Clorox Chief Sustainability Officer's 4 Takeaways From Climate Week 2024

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Climate Week 2024 brought a renewed focus on action and urgency in sustainability. Key takeaways include:

1. ESG reality check: Organizations are shifting from aspirational commitments to holistic action plans for achieving net zero, with a focus on decarbonization and solid transition plans.

2. Breaking silos: Cross-departmental collaboration is important for mitigating risk and unlocking value. ESG reporting now incorporates cost avoidance, risk mitigation, and long-term value creation.

3. Clorox's approach: The company has embedded ESG into its IGNITE strategy, focusing on resource efficiency, reputation management, and regulatory compliance to identify risks and opportunities beyond traditional financial metrics.

This shift in focus demonstrates a move towards more practical, actionable sustainability strategies across industries.

Climate Week 2024 ha portato un rinnovato focus sull'azione e l'urgenza nella sostenibilità. I punti chiave includono:

1. Controllo della realtà ESG: Le organizzazioni stanno passando da impegni aspirazionali a piani d'azione completi per raggiungere il net zero, con un'attenzione particolare alla decarbonizzazione e a solide strategie di transizione.

2. Superare i silos: La collaborazione tra dipartimenti è fondamentale per mitigare il rischio e sbloccare valore. La rendicontazione ESG ora incorpora l'evitamento dei costi, la mitigazione dei rischi e la creazione di valore a lungo termine.

3. Approccio di Clorox: L'azienda ha integrato l'ESG nella sua strategia IGNITE, concentrandosi sull'efficienza delle risorse, la gestione della reputazione e la conformità normativa per identificare rischi e opportunità al di là delle metriche finanziarie tradizionali.

Questo cambiamento di focus dimostra un approccio verso strategie di sostenibilità più pratiche e attuabili in tutti i settori.

Climate Week 2024 trajo un renovado enfoque en la acción y la urgencia en la sostenibilidad. Los puntos clave incluyen:

1. Chequeo de realidad ESG: Las organizaciones están pasando de compromisos aspiracionales a planes de acción holísticos para alcanzar el net zero, con un enfoque en la descarbonización y planes de transición sólidos.

2. Rompiendo silos: La colaboración interdepartamental es importante para mitigar riesgos y liberar valor. La presentación de informes ESG ahora incorpora la evitación de costos, la mitigación de riesgos y la creación de valor a largo plazo.

3. Enfoque de Clorox: La empresa ha integrado ESG en su estrategia IGNITE, centrando su atención en la eficiencia de recursos, la gestión de la reputación y el cumplimiento normativo para identificar riesgos y oportunidades más allá de las métricas financieras tradicionales.

Este cambio de enfoque demuestra un avance hacia estrategias de sostenibilidad más prácticas y accionables en todas las industrias.

Climate Week 2024는 지속 가능성에 대한 행동과 긴급성에 새로운 초점을 맞추었습니다. 주요 내용은 다음과 같습니다:

1. ESG 현실 점검: 조직들이 포부적인 약속에서 넷 제로 달성을 위한 포괄적인 행동 계획으로 전환하고 있으며, 탈탄소화 및 탄탄한 전환 계획에 주목하고 있습니다.

2. 사일로 허물기: 부서 간 협업은 위험 완화 및 가치를 창출하는 데 중요합니다. ESG 보고서는 이제 비용 회피, 위험 완화 및 장기 가치 창출을 포함합니다.

3. 클로록스의 접근법: 이 회사는 ESG를 IGNITE 전략에 통합하여 자원 효율성, 평판 관리 및 규제 준수에 중점을 두고 전통적인 재무 지표를 넘어서는 위험과 기회를 식별하고 있습니다.

이러한 초점의 변화는 모든 산업 분야에서 더 실용적이고 실행 가능한 지속 가능성 전략으로의 전환을 보여줍니다.

Climate Week 2024 a apporté un nouvel accent sur l'action et l'urgence en matière de durabilité. Les points clés incluent :

1. Vérification de la réalité ESG: Les organisations passent d'engagements aspirants à des plans d'action holistiques pour atteindre le net zéro, en mettant l'accent sur la décarbonisation et des plans de transition solides.

2. Briser les silos: La collaboration entre départements est importante pour atténuer les risques et libérer de la valeur. Les rapports ESG intègrent désormais l'évitement des coûts, l'atténuation des risques et la création de valeur à long terme.

3. Approche de Clorox: L'entreprise a intégré l'ESG dans sa stratégie IGNITE, en se concentrant sur l'efficacité des ressources, la gestion de la réputation et la conformité réglementaire pour identifier les risques et opportunités au-delà des métriques financières traditionnelles.

Ce changement d'orientation démontre un passage à des stratégies de durabilité plus pratiques et actionnables dans tous les secteurs.

Climate Week 2024 brachte einen erneuerten Fokus auf Aktion und Dringlichkeit in der Nachhaltigkeit. Die wichtigsten Erkenntnisse sind:

1. ESG Realitätstest: Organisationen wechseln von aspirationalen Verpflichtungen zu umfassenden Aktionsplänen zur Erreichung von Netto-Null, mit Schwerpunkt auf Dekarbonisierung und soliden Übergangsplänen.

2. Silos aufbrechen: Die abteilungsübergreifende Zusammenarbeit ist wichtig, um Risiken zu mindern und Wert freizusetzen. ESG-Berichterstattung umfasst jetzt Kostenvermeidung, Risikominderung und langfristige Wertschöpfung.

3. Clorox' Ansatz: Das Unternehmen hat ESG in seine IGNITE-Strategie integriert, wobei der Fokus auf Ressourceneffizienz, Reputationsmanagement und regulatorischen Compliance liegt, um Risiken und Chancen über traditionelle Finanzkennzahlen hinaus zu identifizieren.

Dieser Fokuswechsel zeigt einen Übergang zu praktikableren, umsetzbaren Nachhaltigkeitsstrategien in allen Branchen.

  • None.
  • None.

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / October 4, 2024 / The Clorox Company
By Niki King, Chief Sustainability Officer

As I reflect on another Climate Week come and gone, I'm left with a renewed sense of urgency and focus on action. Every September, this annual gathering in New York City brings together thousands of the best minds in sustainability to discuss what keeps them up at night, where they're struggling, and what motivates them to keep pushing forward. With so many challenges confronting society today, I was encouraged to see so many leaders and organizations in the trenches championing solutions for climate action, biodiversity, environmental justice, and more.

The themes I heard throughout the week offered a valuable pulse check on what our peers and partners are thinking about right now. Here are some of those learnings:

  1. ESG gets a reality check.

There was a noticeable shift from organizations vocalizing aspirational commitments to focusing on a holistic action plan to achieve net zero. This doesn't signal migration away from climate goals, but instead a heightened concentration on understanding what it will take to get there, including investments and partnerships with key stakeholders in the value chain. Decarbonization is a key ESG focus area for many companies, coupled with the need for a solid transition plan for all stakeholders that illustrates business value and operational resilience they can expect as a result.

  1. Breaking silos is the key to mitigating risk and unlocking value.

Fluency across corporate governance, finance, legal and compliance is essential for unlocking the business value of sustainable practices. Discussions with organizations across a wide spectrum of sectors highlighted that ESG reporting goes beyond traditional financial reporting by incorporating critical elements like cost avoidance, risk mitigation and long-term value creation.

I'm proud to say that work is well under way at Clorox as we've embedded ESG into our corporate IGNITE strategy to provide insights into resource efficiency, reputation management, and regulatory compliance so that we can better identify risks and opportunities that don't appear on a typical balance sheet. By fostering collaboration across departments, companies can move beyond short-term gains to embrace a more holistic, forward-looking perspective that positions them for sustainable growth and resilience.

  1. The regulatory landscape continues to shift dramatically.

As someone who's spent the majority of my career in the sustainability space, I can confidently say that I've never seen anything like the regulatory push we're witnessing today. With increasing regulations around climate action - up approximately 155% in the last decade - businesses discussed the importance of staying ahead of policy changes and actively engaging to shape climate policy.

New framework developments from CDP, The GHG Protocol and The Taskforce on Inequality and Social-related Financial Disclosures (TISFD), alongside the EU's Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) and similar global initiatives, are ushering in a new era of corporate accountability and transparency. The tension between voluntary and required reporting is growing, as are the calls for alignment, convergence and more consistent reporting across companies. There is still a long way to go before we can expect truly cohesive guidance for reporting, but I'm optimistic about the momentum we're seeing to drive meaningful action.

  1. There's cautious optimism for AI opportunities in climate.

The role of technology in the fight against climate change was a hot topic throughout the week. Whether used for traceability and transparency in supply chains, or to improve energy efficiency, AI was lauded by many as a silver bullet in addressing several ESG-related issues. Others, however, voiced concerns about the subsequent surge in energy consumption in an already energy-stressed world. As businesses increase adoption of AI, it's clear we must remain vigilant about the carbon footprint of this powerful tool and plan accordingly to address the resource demands created by its use.

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SOURCE: The Clorox Company

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What were the main themes discussed at Climate Week 2024 according to Clorox's Chief Sustainability Officer?

The main themes discussed at Climate Week 2024 included a shift from aspirational commitments to actionable plans for achieving net zero, the importance of breaking silos for risk mitigation and value creation, and the integration of ESG into corporate strategies for long-term sustainability.

How is Clorox (CLX) implementing sustainability initiatives based on Climate Week 2024 insights?

Clorox (CLX) is implementing sustainability initiatives by embedding ESG into its IGNITE corporate strategy. This approach focuses on resource efficiency, reputation management, and regulatory compliance to better identify risks and opportunities beyond traditional financial metrics.

What shift in ESG focus was observed at Climate Week 2024?

At Climate Week 2024, there was a noticeable shift from organizations vocalizing aspirational commitments to focusing on holistic action plans for achieving net zero. This includes a heightened concentration on understanding investments and partnerships needed to reach climate goals.

Why is breaking silos important for companies like Clorox (CLX) in sustainability efforts?

Breaking silos is important for companies like Clorox (CLX) because it enables collaboration across departments such as governance, finance, legal, and compliance. This cross-functional approach is essential for unlocking the business value of sustainable practices and moving beyond short-term gains to embrace a more holistic strategy.

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