo dei Marines, e Holloway, un medagliato d'argento olimpico proveniente da una famiglia militare, hanno partecipato a eventi di sostituzione delle bandiere rispettivamente in Oregon e Florida.

L'iniziativa si sta espandendo a nuove comunità nello stato di Washington e in aree colpite da tempeste in Texas. Comcast garantisce che tutte le bandiere siano realizzate negli Stati Uniti e fornite da un'azienda di proprietà di veterani. L'azienda offre anche accesso gratuito alla copertura dei Giochi Olimpici per i membri delle forze armate e per i veterani, grazie a una partnership con l'Esercito e il Servizio di Scambio dell'Aviazione.

Comcast NBCUniversal está rindiendo homenaje a la bandera estadounidense a través de Operation Old Glory, una iniciativa donde los Embajadores de la Bandera reemplazan banderas desgastadas o dañadas de forma gratuita. Los atletas del Team USA Dennis Connors y Grant Holloway se han unido al esfuerzo, destacando la conexión entre el servicio militar y el logro atlético. Connors, un paralímpico estadounidense y veterano del Cuerpo de Marines, y Holloway, un medallista de plata olímpico proveniente de una familia militar, participaron en eventos de reemplazo de banderas en Oregón y Florida, respectivamente.

La iniciativa se está expandiendo a nuevas comunidades en Washington y áreas afectadas por tormentas en Texas. Comcast asegura que todas las banderas son fabricadas en Estados Unidos y suministradas por un negocio de propiedad de veteranos. La empresa también proporciona acceso gratuito a la cobertura de los Juegos Olímpicos para los miembros del servicio y veteranos a través de una asociación con el Servicio de Intercambio del Ejército y la Fuerza Aérea.

Comcast NBCUniversal은 Operation Old Glory를 통해 미국 국기를 기리고 있습니다. 이 이니셔티브는 국기 대사들이 낡거나 손상된 국기를 무료로 교체하는 것입니다. Team USA의 선수인 Dennis ConnorsGrant Holloway가 이 노력에 동참하여 군 복무와 운동 성취 사이의 연결 고리를 강조했습니다. Connors는 미국 패럴림픽 선수이자 해병대 재향군인이며, Holloway는 군대 출신의 올림픽 은메달리스트입니다. 이들은 각각 오리건과 플로리다에서 국기 교체 이벤트에 참여했습니다.

이 이니셔티브는 워싱턴의 새로운 커뮤니티와 텍사스의 폭풍 피해 지역으로 확장되고 있습니다. Comcast는 모든 국기가 미국에서 제조되고 재향군인 소유의 사업에서 공급된다고 보장합니다. 또한, 이 회사는 육군 및 공군 교환 서비스와의 파트너십을 통해 복무 중인 군인과 재향군인들에게 올림픽 게임 중계에 무료로 접근할 수 있도록 제공하고 있습니다.

Comcast NBCUniversal rend hommage au drapeau américain à travers Operation Old Glory, une initiative où des Ambassadeurs de Drapeau remplacent gratuitement les drapeaux usés ou endommagés. Les athlètes de Team USA Dennis Connors et Grant Holloway ont rejoint cet effort, mettant en avant le lien entre le service militaire et la réussite athlétique. Connors, un paralympien américain et vétéran du Corps des Marines, et Holloway, un médaillé d'argent olympique issu d'une famille militaire, ont participé à des événements de remplacement de drapeaux respectivement dans l'Oregon et en Floride.

L'initiative s'étend à de nouvelles communautés dans l'État de Washington et aux zones touchées par des tempêtes au Texas. Comcast veille à ce que tous les drapeaux soient fabriqués aux États-Unis et fournis par une entreprise dirigée par des vétérans. L'entreprise offre également un accès gratuit à la couverture des Jeux Olympiques pour les membres des forces armées et les vétérans grâce à un partenariat avec le Service d'échange de l'Armée et de l'Air Force.

Comcast NBCUniversal ehrt die amerikanische Flagge durch Operation Old Glory, eine Initiative, bei der Flaggenbotschafter abgenutzte oder beschädigte Flaggen kostenlos ersetzen. Die Team USA-Athleten Dennis Connors und Grant Holloway haben sich an der Aktion beteiligt und heben die Verbindung zwischen Militärdienst und sportlichem Erfolg hervor. Connors, ein US-Paralympian und Veteran des Marine Corps, sowie Holloway, ein olympischer Silbermedaillengewinner aus einer Militärfamilie, nahmen an Flaggenersatzveranstaltungen in Oregon und Florida teil.

Die Initiative wird auf neue Gemeinschaften in Washington und sturmgeschädigte Gebiete in Texas ausgeweitet. Comcast stellt sicher, dass alle Flaggen in Amerika hergestellt werden und von einem veteranenbetriebenen Unternehmen geliefert werden. Das Unternehmen bietet auch kostenlosen Zugang zu Berichterstattung über die Olympischen Spiele für Soldaten und Veteranen durch eine Partnerschaft mit dem Army & Air Force Exchange Service.

  • Expanding Operation Old Glory initiative to new communities, potentially increasing brand visibility and goodwill
  • Partnership with high-profile Team USA athletes, which could enhance marketing and public relations efforts
  • Providing free Olympic Games coverage access to service members and veterans, potentially increasing viewership
  • None.

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / August 9, 2024 / As we gear up for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games, Comcast NBCUniversal is raising the American flag in communities nationwide through a heartfelt initiative known as Operation Old Glory.

Members of Comcast's Veterans Network (VetNet) employee resource group launched Operation Old Glory in 2017 to honor our nation's greatest symbol, the American flag. Since then, our dedicated Comcast Flag Ambassadors have replaced thousands of worn or damaged flags at homes and businesses in our service areas, free of charge.

Now, two Team USA athletes have joined the effort.

In June, U.S. Paralympian Dennis Connors teamed up with our Flag Ambassadors in Oregon to replace the American flag at his local community center. Connors is a para-cycling world champion, combat veteran, and traumatic brain injury and stroke survivor. He served nine years in the U.S. Marine Corps, deploying three times to Iraq and earning the Defense Meritorious Service Medal in 2010.

"From the battlefield to the Paralympic racecourse, my journey hasn't been without its challenges. Being injured in combat, I faced moments of doubt and despair. But it was the spirit of perseverance and camaraderie that I learned in the military that pushed me forward," Connors said. "Every time I see the American flag, it's a powerful reminder of what we have accomplished as a nation and of what we can overcome."

Operation Old Glory strikes a chord with me because it honors not just the flag but the people who have stood behind it.

Dennis Connors
U.S. Paralympian, Para-cycling

Meanwhile, Team USA athlete Grant Holloway joined our Flag Ambassadors in Florida to replace a weathered flag at the golf course where his foundation hosts its annual charity event. Holloway is a five-time world champion, U.S. Olympic Silver Medalist, and world record holder in the 60m hurdles. His father, Stan Holloway, served in the U.S. Navy for two decades.

"As someone who grew up in a military family, the values of discipline and dedication were instilled in me from a very young age. The American flag, for me, is not just a symbol of our country-it's a tribute to the sacrifices my father and countless others have made," Holloway said. "Representing the USA on a global stage is my way of honoring that legacy and showing the world the strength and resilience that come from a military family."

Knowing that Comcast supports the military community through initiatives like Operation Old Glory makes me proud to be part of this campaign. It's about lifting each other up and honoring our roots.

Grant Holloway
U.S. Olympian, Track and Field

But that's not all. With the upcoming Olympic and Paralympic Games, our Comcast Flag Ambassadors are redoubling their efforts to replace flags across the country, bringing Operation Old Glory to new communities in Washington as well as to those recovering from severe storms in Texas .

"We are grateful to our teammates who volunteer their time and skills to participate in Operation Old Glory. Their efforts are a testament to the spirit of service that drives our company, and we are committed to expanding this program to reach even more communities in the lead-up to Paris 2024," said Mona Dexter, Vice President of Military and Veteran Affairs, Comcast NBCUniversal.

All flags provided through Operation Old Glory are made in America and supplied by a veteran-owned business. We also ensure our Flag Ambassadors are trained on the customs and courtesies for properly handling the American flag, including the 13 Folds tradition.

At Comcast NBCUniversal, we believe in connecting with the military community by creating an inclusive workplace for our military teammates and special experiences for military customers and communities. In addition to our suite of exclusive benefits, we're proud to provide service members and honorably discharged veterans worldwide with free access to NBCUniversal's full coverage of the Olympic Games through our partnership with the Army & Air Force Exchange Service.

Visit to learn more about Comcast's military engagement efforts, and cheer on Dennis Connors, Grant Holloway, and other Team USA athletes on NBC and Peacock as they compete in the Olympic and Paralympic Games this summer.

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SOURCE: Comcast Corporation

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What is Operation Old Glory by Comcast NBCUniversal (CMCSA)?

Operation Old Glory is an initiative by Comcast NBCUniversal where Flag Ambassadors replace worn or damaged American flags for free in communities nationwide. It was launched in 2017 by Comcast's Veterans Network employee resource group.

Which Team USA athletes participated in Comcast's (CMCSA) Operation Old Glory in 2024?

U.S. Paralympian Dennis Connors and Olympic Silver Medalist Grant Holloway participated in Comcast's Operation Old Glory in 2024, replacing flags in Oregon and Florida respectively.

How is Comcast (CMCSA) supporting military personnel for the 2024 Olympic Games?

Comcast is providing free access to NBCUniversal's full coverage of the 2024 Olympic Games to service members and honorably discharged veterans worldwide through a partnership with the Army & Air Force Exchange Service.

Where is Comcast (CMCSA) expanding its Operation Old Glory initiative in 2024?

Comcast is expanding Operation Old Glory to new communities in Washington and to areas recovering from severe storms in Texas in 2024.

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