Comcast Introduces Nation’s First Ultra-Low Lag Xfinity Internet Experience With Meta, NVIDIA, and Valve
Comcast has launched a groundbreaking ultra-low lag connectivity service for Xfinity Internet customers, becoming the first provider globally to offer this technology. The service dramatically reduces latency to faster than an eye blink for interactive applications like gaming, videoconferencing, and virtual reality.
The technology initially works with FaceTime across Apple devices including Vision Pro, apps on Meta's mixed reality headsets, NVIDIA's GeForce NOW, and many games on Valve's Steam platform. The service will be available to additional content and application providers who adopt this open standard technology.
Initial rollout has begun in cities including Atlanta, Chicago, Colorado Springs, Philadelphia, Rockville, and San Francisco, with rapid expansion planned nationwide. Testing over the past year has met or exceeded expectations, promising superior performance compared to alternatives like 5G home Internet, especially during high-traffic periods.
Comcast ha lanciato un servizio rivoluzionario di connettività a ultra-basso lag per i clienti di Xfinity Internet, diventando il primo fornitore a livello globale a offrire questa tecnologia. Il servizio riduce drasticamente la latenza a un tempo inferiore a quello di un batter di ciglia per applicazioni interattive come il gaming, le videoconferenze e la realtà virtuale.
La tecnologia funziona inizialmente con FaceTime su dispositivi Apple, inclusi Vision Pro, app sui visori di realtà mista di Meta, NVIDIA GeForce NOW e molti giochi sulla piattaforma Steam di Valve. Il servizio sarà disponibile anche per ulteriori fornitori di contenuti e applicazioni che adotteranno questa tecnologia a standard aperto.
Il rollout iniziale è iniziato in città come Atlanta, Chicago, Colorado Springs, Philadelphia, Rockville e San Francisco, con una rapida espansione pianificata a livello nazionale. I test effettuati nell'ultimo anno hanno soddisfatto o superato le aspettative, promettendo prestazioni superiori rispetto ad alternative come Internet domestico 5G, specialmente durante i periodi di alta affluenza.
Comcast ha lanzado un servicio revolucionario de conectividad de ultra-bajo retraso para los clientes de Xfinity Internet, convirtiéndose en el primer proveedor a nivel mundial en ofrecer esta tecnología. El servicio reduce drásticamente la latencia a menos tiempo que un parpadeo para aplicaciones interactivas como juegos, videoconferencias y realidad virtual.
La tecnología funciona inicialmente con FaceTime en dispositivos Apple, incluidos Vision Pro, aplicaciones en los visores de realidad mixta de Meta, NVIDIA GeForce NOW y muchos juegos en la plataforma Steam de Valve. El servicio estará disponible para otros proveedores de contenido y aplicaciones que adopten esta tecnología de estándar abierto.
El despliegue inicial ha comenzado en ciudades como Atlanta, Chicago, Colorado Springs, Filadelfia, Rockville y San Francisco, con una rápida expansión planeada a nivel nacional. Las pruebas del último año han cumplido o superado las expectativas, prometiendo un rendimiento superior en comparación con alternativas como Internet doméstico 5G, especialmente durante los períodos de alto tráfico.
콤캐스트가 초저지연 연결 서비스인 Xfinity 인터넷 고객을 위해 혁신적인 서비스를 출시했습니다. 이는 전 세계적으로 이 기술을 제공하는 최초의 공급자가 되었습니다. 이 서비스는 게임, 화상 회의, 가상 현실과 같은 대화형 애플리케이션에 대해 눈 깜짝할 사이보다 빠른 지연 시간을 크게 줄입니다.
이 기술은 FaceTime과 같은 애플의 기기에서 처음으로 작동하며, 메타의 혼합 현실 헤드셋, NVIDIA의 GeForce NOW 및 밸브의 스팀 플랫폼에서 많은 게임에서도 작동합니다. 이 서비스는 이 오픈 스탠다드 기술을 채택하는 추가 콘텐츠 및 애플리케이션 제공업체에게도 제공될 예정입니다.
초기 배포는 애틀란타, 시카고, 콜로라도 스프링스, 필라델피아, 록빌, 샌프란시스코와 같은 도시에서 시작되었으며, 전국적으로 빠른 확장이 계획되어 있습니다. 지난 1년 동안의 테스트는 기대를 충족하거나 초과하였으며, 특히 트래픽이 많은 시간대 동안 5G 가정 인터넷과 같은 대안에 비해 뛰어난 성능을 약속하고 있습니다.
Comcast a lancé un service révolutionnaire de connectivité à ultra-faible latence pour les clients Xfinity Internet, devenant le premier fournisseur au monde à offrir cette technologie. Le service réduit considérablement la latence à moins qu'un clin d'œil pour des applications interactives telles que les jeux, les vidéoconférences et la réalité virtuelle.
La technologie fonctionne initialement avec FaceTime sur les appareils Apple, y compris Vision Pro, des applications sur les casques de réalité mixte de Meta, NVIDIA GeForce NOW et de nombreux jeux sur la plateforme Steam de Valve. Le service sera également disponible pour d'autres fournisseurs de contenu et d'applications qui adopteront cette technologie à standard ouvert.
Le déploiement initial a commencé dans des villes comme Atlanta, Chicago, Colorado Springs, Philadelphie, Rockville et San Francisco, avec une expansion rapide prévue à l'échelle nationale. Les tests effectués au cours de la dernière année ont répondu ou dépassé les attentes, promettant des performances supérieures par rapport à des alternatives comme l'Internet domestique 5G, surtout pendant les périodes de forte affluence.
Comcast hat einen bahnbrechenden Ultra-Niedrig-Latenz-Konnektivitätsdienst für Xfinity-Internetkunden gestartet und ist der erste Anbieter weltweit, der diese Technologie anbietet. Der Dienst reduziert die Latenz auf weniger als ein Augenblick für interaktive Anwendungen wie Gaming, Videokonferenzen und Virtual Reality drastisch.
Die Technologie funktioniert zunächst mit FaceTime auf Apple-Geräten, einschließlich Vision Pro, Apps auf Meta's Mixed-Reality-Headsets, NVIDIA GeForce NOW und vielen Spielen auf Valve's Steam-Plattform. Der Dienst wird auch für zusätzliche Content- und Anwendungsanbieter verfügbar sein, die diese offene Standardtechnologie übernehmen.
Die erste Einführung hat in Städten wie Atlanta, Chicago, Colorado Springs, Philadelphia, Rockville und San Francisco begonnen, mit einer schnellen Expansion, die landesweit geplant ist. Die Tests im letzten Jahr haben die Erwartungen erfüllt oder übertroffen und versprechen eine überlegene Leistung im Vergleich zu Alternativen wie 5G-Haushaltsinternet, insbesondere während der verkehrsreichen Zeiten.
- First-to-market advantage with pioneering ultra-low lag technology
- Partnerships with major tech companies (Apple, Meta, NVIDIA, Valve)
- Network infrastructure reaching 63 million homes and businesses
- Technology proven successful in testing phase
- initial availability in select cities
- Service benefits dependent on application providers adopting the technology
Comcast's pioneering launch of ultra-low latency internet marks a significant competitive advantage in the ISP market. This infrastructure upgrade positions Comcast ahead of both traditional ISPs and emerging 5G home internet providers, particularly in handling high-density usage scenarios where 5G networks typically struggle.
The strategic partnerships with Meta, NVIDIA, Valve and Apple are particularly noteworthy as they target high-growth segments: gaming, virtual reality and video conferencing. The gaming market alone is projected to exceed
Key competitive advantages include:
- First-mover advantage in implementing this open standard technology
- Coverage potential for 63 million homes and businesses
- Superior performance versus 5G home internet in high-usage scenarios
- Strategic alignment with next-generation computing platforms (VR/AR)
The phased rollout strategy, starting with major metropolitan areas like Atlanta, Chicago and San Francisco, suggests a measured approach to infrastructure investment while maximizing market impact. This could help maintain healthy margins while capturing high-value customers in competitive urban markets.
The open standard approach is particularly strategic, as it creates potential for additional revenue streams through partnerships while positioning Comcast as an infrastructure leader in the emerging metaverse ecosystem. This could prove important as mixed reality applications become mainstream, potentially driving premium tier subscriptions and reducing churn.
Rolling Out Pioneering Open Standard, Low Latency Tech that Provides Xfinity Customers with More Responsive Gaming, Video Chatting and Virtual Reality Experiences

Comcast is introducing the first customers in the world to a pioneering new, ultra-low lag connectivity experience when they use interactive applications (Photo: Business Wire)
“Our connectivity is the key to unlocking a world of entertainment, sports, news and information and we’re constantly pushing the limits of network innovation to create an experience that exceeds the expanding demands of our customers,” said Emily Waldorf, Senior Vice President, Consumer Products, Comcast Connectivity and Platforms. “Modern applications are real-time and interactive and require more than just fast speeds. Xfinity Internet’s lower lag times will be a differentiator for Comcast.”
With low-lag Internet, Xfinity is once again breaking new ground on technology that will help to ensure its customers can take advantage of everything the Internet has to offer today and into the future. Latency-sensitive applications will experience less delay, and a smoother, more responsive end-to-end online experience compared to other options like 5G home Internet, where the network gets bogged down and the connection deteriorates when a lot of people are online.
Initially, customers will see the benefits of the new technology firsthand when they use FaceTime on iPhone, iPad, Mac, Apple TV, and Apple Vision Pro, apps on Meta’s mixed reality headsets that will support this technology, NVIDIA’s GeForce NOW, or many games on Valve’s Steam games platform. Comcast’s low-lag experience will expand to any additional content and application providers who choose to leverage the new open standard technology for their own products. When fully deployed it will be available to all Xfinity Internet customers.
Comcast has been testing low latency technology with its user groups for the past year and those tests have met or even exceeded expectations. The initial rollout began and will expand to cities like
About Comcast Corporation
Comcast Corporation (Nasdaq: CMCSA) is a global media and technology company. From the connectivity and platforms we provide, to the content and experiences we create, our businesses reach hundreds of millions of customers, viewers, and guests worldwide. We deliver world-class broadband, wireless, and video through Xfinity, Comcast Business, and Sky; produce, distribute, and stream leading entertainment, sports, and news through brands including NBC, Telemundo, Universal, Peacock, and Sky; and bring incredible theme parks and attractions to life through Universal Destinations & Experiences. Visit for more information.
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Joel Shadle
Comcast Corporation
Rachel Williams
Comcast Corporation
Source: Comcast Corporation