How This Clorox Teammate Champions Inclusive Hiring

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The Clorox Change Makers initiative highlights employees who champion diversity, inclusion, and allyship. This installment features Federico Medeiro, a talent acquisition manager in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Federico was nominated by Marisa Tunas, a global talent acquisition director, for his ability to navigate different cultures and mitigate bias in hiring decisions.

Federico's allyship has made a significant impact by embracing diversity and guiding managers in making inclusive hiring choices across challenging markets. He emphasizes the importance of IDEA (Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Allyship) in strengthening teams and fostering a sense of belonging. Federico's approach to allyship involves understanding the unique needs of each region and supporting teammates and candidates worldwide.

Clorox aims to build a workplace where every person feels respected, valued, and able to fully participate in the company community. They strive to lead by example and continuously improve their inclusion and diversity efforts.

L'iniziativa Clorox Change Makers mette in evidenza i dipendenti che promuovono diversità, inclusione e alleanza. Questo numero presenta Federico Medeiro, un manager di acquisizione talenti a Buenos Aires, Argentina. Federico è stato nominato da Marisa Tunas, una direttrice globale dell'acquisizione di talenti, per la sua capacità di navigare culture diverse e mitigare i pregiudizi nelle decisioni di assunzione.

L'alleanza di Federico ha avuto un impatto significativo abbracciando la diversità e guidando i manager nell'effettuare scelte di assunzione inclusive in mercati sfidanti. Sottolinea l'importanza di IDEA (Inclusione, Diversità, Equità e Alleanza) per rafforzare i team e favorire un senso di appartenenza. L'approccio di Federico all'alleanza coinvolge la comprensione delle esigenze uniche di ciascuna regione e il supporto a colleghi e candidati in tutto il mondo.

Clorox mira a costruire un ambiente di lavoro in cui ogni persona si senta rispettata, valorizzata e in grado di partecipare pienamente alla comunità aziendale. Si sforzano di dare il buon esempio e di migliorare continuamente i loro sforzi in materia di inclusione e diversità.

La iniciativa Clorox Change Makers destaca a los empleados que defienden la diversidad, la inclusión y la solidaridad. Esta edición presenta a Federico Medeiro, un gerente de adquisición de talentos en Buenos Aires, Argentina. Federico fue nominado por Marisa Tunas, una directora global de adquisición de talentos, por su habilidad para navegar diferentes culturas y mitigar los sesgos en las decisiones de contratación.

La solidaridad de Federico ha tenido un impacto significativo al abrazar la diversidad y guiar a los gerentes en la toma de decisiones de contratación inclusivas en mercados desafiantes. Énfasis en la importancia de IDEA (Inclusión, Diversidad, Equidad y Solidaridad) para fortalecer equipos y fomentar un sentido de pertenencia. El enfoque de Federico sobre la solidaridad implica comprender las necesidades únicas de cada región y apoyar a compañeros y candidatos en todo el mundo.

Clorox busca construir un lugar de trabajo donde cada persona se sienta respetada, valorada y capaz de participar plenamente en la comunidad de la empresa. Se esfuerzan por dar el ejemplo y mejorar continuamente sus esfuerzos de inclusión y diversidad.

클로락스 체인지 메이커스 이니셔티브는 다양성, 포괄성 및 연대감을 지지하는 직원을 강조합니다. 이번 호에서는 아르헨티나 부에노스아이레스의 인재 확보 관리자 페데리코 메데이로를 소개합니다. 페데리코는 문화 간 소통 능력과 채용 결정에서의 편견 완화 능력으로 마리사 투나스 글로벌 인재 확보 이사에 의해 추천되었습니다.

페데리코의 연대감은 다양성을 수용하고 도전적인 시장에서 포괄적인 채용 결정을 내리는 데 있어 관리자를 안내함으로써 큰 영향을 미쳤습니다. 그는 팀을 강화하고 소속감을 조성하는 데 있어 IDEA(포괄성, 다양성, 형평성 및 연대감)의 중요성을 강조합니다. 페데리코의 연대에 대한 접근은 각 지역의 고유한 요구를 이해하고 전 세계의 동료 및 후보자를 지원하는 것을 포함합니다.

클로락스는 모든 사람이 존중받고 소중히 여겨지며 회사 커뮤니티에 완전히 참여할 수 있는 직장 환경을 구축하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다. 그들은 모범을 보이고 지속적으로 포괄성 및 다양성 노력을 개선하기 위해 노력합니다.

L'initiative Clorox Change Makers met en lumière les employés qui défendent la diversité, l'inclusion et la solidarité. Ce numéro présente Federico Medeiro, un responsable de l'acquisition de talents à Buenos Aires, en Argentine. Federico a été nominé par Marisa Tunas, une directrice mondiale de l'acquisition de talents, pour sa capacité à naviguer entre différentes cultures et à atténuer les biais dans les décisions d'embauche.

La solidarité de Federico a eu un impact significatif en embrassant la diversité et en guidant les managers dans la prise de décisions d'embauche inclusives sur des marchés difficiles. Il souligne l'importance de IDEA (Inclusion, Diversité, Équité et Solidarité) pour renforcer les équipes et favoriser un sentiment d'appartenance. L'approche de Federico en matière de solidarité implique de comprendre les besoins uniques de chaque région et de soutenir les collègues et candidats dans le monde entier.

Clorox vise à construire un lieu de travail où chaque personne se sent respectée, valorisée et capable de participer pleinement à la communauté de l'entreprise. Ils s'efforcent de montrer l'exemple et d'améliorer continuellement leurs efforts en matière d'inclusion et de diversité.

Die Clorox Change Makers-Initiative hebt Mitarbeiter hervor, die Vielfalt, Inklusion und Solidarität fördern. Diese Ausgabe präsentiert Federico Medeiro, einen Talent Acquisition Manager in Buenos Aires, Argentinien. Federico wurde von Marisa Tunas, einer globalen Direktorin für Talent Acquisition, für seine Fähigkeit nominiert, verschiedene Kulturen zu navigieren und Vorurteile bei Einstellungsentscheidungen zu mildern.

Federicos Solidarität hat durch die Annahme von Vielfalt und die Anleitung von Managern bei inklusiven Einstellungsentscheidungen in herausfordernden Märkten einen erheblichen Einfluss ausgeübt. Er betont die Bedeutung von IDEA (Inklusion, Diversität, Chancengleichheit und Solidarität) zur Stärkung von Teams und zur Förderung eines Zugehörigkeitsgefühls. Federicos Ansatz zur Solidarität beinhaltet das Verständnis der einzigartigen Bedürfnisse jeder Region und die Unterstützung von Teamkollegen und Kandidaten weltweit.

Clorox strebt danach, einen Arbeitsplatz zu schaffen, in dem sich jeder Mensch respektiert, geschätzt und in der Lage fühlt, sich vollständig in die Unternehmensgemeinschaft einzubringen. Sie streben an, mit gutem Beispiel voranzugehen und ihre Bemühungen um Inklusion und Vielfalt kontinuierlich zu verbessern.

  • Clorox is actively promoting diversity and inclusion through its Change Makers initiative
  • The company is focusing on inclusive hiring practices across international markets
  • Clorox is working to mitigate bias in hiring decisions
  • None.

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / October 1, 2024 / The Clorox Change Makers initiative spotlights people who actively celebrate diversity, promote inclusion and practice allyship, making a positive impact on our business and culture.

In this installment, we focus on Federico Medeiro, a talent acquisition manager in our People& organization based in Buenos Ares, Argentina. Federico was nominated by Marisa Tunas, a global talent acquisition director also in People&. We spoke with them to learn more about what Federico's allyship looks like in action.

Why did you nominate Federico as a Change Maker? What makes him an ally?

Marisa: I think Federico is an ally because he knows very well the particularities and nuances of each country where we operate and we hire talent, while also knowing the business and trying to find solutions for each need. Federico knows how to navigate different cultures, languages, backgrounds, and he's also helping a lot of managers mitigate bias when they're making hiring decisions.

How has Federico's allyship made an impact for you and others at Clorox?

Marisa: I think Federico's allyship has truly made an impact in our organization, because in some of the countries where we hire talent, they can be quite challenging to navigate from a diversity and attraction perspective. Through Federico's attitude and partnership with our business leaders, he is able to truly embrace diversity and make sure that our managers are making the right choices when it comes to hiring talent.

What does IDEA, and specifically allyship, mean to you?

Federico: To me, IDEA is all about embracing the diverse perspectives that make our team stronger and ensuring everyone feels they belong. Allyship, specifically, is about stepping up and being there for others, actively supporting our teammates and our candidates all around the world.

What tips do you have for others to put allyship into action in their day-to-day lives?

Federico: In my role, working across different international countries, allyship means understanding the unique needs of each region. Whatever it is, navigating talent acquisition activities in Peru, or supporting our leaders in Hong Kong, it's all about bringing people together, valuing every voice, and making sure everyone, no matter where they are, feels like they are part of one Clorox team. That's the kind of inclusive culture we should all strive to build.

To live our purpose and values, we must build a workplace where every person can feel respected and valued, and fully able to participate in our Clorox community. We aim to lead by example, at every level within the company, and to continually challenge ourselves to do better.  Learn more about our inclusion and diversity efforts here. 

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SOURCE: The Clorox Company

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What is the Clorox Change Makers initiative and how does it relate to CLX stock?

The Clorox Change Makers initiative spotlights employees who promote diversity, inclusion, and allyship within the company. While not directly impacting CLX stock, it demonstrates Clorox's commitment to building an inclusive workplace, which can contribute to long-term employee satisfaction and productivity.

How is Clorox (CLX) addressing diversity in its international hiring practices?

Clorox is addressing diversity in international hiring through employees like Federico Medeiro, who navigates different cultures and helps mitigate bias in hiring decisions across various countries where Clorox operates.

What is IDEA at Clorox (CLX) and how does it impact the company culture?

IDEA stands for Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Allyship at Clorox. It focuses on embracing diverse perspectives, ensuring everyone feels they belong, and actively supporting teammates and candidates worldwide, contributing to a more inclusive company culture.

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