Comerica Recognized for Strength in Serving Businesses with Coalition Greenwich Awards
Comerica Bank has received multiple Coalition Greenwich Awards in 2025, highlighting its excellence in serving small business and middle market clients. The bank earned six distinct recognitions, including four awards in Small Business Banking for values in long-term relationships, advisory capabilities, relationship manager satisfaction, and trust. Additionally, Comerica secured two awards in Middle Market Banking for relationship manager satisfaction, both nationally and in the Western region.
According to Peter Sefzik, Comerica Chief Banking Officer, the bank's success stems from its focus on fostering deep relationships with customers and understanding their banking needs. The Coalition Greenwich Awards, considered the gold standard in banking, are based on interviews with business decision-makers and evaluate service quality and product excellence.
Comerica Bank ha ricevuto numerosi Coalition Greenwich Awards nel 2025, evidenziando la sua eccellenza nel servire piccole imprese e clienti del mercato intermedio. La banca ha ottenuto sei riconoscimenti distinti, tra cui quattro premi nel settore della Piccola Impresa per valori nelle relazioni a lungo termine, capacità di consulenza, soddisfazione dei manager delle relazioni e fiducia. Inoltre, Comerica ha conquistato due premi nel settore del Mercato Intermedio per la soddisfazione dei manager delle relazioni, sia a livello nazionale che nella regione occidentale.
Secondo Peter Sefzik, Chief Banking Officer di Comerica, il successo della banca deriva dalla sua attenzione a promuovere relazioni profonde con i clienti e comprendere le loro esigenze bancarie. I Coalition Greenwich Awards, considerati il gold standard nel settore bancario, si basano su interviste con decisori aziendali e valutano la qualità del servizio e l'eccellenza del prodotto.
Comerica Bank ha recibido múltiples Coalition Greenwich Awards en 2025, destacando su excelencia en el servicio a pequeñas empresas y clientes del mercado medio. El banco obtuvo seis reconocimientos distintos, incluidos cuatro premios en Banca para Pequeñas Empresas por valores en relaciones a largo plazo, capacidades de asesoría, satisfacción del gerente de relaciones y confianza. Además, Comerica aseguró dos premios en Banca del Mercado Medio por la satisfacción del gerente de relaciones, tanto a nivel nacional como en la región occidental.
Según Peter Sefzik, Director de Banca de Comerica, el éxito del banco proviene de su enfoque en fomentar relaciones profundas con los clientes y entender sus necesidades bancarias. Los Coalition Greenwich Awards, considerados el estándar de oro en la banca, se basan en entrevistas con tomadores de decisiones empresariales y evalúan la calidad del servicio y la excelencia del producto.
코메리카 뱅크는 2025년에 여러 차례 코얼리션 그리니치 어워드를 수상하여 중소기업 및 중견 시장 고객 서비스에서의 우수성을 강조했습니다. 이 은행은 장기적인 관계, 자문 능력, 관계 관리자 만족도 및 신뢰와 관련하여 소기업 은행업 부문에서 네 개의 상을 포함하여 총 여섯 개의 별도의 인정을 받았습니다. 또한 코메리카는 중견 시장 은행업 부문에서 관계 관리자 만족도에 대한 두 개의 상을 확보했으며, 이는 전국적으로 및 서부 지역에서 이루어졌습니다.
피터 세프직 코메리카 최고 은행 책임자에 따르면, 은행의 성공은 고객과의 깊은 관계를 육성하고 그들의 은행 요구를 이해하는 데 중점을 둔 데서 비롯됩니다. 코얼리션 그리니치 어워드는 은행업계의 금본위제로 여겨지며, 비즈니스 의사 결정자와의 인터뷰를 바탕으로 서비스 품질과 제품 우수성을 평가합니다.
Comerica Bank a reçu plusieurs Coalition Greenwich Awards en 2025, soulignant son excellence dans le service aux petites entreprises et aux clients du marché intermédiaire. La banque a obtenu six distinctions distinctes, dont quatre prix en Banque pour Petites Entreprises pour des valeurs dans les relations à long terme, les capacités de conseil, la satisfaction des responsables de relations et la confiance. De plus, Comerica a obtenu deux prix en Banque du Marché Intermédiaire pour la satisfaction des responsables de relations, tant au niveau national que dans la région occidentale.
Selon Peter Sefzik, Directeur Général de Comerica, le succès de la banque découle de son attention à favoriser des relations profondes avec les clients et à comprendre leurs besoins bancaires. Les Coalition Greenwich Awards, considérés comme la référence en matière bancaire, sont basés sur des entretiens avec des décideurs d'entreprise et évaluent la qualité du service et l'excellence des produits.
Comerica Bank hat im Jahr 2025 mehrere Coalition Greenwich Awards erhalten, die ihre Exzellenz im Dienst an kleinen Unternehmen und mittelständischen Kunden hervorheben. Die Bank erhielt sechs verschiedene Auszeichnungen, darunter vier Preise im Bereich der Kleinunternehmerbank für Werte in langfristigen Beziehungen, Beratungsfähigkeiten, Zufriedenheit der Relationship Manager und Vertrauen. Darüber hinaus sicherte sich Comerica zwei Auszeichnungen im Bereich der Mittelstandsbank für die Zufriedenheit der Relationship Manager, sowohl auf nationaler Ebene als auch in der westlichen Region.
Laut Peter Sefzik, Chief Banking Officer von Comerica, beruht der Erfolg der Bank auf ihrem Fokus, tiefgehende Beziehungen zu den Kunden zu fördern und deren Bankbedürfnisse zu verstehen. Die Coalition Greenwich Awards, die als Goldstandard im Bankwesen gelten, basieren auf Interviews mit Unternehmensentscheidern und bewerten die Servicequalität und Produktexzellenz.
- None.
- None.
The Coalition Greenwich Awards remain the gold standard in banking, with evaluations based on interviews with business decision-makers and research scores that evaluate providers on service quality and product excellence. Comerica earned the following recognitions in the 2025 Coalition Greenwich Awards:
Small Business Banking
- Best Bank – Values long-term relationships for Small Business Banking in the
U.S. - Best Bank – Advisory capabilities of Relationship Manager for Small Business Banking in the
U.S. - Best Bank – Satisfaction with Relationship Manager for Small Business Banking in the
U.S. - Best Bank – Trust for Small Business Banking in the
Middle Market Banking
- Best Bank – Satisfaction with Relationship Manager for Middle Market Banking in the
U.S. - Best Bank – Satisfaction with Relationship Manager for Middle Market Banking in the
U.S. (West)
"Comerica's strength has been fostering deep and meaningful relationships with our customers and clients to help meet their banking needs," said Peter Sefzik, Comerica Chief Banking Officer. "These recognitions highlight our relationship banking approach that prioritizes understanding and listening to our customers, while working collaboratively to drive their success. This approach has allowed us to serve as a leading bank for businesses of every size."
Crisil Coalition Greenwich is a leading provider of strategic benchmarking, analytics and insights to the financial services industry, and specializes in providing unique, high-value and actionable information to help clients measure and drive their business performance.
About Comerica
Comerica Incorporated (NYSE: CMA) is a financial services company headquartered in
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SOURCE Comerica Bank
What awards did Comerica Bank (CMA) receive from Coalition Greenwich in 2025?
How does Coalition Greenwich evaluate banks for their awards?
What areas of business banking did Comerica (CMA) excel in for 2025?