Comcast Business 2024 Cybersecurity Threat Report: Artificial Intelligence Drives New Era of Cyber Threats and Defenses

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Comcast Business has released its 2024 Cybersecurity Threat Report, analyzing 29 billion attempted cybersecurity attacks against its customers in 2023. The report highlights significant changes in the cybersecurity landscape, driven by sophisticated threat actors, an expanding attack surface, and the transformative power of AI.

Key findings include:

  • AI is amplifying cyber risks but also offering powerful defensive tools
  • Phishing attacks are on the rise, with over 2.6 billion interactions detected
  • Advanced lateral movement techniques are being employed by bad actors
  • Attackers are increasingly using encrypted channels and proxies to hide their activities
  • DDoS attacks and ransomware pose significant risks, with over one billion attempts to destroy data blocked

The report emphasizes the need for a multi-layered approach to cybersecurity to bolster defenses against evolving global threats.

Comcast Business ha rilasciato il suo Rapporto sulle minacce informatiche 2024, analizzando 29 miliardi di attacchi informatici tentati contro i suoi clienti nel 2023. Il rapporto evidenzia cambiamenti significativi nel panorama della cybersecurity, guidati da attori minacciosi sofisticati, un'ampia superficie di attacco e il potere trasformativo dell'IA.

I principali risultati includono:

  • L'IA amplifica i rischi informatici ma offre anche potenti strumenti difensivi
  • Gli attacchi di phishing sono in aumento, con oltre 2,6 miliardi di interazioni rilevate
  • Le tecniche avanzate di movimento laterale sono utilizzate dai cattivi attori
  • Gli aggressori stanno usando sempre più canali crittografati e proxy per nascondere le loro attività
  • Gli attacchi DDoS e il ransomware rappresentano rischi significativi, con oltre un miliardo di tentativi di distruzione dei dati bloccati

Il rapporto sottolinea la necessità di un approccio multilivello alla cybersecurity per rafforzare le difese contro le minacce globali in evoluzione.

Comcast Business ha lanzado su Informe sobre Amenazas Cibernéticas 2024, que analiza 29 mil millones de intentos de ataques cibernéticos contra sus clientes en 2023. El informe destaca cambios significativos en el panorama de la ciberseguridad, impulsados por actores de amenazas sofisticados, una superficie de ataque en expansión y el poder transformador de la IA.

Los hallazgos clave incluyen:

  • La IA está amplificando los riesgos cibernéticos, pero también ofreciendo poderosas herramientas defensivas
  • Los ataques de phishing están en aumento, con más de 2.6 mil millones de interacciones detectadas
  • Se están empleando técnicas avanzadas de movimiento lateral por parte de actores maliciosos
  • Los atacantes están utilizando cada vez más canales cifrados y proxies para ocultar sus actividades
  • Los ataques DDoS y el ransomware representan riesgos significativos, con más de mil millones de intentos de destrucción de datos bloqueados

El informe enfatiza la necesidad de un enfoque multinivel para la ciberseguridad para reforzar las defensas contra las amenazas globales en evolución.

Comcast Business는 2024 사이버 보안 위협 보고서를 발표하며, 2023년 고객을 대상으로 한 290억 건의 사이버 공격 시도를 분석했습니다. 이 보고서는 정교한 위협 행위자, 확장되는 공격 표면, AI의 변혁적 힘에 의해 촉발된 사이버 보안 환경의 중요한 변화를 강조합니다.

주요 발견사항은 다음과 같습니다:

  • AI가 사이버 위험을 증가시키지만 동시에 강력한 방어 도구를 제공하고 있습니다.
  • 피싱 공격이 증가하고 있으며, 26억 건 이상의 상호작용이 감지되었습니다.
  • 악의적인 행위자들이 고급 수평 이동 기술을 사용하고 있습니다.
  • 공격자들은 그들의 활동을 숨기기 위해 암호화된 채널과 프록시를 점점 더 많이 사용하고 있습니다.
  • DDoS 공격과 랜섬웨어는 심각한 위험을 나타내며, 10억 건 이상의 데이터 파괴 시도가 차단되었습니다.

이 보고서는 진화하는 글로벌 위협에 대해 방어력을 강화하기 위한 다층적 사이버 보안 접근 방식의 필요성을 강조합니다.

Comcast Business a publié son Rapport sur les menaces cybernétiques 2024, analysant 29 milliards de tentatives d'attaques cybernétiques contre ses clients en 2023. Le rapport met en évidence des changements significatifs dans le paysage de la cybersécurité, motivés par des acteurs de menaces sophistiqués, une surface d'attaque croissante et le pouvoir transformateur de l'IA.

Les principales conclusions comprennent :

  • L'IA amplifie les risques cybernétiques tout en offrant des outils de défense puissants
  • Les attaques de phishing sont en augmentation, avec plus de 2,6 milliards d'interactions détectées
  • Des techniques avancées de mouvement latéral sont utilisées par des acteurs malveillants
  • Les attaquants utilisent de plus en plus des canaux sécurisés et des proxys pour masquer leurs activités
  • Les attaques DDoS et les ransomwares posent des risques significatifs, avec plus d'un milliard de tentatives de destruction de données bloquées

Le rapport souligne la nécessité d'une approche multicouche de la cybersécurité pour renforcer les défenses contre les menaces mondiales en évolution.

Comcast Business hat seinen Cybersecurity Threat Report 2024 veröffentlicht, der 29 Milliarden versuchte Cyberangriffe auf seine Kunden im Jahr 2023 analysiert. Der Bericht hebt signifikante Veränderungen in der Cybersecurity-Landschaft hervor, die durch anspruchsvolle Bedrohungsakteure, eine erweiterte Angriffsfläche und die transformative Kraft der KI vorangetrieben werden.

Wichtige Erkenntnisse umfassen:

  • KI verstärkt Cyberrisiken, bietet aber auch leistungsstarke Verteidigungstools
  • Phishing-Angriffe nehmen zu, mit über 2,6 Milliarden erkannten Interaktionen
  • Erweiterte seitliche Bewegungstechniken werden von böswilligen Akteuren eingesetzt
  • Angreifer nutzen zunehmend verschlüsselte Kanäle und Proxys, um ihre Aktivitäten zu verbergen
  • DDoS-Angriffe und Ransomware stellen erhebliche Risiken dar, mit über einer Milliarde blockierter Versuche, Daten zu zerstören

Der Bericht betont die Notwendigkeit eines mehrschichtigen Ansatzes zur Cybersecurity, um die Verteidigung gegen sich entwickelnde globale Bedrohungen zu stärken.

  • Comcast Business analyzed 29 billion cybersecurity events, providing valuable insights for IT and security professionals
  • The company offers advanced cybersecurity solutions to help businesses protect against sophisticated threats
  • Comcast Business blocked over 2.6 billion phishing interactions and over one billion attempts to destroy data
  • The report provides CISOs, CIOs, and security leaders with in-depth analysis to make informed security decisions
  • The cybersecurity landscape is rapidly evolving with more sophisticated threat actors and an expanding attack surface
  • AI is being leveraged by cybercriminals to create more convincing deepfakes and phishing attacks
  • Phishing remains the primary method for attackers to gain initial access to networks
  • DDoS attacks and ransomware pose significant risks to businesses


Comcast Business's 2024 Cybersecurity Threat Report reveals a significant shift in the cyber threat landscape, driven by AI and sophisticated attack methods. The analysis of 29 billion cybersecurity events highlights several key trends:

  • AI is being leveraged by both attackers and defenders, creating a new paradigm in cybersecurity.
  • Phishing remains a primary threat, with over 2.6 billion interactions detected.
  • Advanced lateral movement techniques, including 409 million events exploiting remote services, are on the rise.
  • Encrypted channels and proxies are increasingly used to hide malicious activities.
  • DDoS attacks and ransomware continue to pose significant risks, with over one billion attempts to destroy data blocked.

This comprehensive report underscores the need for a multi-layered cybersecurity approach, combining advanced protection, detection and managed services. For investors, this highlights Comcast's strong position in the growing cybersecurity market and its potential for increased revenue from security services.

Comcast's cybersecurity report demonstrates the company's strategic positioning in the rapidly evolving tech landscape. By leveraging its vast network to analyze billions of security events, Comcast is not only protecting its customers but also gaining valuable insights into emerging threats. This data-driven approach enhances Comcast's competitive edge in several ways:

  • It strengthens Comcast's enterprise offerings, potentially driving growth in the lucrative B2B market.
  • The insights gained can inform product development, allowing Comcast to stay ahead of cybersecurity trends.
  • It positions Comcast as a thought leader in cybersecurity, which can attract high-value enterprise clients.

For investors, this report signals Comcast's commitment to diversifying its revenue streams beyond traditional cable and internet services. The company's focus on advanced cybersecurity solutions could lead to increased market share in the $146 billion global cybersecurity market, providing a significant growth opportunity.

Report analyzes 29 billion attempted cybersecurity attacks against Comcast Business customers

Cybercriminals leveraging Artificial Intelligence (AI) to create more convincing deepfakes and phishing attacks, as well as employing open-source tools to generate malicious code

PHILADELPHIA--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Comcast Business today released its 2024 Cybersecurity Threat Report, a valuable resource for IT and security professionals, based on the analysis of 29 billion cybersecurity events detected by Comcast Business across its security customers in 2023. The report highlights significant changes in the cybersecurity landscape, driven by sophisticated threat actors, an expanding attack surface and the transformative power of AI.

"Armed with a newfound arsenal of AI-based capabilities and a landscape littered with vulnerable systems, cybercriminals are having a moment,” said Noopur Davis, Chief Information Security and Product Privacy Officer, Comcast Corporation. “Our findings confirm that despite these advancements, a multi-layered approach combining advanced protection, detection, managed services, and vigilant maintenance of security practices, can help enterprises protect their digital assets and enhance their resilience against sophisticated threats."

This report offers a comprehensive overview of the rapidly evolving global cyber threat landscape, based on cybersecurity events detected by Comcast Business across its security customers in 2023. The report highlights an intensifying global threat landscape, including the following:

  • AI amplifies cyber risks but offers powerful tools to mitigate threats.
    • For both bad actors seeking to steal corporate data and IT security professionals tasked with protecting it, AI is changing the rules of engagement. Defenders are increasingly utilizing AI and machine learning to analyze malware and log data at scale, as well as to scan entire systems for anomalies and automatically respond to threats. AI can act as a force multiplier for defensive teams working to safeguard their organizations and data.
  • Phishing attacks are on the rise, threatening businesses worldwide.
    • Phishing remains the primary method used by attackers to gain initial access to networks, with over 2.6 billion interactions detected by Comcast Business. Additionally, over 90% of the phishing interactions Comcast Business blocked were designed to direct victims to phishing sites hosting malware. The trend underscores the need for robust anti-phishing technologies, user education, and email gateway platforms to combat this growing threat.
  • Bad actors are employing advanced lateral movement techniques to navigate networks.
    • Remote services were the most exploited method for lateral movement, with over 409 million events detected by Comcast Business. Employing tools like Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) and Managed Detection and Response (MDR) can help IT staff identify early-stage threats by monitoring network activity for anomalies in user behavior. They help protect devices connected to enterprise networks by using AI to proactively detect, investigate, remove, and remediate malware, phishing, and ransomware.
  • Attackers are increasingly using encrypted channels and proxies to hide their command and control (C&C) communications.
    • By exploiting these protocols, attackers can mask their malicious activities and evade detection. Domain Name System (DNS) tunneling remains a popular technique to bypass traditional security measures, with over eight million observed events. Similarly, Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) was used in 104,000 events to provide reliable communication channels, often with encrypted payloads that further obscure malicious activities. The use of Windows Remote Management (WinRM), which saw nearly 78 million events, was also prevalent. These methods underscore the need for sophisticated detection tools to identify and mitigate covert malicious activities.
  • Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks and ransomware pose significant risks.
    • Comcast Business identified and blocked over one billion attempts to destroy data. Additionally, there were more than 126 million blocked instances of malware or botnets designed specifically for financial theft, underscoring the financial motivations behind many cyber-attacks. DDoS attacks remained a major threat to Comcast Business customers, with 103,000 reported events. This surge emphasizes the need for robust DDoS protection and mitigation strategies.

The report provides CISOs, CIOs, and security leaders with a deep dive into how cyber threats can breach and then spread across global networks. This analysis enables them to make informed security decisions for protecting critical assets. The report's trends and findings underscore the importance of adopting a multi-layered approach to cybersecurity to bolster defenses against evolving global threats.

To learn more about Comcast Business’s advanced cybersecurity solutions, or to access the full 2024 Comcast Business Cybersecurity Threat Report please visit:

About Comcast Business

Comcast Business offers leading global businesses the technology solutions and forward-thinking partnership they need. With a full suite of solutions including fast, reliable connectivity, secure networking solutions and advanced cybersecurity and a range of managed service options, Comcast Business is ready to meet the needs of businesses of all sizes. Comcast Business has been recognized by leading analyst firms for its continued growth, innovation, and leadership, and is committed to partnering with customers to help them drive their businesses forward.

For more information, call 800-501-6000. Follow @ComcastBusiness on social media networks at

About Comcast Corporation

Comcast Corporation (Nasdaq: CMCSA) is a global media and technology company. From the connectivity and platforms we provide, to the content and experiences we create, our businesses reach hundreds of millions of customers, viewers, and guests worldwide. We deliver world-class broadband, wireless, and video through Xfinity, Comcast Business, and Sky; produce, distribute, and stream leading entertainment, sports, and news through brands including NBC, Telemundo, Universal, Peacock, and Sky; and bring incredible theme parks and attractions to life through Universal Destinations & Experiences. Visit for more information.


Matt Helmke, Corporate Communications

Comcast Corporation


Source: Comcast Corporation


What are the key findings of Comcast Business's 2024 Cybersecurity Threat Report?

The report highlights the increasing use of AI in cyber threats, a rise in phishing attacks, advanced lateral movement techniques, increased use of encrypted channels by attackers, and significant risks from DDoS attacks and ransomware.

How many cybersecurity events did Comcast Business (CMCSA) analyze for its 2024 report?

Comcast Business analyzed 29 billion attempted cybersecurity attacks against its customers in 2023 for the 2024 Cybersecurity Threat Report.

What role does AI play in cybersecurity according to Comcast Business's 2024 report?

AI is described as both amplifying cyber risks and offering powerful defensive tools. Cybercriminals are using AI to create more convincing deepfakes and phishing attacks, while defenders are using it to analyze malware and log data at scale.

How many phishing interactions did Comcast Business (CMCSA) detect in 2023?

Comcast Business detected over 2.6 billion phishing interactions in 2023, with over 90% designed to direct victims to phishing sites hosting malware.

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