Comcast Advertising and Comscore Expand Partnership to Provide Increased Accuracy for Identity Resolution in Cross-Platform Measurement for TV Advertising

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Comcast Advertising and Comscore have expanded their partnership to enhance cross-platform signal validation for TV advertising measurement. The collaboration leverages Comcast Advertising's Signal Authentication solution, covering nearly 32 million U.S. households, to improve accuracy in reach, frequency, and attribution measurement across linear and streaming TV.

This privacy-first approach aims to address challenges related to signal loss and data quality in the advertising industry. The partnership will enable Comscore clients to more confidently reach audiences and measure ad performance, leading to improved budget allocation and campaign optimization. The solution offers a new standard of accuracy previously unavailable in the market, helping advertisers better understand their campaign performance while maintaining high standards of consumer privacy.

Comcast Advertising e Comscore hanno ampliato la loro partnership per migliorare la validazione dei segnali cross-platform nella misurazione della pubblicità televisiva. Questa collaborazione sfrutta la soluzione di Autenticazione dei Segnali di Comcast Advertising, che copre quasi 32 milioni di famiglie negli Stati Uniti, per aumentare l'accuratezza nella misurazione di portata, frequenza e attribuzione su TV lineare e in streaming.

Questo approccio incentrato sulla privacy mira ad affrontare le sfide legate alla perdita di segnali e alla qualità dei dati nell'industria pubblicitaria. La partnership consentirà ai clienti di Comscore di raggiungere il pubblico con maggiore sicurezza e misurare le performance pubblicitarie, portando a un miglioramento nella allocazione del budget e nell'ottimizzazione delle campagne. La soluzione offre un nuovo standard di accuratezza precedentemente non disponibile sul mercato, aiutando gli inserzionisti a comprendere meglio le performance delle proprie campagne mantenendo alti standard di privacy per i consumatori.

Comcast Advertising y Comscore han expandido su asociación para mejorar la validación de señales multiplataforma en la medición de la publicidad televisiva. La colaboración aprovecha la solución de Autenticación de Señales de Comcast Advertising, que cubre casi 32 millones de hogares en EE. UU., para mejorar la precisión en la medición de alcance, frecuencia y atribución en la televisión lineal y por streaming.

Este enfoque centrado en la privacidad busca abordar los desafíos relacionados con la pérdida de señales y la calidad de los datos en la industria publicitaria. La asociación permitirá a los clientes de Comscore alcanzar audiencias con mayor confianza y medir el rendimiento de los anuncios, lo que llevará a una mejor asignación de presupuesto y optimización de campañas. La solución ofrece un nuevo estándar de precisión que anteriormente no estaba disponible en el mercado, ayudando a los anunciantes a comprender mejor el rendimiento de sus campañas mientras mantienen altos estándares de privacidad del consumidor.

Comcast Advertising와 Comscore는 TV 광고 측정을 위한 플랫폼 간 신호 검증을 향상시키기 위해 파트너십을 확장했습니다. 이 협력은 Comcast Advertising의 신호 인증 솔루션을 활용하여 거의 3,200만 가구의 미국 가정을 대상으로 선형 및 스트리밍 TV에서 도달률, 빈도, 및 귀속 측정의 정확성을 개선합니다.

이 개인 정보 보호 우선 접근 방식은 광고 산업에서의 신호 손실 및 데이터 품질 관련 문제를 해결하는 것을 목표로 합니다. 이 파트너십은 Comscore 고객이 더욱 확신을 가지고 청중에게 도달하고 광고 성과를 측정할 수 있게 하여, 예산 배분 및 캠페인 최적화를 개선하는 데 도움이 됩니다. 이 솔루션은 시장에서 이전에 제공되지 않았던 새로운 정확성 표준을 제시하여, 광고주가 소비자 개인 정보 보호의 높은 기준을 유지하면서 캠페인 성과에 대한 이해를 돕습니다.

Comcast Advertising et Comscore ont élargi leur partenariat pour améliorer la validation des signaux multiplateformes dans la mesure de la publicité télévisée. Cette collaboration tire parti de la solution d'Authentification des Signaux de Comcast Advertising, couvrant presque 32 millions de foyers américains, afin d'améliorer la précision de la mesure de portée, de fréquence et d'attribution à la fois pour la télévision linéaire et par streaming.

Cet approche axée sur la vie privée vise à relever les défis liés à la perte de signal et à la qualité des données dans l'industrie publicitaire. Le partenariat permettra aux clients de Comscore d'atteindre leur public avec plus de confiance et de mesurer la performance des annonces, ce qui conduira à une meilleure allocation du budget et à l'optimisation des campagnes. La solution offre une nouvelle norme de précision auparavant indisponible sur le marché, aidant les annonceurs à mieux comprendre les performances de leurs campagnes tout en maintenant des normes élevées de protection de la vie privée des consommateurs.

Comcast Advertising und Comscore haben ihre Partnerschaft erweitert, um die plattformübergreifende Signalvalidierung für die Messung von TV-Werbung zu verbessern. Die Zusammenarbeit nutzt die Signal-Authentifizierungslösung von Comcast Advertising, die nahezu 32 Millionen US-Haushalte abdeckt, um die Genauigkeit bei der Reichweiten-, Frequenz- und Attributionmessung im linearen und Streaming-TV zu verbessern.

Dieser datenschutzorientierte Ansatz soll Herausforderungen im Zusammenhang mit Signalverlust und Datenqualität in der Werbeindustrie angehen. Die Partnerschaft ermöglicht es Comscore-Kunden, sicherer Zielgruppen zu erreichen und die Werbeleistung zu messen, was zu einer verbesserten Budgetallokation und Kampagnenoptimierung führt. Die Lösung bietet einen neuen Standard für Genauigkeit, der auf dem Markt zuvor nicht verfügbar war, wodurch Werbetreibende die Leistung ihrer Kampagnen besser verstehen können, während hohe Standards des Verbraucherschutzes aufrechterhalten werden.

  • Expanded partnership with Comscore enhances cross-platform measurement capabilities
  • Signal Authentication solution covers nearly 32 million U.S. households
  • Improved accuracy in reach, frequency, and attribution measurement across linear and streaming TV
  • Addresses industry challenges related to signal loss and data quality
  • Enables better budget allocation and campaign optimization for advertisers
  • None.

The expanded partnership between Comcast Advertising and Comscore represents a significant development in the TV advertising measurement landscape. As a Market Research Analyst, I see this collaboration as a response to the growing challenges in cross-platform measurement and attribution.

Key points to consider:

  • The partnership addresses critical issues of signal loss and data quality that have been hampering advertisers' ability to accurately measure campaign performance.
  • Comcast Advertising's Signal Authentication service covers nearly 32 million U.S. households, providing a substantial sample size for more reliable measurements.
  • The solution offers deterministic household signals, which are generally more accurate than probabilistic methods, potentially leading to more precise audience targeting and performance metrics.
  • This partnership could set a new industry standard for cross-platform measurement, potentially influencing how advertisers allocate budgets across linear and streaming TV.

From an investor's perspective, this collaboration could strengthen both Comcast's and Comscore's positions in the competitive advertising technology market. It may lead to increased adoption of their services by advertisers seeking more accurate measurement solutions, potentially driving revenue growth for both companies in the medium to long term.

However, it's important to note that the effectiveness of this solution and its market adoption remain to be seen. Investors should monitor how quickly advertisers embrace this new offering and whether it translates into tangible business improvements for both Comcast and Comscore.

As a Tech Expert, I find the technological implications of this partnership intriguing. The core of this collaboration lies in Comcast Advertising's Signal Authentication technology, which promises to revolutionize identity resolution in the advertising space.

Key technological aspects to consider:

  • The solution is described as privacy-first, which is important in today's data protection landscape. This suggests advanced anonymization and data handling techniques are being employed.
  • The use of deterministic household signals implies a high level of accuracy in identifying and tracking households across platforms. This is a significant technological advancement over probabilistic methods.
  • The scale of 32 million U.S. households indicates a robust data infrastructure capable of processing and analyzing vast amounts of viewing data in real-time.
  • Cross-platform signal validation suggests sophisticated data integration and normalization techniques to ensure consistency across linear and streaming TV platforms.

From a technological standpoint, this partnership could drive innovation in areas such as big data processing, machine learning for audience segmentation and privacy-preserving computing. It may also spur advancements in real-time data analytics and predictive modeling for ad performance.

For investors, this technological edge could translate into a competitive advantage for both Comcast and Comscore. However, it's important to consider potential challenges such as data privacy regulations, the need for continuous technological upgrades and the possibility of competing solutions emerging in this rapidly evolving space.

Enhanced partnership will allow Comscore clients to tap into the power of Comcast Advertising’s Signal Authentication solution to increase fidelity of measurement and attribution.

NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Today, Comcast Advertising, the advertising division of Comcast, and Comscore, a trusted currency for planning, transacting, and evaluating media across platforms, announced an expanded partnership to allow for enhanced cross-platform signal validation powered by Comcast Advertising’s Signal Authentication offering.

Comcast Advertising’s Signal Authentication service offers a privacy-first scaled solution across close to 32 million U.S. households to deliver a new standard of accuracy and understanding of reach and frequency as well as attribution measurement across linear and streaming TV, ultimately giving the industry stronger ID resolution for media campaigns. The service announced earlier this year delivers a standard of accuracy that has not been available in the market until now.

“Signal loss and data quality are greatly impacting the ability for advertisers to understand how they are reaching their target audiences, and how their media campaigns are performing,” said Carmela Fournier, Vice President and GM, Data, Comcast Advertising. “Since Comcast Advertising’s solution is based on deterministic household signals across millions of households, we are able to offer reliable, privacy-forward signal authentication at scale. We’re excited to further our partnership with Comscore as they become one of the first measurement companies to tap into this service to provide clients a better understanding of their campaign performance and drive improved business results, while upholding the highest standards of consumer privacy.”

With this new component of the partnership, Comscore clients can utilize the Comcast Advertising solution to more confidently reach audiences and measure ad performance across linear and streaming campaigns. With a stronger understanding of media effectiveness and knowing which ads drove which actions, clients will also be able to improve budget allocation across media properties and optimize future campaigns.

“Our clients are facing many challenges, especially in understanding the true impact of their advertising due to signal loss and privacy regulations,” said Steve Bagdasarian, Chief Commercial Officer, Comscore. “We’re excited to expand our long-time partnership with Comcast Advertising to enhance identity resolution capabilities. This will give our clients increased confidence in cross-platform measurement and attribution, helping them create more informed media strategies to reach their most valuable audiences.”

About Comcast Advertising

Comcast Advertising is the advertising division of Comcast. As a global leader in media, technology and advertising, Comcast Advertising fosters powerful connections between brands and their audiences as well as among publishers, distributors, MVPDs, agencies and other industry players. Effectv, its advertising sales division, helps local, regional and national advertisers connect with their audiences on every screen by using advanced data to drive targeting and measurement of their campaigns. FreeWheel, its media and technology arm, provides the technology, data enablement and convergent marketplaces required to ensure buyers and sellers can transact across all screens, across all data types and all sales channels, in order to ensure the ultimate goal – results for marketers. Comcast Advertising, along with NBCUniversal and Sky, is part of the Comcast Corporation (NASDAQ: CMCSA). Visit to learn more.

About Comscore

Comscore is a global, trusted partner for planning, transacting and evaluating media across platforms. With a data footprint that combines digital, linear TV, over-the-top and theatrical viewership intelligence with advanced audience insights, Comscore empowers media buyers and sellers to quantify their multi-screen behavior and make meaningful business decisions with confidence. A proven leader in measuring digital and TV audiences and advertising at scale, Comscore is the industry’s emerging, third-party source for reliable and comprehensive cross-platform measurement.


Comcast Advertising

Meredith Fitzgerald


Comscore, Inc.

Marie Scoutas

Source: Comcast Advertising


What is the purpose of the expanded partnership between Comcast Advertising and Comscore?

The expanded partnership aims to enhance cross-platform signal validation for TV advertising measurement, improving accuracy in reach, frequency, and attribution measurement across linear and streaming TV using Comcast Advertising's Signal Authentication solution.

How many U.S. households does Comcast Advertising's Signal Authentication solution cover?

Comcast Advertising's Signal Authentication solution covers nearly 32 million U.S. households.

What challenges in the advertising industry does this partnership address for CMCSA?

The partnership addresses challenges related to signal loss and data quality, which impact advertisers' ability to understand how they are reaching target audiences and how their media campaigns are performing.

How will Comscore clients benefit from this expanded partnership with Comcast Advertising?

Comscore clients will be able to more confidently reach audiences, measure ad performance across linear and streaming campaigns, improve budget allocation across media properties, and optimize future campaigns.

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