Clorox CEO Linda Rendle: Our FY24 Integrated Annual Report

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Clorox CEO Linda Rendle has released the company's fiscal year 2024 integrated annual report, highlighting strong momentum despite facing challenges such as a complex macroeconomic environment, pressured consumers, and the aftermath of a cyberattack in August 2023. The company successfully restored operations, rebuilt supply and distribution, and recovered market share.

Despite hurdles, Clorox achieved double-digit adjusted earnings per share growth while investing in brands. The company continues to execute its IGNITE strategy, focusing on delivering superior value through trusted brands, innovating with intent, and creating a more consumer-obsessed, faster, and leaner organization.

Clorox remains committed to its integrated ESG goals and aims to meet consumer needs for value and superior experiences amid ongoing uncertainty. The company is taking steps to navigate near-term challenges while working towards consistent, profitable growth and enhanced long-term shareholder value.

Il CEO di Clorox, Linda Rendle, ha rilasciato il rapporto annuale integrato per l'anno fiscale 2024, evidenziando un forte slancio nonostante le sfide come un complesso ambiente macroeconomico, consumatori sotto pressione e le conseguenze di un attacco informatico nell'agosto 2023. L'azienda ha ripristinato con successo le operazioni, ricostruito la fornitura e la distribuzione, e recuperato quote di mercato.

Nonostante gli ostacoli, Clorox ha raggiunto una crescita a due cifre degli utili per azione rettificati investendo nei propri marchi. L'azienda continua a attuare la sua strategia IGNITE, concentrandosi sul fornire un valore superiore attraverso marchi fidati, innovando con intenzione e creando un'organizzazione più orientata al consumatore, più veloce e snella.

Clorox rimane impegnata nei suoi obiettivi ESG integrati e mira a soddisfare le esigenze dei consumatori in termini di valore ed esperienze superiori in un contesto di continua incertezza. L'azienda sta intraprendendo misure per navigare le sfide a breve termine mentre lavora per una crescita coerente e redditizia e per un aumento del valore a lungo termine per gli azionisti.

La CEO de Clorox, Linda Rendle, ha publicado el informe anual integrado de la compañía para el año fiscal 2024, destacando un fuerte impulso a pesar de los desafíos como un complejo entorno macroeconómico, consumidores presionados y las secuelas de un ciberataque en agosto de 2023. La empresa restableció con éxito las operaciones, reconstruyó la cadena de suministro y distribución, y recuperó participación de mercado.

A pesar de los obstáculos, Clorox logró un crecimiento de dos dígitos en las ganancias por acción ajustadas mientras invertía en marcas. La compañía sigue implementando su estrategia IGNITE, enfocándose en proporcionar valor superior a través de marcas de confianza, innovando con intención y creando una organización más centrada en el consumidor, más ágil y eficiente.

Clorox sigue comprometida con sus objetivos ESG integrados y tiene como objetivo satisfacer las necesidades de los consumidores en términos de valor y experiencias superiores en medio de una incertidumbre constante. La empresa está tomando medidas para navegar desafíos a corto plazo mientras trabaja hacia un crecimiento consistente y rentable y un mayor valor para los accionistas a largo plazo.

클로락스의 CEO인 린다 랜들(Linda Rendle)은 2024 회계 연도 통합 연례 보고서를 발표하며 강력한 추진력을 강조했습니다. 이는 복잡한 거시경제 환경, 압박을 받는 소비자들, 그리고 2023년 8월의 사이버 공격 이후의 상황 등 다양한 도전에 직면하면서 이루어진 것입니다. 회사는 운영을 성공적으로 복구하고, 공급 및 유통을 재건하며, 시장 점유율을 회복했습니다.

어려움에도 불구하고 클로락스는 브랜드에 투자하면서 조정된 주당 순이익 성장률이 두 자릿수에 달했습니다. 이 회사는 신뢰할 수 있는 브랜드를 통해 우수한 가치를 제공하는 데 집중하며, 의도를 가지고 혁신하고, 소비자 중심의 보다 빠르고 효율적인 조직을 만드는 IGNITE 전략을 계속해서 실행하고 있습니다.

클로락스는 통합된 ESG 목표를 고수하며 끊임없는 불확실성 속에서도 소비자들의 가치와 우수한 경험에 대한 요구를 충족할 예정입니다. 회사는 단기적인 도전을 극복하기 위한 조치를 취하는 동시에 지속적인 수익성 성장과 장기적인 주주 가치를 증대시키기 위해 노력하고 있습니다.

La PDG de Clorox, Linda Rendle, a publié le rapport annuel intégré de l'entreprise pour l'exercice fiscal 2024, soulignant un fort élan malgré les défis tels qu'un environnement macroéconomique complexe, des consommateurs sous pression et les conséquences d'une cyberattaque en août 2023. L'entreprise a réussi à restaurer ses opérations, à reconstruire sa chaîne d'approvisionnement et de distribution, et à récupérer des parts de marché.

Malgré les obstacles, Clorox a enregistré une croissance à deux chiffres des bénéfices par action ajustés tout en investissant dans ses marques. L'entreprise continue d'exécuter sa stratégie IGNITE, se concentrant sur la fourniture d'une valeur supérieure à travers des marques de confiance, en innovant avec intention et en créant une organisation plus axée sur le consommateur, plus rapide et plus efficace.

Clorox reste engagé dans ses objectifs ESG intégrés et vise à répondre aux besoins des consommateurs en matière de valeur et d'expériences supérieures dans un contexte d'incertitude continue. L'entreprise prend des mesures pour surmonter les défis à court terme tout en travaillant vers une croissance cohérente et rentable et une augmentation de la valeur à long terme pour les actionnaires.

Die CEO von Clorox, Linda Rendle, hat den integrierten Jahresbericht des Unternehmens für das Geschäftsjahr 2024 veröffentlicht und damit starke Dynamik hervorgehoben, trotz Herausforderungen wie einem komplexen makroökonomischen Umfeld, unter Druck stehenden Verbrauchern und den Folgen eines Cyberangriffs im August 2023. Das Unternehmen hat die Operationen erfolgreich wiederhergestellt, die Lieferung und Verteilung neu aufgebaut und Marktanteile zurückgewonnen.

Trotz Hürden erzielte Clorox ein zweistelliges Wachstum des bereinigten Gewinns pro Aktie und investierte in Marken. Das Unternehmen setzt seine IGNITE-Strategie fort und konzentriert sich darauf, überlegenen Wert durch vertrauenswürdige Marken zu liefern, absichtlich zu innovieren und eine verbraucherorientiertere, schnellere und schlankere Organisation zu schaffen.

Clorox bleibt seinen integrierten ESG-Zielen verpflichtet und zielt darauf ab, die Bedürfnisse der Verbraucher nach Wert und überlegenen Erlebnissen inmitten anhaltender Unsicherheit zu erfüllen. Das Unternehmen ergreift Maßnahmen, um kurzfristige Herausforderungen zu bewältigen, während es auf ein konsistentes, profitables Wachstum und einen erhöhten langfristigen Shareholder-Value hinarbeitet.

  • None.
  • None.

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / October 8, 2024 / The Clorox Company

By Linda Rendle, Chair and Chief Executive Officer

Read the full letter and Clorox's complete FY24 integrated annual report here.

Today we released our fiscal year 2024 integrated annual report. As one of the first companies to integrate ESG into our business reporting, we firmly believe in the positive value we can create for shareholders and for society. We entered fiscal year 2024 with strong momentum but soon faced both expected and unexpected complexity as we navigated a challenging macroeconomic environment, a more pressured consumer and the aftermath of our August 2023 cyberattack.

Thanks to the team's steadfast execution, we quickly restored operations, fully rebuilt supply and distribution, and recovered most of the market share we lost from the cyberattack. This strong recovery reflects the superior value of our brands, supported by consistent investments through both good and challenging times.

In the face of these hurdles, we continued to deliver on our commitment to rebuild margin, and we achieved another year of double-digit adjusted earnings per share growth while investing strongly in our brands.

We have been relentlessly focused on executing on our IGNITE strategy and made progress against our long-term goals. While there is still more work to do, we are in a position of operational strength as we continue transforming our business and delivering superior consumer experiences that win in the market.

Our purpose - to champion people to be well and thrive every single day - guides everything we do. This past fiscal year, we continued to advance our integrated ESG goals to help drive growth, mitigate risk and create positive value for our brands and stakeholders.

Looking ahead, we see an environment where consumers continue to seek value and superior experiences amid ongoing uncertainty in the world around them.

We created our IGNITE strategy to meet those needs. That's why we are focused on delivering superior value through brands that consumers love and trust. We are innovating with clear intent. We are creating a more consumer-obsessed, faster and leaner organization. And we are reinvesting in our business to accelerate growth and transform for the future.

We have been purposeful and balanced in our actions, leaning on IGNITE to execute through every challenge. Led by our values of doing the right thing, putting people at the center and playing to win, we are taking the right steps to navigate the near term and stay true to our goal of being a stronger and more resilient company - one that is poised to deliver more consistent, profitable growth and enhance long-term shareholder value.

I would like to thank my Clorox teammates for their contributions and dedication to our business throughout the year, and for their courage and commitment to the road ahead.

Thank you for your continued support and interest in Clorox.

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Spokesperson: The Clorox Company

SOURCE: The Clorox Company

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What challenges did Clorox (CLX) face in fiscal year 2024?

Clorox faced a challenging macroeconomic environment, pressured consumers, and the aftermath of a cyberattack in August 2023.

How did Clorox (CLX) perform after the August 2023 cyberattack?

Clorox quickly restored operations, fully rebuilt supply and distribution, and recovered most of the market share lost due to the cyberattack.

What is Clorox's (CLX) IGNITE strategy focused on?

The IGNITE strategy focuses on delivering superior value through trusted brands, innovating with intent, and creating a more consumer-obsessed, faster, and leaner organization.

Did Clorox (CLX) achieve earnings growth in fiscal year 2024?

Yes, Clorox achieved double-digit adjusted earnings per share growth while investing strongly in its brands.

What are Clorox's (CLX) long-term goals according to the FY24 report?

Clorox aims to deliver more consistent, profitable growth and enhance long-term shareholder value while advancing integrated ESG goals.

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