How This Clorox Teammate Champions Mental Health

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Kendall Stout, an associate director at Clorox, is making a significant impact on mental health awareness within the company. As a co-founder of the Mental Health Champions employee resource group, she has helped implement more inclusive mental health policies and supports employees through various initiatives.

The group's efforts extend beyond Clorox, reaching out to local high schools to provide workshops on managing stress and anxiety. They are also exploring partnerships to increase the number of therapists in underserved communities.

Stout emphasizes the importance of working for a company that aligns with personal values and allows employees to make a difference. The Mental Health Champions group actively supports Clorox's purpose of helping people be well and thrive every day, particularly during Mental Health Awareness Month, by organizing events with external speakers, leadership panels, and employee spotlight stories.

Kendall Stout, direttore associato presso Clorox, sta avendo un impatto significativo sulla consapevolezza riguardo alla salute mentale all'interno dell'azienda. In quanto co-fondatrice del gruppo di risorse per i dipendenti Mental Health Champions, ha contribuito all'implementazione di politiche sulla salute mentale più inclusive e supporta i dipendenti attraverso varie iniziative.

Gli sforzi del gruppo vanno oltre Clorox, contattando le scuole superiori locali per fornire workshop su come gestire lo stress e l'ansia. Inoltre, stanno esplorando opportunità di partnership per aumentare il numero di terapeuti nelle comunità svantaggiate.

Stout sottolinea l'importanza di lavorare per un'azienda che si allinea ai valori personali e consente ai dipendenti di fare la differenza. Il gruppo Mental Health Champions supporta attivamente l’obiettivo di Clorox di aiutare le persone a star bene e prosperare ogni giorno, in particolare durante il mese della consapevolezza sulla salute mentale, organizzando eventi con relatori esterni, tavole rotonde di leadership e storie di successo dei dipendenti.

Kendall Stout, directora asociada en Clorox, está generando un impacto significativo en la concienciación sobre la salud mental dentro de la empresa. Como cofundadora del grupo de recursos para empleados Mental Health Champions, ha ayudado a implementar políticas de salud mental más inclusivas y apoya a los empleados a través de diversas iniciativas.

Los esfuerzos del grupo van más allá de Clorox, llegando a escuelas secundarias locales para ofrecer talleres sobre el manejo del estrés y la ansiedad. También están explorando alianzas para aumentar el número de terapeutas en comunidades desatendidas.

Stout enfatiza la importancia de trabajar para una empresa que se alinee con los valores personales y permita a los empleados marcar la diferencia. El grupo Mental Health Champions apoya activamente el propósito de Clorox de ayudar a las personas a estar bien y prosperar cada día, especialmente durante el mes de concienciación sobre la salud mental, organizando eventos con oradores externos, paneles de liderazgo e historias destacadas de empleados.

켄달 스타우트는 클로락스의 부이사로서 회사 내 정신 건강 인식을 높이는 데 중요한 영향을 미치고 있습니다. 정신 건강 챔피언즈 임직원 자원 그룹의 공동 설립자이자 그녀는 더 포괄적인 정신 건강 정책을 구현하는 데 도움을 주며 다양한 이니셔티브를 통해 직원들을 지원하고 있습니다.

이 그룹의 노력은 클로락스를 넘어 지역 고등학교에 손을 뻗어 스트레스와 불안을 관리하는 워크숍을 제공합니다. 또한 저소득 지역사회의 치료사 수를 늘리기 위한 파트너십을 모색하고 있습니다.

스타우트는 개인의 가치와 일치하고 직원들이 변화를 만들 수 있는 회사를 위해 일하는 것의 중요성을 강조합니다. 정신 건강 챔피언즈 그룹은 클로락스의 목표인 사람들이 매일 잘 지내고 성공하도록 돕는 것을 적극적으로 지원하며, 정신 건강 인식의 달에는 외부 연사를 초청한 행사, 리더십 패널, 직원의 스포트라이트 이야기를 조직합니다.

Kendall Stout, directrice associée chez Clorox, a un impact significatif sur la sensibilisation à la santé mentale au sein de l'entreprise. En tant que cofondatrice du groupe de ressources pour les employés Mental Health Champions, elle a contribué à la mise en œuvre de politiques sur la santé mentale plus inclusives et soutient les employés à travers diverses initiatives.

Les efforts du groupe vont au-delà de Clorox, atteignant les lycées locaux pour fournir des ateliers sur la gestion du stress et de l'anxiété. Ils explorent également des partenariats pour augmenter le nombre de thérapeutes dans les communautés mal desservies.

Stout souligne l'importance de travailler pour une entreprise qui s'aligne sur ses valeurs personnelles et permet aux employés de faire une différence. Le groupe Mental Health Champions soutient activement la mission de Clorox d'aider les gens à être bien et à prospérer chaque jour, en particulier pendant le mois de sensibilisation à la santé mentale, en organisant des événements avec des intervenants externes, des panels de leadership et des histoires de réussite d'employés.

Kendall Stout, Associate Director bei Clorox, hat einen erheblichen Einfluss auf das Bewusstsein für psychische Gesundheit im Unternehmen. Als Mitbegründerin der Mental Health Champions Mitarbeiterressourcengruppe hat sie geholfen, inklusivere Richtlinien zur psychischen Gesundheit zu implementieren und unterstützt die Mitarbeiter durch verschiedene Initiativen.

Die Bemühungen der Gruppe gehen über Clorox hinaus und erreichen lokale Oberschulen, um Workshops zur Stress- und Angstbewältigung anzubieten. Sie erkunden auch Partnerschaften, um die Zahl der Therapeuten in benachteiligten Gemeinden zu erhöhen.

Stout betont die Bedeutung, für ein Unternehmen zu arbeiten, das mit persönlichen Werten übereinstimmt und es den Mitarbeitern ermöglicht, einen Unterschied zu machen. Die Mental Health Champions Gruppe unterstützt aktiv die Mission von Clorox, den Menschen zu helfen, jeden Tag wohl zu fühlen und zu gedeihen, insbesondere während des Monats zur Sensibilisierung für psychische Gesundheit, indem sie Veranstaltungen mit externen Referenten, Podiumsdiskussionen und Mitarbeiterporträts organisiert.

  • None.
  • None.

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / October 10, 2024 / The Clorox Company

Kendall Stout is an associate director in supply chain strategy and technology who's been part of Clorox for 12 years. She's also a great example of how one's personal values can impact an entire organization.

As a co-founder of our Mental Health Champions employee resource group, she's been able to take our company's purpose of championing people to be well and thrive every day and bring that to life for our teammates.

"Through this ERG, we've been able to change our policies to be more inclusive of mental health," Kendall says. "It's great to be able to say, ‘We are making a difference and helping our employees and their families live mentally healthy, happy lives.' We educate and support our employees throughout the year, but especially during Mental Health Awareness Month by hosting external speakers, panelist events with our leaders, and employee spotlight stories."

The work that Kendall and the Mental Health Champions do has an impact beyond our organization, too. "Last year we visited a local high school to host workshops on anxiety, depression and burnout. We provided tools that the students can use to actively manage the everyday stressors of high school and the pressure of college. Additionally, we are looking to partner with BELIEVE, another ERG, on ways to increase the number of therapists in under supported communities."

Working for an employer you can support is a critical factor for Kendall - and likely many job seekers. "I want to work for a company that I believe in and where I can make a difference in people's lives," she says. "Those connections are really important. Life is short; when we're at work, we should really enjoy it."

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SOURCE: The Clorox Company

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What initiatives has Clorox (CLX) implemented to support mental health in the workplace?

Clorox has established a Mental Health Champions employee resource group that has helped change company policies to be more inclusive of mental health. They organize events during Mental Health Awareness Month, including external speakers, leadership panels, and employee spotlight stories.

How is Clorox (CLX) extending its mental health support beyond the company?

Clorox's Mental Health Champions group has visited local high schools to host workshops on anxiety, depression, and burnout. They are also exploring partnerships to increase the number of therapists in underserved communities.

Who is Kendall Stout and what is her role in Clorox's (CLX) mental health initiatives?

Kendall Stout is an associate director in supply chain strategy and technology at Clorox. She is a co-founder of the Mental Health Champions employee resource group and has been instrumental in implementing mental health support initiatives within the company.

What activities does Clorox (CLX) organize during Mental Health Awareness Month?

During Mental Health Awareness Month, Clorox organizes events with external speakers, leadership panel discussions, and shares employee spotlight stories to educate and support employees on mental health topics.

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