Comerica BusinessHQ™ Earns National Recognition for Contribution to Dallas' Southern Sector

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Comerica Bank's BusinessHQ™ program has been recognized by the American Bankers Association (ABA) with a Community Commitment Award in the category of Community & Economic Development. The program, launched in 2023, serves as a collaborative business resource center for small businesses and nonprofits in Southern Dallas. BusinessHQ offers free workspaces, high-speed Wi-Fi, and various services to support local entrepreneurs.

Key achievements of the program include:

  • 3,713 people served through programming
  • $118,102 in no-cost coworking provided
  • 528 hours of CRA technical assistance programming
  • 199 total programs hosted
  • 250 small business owners and non-profit members onboarded

The ABA Foundation Community Commitment Awards recognize banks for their extraordinary acts of service in supporting their communities and growing local economies.

Il programma BusinessHQ™ di Comerica Bank è stato riconosciuto dall'American Bankers Association (ABA) con un Community Commitment Award nella categoria Sviluppo Economico e Comunitario. Lanciato nel 2023, il programma funge da centro risorse collaborativo per piccole imprese e organizzazioni nonprofit nel sud di Dallas. BusinessHQ offre spazi di lavoro gratuiti, Wi-Fi ad alta velocità e vari servizi per supportare gli imprenditori locali.

I principali risultati del programma includono:

  • 3.713 persone servite attraverso i programmi
  • $118.102 in coworking gratuito forniti
  • 528 ore di programmazione di assistenza tecnica CRA
  • 199 programmi totali ospitati
  • 250 proprietari di piccole imprese e membri di organizzazioni nonprofit registrati

I Community Commitment Awards della fondazione ABA riconoscono le banche per i loro straordinari atti di servizio a sostegno delle comunità e per la crescita delle economie locali.

El programa BusinessHQ™ de Comerica Bank ha sido reconocido por la Asociación Americana de Banqueros (ABA) con un Community Commitment Award en la categoría de Desarrollo Comunitario y Económico. Lanzado en 2023, el programa sirve como centro de recursos colaborativos para pequeñas empresas y organizaciones sin fines de lucro en el sur de Dallas. BusinessHQ ofrece espacios de trabajo gratuitos, Wi-Fi de alta velocidad y diversos servicios para apoyar a los emprendedores locales.

Los logros clave del programa incluyen:

  • 3,713 personas atendidas a través de la programación
  • $118,102 en coworking gratuito proporcionado
  • 528 horas de programación de asistencia técnica CRA
  • 199 programas totales realizados
  • 250 propietarios de pequeñas empresas y miembros de organizaciones sin fines de lucro incorporados

Los Community Commitment Awards de la Fundación ABA reconocen a los bancos por sus extraordinarias acciones de servicio en apoyo a sus comunidades y al crecimiento de las economías locales.

Comerica Bank의 BusinessHQ™ 프로그램은 미국은행가협회(ABA)로부터 지역 사회 및 경제 개발 분야에서 커뮤니티 커 commitment 상을 수상하였습니다. 2023년에 시작된 이 프로그램은 남부 달라스의 중소기업과 비영리 단체를 위한 협력 비즈니스 자원 센터 역할을 합니다. BusinessHQ는 무료 작업 공간, 고속 Wi-Fi 및 지역 기업가를 지원하기 위한 다양한 서비스를 제공합니다.

프로그램의 주요 성과는 다음과 같습니다:

  • 3,713명의 사람이 프로그램을 통해 서비스 받음
  • $118,102의 무료 공동 작업 공간 제공
  • 528시간의 CRA 기술 지원 프로그램
  • 총 199개의 프로그램 진행
  • 250명의 소상공인 및 비영리 단체 회원 가입

ABA 재단의 커뮤니티 커 commitment 상은 지역 사회를 지원하고 지역 경제를 성장시키기 위한 은행의 특별한 서비스 행위를 인정합니다.

Le programme BusinessHQ™ de Comerica Bank a été reconnu par l'American Bankers Association (ABA) avec un Community Commitment Award dans la catégorie Développement communautaire et économique. Lancé en 2023, le programme sert de centre de ressources collaboratives pour les petites entreprises et les organisations à but non lucratif dans le sud de Dallas. BusinessHQ offre des espaces de travail gratuits, un Wi-Fi haute vitesse et divers services pour soutenir les entrepreneurs locaux.

Les principales réalisations du programme incluent :

  • 3 713 personnes servies à travers les programmes
  • 118 102 $ en coworking gratuit fourni
  • 528 heures de programme d'assistance technique CRA
  • 199 programmes au total organisés
  • 250 propriétaires de petites entreprises et membres d'organisations à but non lucratif intégrés

Les Community Commitment Awards de la fondation ABA reconnaissent les banques pour leurs actes de service extraordinaires en soutien à leurs communautés et au développement des économies locales.

Das BusinessHQ™-Programm der Comerica Bank wurde von der American Bankers Association (ABA) mit einem Community Commitment Award in der Kategorie Gemeinschafts- und Wirtschaftsentwicklung ausgezeichnet. Das 2023 gestartete Programm dient als gemeinsames Ressourcen- und Dienstleistungszentrum für kleine Unternehmen und Non-Profit-Organisationen in Süddallas. BusinessHQ bietet kostenlose Arbeitsplätze, schnelles Wi-Fi und verschiedene Dienstleistungen zur Unterstützung lokaler Unternehmer.

Zu den wichtigsten Erfolgen des Programms gehören:

  • 3.713 Personen, die durch Programmangebote unterstützt wurden
  • $118.102 an kostenlosen Coworking-Plätzen
  • 528 Stunden technische Unterstützung im Rahmen des CRA-Programms
  • Insgesamt 199 veranstaltete Programme
  • 250 neu registrierte Kleinunternehmer und Non-Profit-Mitglieder

Die Community Commitment Awards der ABA-Stiftung würdigen Banken für ihre außergewöhnlichen Dienstleistungen zur Unterstützung ihrer Gemeinschaften und zur Förderung lokaler Wirtschaften.

  • Comerica Bank's BusinessHQ program won the ABA Foundation Community Commitment Award
  • BusinessHQ served 3,713 people through its programming
  • The program provided $118,102 in no-cost coworking services
  • 528 hours of CRA technical assistance programming were hosted
  • 250 small business owners and non-profit members were onboarded
  • None.

DALLAS, Oct. 22, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- The American Bankers Association (ABA) recognized Comerica Bank for its impact in supporting Southern Dallas small businesses and nonprofits through Comerica BusinessHQ™, naming the program as a winner of this year's ABA Foundation Community Commitment Awards

BusinessHQ earned the Community Commitment Award in the category of Community & Economic Development, which will be presented during the ABA's Annual Convention on Tuesday, Oct. 29, in New York City.

"We are extremely honored to earn this recognition and shine a spotlight on the hard work that Comerica, its colleagues and members of the community have put forth to make this project a success," said Brandon Jones, Comerica Senior Vice President, National External Affairs Manager and BusinessHQ project lead. "BusinessHQ represents our commitment to fostering the success of the Southern Dallas community and its nonprofits and small businesses. By providing support and access to critical resources, we are not only supporting individual entrepreneurs but also ensuring the local community continues to thrive for years to come."  

Since opening its doors in 2023, BusinessHQ has served as a collaborative business resource center that provides integral services and value for high need, high opportunity small businesses in the Southern sector of Dallas. The 8,000-square foot space offers free workspaces, high speed Wi-Fi, printing and scanning services, video conferencing rooms and content creation rooms with green screens, backdrops and lighting for business owners and entrepreneurs.

BusinessHQ was designed to function as part of the Southern Dallas small business ecosystem and serve as an epicenter of vetted, credible community partners to present effective and impactful small business incubation and technical assistance. The program continues to assemble a robust and growing roster of strategic community partners.

The program has delivered in serving the needs of small business owners, entrepreneurs and nonprofits in Dallas' southern sector. The measurable impact includes:

  • 3,713 people served through programming
  • $118,102 in no-cost coworking provided to BusinessHQ members
  • 528 hours of Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) technical assistance programing hosted at BusinessHQ
  • 199 total programs hosted
  • $20,467 of in-kind rent provided to in-house incubation partners
  • 250 small business owners and non-profit members onboarded
    ***(Data is from May 2023 to Sept. 2024)

The ABA Foundation Community Commitment Awards recognize banks' extraordinary acts of service to support the people in their communities and grow their local economies. The awards program recognizes banks nationally among seven categories: affordable housing, community & economic development, economic inclusion, financial education, protecting older Americans, supporting military families, and volunteerism. Award winners were chosen by a field of nationally-recognized experts in each field.

The selection committee chose the winning banks based on the creativity and thoughtfulness of programs – traditional or innovation in nature and structure – that embody the ideals of corporate social responsibility and demonstrate success in making an impact.

"Comerica Bank's BusinessHQ program demonstrated the extraordinary impact that banks can make in the communities they serve," said Lindsay Torrico, executive director, ABA Foundation. "We're proud to recognize them as one of the 2024 Community Commitment Award winners and hope their efforts will inspire others throughout the industry."

For more information about BusinessHQ visit and for more information on the ABA Foundation Community Commitment Awards, visit

This year, Comerica Bank celebrates its 175th anniversary. A subsidiary of Comerica Incorporated (NYSE: CMA), Comerica Bank is a financial services company headquartered in Dallas, Texas, and is strategically aligned by three business segments: The Commercial Bank, The Retail Bank and Wealth Management. Comerica, one of the 25 largest commercial U.S. financial holding companies, focuses on building relationships and helping people and businesses be successful, providing nearly 380 banking centers across the country with locations in Arizona, California, Florida, Michigan and Texas. Founded on Aug. 17, 1849, in Detroit, Michigan, Comerica continues to expand into new regions, most recently in the Southeast, including North Carolina and Mountain West Market in Colorado. Comerica has offices in 17 states and services 14 of the 15 largest U.S. metropolitan areas, as well as Canada and Mexico. Comerica reported total assets of $79.7 billion at Sept. 30, 2024. Learn more about how Comerica is raising expectations of what a bank can be by visiting, and follow us on FacebookXInstagram and LinkedIn.   

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What award did Comerica BusinessHQ win from the American Bankers Association?

Comerica BusinessHQ won the ABA Foundation Community Commitment Award in the category of Community & Economic Development.

How many people has Comerica BusinessHQ served since its launch in 2023?

Comerica BusinessHQ has served 3,713 people through its programming since its launch in 2023.

What services does Comerica BusinessHQ offer to small businesses in Southern Dallas?

Comerica BusinessHQ offers free workspaces, high-speed Wi-Fi, printing and scanning services, video conferencing rooms, and content creation rooms with green screens, backdrops, and lighting for business owners and entrepreneurs.

How much no-cost coworking has Comerica BusinessHQ provided to its members?

Comerica BusinessHQ has provided $118,102 in no-cost coworking to its members.

When will Comerica Bank (CMA) receive the ABA Foundation Community Commitment Award?

Comerica Bank (CMA) will receive the ABA Foundation Community Commitment Award during the ABA's Annual Convention on Tuesday, October 29, in New York City.

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