Comcast and MIT Media Lab Bring Live Footage and Never-before Seen 3D Photos From MIT’s Historic Lunar Mission to Viewers Across the Globe
Comcast (NASDAQ: CMCSA) has partnered with MIT Media Lab to provide unprecedented access to MIT's historic lunar mission through a new immersive viewing experience. The initiative will be available online at and on Xfinity X1 platforms.
The collaboration will deliver live streams of the March 6 lunar landing, first-ever 3D photos and videos of the Moon's surface, and comprehensive educational content. Key features include potential earth eclipse photos from the moon's surface and footage from a 3D depth camera mounted on the main rover.
This initiative supports MIT's broader 'To the Moon to Stay' mission, which includes three research payloads launched on Intuitive Machines' IM-2 mission via SpaceX. The project aims to gather important data for NASA's upcoming Artemis III mission in 2027, which will mark humanity's return to the lunar surface. Comcast plans to expand this experience across its entertainment platforms, including Sky Glass, Sky Stream, and Xumo devices.
Comcast (NASDAQ: CMCSA) ha stretto una partnership con il MIT Media Lab per fornire un accesso senza precedenti alla storica missione lunare del MIT attraverso una nuova esperienza di visione immersiva. L'iniziativa sarà disponibile online su e sulle piattaforme Xfinity X1.
La collaborazione offrirà dirette streaming dell'atterraggio lunare del 6 marzo, le prime foto e video 3D della superficie lunare, e contenuti educativi completi. Tra le caratteristiche principali ci sono potenziali foto di eclissi terrestre dalla superficie della luna e filmati da una telecamera 3D montata sul rover principale.
Questa iniziativa supporta la più ampia 'missione To the Moon to Stay' del MIT, che include tre payload di ricerca lanciati nella missione IM-2 di Intuitive Machines tramite SpaceX. Il progetto mira a raccogliere dati importanti per la prossima missione Artemis III della NASA nel 2027, che segnerà il ritorno dell'umanità sulla superficie lunare. Comcast prevede di espandere questa esperienza su tutte le sue piattaforme di intrattenimento, inclusi Sky Glass, Sky Stream e dispositivi Xumo.
Comcast (NASDAQ: CMCSA) se ha asociado con el MIT Media Lab para proporcionar un acceso sin precedentes a la histórica misión lunar del MIT a través de una nueva experiencia de visualización inmersiva. La iniciativa estará disponible en línea en y en las plataformas Xfinity X1.
La colaboración ofrecerá transmisiones en vivo del aterrizaje lunar del 6 de marzo, las primeras fotos y videos en 3D de la superficie lunar, y contenido educativo integral. Las características clave incluyen fotos de posibles eclipses terrestres desde la superficie lunar y metraje de una cámara de profundidad 3D montada en el rover principal.
Esta iniciativa apoya la más amplia 'misión To the Moon to Stay' del MIT, que incluye tres cargas útiles de investigación lanzadas en la misión IM-2 de Intuitive Machines a través de SpaceX. El proyecto tiene como objetivo recopilar datos importantes para la próxima misión Artemis III de la NASA en 2027, que marcará el regreso de la humanidad a la superficie lunar. Comcast planea expandir esta experiencia en todas sus plataformas de entretenimiento, incluidos Sky Glass, Sky Stream y dispositivos Xumo.
컴캐스트 (NASDAQ: CMCSA)는 MIT 미디어랩과 협력하여 MIT의 역사적인 달 탐사 미션에 대한 전례 없는 접근을 제공하는 새로운 몰입형 시청 경험을 선보입니다. 이 이니셔티브는 www.tothemoontostay.org에서 온라인으로 제공되며 Xfinity X1 플랫폼에서도 이용할 수 있습니다.
이 협력은 3월 6일 달 착륙의 생중계, 달 표면의 최초 3D 사진 및 비디오, 그리고 포괄적인 교육 콘텐츠를 제공합니다. 주요 특징으로는 달 표면에서 촬영된 지구의 일식 사진과 주요 로버에 장착된 3D 깊이 카메라의 영상이 포함됩니다.
이 이니셔티브는 MIT의 더 넓은 'To the Moon to Stay' 미션을 지원하며, 이는 SpaceX를 통해 Intuitive Machines의 IM-2 미션으로 발사된 세 개의 연구 탑재체를 포함합니다. 이 프로젝트는 2027년 NASA의 다가오는 아르테미스 III 미션을 위한 중요한 데이터를 수집하는 것을 목표로 하며, 이는 인류의 달 표면 복귀를 기념할 것입니다. 컴캐스트는 Sky Glass, Sky Stream 및 Xumo 장치를 포함한 모든 엔터테인먼트 플랫폼에서 이 경험을 확장할 계획입니다.
Comcast (NASDAQ: CMCSA) s'est associé au MIT Media Lab pour offrir un accès sans précédent à la mission lunaire historique du MIT grâce à une nouvelle expérience de visionnage immersive. L'initiative sera disponible en ligne sur et sur les plateformes Xfinity X1.
La collaboration proposera des diffusions en direct de l'atterrissage lunaire du 6 mars, les toutes premières photos et vidéos 3D de la surface de la Lune, ainsi qu'un contenu éducatif complet. Les caractéristiques clés incluent des photos d'éclipses terrestres potentielles depuis la surface de la Lune et des séquences d'une caméra 3D montée sur le rover principal.
Cette initiative soutient la plus large 'mission To the Moon to Stay' du MIT, qui comprend trois charges utiles de recherche lancées lors de la mission IM-2 d'Intuitive Machines via SpaceX. Le projet vise à recueillir des données importantes pour la prochaine mission Artemis III de la NASA en 2027, qui marquera le retour de l'humanité sur la surface lunaire. Comcast prévoit d'élargir cette expérience sur toutes ses plateformes de divertissement, y compris Sky Glass, Sky Stream et les appareils Xumo.
Comcast (NASDAQ: CMCSA) hat sich mit dem MIT Media Lab zusammengeschlossen, um einen beispiellosen Zugang zur historischen Mondmission des MIT durch ein neues immersives Seherlebnis zu bieten. Die Initiative wird online unter und auf den Xfinity X1-Plattformen verfügbar sein.
Die Zusammenarbeit wird Live-Übertragungen der Mondlandung am 6. März, die ersten 3D-Fotos und Videos der Mondoberfläche sowie umfassende Bildungsinhalte bieten. Zu den Hauptmerkmalen gehören potenzielle Fotos von Erdfinsternissen von der Mondoberfläche und Aufnahmen von einer 3D-Tiefenkamera, die am Hauptrover montiert ist.
Diese Initiative unterstützt die breitere 'To the Moon to Stay'-Mission des MIT, die drei Forschungsnutzlasten umfasst, die über die IM-2-Mission von Intuitive Machines über SpaceX gestartet wurden. Das Projekt zielt darauf ab, wichtige Daten für die bevorstehende Artemis-III-Mission der NASA im Jahr 2027 zu sammeln, die die Rückkehr der Menschheit zur Mondoberfläche markieren wird. Comcast plant, dieses Erlebnis auf allen seinen Unterhaltungsplattformen, einschließlich Sky Glass, Sky Stream und Xumo-Geräten, auszudehnen.
- Exclusive content distribution partnership with MIT Media Lab
- Platform expansion to Sky Glass, Sky Stream, and Xumo devices
- Leveraging existing technology infrastructure for new content delivery
- None.
New, Immersive Viewing Experience Available Online at and on Xfinity X1
Destination Will Include Live Streams of the Lunar Landing, First-Ever 3D Photos and Videos of the Moon’s Surface, Educational Content, Interviews with Mission Crew, and More

Immersive viewing experience of MIT's historic lunar mission available on Xfinity X1. (Photo: Business Wire)
“Comcast has been a proud member of MIT Media Labs for almost 20 years, and we’re honored to be working with them to help bring the moon mission to viewers across the globe through the new website as well as into the homes of our Xfinity customers through X1,” said Julianne Heinzmann, Senior Software Engineer, Comcast. “The destination we've built for the lunar mission will bring people closer to this impactful moment, providing an interactive and immersive experience we can deliver through our own technology platform, and on the web to viewers around the world.”
The website and the X1 destination will constantly be updated with new content throughout the length of MIT’s mission. Xfinity X1 customers can find the destination by saying “to the moon” into their voice remote. Both experiences will include:
- Live streams of key mission components throughout March, including the March 6 landing.
- If conditions permit, first-of-its-kind photos of an earth eclipse, when the earth blocks the sun, taken from the surface of the moon.
- Photos and videos of the lunar surface transmitted to mission control and then to homes across the globe from a 3D depth camera mounted to the main rover.
- Interviews with key members of the project crew.
- A collection of educational content focused on the science, history and people behind the mission, including interactive learning modules.
“Our return to the moon is not just about advancing technology, it’s about inspiring the next generation of explorers who are alive today and will travel to the moon in their lifetime,” said Ariel Ekblaw, MIT Lunar Mission Principal Investigator. “By working with Xfinity to bring the amazing images and videos we collect at the lunar surface to people across the globe, we’re making it easy for everyone to experience the moon in ways they never have before.”
MIT’s To the Moon to Stay mission brings together the MIT community to reimagine humanity’s return to the moon. In 2027, NASA plans to send astronauts to the moon’s south pole as part of the Artemis III mission, which will be the first time humans touch down on the lunar surface since the Apollo era and the first time any human sets foot on its polar region. In advance of that journey, MIT sent three research payloads up on Intuitive Machines’ recent IM-2 mission on the SpaceX rocket as part of the Commercial Lunar Payload Services program. Together, the payloads will provide data about the area to help prepare Artemis astronauts for navigating this unique terrain. MIT’s To the Moon to Stay mission will demonstrate novel technology, contribute to NASA science and future missions, and through the experience developed alongside Comcast, will help to bring the world to the Moon, this time to stay.
In the coming months, Comcast plans to expand the reach of its “To the Moon” experience by making it available across all its entertainment platforms, including Sky Glass, Sky Stream and Xumo devices.
About Comcast Corporation
Comcast Corporation (Nasdaq: CMCSA) is a global media and technology company. From the connectivity and platforms we provide, to the content and experiences we create, our businesses reach hundreds of millions of customers, viewers, and guests worldwide. We deliver world-class broadband, wireless, and video through Xfinity, Comcast Business, and Sky; produce, distribute, and stream leading entertainment, sports, and news through brands including NBC, Telemundo, Universal, Peacock, and Sky; and bring incredible theme parks and attractions to life through Universal Destinations & Experiences. Visit for more information.
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Debbie Frey
Comcast Corporation
Source: Comcast Corporation
When is MIT's lunar landing scheduled through the Comcast (CMCSA) streaming platform?
What unique content will Comcast (CMCSA) stream from MIT's lunar mission?
How can viewers access MIT's lunar mission content through Comcast (CMCSA)?